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This will COMPLETELY change the way you wear actually.

May 30, 2024
So we used


in today's video and that's exactly what we're going to talk about. Basically, what inspired


video today is


my phone case. I have


little sticker on my phone that is Tibby's


wheel created by Amy. Smilovic, she gave me her blessing to make this video, so I'm going to teach you everything I've learned about color and how to incorporate color into your wardrobe in a way that feels really elevated, exciting, and really cohesive with the rest. of your wardrobe in a few years. A while ago, when I was decluttering my closet to find my personal style and really heal my emotional relationship with shopping, I


said that one of the things I stopped buying was color because I could.
this will completely change the way you wear color like actually
I just felt like it never worked for me nowadays, like you. I can see that color is slowly coming back into my wardrobe and I'm actually


ing it in a way that makes me feel really great and elevated and like myself, and I'll introduce you to Tibby's color wheel so you can get started to learn how. combine colors in a way that's really natural and intuitive, so this is going to be a long one. I think drink your coffee, drink your tea, make sure you're subscribed if you haven't already, so let's look at how to get started with color. a way that feels elegant, fresh, elevated and effortless, all the things we want to feel when dressing, so first I want to look at how to start adding color to your wardrobe, especially if you're used to


ing black and white.
this will completely change the way you wear color like actually

More Interesting Facts About,

this will completely change the way you wear color like actually...

Amy calls this. the black and white routine and I can attest to that because for years I chased that minimalist black and white wardrobe many times, when I show you even my old closets, a lot of people say, oh how sad it is just Black and white how monotonous and After a while I started to feel that way too There is a place where life is simple people are perfect and everything is black and white honey I'm home but how do you fix that? So the first thing you can do to get out of that black and white rut is not to jump from black and white straight into a bunch of saturated colors, maybe this is where you can start to consider adding things like navy, brown , gray, beige and camel when you start to expand your color palette.
this will completely change the way you wear color like actually
Slowly but surely then you won't find it so shocking or shocking to start adding different colors to your wardrobe and of course this is only if you want to add color, if what you are doing right now works for you then no There is nothing wrong with doing so. and I also think it's important to keep that in mind throughout this video. The next mistake I made when it came to adding color to my own wardrobe was essentially buying a bunch of different colors and then only pairing them with black, so I just jumped into a bunch of different colors too quickly, but I didn't really know how. combine them and in a way that made me feel really elegant and elevated and cool, and essentially if I'm pointing out now, looking back, it felt very flat and very harsh, really contrasted to me, it just didn't hit the spot, so let me Present them with the solution in terms of how to combine color in a way that feels interesting.
this will completely change the way you wear color like actually
Dynamic. fluid and just good and that's Tibby's color wheel. This is an absolutely ingenious way to think about how to combine colors in your wardrobe, whether you have a wardrobe full of neutrals or one full of bold colors, prints and textures. I think everyone can achieve it. some value from this color wheel and how it works to really expand your palette. Oh, okay, I see what you did there by creating different outfits and vibes that feel amazing, so breaking it down, the color wheel is divided into four rings. You have ring one on it. center, which is pure black and then going up from there you have ring two, which are your good neutrals, like navy grey, creams, whites, browns and olive greens, and then ring three is a really interesting wheel, these These are the colors that can normally be used.
I don't really name them, but you can name the background tone so it's greenish brown, green, orange, yellowish, reddish, they all have like a shade of color and there could be a debate about the color I see versus what I see. You see, but they all also have a grayish brown undertone which keeps them closer to the neutral family versus a more saturated one and finally it sounds four, we have the bold colors, these are your brights, your intense, bold, saturated colors, and here you can I also see pastel colors in those same shades, so if you're someone who wears a lot of black but you want to incorporate more color and get out of that routine a little bit, you want to work from the center of the ring and move outwards and, conversely, if You are a person who has a lot of bright and bold colors in your wardrobe and maybe you are looking to tone it down a bit or use your colors in a different way, you start from the perimeter of the ring and then work your way to the center, so I want to show you how You can use the color wheel to create different color sets and combinations using all the rings on the color wheel.
Basically, we're going to do some color calculations and what you need to pay attention to is how you can jump between rings or gradually move out or into the rings to create different moods, different feelings, and different levels of contrast within those combinations. and the mistake I made when it came to learning how to combine colors. It's just that I was skipping rings so I would often take ring one which is black and pair it with a color on ring four and then wonder why it felt too heavy and too bold so a solution for that would be to slowly turn up the ring so maybe I want to pair ring one with ring three to keep it a little more neutral and muted, maybe I don't want to wear black so I'm going to take a little bit of the good neutrals and then blend them together with a no color and conversely if I'm wearing something really strong and bold in ring four, if I want to tone it down and make it a little bit softer, that's where I'll consider taking something. from ring three or even ring two before even thinking about jumping to ring one because depending on how you want to feel, it might be too big a jump so I added some sparkles to my wardrobe just to prove my point here.
I'll also show you some photos of different outfits so you can get a better idea. Let's try this red depending on my color classification. Here you might think you could call it an orange red, but it's definitely a red, no debate. In that, it is not reddish green or reddish brown or reddish gray. It's a red Full Tilt, so this is a ring four that we live in, but I want to show you how this top can be combined with different parts of the ring, so in this outfit I'm going to be a ton I'm going to ring four on ring four I have this pair of super bright blue pants I can't believe I have these but they're really cool so we're going really bright on bright but this outfit works because let's go for it now.
How about combining ring four plus ring three? Here I have the saturated Red Top still, but then I want to pair it with something a little more subtle, so I'm going to wear these pants, they're like a dark stone, they're a little bit gray, a little bit green, that's why it lands in ring three and then if I want with this I can really land it in good neutrals like a navy blue, a gray or even a black for the shoe and bag option. Now let's do ring four to ring two, so here you can see it's starting to get a little bit harder, a little bit more contrast is happening here, not quite.


