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This TIME TRAVELER is a KILLER & has the receipts

May 15, 2024
In our lives we all have to make really difficult decisions from




, sometimes we make the right decision and sometimes we don't. Today's story is about someone who did the latter, but really the story is about what


person did to try. to fix his bad decision, long story short,


story takes a totally unexpected turn and unless you've heard it before, there's no way you'll see it coming, but before we get into that story, if you're a fan of the strange , dark and mysterious delivered in story format, then you've come to the right place because that's all we do and we upload once a week, so if that's your thing, move all the closing plates into the frames of the doors with similar buttons a little further down so that they can try it at any time. to close the door, they will not close, subscribe to our channel and activate all notifications so you do not miss any of our weekly uploads.
this time traveler is a killer has the receipts
Okay, let's get into today's story, thank you on a cold day in January 2017, 26 years ago. An old man named William Hargrove paced anxiously back and forth inside his small room. He was nervous because he was about to take the biggest risk of his life. He was about to ask a woman he had known for a few weeks if he would get married. He looked around his room and saw that there were dirty clothes coming out of his hamper and there was fast food garbage all over the floor, so he knew that this was not the ideal place to ask someone to marry him, but also I knew it was.
this time traveler is a killer has the receipts

More Interesting Facts About,

this time traveler is a killer has the receipts...

