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May 29, 2024
Over the past few months, we've covered a lot of different communities that host some pretty terrible creators. We looked at the Minecraft community that had ginpop and Li maker and we also looked at the YouTube community with Austin Jones and edp445, but we have a platform. I didn't check it, which is pretty strange since they have a lot of creepy creators: Tik Tok. Tik Tok is home to many horrible creators. This is due to Tik Tok's algorithm, which makes it incredibly easy for random people to build an audience. Sometimes this is great. to create an audience on Tik Tok from any existing audience on a different platform, when you are a random person with bad intentions this can be a recipe for disaster, allowing them to connect with Tik Tock users who are miners and with an influx The people watching their videos can give them unfair dynamic power and they can use it to take advantage of their audience, which many of these creators have done, but today we're just looking at the



on the platform that this video can generate. . a little disturbing, so keep that in mind before you watch the rest of the video, which means we also need a sponsor for the video, so here's a quick message from today's Ridge Wallet sponsor.
tiktoks biggest creeps and weirdos
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tiktoks biggest creeps and weirdos

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tiktoks biggest creeps and weirdos...

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tiktoks biggest creeps and weirdos
There are a lot of creators on Tik Tok who misuse their power. So I may not have covered a Creator that you want me to do in this video, but if you want a part two, let me know in the comments below, trust me. Unfortunately, there are a lot of these


on that platform, so it wouldn't be difficult. Check out some of these creators in a second video Well, with all that out of the way, let's buckle up and check out these creepy Tik Tok creators. Anyone out there, I just want to say I'm sorry and I didn't know they were 14.
tiktoks biggest creeps and weirdos
I didn't know I was 14 a couple of months ago I talked about Dylan zippy, a Tik Tok content creator who blew up on the app by posting a bunch of POV embarrassing videos and Lim syncing now, while researching that video, I had the displeasure of Watching all of her Tik Tok embarrassing videos and when I mean embarrassing, I mean embarrassing, even though these videos were extremely bad, still they got a ton of views and for some reason he had some fans defending him in the comments that these fans would make. Also join the videos of him and congratulate him throughout them.
All of this attention was great for her Tik Tok page and his Instagram page, but behind closed doors the conversations she had with some of his fans took a disturbing turn from the beginning of her Tik Tok account. In his life, he would be caught messaging a 13 year old girl when he was 17, while texting her, he had asked this girl for inappropriate photos and videos of her private areas now, even though this was the first time he Dylan was exposed for being a pedophile, this wouldn't be the first situation for him, your favorite guy Tik Tocker posted a video for his fans saying he knew Dylan Zippy was a creep long before these new accusations came out on his con, this was due to past situation in which Dylan was caught on multiple occasions sending text messages to 13-year-old boys.
Dylan Zippy is 20 years old and I met him before he turned 18. The reason I met him was because there was a Snapchat group chat of a group of Tik tokers and we were both in this and this was before all this came out light on him, while we were both in this group chat, it turned out that while he was 177 years old he was examining several 14-year-olds and several 13-year-olds. I told him to Cut it, didn't I? After this video of your favorite guy, Dylan posted a nasty apology video that started with him congratulating himself on reaching 40,000 followers on Tik Tok and then went on to make a lame apology that stuck. weightless and took very little responsibility for his actions thank you all again for the 40K followers, it means a lot to me, but that's not why I'm here.
I need to talk to you guys after a while, this is my apology video, so everyone. Out there I just want to say I'm sorry and um, I didn't mean to be creepy in any way. I just wanted to be a good person and sing for her and I didn't know she was 14, she didn't say it. I was your age, so it was wrong of me to do that, so I just want to say I'm sorry and I hope you guys can appreciate it and accept my apology and, um, yeah, and I hope you guys accept it, so yeah. they do, thank you. and I just don't want to get hated anymore but again this video didn't have to wait because a few weeks later it was completely deleted from his account and shortly after the video was deleted he would also disappear this was because his His parents forced him to leave the app, but 2 years later, when he was 19, he returned to molesting minors on Tik Tok after being exposed once again.