black, but if I decide to combine the red top with these navy pants maybe it starts to look a little more nautical or if I combine it with white it feels really contrasting maybe a little Christmassy or Valentine's day and finally if I combine the ring four with ring one, you can actually see how this contrasts quite a bit, there's nothing wrong with these sets, it's really just to demonstrate how to jump through the rings in a very slow and steady manner compared to the bigger jumps , but at the end of the day it's really about the mood and vibe you're going for, so when you do this at home with your own colorful pieces, if something feels off, think about where you are in the ring and how far away you are. you are jumping between them to see if you can really identify what feels wrong or what feels right about the outfit and just to give you a few more examples because if you don't want to live in ring four, you can really start mixing them up. rings, so you may want to pair ring one with ring two, which can still create pretty, rich outfits based on your good neutrals, or you can even mix ring three with ring two, which feels really subdued, calm and soft to the eye, and then again.
If you want a little more contrast, you can do things like mix ring one, which is black, with ring three, and that gives a little more boldness to the look, now that we know about the color wheel and exactly how to use it. . The next level in combining some of these colors in Rings is the concept of a ton or none. When I first learned about this concept, I thought it was absolutely brilliant. When we talk about none, we are talking about a good combination of neutrals. Each color is almost indistinguishable from the other. They have a very low saturation.
It is very soft and fits the eye. Usually it's all ring one together or all ring two or even all ring three because it's a little softer than ring four and all. They just match when you look at the set, now compare it to one, this is essentially your pop of color, but it doesn't necessarily have to be, so you could wear your ring one or two with the rest of your outfit. then you put on a green sweater or a colorful bag or you could be doing something really neutral and then you put on a smart white shoe or a white bag that suddenly becomes yours, it's really about where your eyes take you first if I'm Looking at this complete head-to-toe


