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This Was Ben Hogan’s GREATEST Ever Ball Striking Tip

May 11, 2024
Ben Hogan and his swing concepts were decades ahead of their time, now one of the most important was how


right arm should sit and therefore how it should function in the backswing and pitching. I'm going to show you how by setting the trailing arm correctly, you're going to achieve your B setup position. You're going to be able to get to an incredible top of the backswing position, but most importantly, you're going to be able to release the club almost automatically. . in a concept called neutral joint alignment, so first let's start again with the ready position.
this was ben hogan s greatest ever ball striking tip
Today we're going to be all about trail AR, what we see a lot of amateurs doing and what we see a lot of the best players in the world doing and what Ben Hogan used to advocate for and the first thing we need to understand is that golf is played largely a trail-dominant sport, there are now examples of golfers who dominate the leading side, for example a golfer who plays golf right-handed. If I was dominant on the court, I would naturally be a right-handed person like me, but a dominant player on the court would be a right-handed golfer but he writes with his left hand and puts with his left foot and things like that, so with that in mind, because of Since


is my dominant side, many fans put themselves in the position where they go to the right.
this was ben hogan s greatest ever ball striking tip

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this was ben hogan s greatest ever ball striking tip...

I want to be powerful with this position, so I extend your Trail arm as a byproduct of this number one, the Trail shoulder. shakes forward so we can see now my shoulders are open number two, this often causes the spine to lean towards the Target and number three, this gets this Path into what we classify is very internal, very blocked and very internal now from here, first of all, this has ruined my setup, so now my swing will want to go left again, some of the biggest problems in golfer Shanks' pulls and cuts, this will encourage that also from here it will be extremely difficult for I want to achieve it.
this was ben hogan s greatest ever ball striking tip
In a good backswing position, very often I will have to collapse my arm to get there and also with this position you will want to promote an open clubface due to the anatomy of the arm. Now, what do we see with the good players? Well, if you imagine that I have drawn a line right in the middle of my bicep and there is an arrow coming out of my elbow. Here, we bad golfers will see this type of point down. and towards the target, maybe just to the right of Target, good golfers, we will see this point basically towards the camera, like towards the golf


, so what they have essentially done is externally rotate their biceps to move the elbow pad away from them . and you can see here from the down view how this pulls my trail shoulder back and if anything, brings my lead shoulder forward and a little bit more medial.
this was ben hogan s greatest ever ball striking tip
Now from the position here you can see how my shoulder alignment was fixed, which will help you. with your Club PA and swing direction, it fixed a lot of my lean and put me in a position where it will be much easier to have a really good grip. Now is a great way to discover this position for yourself. where you have that bicep pointing away from you or you can think of that elbow joint pointing towards the hip is holding a picture that you're holding a steering wheel in front of you up here, turn it slightly to the right and move forward towards what I'll notice that this The left shoulder is brought forward, the right shoulder back, the left arm a little above the right AR.
Now what you can also see is that as I do this, from the downline view, my tracking arm gets a lot. It just bent slightly into my body and the left arm is slightly visible above that trail arm. Now what we find with many bulls is that, on average, with a dress, they will have between 14 and 16° arm length. Bend a little trail. The arm curvature of the dress, most amateurs are closer to straight, so 0 degrees of arm curvature, so just by putting yourself in a better position here, you will now start to promote an effortless backward movement, so now let's move on to the back. swing, so now let's talk about the backswing and how this Trail arm will put you in a great position.
Firstly, it will allow you to maintain a nice width with your Trail arm if you place it in the correct position. The dress will want to have incredible width at the top of the number two swing of the back. It will help you balance on the plane. It will help you form this beautiful shape around the body that is approximately at a 45° angle. from there it will again help you balance on the plane on the way back, which will prepare you wonderfully for the descent and the third thing is that it will help you stay connected, your hands and arms, your whole body will want to stay. connected so you get that beautiful timing look so let's start by showing you again what the bad position is where it passes the arms very inside from here you'll often see golfers hit the club to the inside right away you can see the trailing arm . it's buckled up enormously and from here at the top you tend to collapse a lot all over the body, zero width, the trail arm gets stuck behind the body and then you can't get into a good position on the way down so just putting this arm of the trail in This good position here right away, the first move will want to be much more in front of you.
You can see the clubfaces matching the spine angle there and the arm is still in front. It has a softer collector but


ything has worked beautifully. together now as the arm begins to be placed at the top of the backswing. I'll be able to load my wrist and arm off the track beautifully. P Cowen, fantastic advocate for this movement, so then I'll start to get to the top. I can see that because the elbow was pointing away from me, it's just allowing this arm to naturally bend into the correct position when


golfers go this way, the arm or elbow always wants to walk High, very disconnected, look at the top of the backswing versus when the elbow swings away the arm just wants to bend naturally into that amazing loaded position at the top of the backswing.
I can really feel my shoulder blade is engaged it's like down in this position it's putting my arms in an amazing place it's putting the clubface in an amazing place in a position where I'm ready to then apply pressure to the back of the