His favorite guy posted another video about Dylan and his new apology, just like the first apology on Dylan's page. did not take place and during it he took no responsibility for his actions, but once again he deflected any negativity and acted as if he were the victim in the active situation, but has since moved on, unsurprisingly, 2 years later, a once again. I have been caught trying to have sex and meet up with 14 year old boys. I honestly think Dylan is crazy like something happened to him because this was the apology video he posted about all of this.
I just hope this never happens again. I hope you guys understand and believe me, I don't want this to go downhill or ruin my life or my career, which I'm going to do in the future and I did, and I'll be more careful next time and ask the girls. their age before you start talking to them on Instagram or SnapChat so I hope you understand and hopefully like this video and the gaslighting in this video is crazy it completely ignores the last time he got caught or was trying to do it with a 14 year old child. -old man and he knew a lot, I even caught him at that time by telling him that he was 14 years old.
The Audacity, you have to tell people to like and share this video like oh my god, oh my god, I can't believe it, but again Dylan. did not change as he said he was going to be exposed once again by a covert operation organized by guuu and Zerg who have experienced the capture of Predators by setting up decoy accounts on Instagram, this decoy messaged Dylan and he immediately started flirting with them, the decoy would tell Dylan her age, but Dylan completely ignored that information and told the decoy that he had a place in his bed for her, showing that he didn't care about getting caught and that this is something he would do. without worrying about the outcome generates a lot of strange content about finding love, falling in love and meeting your ex, it's strange but there is nothing illegal about it, however, it recently entered the inbox of my friend's decoy account arlon that he uses to catch predators like Dylan and clearly states that they graduated high school in 4 years.
If that wasn't enough for this 20-year-old man to avoid flirting with a boy, the decoy even said: I'm 14, why do you care? He even asked look at the deco's body that he knows is 14 years old the decoy asked look what and he says you're a butt LMO Sorry I'm a fool Dylan you're a fool he tells the 14 year old decoy that I've never had a girlfriend before he tells her that he has a spot right next to him for her and asks if she would crush him or pass him on in their Instagram conversation. She asked the decoy if they wanted to hang out with him and if he could see her. -old ass oh you're right Dylan, hopefully San Francisco State University doesn't see this.
I saw you recently engaged to them. What's even more pathetic is that Dylan was already caught talking to children two years ago. Here's an apology video he posted in 2021 and I didn't know he was 14, he didn't tell me his age correctly this time he told you that his old man Dylan it's time to get off Tik Tok, get off Instagram, get help, pervert, This covert operation was eventually sustained. Dylan Zippy was off the internet for a few weeks, but because his account wasn't canceled, he was able to come back a few weeks later and do exactly the same thing he was doing before in September.
Dylan Zippy was caught once again talking to miners. but this time he was a child after being exposed again, the online chill of him would finally catch up with him in the real world and he would be fired from his job. Now when I tried to find his account for this video it looked like it had been deleted which is great maybe he's actually getting the help he needs but being off Tik Tok and not being able to entertain a young audience is for the best for everyone involved. Dylan was and is a weirdo who used his online presence as a way to interact with minors. he fans by completely abusing the attention he was receiving even though he was exposed multiple times by a large number of creators who did not stop him from continuing this behavior.
I'm always after humans, but now I'm always after humans, just like Dylan. Zippy Paul Break also exploded on his Tik Tok account with embarrassing lip sync videos and dance videos. These videos quickly grew his audience and within a few weeks Paul was dancing for a ton of new fans at the age of 40. Paul was posting these. videos Almost daily he created his first account in 2021 but rarely took off in 2022 when he danced to the song Green Green Grass Paul started posting strange thirst traps all this time and with more eyes on his account people started to have a creepy vibe.
The content he was posting and the Duets he was doing because of this began to dig deeper into Paul's past and what they found was that Paul at the age of 27 impregnated a 16 year old girl after the evidence came to light. light. Multiple attempts to try and ask Paul about their lives on Tik Tok about how he got a 16 year old pregnant but he always avoids the question and plays the legality card and also starts disabling comments on his live streams and on Tik Tok. videos to avoid any more questions um okay wait you got a 16 year old girl pregnant?
