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Toddler Screams so Much She Damaged Her Vocal Cords | The Atkinson Family | Supernanny

Apr 10, 2024
Well I am in Glen Ellen Illinois ready to help a large blended


that desperately needs my help. Why don't we take a look? Hi, we're the Atkinsons, I'm John and I'm Jen, from my previous marriage. two daughters, Amanda, who is 14 years old. I'm just shy and so is Abby, who is 13. I have a daughter from my previous marriage, Julia, who is 10 years old. And together we have Maurice and Maeve Reese, the fourth and Maeve is two and a half years old. It is extremely challenging to have a mixed couple.


, there are a lot of different dynamics going on in our home at the same time, wow, this is a big melting pot, right, Maurice is extremely stubborn and pitiful, okay, let's say that mom Reece has a lot of separation anxiety from John in particular, it becomes crazy and


toddler screams so much she damaged her vocal cords the atkinson family supernanny
She actually





for six years when I was a single mother, it was me, Abby and Amanda, we were like the three musketeers, we were very close but we are losing that connection. I want to continue talking about it. I'm going to go clean and I'm going to stay quiet and speak well. Bothers me a lot. I don't even think they want mom around mom. You're pissing me off. Just leave me. Amanda is a handful to tell her: leave it mom, what's wrong with you? I step in and try to give her any kind of direction or guidance while her mother does your homework.
toddler screams so much she damaged her vocal cords the atkinson family supernanny

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toddler screams so much she damaged her vocal cords the atkinson family supernanny...

Now you don't have to worry about that for the rest of the time. Why are you on my case? I don't want to do it she becomes almost explosive everything I want we can never get here is the ABC of grocery shopping oh I don't think I didn't understand she just said what I think she said don't touch me she said don't touch me that's a shame , trust Rhys has started to have that attitude towards me that Amanda has left my sight, stop being on my feet, oh this has to get better, super nanny, there are so many problems here. that we need to address oh my gosh we are up to our necks in this what are you doing to make this work?
toddler screams so much she damaged her vocal cords the atkinson family supernanny
It's probably the most important thing right now. We need help. Wow, I certainly have a lot of work ahead of me. "Hey, so hold on because I'm on my way I'll see you soon hello hello nice to meet you I'm joe nice to meet you I'm jen hi nice to meet you hi john joe nice to meet you nice to meet you How are you Amanda? Hi Amanda, nice to meet you. I'm Hello, Reese. Please, it's Joe. How are you? Well, it's really a pleasure to meet this big blended family and it'll be interesting just to see how everyone interacts and the relationships they have with each other.
toddler screams so much she damaged her vocal cords the atkinson family supernanny
There's another one here in the family. There's Julia She's actually at her mom's house right now She's coming later today Fabulous I'll get the chance to meet her like Well, absolutely, just before lunchtime, I got a really good idea of ​​the relationship between Mom and Amanda just with garlic salt, right, no, uh, okay, it's very complicated with Amanda because she gets very direct and it's usually directed at me. Do you think if Amanda was in a store and she was asking for a sandwich, she would talk the same way, well she doesn't show


