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Three Laughing Monks Story - zen motivation

Apr 07, 2024
Once upon a time in ancient china there lived




their names are not remembered today simply because they were never revealed to anyone in china they are simply known as the




they always travel together and did nothing but laugh they entered a village or The city stood in the center of its main square and began to laugh slowly but surely, the people who lived and worked there and the passers-by could not resist and had to start


too until a small laughing crowd formed and finally the laughing people stopped. had spread to the entire town or city that was the moment when the three old monks moved to the next town their laughter was their only prayer all their teaching because they never spoke to anyone they simply created that situation throughout China they were loved and respected by the town I had never met such spiritual teachers before or since they seemed to communicate to them that life should be taken only as a great opportunity to laugh as if they had discovered some kind of cosmic joke so they traveled and laughed for many years spreading joy and happiness throughout China until a day, while in a particular village in the northern province, one of them died, the people were shocked and came running from afar, leaving the fields unattended during the day only to witness the reaction of the other two monks to this dramatic event. waiting for them to show pity or even cry and all the people came to the place where the three monks were two alive and one dead, but the two remaining monks were laughing harder, they laughed and laughed and it seemed like they couldn't stop, so some of them The good people who attended this scene with this belief approached them and asked them why they were not mourning at all for their deceased friend and for once the monks responded because yesterday, on the way to their village, he proposed the bet to them. . about which of us would defeat the other two and die first and now beat the old rogue.
three laughing monks story   zen motivation
He even had a will prepared about the tradition required to wash the dead and change his clothes before putting him on the funeral pyre, but the old monk had explicitly asked for it. leaving him his old clothes since he had never been dirty for a day I never allowed any of the filth of this world to reach me through my laughter his will said so the old man's body was placed on the pyre with the clothes he was wearing When he had arrived and while the fire was lit and began to lick his clothes to the astonishment of everyone, suddenly fireworks of a hundred colors were exploding from top to bottom and in all directions and finally the people who had gathered there also joined in. the laughter of both.
three laughing monks story   zen motivation

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Wise men you see in life in your life, maybe the only reason we are here on this earth is so that we can laugh and laugh and never stop experiencing joy and laughter, so next time you face a problem, Look in the mirror and just laugh at the problem. away because your joy is what makes you live this is there to make


al stories thanks for watching and stay blessed
three laughing monks story   zen motivation

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