No, as we all know, you didn't, no, no, no, but I won't ask any more questions, M, because it's the same in every chat, girls. Well, a lot of people are going crazy on me, of course they are, can I ask you questions? Paul, no, it's because what happens is that two other women stopped talking about me and told their rooms to stop talking about me. it's going well oh, we'll wait for the next person he's going to live with to start talking this is all they do everything they do with their little one why because well because they want to because they're excited asking me about 16 years old- man, 17 years old, 25 years old, 48 years old, 965 years old, my life, years, you like younger women, well, I've dated 20 year olds recently, I know I'm vile and horrible people, it's that way Illegal, that's not illegal, right, right? but it's on Tik Tok if you're poor, stop it, um, so yeah, okay, so people are obsessed with you, because what would happen, Mar, if I'm going to live with you now and what if I'm going to live with someone new? tomorrow after answering all your questions? questions, right, they would ask me all the same questions tomorrow and then, but how come all these people have discovered things about you because they search, search, read and just believe everything they are told in the world, how, but?
As? How did all this come about? This has been going on for years, so yeah, just wait, everyone is going crazy. I have to read some of this stuff. Okay, wait, not her. Look, she was 16, ask about jazz, who is Jazz, he has no idea, ask, don't talk about who he doesn't needspeak, so no, I won't be, so no, I have, I have responded after this, Paul. started showing evidence of being a bigger creep than people initially thought he would like on underage girls' IG posts and would also message those underage girls, sometimes even sending them voicemails after they They will call him for sending messages to these young miners.
I would stay on Tik Tok live and if a girl was 17 then she wouldn't message her back. Can you tell me how old you are if you are under 18? I'm not continuing this conversation and she said no, she's going to do it. he'll be 17, she'll be 17 next month, whatever, so I left it to that very polite lady, but yeah, well, we continued the conversation as noted in the thing, so bada bing bada boom Paul was heavy. about thirst trapping his audience of young children because of this. There would be a growing audience of people who despised Paul and the content of him in January 2023 after the allegations against Paul emerged.
His account was banned. He posted a video on his Instagram page of him discussing what he would do if his account never came back. My account. he is gone from Tik Tok if he stays permanently missing, he stays permanently missing. I will return to a normal life eventually. I have enough money to do what I want right now so I'm wondering what people's content will be like now, soon your fyp and everything else will be normal and people's accounts will be back. to pathetic views I like pathetic so if he comes back hello if he doesn't come back hello I'm going to go see the world and see what happens hey eventually Paul would create a new account and continue doing the same old thing dancing being thirsty cheating and lip syncing in May In 2023, someone who was allegedly groomed by Paul uploaded a video titled Paul rapes what happened.
Paul responded during his live broadcast saying that if there was a rehearsal involved he should have called the police, why do girls from South Africa forgive what accusing me of excuse me who gave me the names I wouldn't go to the police with that I would go to the police with that if I was you who did it I oh I'm arrested no I don't see what's going on November 2023, Charlie made a video about Paul making fun of his embarrassing videos and how creepy he was. Charlie's video pretty much stopped all of Paul's existing momentum after this, Paul posted a video on his Tik Tok account finally addressing the accusations that were going on.
Over the past year, as of today, Paul's Tik Tok account has generated over 900,000 followers, but now people just look at him to hate him. On his videos you can see a lot of views but very little engagement and instead of posting daily like he used to now, he posts every A couple of days ago, Paul is a big creep who was confronted by a group of people in public . He still posts on his Tik Tok account, but people really don't seem to care about him or the videos of him anymore. My darkest fantasy is watching everyone who hurt me die by my hand that is my darkest you this next creator we are going to see has to be the


creep on Tik Tok this is due to the fact that since the beginning of his online presence has constantly said and done very inappropriate things whether on Snapchat or Discord, as you may know we are talking about the Tik Tocker if you even want to call him that, his name is Jupiter, the hybrid who claims he is a vampire mixed with a man wolf, which is where the hybrid comes into play. play I'm a I'm a hybrid between a vampire and a werewolf I'm a hybrid my dad is a vampire my blood dad is a vampire my blood mom is a werewolf which means I ended up with both powers so when I first got with you My skin started to itch, that's the only thing we magical creatures have, when we interact with others of our species, it itches again, since from the beginning he used his platform to send inappropriate videos to miners and this didn't even It's something you try to deny. or cover it up, he would admit it later, but he would try to apologize for his actions by blaming them for being high on nicotine, but I'm getting too ahead of myself so we have to back him up a little now that we have to Look at Linda Binda who during her live broadcasts told him he would accidentally give Jupiter, the hybrid, the Limelight which he would then abuse during this live broadcast.
