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Top 10 BEST Characters in LEGO Dimensions!

Jun 06, 2024
This is the most expensive Lego set ever created and if you want to buy all 79


it will cost you $1,772, but which


are the


, today we will look at the 10


Lego Dimensions characters. Lego game, you can't change your mind, reaching the top 10 at number 10, it's a character from The Simpsons, it's Hmer Simpson himself, why your little Hmer Simpson is absolutely terrible in Lego


in terms of skills , all he can do is burp. he breaks glass and grows big, so you're probably sitting there wondering why he's in the top 10, so well, Homer is a lot of fun to play burping in the faces of enemies, throwing cans at their heads and then you have to watch it meat ad daut, of course and before.
top 10 best characters in lego dimensions
Let's go further, I just want to point out that I'm not just looking at the skills on this list, I'll be looking at how fun a character is to play with, how accurate they are, and their interactions with other characters, etc., yes I will be. considering how powerful a character can be, but that won't determine everything, unfortunately Homer's voice lines in Lego


are simply taken from the fish, if he had unique interactions with other characters he could have been placed a bit more above, although I must admit. It's fun to hear other characters react, well half of them just call him fat.
top 10 best characters in lego dimensions

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top 10 best characters in lego dimensions...

I'd offer you a Jelly Baby, but you'll get the whole bag. You are incompatible to update. We don't have cyber armor your size in number nine. is the doctor this is the doctor within the dimensions of LEGO and has the ability to regenerate into 13 different versions of himself for, from the first to the second doctor, from the third to the fourth, fifth, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and the War Doctor, who can fight enemies within a painting, now each doctor has his own special move that references iconic moments from the show. I mean, it's been going on since 1963, along with each of them having their own idol animations and Tardis interiors close enough.
top 10 best characters in lego dimensions
The TT games were superior to Beyond in the doctor, you basically get 13 different characters in one, from the second doctor's fun running animation to the eleventh doctor's really weird dancing. I'd love to know in the comments below who your favorite doctor of all time is. Mine has to be 10th Doctor David Tenant. All the way the only thing that depresses the doctor and very similar to the case of Homer Simpson is his lack of skills but he is so good oh no for number eight we don't have much time left because he is going to self-destruct in 1 minute and 25 seconds I hope you choose to accept it.
top 10 best characters in lego dimensions
Here's Lego Tom Cruz aka Ethan Hunt from Mission Impossible and this character really makes me want a Lego spy game. I mean, he really makes me want one that he made me remember. we were meant to have a Lego James Bond set years ago here's a canceled prototype of Lego James Bond the name is Bond Lego James Bond these always look so cheesy anyway I love them back to Ethan Hunt Ethan Hunt has so many abilities in the game but what really surprised me about him is that if you jump from a super high place he will actually break his fall by pulling out his iconic cable from the first Mission Impossible movie, how cool is this, thinking about it, what? what is the cable connected to this?
It wouldn't be Mission Impossible without some cool face flips you can do within the LEGO dimensions and the missions related to these are either super fun or super weird, like pretending to be a cat, cat, Cruise, meow, meow, meow, lo that would have made Ean hunt. Much better is if they made him run super fast like in the movies and should have given him tiny legs, wait I have an idea, oh this is perfect and our time was up in 3 2 1, the explosion was. Not even that bad in number seven it's a bird it's a plane it's Superman no, it's Supergirl what's terrible in Lego Batman 2 yes, right, but this is Supergirl in Lego dimensions and she can transform into Red Lantern Supergirl how amazing is this Finally, she's not just a clone of Superman like in Lego Batman 2. 250 gold bricks for Supergirl is a jaw.
The main downside to Supergirl is how hard it is to get her because Supergirl is an exclusive poag character very similar to Green Arrow and I recently. I just bought Supergirl and she cost me $70 brand new so she will go on the list. I'm just kidding. She's definitely worthy of the top 10. She has all of Superman's powers, of course, along with Red Lantern abilities. What really blew me away about Supergirl, though. it's how her voice actions and voice lines really change when she becomes Red Lantern Supergirl because obviously Red Lantern rings fill you with rage and I don't know if it's Red Lantern's ring or the other thing that's red and what? did you know before I got the Powerpuff Girls Supergirl was the only character that got to use Lantern builds, which was kind of sucky because like I said before she was an exclusive character, but luckily we got the Powerpuff Girls yeah yeah , I can do it again for number six.
She jumps, she jumps back, she spins and spins and then we'll jump back, do it again ninja, come on, ninja, come on, come on. Lego Ninjago hasn't had the best history in Lego games, and while I enjoy the Lego Ninjago movie game, it just misses it. spark that the original show had and I think they ruined Spinjitsu, it's not Dragon Ball Z H H, but then there was Ninjago in Lego Dimensions, the spin jit suit in this game was crazy, I really feel like it was a natural disaster, it brings you so many studs. and I really like how Zay freezes enemies.
You just see giant cubes of Ash floating in the air. Obviously I can't put all seven Ninjago characters at number six because that wouldn't make sense, so I'm going to do a little mini. ranking to determine who is the best of batch seven Nia. I love how he does Wheels' katas, but he doesn't hold up as well against the other ninjas in number six. Master woo. I really love how she takes joy in her staff and the Golden Spin of it. Jitsu looks absolutely amazing now that we're up to the elemental ninjas at number five. I put Zay Number four J number three Kai two LD and finally who I think is the best ninja Cole because Cole is the master of the Earth element, he literally feels it. like a big fig crossed with a fast character and that's a menacing mix and you might wonder how Cole is better than Dr.