. Now it is an exercise that I love. Let's say you've now developed that beautiful setup, but you're a little stuck, well, what should this feel like? This is an absolutely fantastic exercise, grab the club, but make a hand grip so you can see. I've gone down to the left right now from this position, swing up and feel nice and wide with your left arm and you can see as I do it how it puts that trail arm in a beautiful position at the top of the backswing , so once you've done that a couple of times and you feel like you're in a good Position there, just switch hands and you can immediately see how the trail arm is fully loaded.
I can feel my shoulder blade is down and I can feel like I have everything in an amazing position for them where it will be so easy. to get organized on the way down, so now let me show you what this looks like, so again I'm going to do a crossed hands exercise so I can develop that good feeling. I feel that incredible load, change your hands, okay, this is the position that I aim and I come back to the ball and I feel like I have no choice but to apply a huge amount of pressure to the back of the ball, which is fantastic at hitting the ball, so again, this is where the goal moves. we get the anatomy in the right position a lot of cool things just happen automatically so let me see if I can recreate this get it in that great loaded position and then swing it all the way so this is where the magic really starts to happen and This is where The Moment of Truth arrives, as we enter the descent, we will see that by placing the trail arm correctly we will obtain incredible results, so far we have our trail arm in an excellent position. direction the armpits of the elbow pointing out the elbow points towards the hip of the trail and you can see my bicep here the type of line points back towards the camera now we have the trail arm loaded at the top of the back swing again this is in a great place for them where we can start to apply pressure on the way down, but here is really the magic, why when we are in this position we can start to release the clubface effortlessly and when you are in a position to where your arms are too internal and you have no choice but to take out your angles at the beginning of the extension it all has to do with the neutral alignment of the joints.
What is neutral joint alignment? When I relax, you can see my arms. we just naturally fall into this neutral joint alignment, our protective position is where our body naturally wants to align and you can see as I do this, my biceps are pointing at about a 45° angle and my elbow is again pointing at about a 45° angle, like this here's the thing, if I go in, you'll see here that this now points my bicep and elbow right across my body, if I then relax my arm down, it twists outward or another name for this. external as it now relaxes, if I grip a golf club like this with my arm in this position and just relax it, you can see how it opens up the clubface when I go back to that neutral joint alignment position compared to if We get into this good position to reposition the elbow and biceps pointing away from us.
If I relax my arm down, you'll see it twist inward internally. If I do this same position with the golf club, look at this as I relax it, it twists its face. in a closed position now this is what studies show us that the best players in the world will have a closing rate, so the toe goes over the heel, which is twice as fast as the change in Loft that the rate of change in Loft, which basically means that You will see the best players in the world do this a lot more than they do and this is a crucial concept that will happen almost automatically if you allow that arm to establish itself in a great position because he will want to let go. the club the way we want it, so this is the amazing thing, if you put it in this position here, you will find that as you get to the top, it is loaded and naturally you will want to close the face. you want to release the face on the way and it doesn't matter if you are a body release player, a roll release player, you have to do this move.
As I said, there is a direct correlation between closing speed, i.e. toe over heel versus The difference in Loft is how quickly The Loft changes. There is a direct correlation. The best players in the world close that matchup much faster than the amateurs. Studies show it. Here's a really simple exercise that will help you rebuild this in this version. pattern together and I call it the preset release drill, so what you're going to do is put the golf ball in your new amazing position, so turn the shuttlecock to the right, get into that good spot, feel that good grip on the elbow.
Now you are going to perform this release in the correct position. Aim here so as I do this I can feel my tracking arm start to rotate and you can see that in this position I have preset this big release now from here. I'm going to swing to the top, feel that load and return to this position. I'm going to get used to what it feels like to allow the club to square up and you'll feel it if you get the trailing arm in the right position. position of the dress as it is is going to happen super super natural just like this you will also notice oh wait suddenly my body is going to want to turn I am also going to want to gain width and everything is going to start to fall into place then, once If you've done that a couple of times, then it's time to take a goal shot, do a little 3/4 swing start in this great position, turn the shuttle, place your hands on the club correctly, you can see my The biceps are pointing away from me.
Elbow pointing away from me. Take my hold. Make this nice throw and you can see that as I'm doing it, I've naturally allowed my hand to let go. Now I'm going to swing back and hit. This is how, by simply changing the position of your right arm at address, you will see great benefits not only in your setup, your backswing, your downswing and your release pattern, as well as your clubface control. Now, if you have questions about this. please place them below. I answer all my questions now if you need more personalized help. I offer online training atthe Skilless platform.
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