Jupiter would make some pretty questionable comments and it seemed like he wasn't talking about living in a rural area. where bodies cannot be found and where people can disappear you would be making sexual comments to Linda Binda. My darkest fantasy is to see all those who hurt me die by my hand. That's my darkest fantasy. It makes me want it. It's just lonely. one of my darkest fantasies i want to kill everyone who has hurt me oh yeah that's the only thing i'm going to say i want to kill those who have hurt me as a person i can make those people go away there are places here in idaho where I can bury bodies and no one would think of working if you had done it before you haven't really done it but I did think about it there are some people I want to bury somewhere in Melba where no one will think to look there are places here no one would ever think in searching for a body.
Linda Binda after this live stream put clips of the interaction on her Tik Tok account which exploded in views at one point having over 9 million views on the interaction with Jupiter after these trolls started on Discord. to mess with Jupiter knowing that he wasn't mentally there, they would play tricks on him, like telling him to go to a local restaurant with a BB gun. Jupiter was easily manipulated into meeting these demands of the Discord trolls and began to be compared. to Chris Chan for how easy it was for trolls to force him to do something with very little resistance after this, although Jupiter began having conversations with people he knew were miners, telling them he would want to change the age of consent and also make comments to them weird I can also send you a photo of myself even if I'm a minor because I'm only 13 it's up to you honey if you want I don't care if you do it I don't care They plan to turn me in if I say yes, no.
I would never consent until 16 if you guys wanted me to or I would even change it to 15 if you guys wanted me to once he was exposed. Jupiter posted a Tik. Tok apologizes asking for forgiveness from the people who hurt the humble heart that I, the panel of Jupiter, also known as Corbin, was a pedophile. I am hated for those crimes. I apologize to the world, as well as to those I have hurt, Bri and all others named. Souls that I have harmed, pedophilia was never really what it was supposed to be and I apologize for those actions that I have taken I am Corbin and Jupiter and I give you my solemn word that it will never happen again I apologize for the pedophilia I have done it and to the rest of the world I was a pedophile but I have seen the error of my ways and I wish to be forgiven for my crimes of pedophilia and to all those others whom I have hurt and wronged I ask you to forgive me.
I never wanted to hurt anyone. I bow my head in shame and am ashamed to call myself Jupiter. I am ashamed of my actions and I wish to be forgiven for the crimes of pedophilia that I have been accused of and I promise you that I will never again. happen again I swear by the name of Jupiter and the coronary panel I swear by that name that I will do this right I am unworthy to be called Jupiter this video is my apology to the world for my crimes and I ask again to be forgiven for those said crimes pedophilia of being a horrible person and monster forgive me everyone on Tik Tok forgive me and know that my crimes are heard and know that I wish to repent of those crimes forgive me as you may have noticed Jupiter has a tendency to make himself More dramatic movies like these apologies and comments in general seem taken from movies because of the way he expresses them.
After this apology, I would leave the Internet for a few months. This was because the Idaho police conducted an investigation on Jupiter because from the interactions he was having between online miners, the police would confiscate Jupiter's device and also evict him from his apartment after Jupiter went offline, but he would return in October saying he was alive and how he could do it. He was never arrested, he would also say that he didn't care what he did or who he hurt and that he was not a predator. Honestly, they think I'm going to prison. Check your facts before doing anything. stupid and go back and go back, final warning, people leave me alone.
