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TOO EXPENSIVE! Repairs Declined! Twice! Jeep Cherokee 4.0 & Ford Explorer Noises While Driving

Apr 12, 2024
Let's turn it off quickly. oh, it kind of toned down the noise a little, it stopped being so horrendous, it's pretty horrendous, it sounded worse than the guys next door cutting a countertop, massive grinding action, there's a forklift behind me today there's a parking lot full of people , okay, we'll put this thing and we'll put it in the middle stall there's a Sierra in the big stall or the small one at the end the big truck on the floor stop another big truck in the big stall over there and we'll take on this little guy right here in the middle, there we will park the car and turn it off again.
too expensive repairs declined twice jeep cherokee 4 0 ford explorer noises while driving
I probably shouldn't have done that because I still need to see what's going on there and I couldn't see much in the parking lot, I'll tell you what, let's turn on some lighting here so we can see what we're trying to see and then we'll see what's there for see the lightsaber and hook the hook. You're there and it will slide off the front of the hood. We will try again. Here we go. It is padded to protect the paint. Well, looking down at the front of the engine, I don't see any destruction there. I can't really see much, we have an alternator pulley, a crankshaft tensioner pulley down there.
too expensive repairs declined twice jeep cherokee 4 0 ford explorer noises while driving

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too expensive repairs declined twice jeep cherokee 4 0 ford explorer noises while driving...

I'll tell you what. I'm going to loosen that strap over there and let's move, there's only one yes, let's move these. The accessory powers there's only one alternator and it looks like an AC compressor, so it's either going to be one of these accessories on the outside or it's going to be something internally sized, uh, wrenches, that kind of 38, you see a little tab right there on the turnbuckle . I think that's a 38, okay, let's get a key. I see that we use the large wrench to achieve maximum leverage. Okay, the key is coming. I'm not sure which way we should turn this turnbuckle to make it tension free, so we have like a There's a 50/50 chance it's either Lefty Loosey or Lefty tidy.
too expensive repairs declined twice jeep cherokee 4 0 ford explorer noises while driving
Looks like it's Lefty tidy, so let's go back to the other side. What I'm going to do is just take this belt off the alternator pulley and then we'll go. Go back inside and reset it, what you're going to do is unplug the accessory unit completely and with that unit unplugged you're going to disable the nator and the AC compressor and with those guys disabled if the noise goes away then we'll know it's in the accessory . Drive, sorry for my hand on the road here, I'm trying to try. I slipped and almost got my finger pinched.
too expensive repairs declined twice jeep cherokee 4 0 ford explorer noises while driving
I had it right down there next to that pulley. I almost had it too. H, it's hard to reach. That's where it will be. It's fun to put this belt back on, okay, I got it, it's coming off, look right there, okay, so the belt is loose, give that nater a spin, oh wait, wait, I feel it right there, I think which is the nature that the high nature let me obtain. with some lighting here see what we can see look at that pulley over there it's very difficult to turn look at that dropping action on that alternator pulley look at that look at this one closer Mr.
DeVille found the problem there is a detonator the alternator is smoked , that's the squeak, hey Lauren, yeah, can you get in this truck here and start the engine for us? I want to see if the noise is gone or if it is coming back, starting the engine restart sequence, it keeps going and it doesn't. noise yes, death confirmed, that's a diagnosis, hey go ahead and turn it off please okay let me come in and I'll see if I can't find a replacement unit for this and we'll get started. It seems like something fun. of buried down there, but okay, yeah, let me go to Source One and we'll see what we're going to do here, okay, I'm in the system here, I'm in my parts catalog, let's go look for alter.
How do you spell that Nator? I got it right, it's because you guys look good, um Ultima, that's the bottom of the barrel, uh, brand, that's negative, so we're going to go with a Motorcraft, yeah, there's a new Motorcraft. that one costs 500 dollars that one costs 325 is for artisanal motorcycles, let's see what they have here 200 amps HD Laura, can you go check if it has a heated steering wheel? Yeah, I need to know what amperage we require, let's see this one is 363, that one is 292 and that one is 493 dollars for the 220 amp and so without heated seats or without a heated steering wheel, we know we have a 175 amp, so if it has a heated steering wheel, that means we have to go with I think the 200 amp or maybe even the 220 uh Vision OE which is a remanufactured brand.
I have never used them. Has anyone used nators Vision OE before? I have never found them. Let's see what Advanced Auto Parts has got. H Car Quest 346 for that one. It's pretty generic. It's a return, but. through car missions like people, that's 355 $299, these guys are


, the Motorcraft, this 473, I don't think so, that's 569, it doesn't have heat, is there any button on the dash, see any button, okay, so can we go, can we go? with the 175, it's still a bit


