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Tik Toks That Will Make You CRINGE

Apr 22, 2024
Hello friends, it's me and today we are going to see some very embarrassing tic tacs. Oh, why is it so dirty? Why do you cook when it's so dirty? Shouldn't you clean it between meals or at least every week? No, oh, how long has it been? that's been in there, there are eggshells living rent-free on the counter, some kids are fine with living like that, what your kitchen looks like when your mom doesn't love you, she


s a lot of these cooking tutorials, it's all so dirty. "I don't see a problem with this, all it takes is a wet wipe, please clean your kitchen.
tik toks that will make you cringe
I've been seeing videos of those girls everywhere, tic tac, chopped, shaken, I mean, cake, a bar of butter, four eggs, sugar, look what I have, avocado". oil and it's like they


me furious, like I want to punch something while I'm watching them, but I also end up seeing the whole thing every time, even if I've already seen it just to get even angrier. this just a little bit of avocado oil poured into half the bottle half the bottle she continues do you know how much half a bottle of avocado oil costs for what avocado bingo and everything has to be so fun avocado sponsor me yum do you like it my makeup?
tik toks that will make you cringe

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tik toks that will make you cringe...

Why am I subjecting myself to this? What is the science behind this? It's because she's pretty. Why put it in the oven? The avocado is ready. This is what seems like a nice privilege. Enjoy. In fact, she made a pie with the avocado. I'm confused, this guy broke up with his girlfriend and by the way she thinks she's a witch, okay it's a hex, a hex, yeah what do you know, I practiced witchcraft, she took some sticks, wrapped him up a bit of thread, this is you, it's like a voodoo doll look what's happening you're just hurting yourself buddy, bring it to the voodoo doll hurting me you sound so stupid nothing happened yeah, you know what almost got me with that scream what was it the reason? doll and be like oh queen I'm so sorry let's be together forever just please don't curse me it's been 24 hours could someone please check?
tik toks that will make you cringe
Have you posted anything since you murdered your own voodoo doll? Dude got a tattoo of a scar okay Yeah if it was a scar he'd look sick but it's a tattoo so man how did you get that? I went to the tattoo shop, paid a few hundred dollars, and bam, that's the dumbest scar story I've ever heard. Yes, he would have done it. I just got a paper cut and I'm done for the day why is this furry so thick ah no no straight to jail right away or maybe I should go to jail for thinking this is so thick but it's so heavy to ah oh apparently we have another wannabe witch if you look good with this filter your ancestors were witches apparently it says who actually looked in this filter and made it up like damn I look good I was a witch I had to have been there people adults acting like this, hello mommy, the kitchen is hungry mommy I'm hungry I don't know how much more of this I could take mommy I'm a little hungry I want to leave I want to leave immediately oh mommy mommy I had an oopsie I pooped my pants this is One of the Worst things I've seen all month, best friend, this should have stayed on the giraffes, girls' secret pleasure, ugh, this kind of thing makes me