I don't care, I care what you do, I'm not going to jail, I'm not going to jail, so you all can just bite me, I don't care, but a child predator is something I'm not. I'm just a guy who got caught up in the wrong thing at the wrong time Later, a week after this, Jupiter posted another video, this time it looked like he was fighting a group of internet hackers called Anonymous, but at the end of the video He blamed his past actions on the fact that he was influenced by alcohol and nicotine and that he was not in the right state of mind when he did it. these things, hello everyone, I'm sorry I've been gone for so long, but yes, I did it, I did it and I still did it and I still regret my actions, you guys need to back off.
I'm fine, I just haven't had the time. to post, oh and anonymous, I dare you to try to hurt me, you don't know where I live, enough is enough, so yeah, half of the things I did, what drove me to do it was nicotine and alcohol, what really ruined me, really ruined who. I was ruined who ruined the person he was and to tell you the whole truth, I may be many things, but a child, pray, I am not. I was really broke back then. I learned my lesson after this. raised war against Linda Binda and this would continue until almost February, finally Linda Binda would post her last update on Jupiter on February 16 stating that no matter how much attention Su pays to him and how creepy he is online, he will never be arrested.
Hello. She wanted to address something related to Jupiter, the vampire werewolf hybrid. I have learned that no matter what videos I post about this man, there will be no consequences for his actions, no matter the size of the problem, whether he is throwing out a couple words or talking to teenagers in an inappropriate way. The local Jupiter police have not done anything since July of last year. I've been fighting to hold the law accountable, but I'm still here complaining about the exact same things my big question comes from. the countless video evidence I have provided documenting Jupiter's illegal acts on his personal electronic devices that the Nao police have been keeping for months why he is not in jail why he is not being held accountable is it because he has mental problems or is that so? the fact that no one thinks he will act on his delusions you might be thinking oh Jupiter apologized for his messages to a couple of minors tell me why he did the exact same thing the next day tell me why when I told him I was actually 16 he said It was okay that if I didn't tell anyone I wouldn't this is the opportunity to be proactive not reactive, how many more times do we need to see the face of a missing 14 year old on the evening news?
When the authorities are not proactive, this is what will happen. I've stopped trying to get him a ride from now on. My goal is to spread these Jupiter videos everywhere because the truth is, there are millions of adults doing exactly the same thing. What he's doing and unfortunately many of these adults are in a position of power, whether it's Jupiter using his infamy to lure his next victim, a local priest using Jesus as his alibi or an uncle hiding under the label of family, this It is a continuous process. problem in our world. I just discovered one to watch on the internet, please like and share this video because it is an important message that people need to see.
Jupiter is one of the biggest predators on Tik Tok, but he has escaped. and I still post from time to time on the platform for my enemies, all you are doing is fueling the fire. This next scoundrel was one of the first outsiders to be exposed on Tik Tok when musically it was bought by Bite Dance and later became Tik Tok. Buddy Haynes, also known as Birthday on Tik Tok, quickly made his mark on the newly acquired platform in 2018. Back then, Buddy was making embarrassing videos and started a trend of why good girls love bad guys.
Overall, his content was embarrassing and YouTuber comments started in 2018. To cover Buddy and his Tik Tok antics at first, it seemed fun to watch this guy, possibly in his 40s, dancing in his room, but the situation took a sharp turn when Buddy started posting duets on his page. These duets almost exclusively featured a minor. This was a pretty serious problem and started to worry people who once thought Buddy was just embarrassing because Buddy was getting more and morehate since the day he posted a video calling out his haters saying they were fueling the fire and giving. pays more attention to it, tells the haters that he will continue to watch DEET videos with his fans even though they are clearly underage and they can't stop him, so that same day he comes to you with another PSA for everyone those who have done it.
They've been following me and giving me love and giving me sweet comments and duets and everything and reactions. Thank you so much. Sorry, my glasses broke, so I'm still like getting them, maybe I'll get some new ones or find my replacements, but uh. I appreciate you more than anything my enemies could know. All you're doing is fueling the fire when you comment that you like my stuff, follow me and react to my videos trying to tear me down, you're only making things worse for yourself so do it. a favor block me if you don't like my stuff if you don't like what I do block me because I will continue doing duets with my fans who love me but obviously when you attract people who already hate you online and you tell them Tell them there is nothing they can do to stop you, they will find a way people started digging into Buddy and found his and his family's Facebook accounts.