Ethan Hunt's Supergirl. Well for me, I love how fast all the ninjas are and spinning the suit is that good. anyway, next at number five are the Powerpuff Girls in Lego Dimensions, you have Buttercup Blossom and Bubbles among the three, the Powerpuff Girls almost have all the abilities in Lego Dimensions. Blossom has ice breath and heat vision, then you have Buttercup who is literally Supergirl with Spinjitsu and finally checks out the little bubbles. Junior is going to cry, he can swim underwater like Ethan Hunt and make tongue packs, so of the three, the best has to be Buttercup, with whom you have Supergirl's powers.
Spinjitsu and you thought Sonic was fast, think again and you finally don't need the terrible Jurassic World pack because, but the cup can transform into a green gyrosphere before moving on to number four hello hello hello guys, I'm a rough eagle and I do. Tons of Lego play videos on my channel, so if you've been enjoying today's video, we'd really appreciate it if you liked it and why not subscribe anyway, let's get back to it. Thank you. Adventure time, come on, look for your friends, we will go to far away lands. inside the human in number four, I actually made that work in Adventure Time, this is Lego fin the human and what's so cool about Finn is how you can choose from eight different weapons from his backpack and he doesn't stop there with Finn. because you can become Fern, which is like a fin finger of living grass that can be unlocked by doing quests within Adventure Time World.
The same goes for the Crystal Sword that you can find inside Ice King's Mountain, this is what makes Finn better than you. average Lego dimensional character because there is a lot of content you can unlock for Finn after purchasing the character by doing quests in the open world and did you know that if you leave Finn Idol long enough he actually starts singing which is really fun? enough I'm standing I'm standing I'm standing standing standing oh yeah how autotune is too much we're in a computer world now I decided to put Finn above the Powerpuff Girls simply because of the amount of weapons he has and what?
How much content can you unlock for it after purchasing it? Well now we're moving on to the top three Lego Dimensions characters of all time and I never expected this character to be in the top three. He's the only Chase mck, as you know. Lego Dimensions is filled with so many franchises like why Night Rider is in this game. I'd really love to know if any of you have actually seen Night Rider, but it was so cool to see the TT games actually bring their own creation of a character. in Lego Dimensions Chase McCain from Lego City goes undercover and is back in all his costumes from farmer to firefighter to astronaut which is my favorite as he has a ray gun and can fly, then there's the construction worker and the miner with their dynamite they went overboard with Chase McCain, that's right, he's his own created character and what really blew me away about Chase McCain is how each of his costumes has their own special move, the construction worker just throws a traffic corn to the head. and then you have the miner who puts TNT on their backs and kicks them like he's James Bond, the firefighter just sprays you with water, take that Agent Smith B, but, but, but Chase McCain's life-saving feature is how she has a relic detector, finally you don't need to keep putting Wild Style on the portal seriously, that's all she does.
Chase McCain to me is like an upgraded version of E and Hunt and it's crazy to say he's just a cop but he's still somehow more powerful than time Ninja Lords Superheroes Tom Cruz yeah I'm not going to stop calling him like this and did you know that there is a Top Gun poster in Lego Dimensions? Well, it's called top stud. Good morning, airmen, moving on to number two. Behind the best Lego Dimensions character of all time is everyone's favorite Hedgehog, he still has to go fast to this day. I can't believe it, but this is Sonic in a Lego game and he gets even better because he can transform into Super Sonic.
My only problem with Sonic is how. Sometimes it can be too fast or it could just be that I was terrible in the past, everyone and his mother was raving about Sonic in Lego Dimensions who didn't talk about it and the TT games didn't disappoint one bit with Sonic now . I'm going to be honest, I haven't really played many Sonic games, all I've played is the 2006 Sonic game and I hear a lot of people say that Lego Dimension Sonic is actually better than some Sonic games and that all of Sonic is in Lego Dimensions is a simple level pack, which shows what a good job the TT games did here and I really appreciate all the little details, like how Sonic's death animation is a nod to the classic games and how he doesn't know swim, so he just sits there in a life jacket don't worry Sonic Tom Cruz will save you Sonic is so exceptional that we can easily ignore his lack of skills and that makes me think: can you imagine if we had Shadow or Knuckles as playable characters from Lego Dimension, would Sonic even be at number two?
If we have you ladies and gentlemen this is the moment you've been waiting for to hit number one the best Lego Dimensions character of all time is bacon pancakes make bacon pancakes I buy some bacon and put it in a pancake, it's Jake the dog, Jake. The dog in Lego Dimensions can transform into so many strange but useful things. He's Mr. Fantastic, taken to a new level. How about you turn into a trampoline or a drill or how about this creepy thing? And Jake has something that no other Lego character has. and that's the ability to transform into a big character and let your teammate jump in, which is so cool in the co-op between the five most powerful Lego Dimensions characters.
Jake the dog, it's so fun to listen to his character interactions. just golden, take this one for example, when he's talking to Beast Boy, yeah, those are really cute transformations, Beast Boy, but call me when you can turn into a full Brass Band. Okay so having J the dog as the best was a no brainer and even watching him chew a sandwich is just amazing and thank you all so much for watching today's video and I highly recommend you check out the best secret character in every Lego game , some of them were crazy anyway, have a great week, see you all. a little goodbye

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