black outfit, that would be a nun because my eye just takes in the entire fit, it doesn't really go in any particular direction now, if I put on a white shoe, that would immediately be a one it's not necessarily a pop of color but my eyes are immediately drawn to that color and that's how you know it's a one and we finally have a lot so you can see this outfit that I was wearing before with green shoes, blue pants and then really bright and saturated cardigan, it's definitely a ton because it's very bold, it's very bright, we're mixing all three colors of the ring, but for some reason the eye still locks in, you're not bouncing all over the place, focusing on one thing in particular , it's still really calming and interesting despite being really bright and bold, now it contrasts with something like a two, it's not a one and it's not a ton, it's somewhere in between and it just doesn't seem to work as well because your eye is like running around, you don't really know where to look and things are competing with each other in different tones and saturations, so if you feel like something is a little bit off in terms of your color scheme, where are you?
The eye feels restless, you don't really know where to look first, so you might find yourself in a two versus a ton or none situation, and it really just takes a little adjustment to find your way back and feel it calm down. and relaxation with your eyes, this takes a little practice, but I think the more you start to think about it in the back of your mind when creating outfits and look at the outfits that appeal to you to see if they are really playing with that ton or none at all. , is a pattern that Amy and the Tibby team have narrowed down to identify and put into words why a set may or may not work and why some people can actually pull it off.
Really crazy, it correctly brushes interesting combinations of colors and outfits compared to others, and the last thing I want to touch on also when it comes to adding things like color patterns and glitter to your wardrobe is the concept of texture, so, as I said before in the video, The solution to adding color to your wardrobe is not necessarily to go out and buy a red cotton t-shirt to add that pop of color to your wardrobe and that is because there is not much to do with it, so when the You combine with other flat garments. textures like other cotton yarns, things like that, it can tend to feel a little flat.
I think I could do a whole video on this too, but I'll quickly address the concept of bigs and pigs when it comes to Tibby's color. Theory, so when you feel like you want to add something to your wardrobe that is a bright, bold color or a really interesting pattern, then the silhouette and proportions of the fabrication are important, so b means brights, P means pattern and eggs means icky. shiny or sculptural, so anything gross is described as a little sticky to the touch, if it could be described as rubbery, shiny, hairy, swollen, gnarly, it's just gross, it's not smooth, it's not flat, there's just something wrong with it g is forshiny So it's made of something that's really shiny and slick, it reflects light and S is sculptural, so the proportion of the shape or even OU of the garment is very extreme, it has a shape that feels really modern and futuristic or angular and curved.
For example, even with my sweater, I would describe it as a little bit gross because it's made from a wool that's a little bit fuzzy, a little bit nubby, it definitely has a texture to it, it's not just a flat Sleek Navy wool or a cotton, so I it gives a little more depth and dimension, especially when you pair it with things like wools or even denim, so if I use that my color, but if I don't use any color and I've talked about this in many videos before, I'll add depth and dimension using texture also.
So you can add like a shiny boot and then with a sweater that's really fuzzy and weird and knobby, you start to see the patterns here, you start to see when you feel like an outfit is a little more interesting and less minimalist, less flat. you start to notice these textures and how they help enhance everything and make it feel a little more interesting and deeper, so that's my crash course on color, my little Tibby Color Wheel masterclass here on YouTube and for me when the first time Learning about this really opened up the potential, horizons and opportunity to add more fun colors and patterns to my wardrobe in a way that I found really interesting and exciting because I had definitely been frustrated with adding color in the past and I was so tired of buying pieces that end up messy because I never end up wearing them and I just decided that color wasn't for me if you feel the same way.
I hope this video has helped you discover that that's not necessarily true and now you have a lot more variety to play with within your wardrobe when it comes to color, let me know if you learned anything from this video, like it and share it with your friends. friends if you find any value in this and make sure you are subscribed so I can share a lot more of these biblical styles that I learned and if you want to learn more about this definitely check out the Tibby style class and follow Amy on Tik Tok and Instagram.


leave everything. linked below so you can check it out. There's a lot of knowledge out there when it comes to personal style and learning how to improve yours by wearing the clothes you already own. Thank you very much again for watching and I. See you next Sunday bye bye

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