With this new information revealed you would have to post another video telling people not to message me with it or else they will be taken to the police, as you can see I'm still here but now I have another problem. I don't have people who have found me on Facebook. You harass me on Facebook and I will take you to the police because this is getting like this. Too far, people, this is too far, but duets with underage girls were just the tip of the iceberg. A Tik Tocker named Booji exposed his friend in October 2018 for sending him inappropriate Snapchats during these conversations.
He had also sent her ridiculous photos of himself afterwards. Even more messages were shared online showing the extent of Buddy's degeneration during these chats. Buddy called himself ugly and at the same time gave the girl money. Even more Snapchats were shared online showing Buddy telling the girl that he would be a good girl and, yes. There's some pretty gross stuff going on here, so yeah, after the police investigated this friend, nothing was ever done to stop it. I kept your friend offline, he'd leave the internet for a while, but he came back with the new name, that name was Papa freak, that's quite ironic, he would make music and started live streaming on twit twitch, he would once again be criticized for trying to do so.
He changed his name, but everyone found out that he was just a friend. Then a YouTuber called an activist would catch him and during this video, the friend would try to make an excuse for why he was in a park, but the activists would prove him wrong by saying he was coming to meet a 16-year-old girl, which It was really essential because there are still people confused about it. Okay, as I understand it, yes, the girl was 16, but she told me that she was from the UK. Okay, whether or not this is, you know something that really irritates people or not, the age of consent in the UK is 16 everywhere, so even if I was saying those things towards her, I wouldn't there is nothing illegal about that, now here is a yes here in the United States. there's in the UK, it's not in every state and Illinois in Illinois has 16 Michigan has 17, but it's still legal, it doesn't necessarily mean slavery is legal, a lot of things where legal prostitution was legal, but I've talked to that girl since then, right, she and I are still friends to this day, she apologized to me and I apologize to her, so why was that sent to those people in information overload in the first place? place?
I don't know, honestly, I'm still trying to figure out why some of that program material was sent to report the overload, yeah, because your best option would probably be to have no further contact with her, that's probably your best option, but that's probably be the best part of me, but I missed her, I just cleared that up. I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable. I apologize. I apologize even if she was telling you those things and she said that she doesn't know who contacted her, but someone who used her account did it right, so she is very P, but that at that time. she had a boyfriend, the boyfriend may have logged into the account and done that, even when you look at it, although that may be the age, the disadvantages send some places to almost most of the society, if not necessarily to the entire society, some people will win.
I don't see anything that some people don't care about, but for most of society that's still a problem. He stopped uploading content to Tik Tok in 2019, but remained active on Instagram until August 2023 and on YouTube he posts a video trying to defend himself by blaming his actions on his mental space at the time, which is what all predators say when they try make an excuse for Miss to message underage girls who they clearly know are younger than the age of consent. She dealt with a lot of depression, anxiety. schizophrenia alcohol abuse and there are a lot of those videos where I wasn't necessarily in my right state of mind and you know, that's on me, you know, I'm not trying to diffuse the situation, oh, okay, no, it's not okay.
I should have been more present during those times, um, there are conversations between me and some underage people. My intention is never to groom or sexualize anyone, whether you are of legal age or not. I'm just a friendly person and maybe that's what it seems like to some. people the wrong way um maybe I need to be more okay so you're underage I need to make sure I know that hey you know maybe the conversations I have with someone my age I can't have with you it's crazy He told me that Buddy still he is allowed to roam free and while doing the research for this part of the video I found Sunny's video and in the comments they said that Buddy was a substitute teacher in the past but again it's the internet so I'm not quite sure what so true is that.
How many separate times did you send explicit photos like in a separate moment? It was only one time because she added me the night before and then I ended up joining her the next day. Now the Tall Knight was someone I Covered on the channel a few months ago and is also a content creator who had over 1.5 million followers on Tik Tok at the time he was called out for the video. I'm going to skip the beginning of this story. where he gets kicked out of his house for having sex before marriage and how he used his religion to make jokes about music artists who were trans, so if you want to see the full extent of his degeneration, I'll leave a card right now for the video above.