Time was running out, the woman he wanted to propose to, who was sitting right behind him on his bed, was about to return to Russia where he lived in just a few hours, so he finally stopped walking and left. He turned to look at this woman on the bed. She told him that he was sitting there silently and Will was about to say something, but then she chickened out and kept walking until that point. Will's life had been quite boring and lonely. He had a low-paying job as a mechanic and lived in it. bedroom this was his apartment this room was being rented to him by a couple who owned the house he was in and this house was in a small town in the US state of Oregon.
this time traveler is a killer has the receipts
He didn't really have any friends and he didn't really have any significant hobbies, all he really had was his intense love of science fiction and fantasy. He would get lost for hours watching movies about outer space and strange distant alien planets and magic and then often after watching these movies he would walk. He would go into the woods near his house and just wander around daydreaming about these movies and pretend to be the hero of those movies and suddenly in his mind he would become a sorcerer with great powers or a brilliant scientist who would return to It was time to save the world. world, but as much as he loved to daydream and fantasize, what he really wanted was a wife and children and he had recently joined an international dating website and it was through that website that he connected with Anna Repkina, of 26 years old, from Russia. who was the woman sitting on the bed behind him and now if Will could muster up the courage to ask her the question he was sure she would say yes and he could finally start his real life with Anna Anna who had blonde hair and a striking blue.
this time traveler is a killer has the receipts
Eyes was a bit of a dreamer like Will, for example, she fundamentally believed that there was a soulmate somewhere in the world for everyone, however, up to that point in her life she had not found her soulmate, but had instead gone through a bad breakup after another. But a few weeks earlier, when a short, stocky, bald guy with a bushy goatee, Will approached her on an international dating website and invited her to the United States to visit him, she believed it was fate that they would be brought together. and that's why Will had to do it.
Will finally stopped walking and turned to Anna, who was now reading a book on the edge of the bed, and Will, who was terrified at the moment, took a deep breath and then reached into his pocket and pulled out a jewelry box. . Inside it was a beautiful emerald ring that was set on a white gold band, so he took a step towards Anna, knelt down and handed her the jewelry box and opened it at first. Anna didn't know what. Will was doing it and she was a little confused, but when she saw the ring and saw it on her knees she knew what was happening and she started shaking with excitement and then Will took the ring out of its holder and slipped it on Anna's finger and he He asked her if she would marry him and Anna began to cry with joy and shouted that yes, later that day Anna would fly back to Russia, but as soon as she landed she began to arrange her affairs so she could return to live in Oregon. with will permanently and two months later, in March 2017, Anna was landing again at the Oregon airport and then, right near the luggage, she claimed that she had her big meeting with will that night, when Anna and will drove From the airport to Will's house, they parked the They got out of the car, grabbed Anna's luggage, went up the front steps and when Will opened the front door to enter the house and head to his bedroom, as soon as it opened At the door, there was a woman standing at the door with her arms crossed looking towards both of them, this woman was Michelle Chávez, 34 years old, and she and her husband were the couple who rented the bedroom to Will.
Michelle had dark hair and piercing eyes and even when she was nice she could be very intimidating and at this moment it was obvious that she wasn't trying to be nice, so Anna, who sensed something was wrong here, greeted Michelle somewhat awkwardly, but Michelle just looked at Anna and didn't say anything and then looked from Anna to Will. and said, "I'll need to talk to you" and then before Will could say anything, Michelle grabbed his arm and started dragging him through the house to the back and, as Will was stumbling a little behind Michelle, she tried to calm down and told Anna to just leave.
Go ahead and take your things to the room. I'll be there in a minute, so Anna is very confused about what's happening here, she doesn't understand this dynamic at all, but she started grabbing her bags and walking towards the side of the house where Will's room was and as she did This she could hear on the other side of the house as Michelle was actually screaming at will, but Anna couldn't understand what Michelle was actually saying and at some point when Anna was now inside Will's room. just waiting, Will finally walks into the bedroom with his head down and Anna realizes that he's obviously just been yelled at, he looks defeated, so Anna is trying to make eye contact with him and you finally know she'll look at him. she walks up to Anna and Anna says, you know, hey, what's going on, why was she so upset about what's happening here, and in a calm, shaky voice, she would tell Anna that Michelle and her husband had just told her that They can't live here anymore. having to move Anna couldn't believe this, she had just flown across the world to be here with Will and now they don't have a place to live, but she realized, obviously, Will is also very upset about this, so instead of just being mad at him she said you know what's going on why he's kicking us out and at first he acted like he didn't really know but eventually when Anna kept asking for more information he told her that Michelle had some kind of She was in love with him and when she saw Anna move in with Will, she became very jealous and told them to leave.
When Anna brought up the fact that Michelle was married, Will said: I know she's married. The crush hasn't gone anywhere, but she still feels very jealous. Anna was obviously really upset about this situation, but after Will explained to her what was going on with Michelle, you know Anna wasn't mad at Michelle, she actually felt a little bad for her, it was kind of pathetic that this married woman was acting the way he did. Then Anna really thought it was probably best that we stay away from Michelle and within a few days Anna and Will moved out of Michelle's Place and found a place of their own in a neighboring town and as soon as they settled there, it was like relief. invaded both of them and they both became very excited as they planned their wedding and thought about their future together.
Foreigner for sponsoring today's video when I was younger, mental health wasn't really a topic that was talked about. It wasn't openly taboo but it certainly wasn't as common as it is today and it's great that it's common, we want society to see that mental health care is a critical part of our overall health but no matter how common it is I can tell you From my own personal experience with depression that going from hiding your feelings or ignoring them to taking action and seeking help can seem impossible, no matter how many times society, family, and friends tell you so. that you should take care of your mental health, ultimately it will always depend on you and whether or not you feel comfortable and have the courage to seek help for what it's worth after I first sought help, all that fear and anxiety . around the act of getting help was replaced with relief, I felt like I was taking care of myself, obviously help can come in many shapes and sizes and one size does not fit all, but if you are someone who is struggling right now and you're not taking steps to fix it.