kindness to anyone when she's with me but it's more me than anyone else, you didn't tell her any part of yourself. about how annoying you are and how you constantly ask me questions I want to be in my life all the time that's true I want to be in your life all the time that's how annoying you are I don't think I'm being annoying I think you don't like being raised, you're over the top you don't want to be raised even though I just need to leave me alone that's what you should do it's a very common situation where moms struggle to communicate and get along with their teenage daughters I see your friends you can't go back to judging my friends no, I'm saying your friends are respectful of their parents mom, could you go?
I have your money here, okay, give it to him. for me to walk away, I probably should have challenged her and said where this is coming from. This is crazy, you know you need to be more respectful, but I did what I always do, which is stay calm and peaceful, so I basically looked like a crazy person. person like just towing cows to amanda reese i'm making a sandwich amanda amanda there are other places john i always sit here when amanda does something i don't agree with amanda will respond to me and i try to let it go and avoid the situation, but sometimes i It's become confrontational, no, it's just a very, very awkward situation, you know, you just sat there to bother me, you were doing something else, was my plate there or not?
Yeah, she was four and you were 14. I don't need to fight for a chair uh that's disgusting Amanda put your stuff in the sink that's disgusting I tend to be the nice guy I try to negotiate with everyone first and that's just my behavior and you know which just hasn't been the case. I worked up to this point, I haven't felt comfortable disciplining Julia and John hasn't felt comfortable disciplining my daughters, so it's made everything a little chaotic in our house. It was shortly after lunch that Dad went to pick up Julia, who he had hooked up with. custody of a previous marriage I'll be back in a bit, okay and when he left, Reese panicked, a strong man, he could have easily removed Reese's arms from her neck, but he decided not to.
John had just left and Reese did. something she had never seen her do before. Come back here right now. She ran down the driveway. Ella Reece ran down the driveway because she was very upset that her father was gone. If her son can get as far as getting out of the driveway. and turning the corner you haven't fixed the situation fast enough I'm not chasing you it's crazy now we're going to go one more outside finally she went down that driveway at least four times and in the meantime there was a chance that she was in danger Because of the passing cars, little Reese didn't calm down until Dad returned with Julia.
Hi girls, Hi, I'm Joe. Nice to meet you. How are you? very good thank you i was watching julia play basketball when i heard an argument inside oh no you have to stay well whatever just start the drama with me just walk away and when i walked in i saw mom in a terrible state about something the commander I had just said what was going on, what I was doing, I totally put the chips away because I'm about to start making dinner, yeah, and she said she wishes I would die. I try to get closer to her every day, but every exchange we have turns ugly.
Why do you think she is so angry? She would do it if she knew she would fix it right away. If she knew she would fix it right away. It is incredibly painful for a mother to hear her own daughter say what she did, but to truly understand that anger I need to know where she is coming from. What can I do to help? Girls, I'm practically never happy at home and I think it affects everyone's mood, tell me what I don't know how to change. The question is: do they want to change? Yeah, I really want to sit down and be able to do it. talk to my mom without getting angry since she ever took the time to leave, it's okay girls let's sit and chat, she has done it but we always like to tell her to leave and we never will I guess because we don't .
We know how to change We don't know how to change what has been happening I want a relationship with my family Amanda is very angry but deep down she is very hurt She has isolated herself from the rest of the family and has come to a place where she needs to fix what has happened to them I'm going to say good night now it's been a very long and interesting day there's certainly a lot of anger regarding amanda's behavior jen is completely frustrated john needs to be more assertive and reece certainly needs our anxiety to be Fixed already, I'll see you tomorrow to family reunion sounds good, okay thanks, have a good night, exactly how hard it's going to be on John and I, I have no idea, thanks, okay, bye, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow is the big one.
It's the morning of our meeting with Joe and I'm almost jumping out of my skin with nervousness, anticipation, anxiety. Let's talk about your blended family. You two choose to raise your children separately. The fact that they only discipline their child in a certain way. in the same way and your children from previous marriages don't show all the children that there is this unity regarding two parents coming together and being on the same page. I agree, I think it worked at first maybe for the first year or two, but then As the kids started to get older, especially the older ones, I think things changed a little, which brings me to my next point, which It actually has to do with the rules.
None of you really felt like you had permission to make rules for children who come from the past. In relationships we try to set ground rules and when we tried to enforce them they went away, I think it's probably because you tried, yeah, and you see that you didn't enforce it, yeah, so if you want to say something, you have to enforce it, otherwise, Never they'll take you seriously, let's talk about separation anxiety, there's all this mischief when you let Rhys cling to your neck and oh John you're so strong you can't even keep his hands off your neck, it's like he thinks you there is a little. part of you like that, yeah, and then you're lost, I mean, you know she shouldn't be running down the driveway and down the street, that could have been handled with a proper timeout, just what I would really love.
Focus on here's your relationship with Amanda and Abby Yeah, you know, Amanda and Abby went through a transition. Things changed to a place where these girls didn't really know what to do or where their place was or how they fit in or what would happen there. There are so many things that need to be cleared up with you three again, that is a very emotional topic for me, very emotional, I think they feel it too. We are going to work to mediate situations that have affected all three of you to get you to a better place, I am glad, I am very excited to work with you as a family because there is a lot to do, but there are so many things that we can be very optimistic about , so let's make it happen, yeah. do it, let's do it, let's do it, thank you very