tik toks that will make you cringe
I don't care how attractive you are if you were doing these. kind of ticking it's just disgusting that you're doing it and it's showing off that you're doing it it's just weird what she's saying so I imagine a pterodactyl sounds like all I want to know is why it was what possessed her to go up. the stage I just finished the Peppa Pig audition that's the one I don't know what he did but I don't like it don't look at me like that again that's how I feel when I open my mouth funny face it's funny face, you better laugh at it What do people say my waifu is not real friend there she is oh dad who is this friend that is her waifu right there she clearly exists and if you don't believe it you are an enemy I want fries when you go from being the most popular girl in the house high school to eat alone in the cafeteria oh she's so brave filming this girl just eat your lunch and move on you don't have to film a whole tic tac like oh how things have changed when I was in college I had a friend she was from high school other than that I didn't talk to anyone I ate alone I studied alone It was okay she can do this tick in the middle of a busy plane man please go back to your seat we're about to take off but she's really here like let me do this dance very fast she had her friend record it these people don't be ashamed this should be a crime shane put on the mask and it might give her a tick to kick her off the plane when you accidentally open the gates of hell this is what a brotherhood of women is this what they do and how they stack on top of each other and move like this do you all like to lay? this on your resume has peanut butter, oh there's a barrier, then you cut it, slice it like a summer sausage, that's already a legal side quest to get some peanuts, m m, separate the chocolate from the peanuts , grind the peanuts and make peanut butter, you know?
If you had two brain cells and put them together, you could buy peanut butter. You don't like the one you ate. I woke up so hungry I felt nauseous, so I sent Jaylen to the store, to the gas station, to get me some. breakfast and he said as if they didn't have breakfast but they had hats, do you want them? And I thought he meant the little cocktails and I was like, I mean, no, but if they don't have breakfast, it'll be Well, then I hang up and I'm throwing up because I'm so hungry and then I sit on the couch and he comes home and brings me back to me, these are little wheels, all these tears, I never saw baked beans hurt anyone.
This crying so loudly about some baked hats, didn't they eat beans and toast for the top-notch breakfast? Someone said his steaks were too dry. There is nothing wrong with a dry steak. I love a well done steak. What are you about to see? it may be illegal, they cut up a steak mixture, they put it in a tube, it's a centrifuge and now you have meat juice, they put a blender in it, they mix it, it solidifies, the meat juice is juicy enough for you, a steak liquid, I don't. I don't like it, don't disrespect his flesh again because this was the last straw.
Name three capitals around the world. I don't know, you don't know a single capital. I don't believe it. Where do you live? country, I don't know where you live, did I trust you? What can you tell me, what country do you live in? I don't know the difference between you live in the United States right, yeah she really tried to keep it a secret, should I trust her? Should you tell this guy that I lived in America? I don't know, maybe he


find me. Do you know what the capital of the United States is? It's not Washington DC.
Oh yeah, I don't know. Can you name any other capital cities? Brazil Argentina. Can you name three countries around the world? Not me, she nested it on Omegle as if he wasn't an expert on the subject. I just met you when you're here asking me a bunch of geographic questions that my brain can't pee on. handle this right now I can't believe it, can you name three countries? Miami what is it like to live with a girlfriend she was so loving she made her boyfriend a ps5 schedule so if you give him a foot massage you get 30 minutes of play time if you give him a back massage you get 40 minutes, you cook dinner, you get an hour of play, not online, what's the point honey, I made you dinner?
You could play for an hour against bots if you take out the trash, you get a 2k game if you clean the whole house, you have two hours of play and you have to take a 30 minute break to give hugs and kisses unlimited play time only on Sundays and no There is play time on holidays. violation of this, your ps5


be sold to your wife, okay? Do you know what this is, grunting about a divorce, you know, without a girlfriend, there are no rules, this is having strict parents, like my parents aren't even that strict, this house is a prison, I think I'm like a very broken person trying to live life, I don't know.
I'm so different uh raise your hand if you're a very broken person trying to live life I'm different can you guys get a ride? Isn't it bad that I think these videos are? They're actually prettier than them, embarrassing man, I always wanted to be a stage boy, they're all so handsome, this is the weirdest baking show I've ever seen, they look a little dyed, but you know who? I don't like tie dye, roll it up like a rug now, if that doesn't look like a delicious gay Swiss miss, I don't know what that troll place is now, naked nap, go outside and commune with the grass, damn they see you . later, these are the theater kids I went to school with, they all grew up, now it's time to get out, shit, well, it's something oh oh oh oh oh oh, that's so cute, I mean, at least it's a great piece of pastry you could cook, right? really that pretty or are they lying to me tell me 20 are you that pretty 80 we are lying girl uninstall your twitter immediately this is the behavior of choosing me please I just want everyone to tell me how pretty I am by the way You already know how pretty I am.
Do they have better things to do or not? But anyway, that's all for today. I hope you enjoyed this video and didn't embarrass yourself too much. If you enjoyed it, I want more of these videos. Be sure to press. that like button and make sure you turn on notifications, click, click and subscribe to the wolf pack. I love you so much, thanks for watching, bye guys.

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