I wanted to focus on the accusations that arose about Tall Knight and how lightly he took these accusations. In the summer of 2023, Tall Knight began posting videos to his Tik Tok account showing him shirtless, which again was pretty embarrassing, but he. Then I posted a video telling people that Tik Tok scammed him because he was trying to promote his patreon page for his Fitness content because people were asking about his routine, but Tik Tok took his money and made the video fail so Tik Tok is simply me. It's over and now they could evict me, let me explain why in the few months I've been on Tik Tok I've acquired almost 2 million followers and the top three questions I always get is how tall are you?
What video games do you play? and what your workout routine is, so I thought I should finally wrap it up and cash in on it by offering to sell people my workout routine because it's incredibly effective. I've only been training a couple of months and I have a relatively good physique, so I decided to make a patreon to sell my training to anyone else who is interested in my method, which seemed really effective and I wanted to share it, so for reference, like this This is what my views normally look like on Tik Tok when I'm posting what I feel like posting and since this was very important to me because I would be selling something to you, I decided to spend more than $100 promoting this video announcing my exercise routine to my followers, follow through the Tik tok promotion program that I gave you.
Tik Tok over $100 to promote this video and give me more views than usual and that's how the video did it, that's what it's just an absolute scam, don't promote your stuff on Tik Tok because it's oh my god, So. Now here I am without enough money to pay the rent that's due next week because Tik Tok completely wiped me out because even though I have almost 2 million followers, it gave me less than 3,000 views on my only video promoting my patreon. I don't want to pressure you to buy anything, but it would really help me if you could check it out because Tik Tok just killed me and now I'm a little scared because I don't know if I'm going to sell enough and in order. to pay the rent, after this his patreon started taking a strange NSFW turn for the worse and he started unique fans to help subsidize the money he received each month, he claimed that patreon and O were safer than Tik Tok, that's why If you created those pages in the first place, this is where things take another turn to promote yours.
I was just starting to reply to the comments under his videos as we know most Tik tokers are miners so you probably know where I'm going. This tall gentleman began to respond to comments and many times there were minors that he would be redirected to his link tree where he had the only fans of him. This told Knight that he was being banned from Tik Tok and that he would then post a Tik. Tok to the second account of him asking people to help him and saying that he didn't know what he had done wrong in this second account that he would write.
I just got banned from Tik Tok when I had 1.6 million followers, the money I was going to make. from the view this month i was going to pay the rent now i'm screwed please help i don't know what i'm going to do my account was up to date i've never received a guideline that violated before now professor pippy was a creator who called tonight to respond to these underage fans and said yes, I got banned for this. No, you were banned because you were promoting your adult content to your child fan base on Tik Tok, like this video in which you dance provocatively. to a spicy song after one of your fans said he wanted to see her grow up and when you take 2 seconds to look at the girl who commented that she's clearly 15 and when people who were worried about this confronted you, you wouldn't do it.
Don't even delete a video like this where you announced that you are now creating adult content and this fan of yours is very excited and look, you commented and again 2 seconds to click on the profile. She's 13 and Knight directed the whole thing. these people to their link tree and you see that link at the top that says my workout routine which goes to their patreon where for $5 a month you can get their workout routine or for just $2.50 more you can watch lewd photos and videos without needing verify your age, that's why you got banned. The tall Knight would make a response video called My Side of Things.
This was an almost 30 minute video that went over all the drama he found himself in over the past year at the end of the video, he finally addressed the boyfriend accusations and stated that these accusations bothered him because his mother was a hairdresser after this video, his favorite boy posted a video exposing the tall Knight's toxic and predatory past and a couple of minutes after posting this video, his favorite. The guy posted another video stating that someone just approached him with even more accusations that the tall N Night spoke to them inappropriately even though he knows they were underage, after this the two went back and forth. another on Tik Tok until Professor Piffy received another clue. that incriminated Tall Knight even more so Professor Pippy asked Tall Knight to take Discord's call to discuss the accusations where Tall Knight would say this so you admit that you sent explicit photos to this 16 year old girl , yeah, that's absolutely my fault, okay?