. Okay, add to cart, so now we get into labor, that's how we get to our labor times, that's pretty standard, so my POS system has a point of sale system that it has built in. -in the Auto-like Workmanship Guide all the turbocharged alternator data, no that's funny the naturally aspirated look says it here but then the workmanship guide is for a turbocharged alternator what is that?
It says 2 hours, okay, let's check all the data as well just to see. go ahead and enter the VIN there and we'll plug the VIN where my VIN is, paste the VIN pulling up on the Exploder and we want parts and labor guide, there we go to the alternator or should I click on it so that every time you find something which doesn't seem accurate. I will review the Labor Guide again. Why can't I spell alternator? It's auto corrected here, spell it out for me, so what I'm going to do is make it say turbocharged and that's an NA vehicle.
I'll check out the labor guide in another guide, this one says 1.6 okay, so since the first labor guide didn't give me the non-turbo charging option, what I'll do is take an average, so we got two hours plus 1.6 hours, 3.6 hours / 2, so 1.8 seems to be a fair billable amount, let's take a look at the vehicle and see if the average of 1.8 seems to be acceptable. Silvero here for maintenance, okay, so let's take a look inside our unit here, our minimum is six, our maximum is 2. hours and then what it looks like we're probably going to have to flush the air conditioning because there's that hose in the path.
Look at this A/C line running down and across the front of the nator to the A/C compressor. I might be able to sneak it out there, but I guess no matter what I do, I'm going to have to get these fans out to get the thing out of there, uh, real quick, I gotta fix what's wrong in the world, here we go be the changes you want to see so that thing doesn't come out the top because there's a butt in the way that it can't come out this hole, so it's going to come out the bottom, which means I have to deal with that crossbar down there that runs all the way through or do I have to remove the AC compressor and drop it through that hole so yeah I'm going to use 1.8 on this one, 16 seems really light and it's not turbocharged so I can't do the 2 hours from Lawen, that seems fair to you, honey, that's good, okay, so let's take that and make it 1.8 hours, come in, done, okay, does that seem fair to you? 1.8 H my fee 135 total of $242 to replace this unit okay so damn 242 dollars 35 two dollars for the part that has a center charge and a grand total of $620 31 damn that's an expensive alternator Now for me, that seems like a lot because I come from a time when alternators were 100 dollars and I feel a little bad, so what I'm going to do here, help me, help my boy, we're going to eliminate the store.
Supply fee we don't need. I will not charge for supplies from the store. I'm not going to use supplies from the store, so I really shouldn't do that, but this doesn't seem right to me in general. I'm going to reduce the labor a little bit and our new grand total is, yes, 215 dollars on the labor side and a total of 593 yes, that's the best I can do with a quality component. I can put in one of those cheap alternators. I tell you what we are going to price very quickly with a cheap alternator. We'll come back and I'll put one of those, uh, the cheap units, let's find the lowest price when we can.
AutoZone has one for $218, we'll go with that one and it's 200 amps, it's a remanufacture, it's not new. The phone is ringing, so send that quote. Okay, that's going to be new. Total $449 37 with the Cheapo unit right there, so that's the lowest price I can get. I would prefer to use the motocraft, but if it is a matter of price, we can go with that one over there, dear, could you call? the fur people and uh give them the option for the motocraft nator uh and that Cheapo and I don't really want to put the Cheapo because they burn out, I'd rather put the Ford part please give them a ring, thank you.
I'm going back to work, thank you. Okie, so we gotta get everything out of the way here and J. I just got off the phone, they said they were going to stop by, really, yeah, what, really, yeah, yeah, no sale, no. Not today. They'll come pick him up in a little


. It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, thank you honey, you're welcome. Refused. Okay, in that case, I guess I'll just put this belt back together and that's it. That's it, that's done, man, that's going to ruin my uh, my Matrix, my numbers on my computer, I don't have a boatload for Clines, oh well, at least that legitimizes the paperwork, I guess here we are.
I'll put your seatbelt back on, I think we're good, no, it's not at the bottom, yeah, come here real quick. Can you put your hands here and hold it? You have to pull back a little, yeah, don't do it. Let it go like that I have to put the belt back down, okay, yeah, so don't let it move right, don't break my fingers, okay, I got it, you can let it go slowly. Please let go, let go, let go, okay, okay, let me. check the crankshaft pulley real quick, it's a little dark down there. The crankshaft looks good to my eyes.
I think we're fine here, dear. Could you come back to this unit and restart the engine so we can confirm the horrendous noise? I guess we are. go back all done not navigate, good man, that's pretty wild, okay, get my light out of here. H prop it down, that makes a weird noise, that's it, go and back up, park, honk for safety, thanks everyone. right guys, well, I guess that's what's going to happen on this particular project here, so I guess I'm going to go out and find something else to do. I'm going to close this video right now, thanks everyone for watching the short diagnostic video, it's a confirmed death, we found the problem, man, that's bad.
I wonder if they are going to leave like this. I guess we'll see each other well guys, see you later, thanks for watching the video. a Ford transmission and alternator

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