I highly recommend you get therapy through better help. Betterhelp is a highly reviewed online therapy platform, meaning you can get the help you need from the comfort of your home. Be matched with a best health therapist after completing. a short survey and then it's up to you how you communicate with your therapist, whether via video call, phone call, text or chat. You can also change therapists anytime for free and get 10 off your first month at Mr. Ballin. I also linked them in the description below. Well, let's go back to the story a few weeks later, on March 25, 2017.
Anna woke up early and put on her beautiful, simple white wedding dress that she brought from Russia and then she and Will got into her car and they headed. To the beach, the couple had decided to go with a very simple intimate outdoor wedding ceremony led by an officiant (an officiant for someone who can legally hold a wedding) when the couple arrived at the beach, Anna jumped up and immediately began to walk on the sand towards the beach. water and Will stayed behind to call the officiant because he didn't see him anywhere, so when Anna got to the water, she enjoyed the beautiful sights and sounds of the beach, felt the sun on her face and heard the sound of the waves.
They broke up and it was like she suddenly realized how lucky she was. I mean, her wedding day was turning out perfect when for the past few weeks she wasn't sure if it was going to happen even though Anna and Will were gone. At Michelle's house and had had no contact with her for the last two weeks, Michelle had become a bit of a thorn in Anna's side sending all these really threatening messages, things like demanding that Anna share her will with her. or else she would do something horrible and Then Anna is thinking that Michelle will find a way to sabotage their wedding, but here they were on the beach about to get married without Michelle in sight, so at some point Anna looked along the beach and looked a little further away. the two friends that she and Will had invited to be part of their wedding, so Anna ran up to them, hugged them and started chatting with them and while she was chatting, she looked up and saw Will coming down to the beach and he was . on his cell phone and Anna can't tell what he's saying, he's too far away, but it's obvious that something is wrong and when Will got to the group, he had hung up his phone, but it was very obvious that he was really upset and as soon as he got there to the group, I would announce to Anna and her friends that the officiant was not going to be able to attend and, unfortunately, the wedding was called off at least for now.
Anna was totally devastated by this, but she realized that Will was also totally devastated by this, so instead of crying and feeling worse, Anna put on a brave face and told him not to worry, we'll find another officiant, we'll reschedule this , everything will be okay, so Anna and Will are friends, they said goodbye and headed towards them and Anna and Will had a very somber walk along the beach back to their car, but on the way from the beach back to their apartment They would stop at a McDonald's fast food restaurant and have a drink. food and when they got back to their apartment they were laughing at how ridiculous it was that they were eating fast food in their wedding attire a couple of weeks later.
Anna was still in the process of rescheduling her wedding and she was starting to get very frustrated with Will over the last week. Will, instead of helping her with her wedding, spent much of his time outside the apartment walking back and forth, finding him chain-smoking while he talked to someone on the phone. Now Anna didn't know who he was. talking to her but based on how stressed she seemed, Anna assumed that she had to be talking to Michelle or someone else about Michelle,Regardless, Anna knew that this had to be connected to Michelle in some way, however, every time Anna approached her, she asked her why.
He was very stressed and whether he was still in contact with Michelle or not, he would try to change the subject or just shut up and not talk at all, but finally on April 16, three weeks after the couple's first failed wedding attempt, Will told him. would do. Approach Anna and ask her very timidly if she would accompany him on a walk in the woods because she had something important that she wanted to tell him. Now Anna knew that Will loved to walk in these woods and yet she went and daydreamed after his movies and then she knew that if he asked her to come out and talk, this was going to be a very serious conversation, most likely about Michelle and whatever was going on, so the couple got into Will's car and headed to They left the parking lot, got on a trail and started walking towards the trees and for a while they didn't talk to each other, they just walked silently side by side through the forest, but at some point they will.
He started to slow down and finally stopped completely, at which point Anna also stopped and turned to look at him and when she did, we stopped for a moment and then, with a shaky voice, she told Anna that she felt like They will rush towards him. her relationship and he wanted to call off the engagement. Anna was so caught off guard and heartbroken by what she was hearing that she couldn't say anything, she just stood there stunned into silence and finally turned around and stormed away from Will. he went into the woods until he was out of Will's sight the next day, when he woke up the first thing he did was pick up his phone and text Anna, but Anna didn't respond and while he was lying in bed , couldn't help it. but he feels this overwhelming sense of regret for the decision he had made the day before, he wanted Anna back, so over the course of the next few hours he would send Anna a series of increasingly desperate text messages begging her to just talk with the. please, but she didn't respond to any of her messages, so he decided that the only way to get Anna back would be if she did something big, so he jumped out of bed, grabbed his cigarettes, walked out and started to walk. and chain-smoking trying to think of any big idea that was going to get Anna back and at some point the idea occurred to him that he would do what he had seen Heroes do in several of his favorite sci-fi and fantasy movies: he would use travel in the time.
To go back in time and make Anna feel fully energized by this idea again, he ran back to his apartment, grabbed more cigarettes, a six-pack of soda, and then sat down at his computer and searched the Internet for information about how to build. a time traveling machine and for the next 24 to 48 hours you will stay in front of your computer smoking and drinking soda drawing all these sketches of different time machine designs that you found on the internet, but sometime after 24 to 48 hours you will realize that no matter how good these sketches were, you lacked the resources and the knowledge and experience on how to take this sketch and turn it into a real physical time machine, so, feeling totally frustrated, you took a sketchbook, looked through it, and then went to bed.