Yeah, that was the tall Knight admitting to me that he exchanged explicit photos and messages with a 16 year old girl in May, so with this 16 year old girl, how many separate times did you send explicit photos like at a separate time? only once because she added me the night before and then I ended up joining her the next day to explain that a few days ago a new 16 year old girl came to me with her story about the tall Knight now instead of just coming out with the story like the Last time I decided to take advantage of this test with him to try to get a confession once and for all about this and what exactly it was.
I guess it was like, okay, as you can hear, I made him admit that he didn't. for this alone, but even more so, I have been called a sociopath an unfathomable number of times in my life because I simply try to see the world in terms of pros and cons, like a spreadsheet, I almost base my decisions on what is most beneficial now. For my part, I have no idea why you admitted all thesestuff and you thought it wasn't recording, but luckily for us it did. In the past he tried to lie and manipulate his way out of these situations, but this time we now have a direct confession.
From his mouth I think this is finally the end of the Tall Knight after this Tall Knight uploaded a video to his YouTube account talking about the Discord call saying that the girl on Snapchat didn't even look like she was 16 and she definitely looked like she was over 18. He claims that if his girlfriend had seen that the girl looked like she was 16 then he would have broken up with them text me but then the compliments started getting more flirtatious and less of my content and more of my physical and started to get strange as the praise became more sexual.
He started asking me for photos, obviously, naturally, when it's someone you've just met and you've only talked a little bit, you're not really willing to send them naked photos of yourself, and his only response was, Well, okay, don't worry. . send some first then you send some and then I said it depends on how old you are and she said 19 don't worry and then she sent me nude pictures and this I will say with every ounce of honesty and every ounce of complete confidence. that I am physically able to tell that the photos she sent me were definitely of adults or this girl lied about being 16 and an adult and if those photos are of her she is definitely an adult or she just went to Google and found a photo of a girl and then he sent me that because the pictures look like this, very clearly, an adult like, there's no way he was 16, that's what I'm trying to emphasize here.
I need you to understand that this in no way makes me like the type of person who chases younger people because I was told she was an adult. I was attracted to the fact that she was an adult and they sent me pictures of an adult, so if you're going to hate me, hate me for the right reason, yes I admit I sent pictures that were so disgusting of me that I just looked at them. eyes and then I sent him all the recent stuff I had on me, so I 100,100% recognize how gross it is. The person who makes me my girlfriend deserves so much better than me and I don't know why she stuck with me on every answer.
The tall Knight constantly wears that stupid crusader helmet and claims it's for his own well-being because people would try. attack him in public because of the accusations against him, but I think it's just because he didn't want anyone to use his face in their videos. After this, there is a little back and forth between the tall Knight and your favorite boy and even Professor Pippy and Tall Knight's ability was completely destroyed after a few months, he posted another video on his YouTube account claiming that he was framed, but the video took forever to come out. I didn't really even look at it because I know how high up Knight works.
Most of the time he will try to manipulate his fans and this is just another way of doing it. His last video on his channel was titled goodbye. In this video, he practically states that he is taking some time off the Internet to work on himself. Once again T Knight was exposed very badly and did a very poor job trying to defend himself and when the accusations didn't go away, he left the Internet. Tik Tok is still a fairly new platform and with the demographic being mostly kids, there were bound to be a lot of weirdos that would appear on the app, these are just five of the worst Tik tokers, but trust me, it gets a lot worse, but if I try to put them all in one video, this video would be hours long, so I think I'll post a second one or like it.
Part 2 video probably later throughout the month, so let me know in the comments below who you want to see in that video and I'll probably research them or look into them, but let me know in the comments below if you have any creators . or ideas you want me to review, the best way you can suggest them to me is through my Instagram DMS or in my Discord. Both will be linked in the comments below. If you enjoy the video, please leave a like and subscribe. The channel really helps the channel and brings us closer to 200,000 subscribers.
Thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video. They may have never heard of YouTuber AR, but if they try to search for him properly. now, to find out who he is and what he does on the platform, the first thing that would appear in your search bar would be Iraq exposed Ira fake and Ira fake videos from clearly fake videos for years to fooling someone just for fun that Eric has found.

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