, the Atkinson family has a lot of problems to solve.
I didn't want any distractions where you see a black sheet, it means you can't touch it, okay, you can't touch it, you can't use it, you can't, it. I went straight to the tv and I was like oh no that's your tv and then she went to the computer oh my god oh god no oh no oh morty I finally had one last touch to add the icing on the cake you have three minutes until the people know that all your cell phones will be taken away and returned to you at 7:30 every night, because I need your full attention, my word, anyone would have thought a hurricane was coming when they grabbed their phones and everyone ran in different directions until several minutes passed and the phones went to the pot and it will be that way for as long as I am here.
I was very surprised when she did that and Amanda, a little angry, was not there. I'm happy with what I did and if looks could kill, I don't think she would be here. I thought it was ridiculous. I was so angry. I became angry with technology put aside. It means we can really focus on what's important. We are a large blended family and all of these children need to feel that they are being treated equally and fairly. We've clearly established one set of rules for kids that come from the past and another set that doesn't work, which is what this is going to be like. rules that apply to all children, so let's get that out of the way.
How about being kind with your words or using appropriate language? Alright. Joe sat Jen and me down at the table and asked us to write down the house rules. This is something I've tried in the past, there are things we knew we wanted to do right away, we did it pretty quickly, we got home on time, yeah, after mom and dad finished with the board I asked them to They will explain to the children, so rule number one. Is it okay to use appropriate language at home? So that means not saying bad words. That's not even just swearing.
It's just talking, talking kindly to each other. I thought the house rules were a joke. I'm not a baby. My mom has tried a million times. times and nothing works out, the next thing is getting home on time, so abby amanda, when you guys have to be home at 10 o'clock, it's 10 o'clock, it's not 10 30 10 45. I think 10 is Well, well, I don't agree. What do you say? You talked to me about what time you told me why 10 o'clock is appropriate for you. Yes, that's what I thought in summer it will have to be later because 10 o'clock is very early, not for a 14 year old, yes, at 10 o'clock for seven year olds, no, it's not Well, I'm going to compromise and say 10 30.
It's a damn summer, these teenagers were out of control, they needed to be controlled and I didn't see mom and dad doing a good job, so I told Julia to take the kids. younger children to be able to have a good signature talking to him. There are people who use drugs and they would like you to do it. do that with them, there are guys out there who, trust me, would like to do the same to you after a few cans of beer. There are guys out there who would like to put you in the back of their car and not bring you back home, here it is.
Safe, no one has been so brutally honest with me. I thought okay, maybe I should understand why my mom is so scared.bit. She wanted to refocus on the future. Well, let's have a good chat and talk about it. our next chapter where we're going and what's doing good for girls, I think we should have more conversations. I want you to trust us more and know that we are not going to do bad things. Yes, I'll try to do that. This exercise from the new chapter from the old chapter with Amanda Abby is something that I will never in my entire life forget how about if you try gymnastics like go to a park and try to do cartwheels and stuff.
She'd really like to break a knife. I'll try. It is impossible to put into words what she did and when she started. to give back to my daughter and that is the greatest gift I have ever seen. I see people walking the streets with their family and they have such wonderful relationships and if I could do that with my mom it would be amazing, this is where things are going to change. This family has really made a concerted effort to come together, so I asked Julia to come back and do one last project. I wanted to reassure you again that you are a great blended family that is making progress.
I really want you to design your own family crest. Every family had it. Members think of different things that represent their family and then draw them. We are going to symbolize the strength of your family through your shield. I'm doing. It was fun to watch my daughters and see what they came up with. With a butterfly, you know, change a heart. for love, a sign of peace, our family hasn't had many peaceful days in the past, you know, five years, okay, how are we? I think we're good and once her whole family got together and decided on these family designs, it was Amanda who was designated to put it on the family crest yeah, I like it, okay, do you want to paint, yeah, okay, yeah, okay , good job, looks great.
We were all talking and having a good time and I really like that. We'll make blue and then we'll wear it, we'll all spend time together and Maven Reece had a good time too, yeah, and we laughed. I'm not going to paint, we'll wash it later. It was just a warm feeling at that moment that everyone was working together. to complete a task and it was great to see this it really looks great you're doing a good job amanda I think it's really good our family is starting to have a lot of fun and I feel like things are going to get better go ahead guys get started. shining stars, I really love it, you guys are happy with it, oh yes I am very much, yes I could just look at them and see that everyone got something positive out of this experience and it was all tied together into one big Atkinson family crest that is beautiful , good job, yeah, it looks great, yeah, perfect place, come here, let me give you luck and a kiss, how do you say goodbye to someone like Joe?
Our family is together, it's not your children, your children, it's us, family period, right, John? take care hey

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