In bed he felt a little defeated, but while he lay there thinking about Anna, he had another epiphany. In other science fiction and fantasy movies, sometimes the heroes didn't need to use time machines to go back in time, they used magic and suddenly decided oh. Oh my god, I need to find the right magic spell that will allow me to travel back in time and find Anna, so he once again ran back to his computer and continued smoking and drinking soda non-stop while searching the internet for the right magic spell that would allow me to travel back in time and find Anna.
Take him back in time and several times he communicated with strangers on the internet telling them that he would sell them his soul if they could give him the right spell and then every time he thought he found the right spell he would close his eyes and recite the words out loud and then open eyes only to realize that he was stuck in the present and finally, after basically staying awake for 72 hours on this quest to go back in time and get Anna back, he realized that it wasn't going to work and so he left. He gave up the next morning, April 19, so this is three days after he broke up with Anna in the woods, he heard a knock on his front door and when he opened the door there were two police officers standing there and when asked them.
You know what's going on, they told him that they actually needed his help and would he mind coming to the station to talk to them. He was still totally exhausted from not having slept for the last three days, but of course he agreed to go. and when he got to the police station they took him to a small interrogation room and he sat behind a metal desk in front of the other two officers and asked them: do you know what I can do for you? and one of the officers finally asked. will if he had recently eaten at a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant which is a fast food restaurant also known as KFC will was taken aback and almost wanted to laugh because he couldn't understand how this was important but when he saw that these two officers were not doing the In light of this, they were very serious.
Will said yes, I ate at KFC a few days ago, why does that matter? To understand why it mattered, we need to understand the relationship between Will and Michelle. It would turn out that Michelle not only had a crush on Will, but Will had been having an intense affair at Michelle's house with her husband since 2015. Then, a year earlier, Will met Anna. Now Will had wanted Michelle to leave her husband and be with him, and Michelle had told Will that she wanted the same thing but she couldn't do it now and to show Will that she was serious and that she would be with him one day, she told him.
He gave her wedding ring, which was an emerald stone on a white gold band. like a promise ring, this is my sign to show you that one day we will be together in public, but as time went on, Michelle didn't really show any signs of trying to leave her husband and that's why she started to wonder if he was just letting his life pass him by because he remembers that Will really wanted a wife and kids and it was starting to look like Michelle wasn't going to give him any of those things and that's why Will went on that dating site and contacted Anna. and then when he found out that Anna wanted a family too, she asked her to marry him.
The ring he gave Anna when she proposed was the same ring that Michelle had given her wedding ring, the promise ring, and so, when Michelle saw that. ring on Anna's finger in a Facebook post Anna made about proposing to Will. Michelle became enraged and then just a few weeks later when Anna showed up at Michelle's house to move into Will's room with him, she grabbed Will and dragged him to the side of the house and said you have to choose right now. between Anna and me and since Will couldn't find an answer, Michelle kicked him and Anna out of the house;
However, over the next few weeks, even though Michelle had kicked them off her property, she couldn't let go of her jealousy of Anna and her love for Will, so she sent Anna all these threatening messages on Facebook demanding to share his will with her or else, and began calling and texting Will incessantly demanding that he choose her. Anna and so, when Anna saw Will walking outside chain smoking cigarettes on the phone, Anna was right to suspect that it was Michelle he was talking to, but despite all this pressure, Will just couldn't make up his mind, he didn't know which woman. . he wanted to be with more and to buy himself some time he had lied to Anna about hiring an officiant for their beach wedding and then when they got to the beach and Will said the officiant had cancelled, it was all a ruse.
It was never efficient, he was just trying to make time for himself, but finally on April 16, for some reason, Will decided that he knew which woman he wanted to go with, he wanted to go with Michelle, so he took Anna to the forest and told him. She broke the news to him that he was breaking off the engagement and effectively their relationship was over, at which point Anna turned and stormed off into the woods and he too watched her disappear and then turned around and walked back down the road. the trail back to his car and when he got there, he opened his trunk and took something out of it and then he walked back along the trail towards the forest where he had last seen Anna and when he got to that place he walked away in the direction In which Anna had wandered and finally saw Anna, she was standing in a clearing looking up at the sky, seemingly lost in thought, so he walked silently behind her and then raised the shotgun he had taken out of his trunk and placed the barrel against Anna's rear. skull and before she could react, say anything, turn around, do anything, he pulled the trigger, then ran back down the path to his car and collected all of Anna's things that were inside the car along with some of trash on the floor.
He got out of the car and then brought all those things into the woods and threw them on and around Anna's body. The next day, a walker and his dog came across Anna's body and when the police were called to the site. They began to go through all the garbage that was scattered around Anna's body and inside a crumpled KFC bag the police would find a receipt from the day of the murder and that receipt belonged to Will the morning after Will killed Anna. Those initial text messages to Anna were just to cover her tracks, but when he sent them, she actually felt a huge sense of regret for the decision she made.
He didn't want Michelle anymore, he wanted Anna and it was at that moment that he decided he would do it. what the heroes and some of his favorite movies did, he would go back in time and undo the murder and win back his love, but of course his efforts would fail and in January 2020, three years after Anna's murder, Will was sentenced to life in prison as For Michelle, she was never charged with any crime, so that will be enough. If you got something from today's episode and haven't already, move all the latch plates on the door frames with similar buttons a little lower so that when they try. to close the door, it doesn't close, subscribe to our channel and activate all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads.
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