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This Speedrunner was convinced he could beat me in a race

May 22, 2024
reality, oh that. It would be very annoying because it's raining, how can I get that? If it's raining, please just be a rock. No, actually, that's so disgusting and unfair. Eleven, I literally can't understand it. Well, that's horrible. Let's go southeast. It'll be 14 and I just need to go a little southwest 12. Okay, it should be west of


peak 13 West east, it should be east of


peak Oh damn, I passed it 14, I swear, if they shoot me now I'm so lost. it


be over here oh here it is I don't like to stop right now I nailed it you're not you're you're you're what's up are you okay are you going for it by chance or I was 14 the rock was on my screen I picked it up five seconds after you clicked In that honestly the best I can do right now is the 15 koroks cube puzzle, I think we've done five of those, I think I might be doing Ruby Circlet now.
this speedrunner was convinced he could beat me in a race
I don't want to do the curry quest because that's going to take too much time. Ruby Circular Breath of the Wild. This is what I found on the web. 500 rupees. What do you expect if you have just done La Nehru? we have to buy the goron spice as soon as possible, we are going to unlock the shrine so we can warp and then we will go find the goron spice, the goron spice is very close to the nehru and by buying this corn spice you are going to warp Go to the rites and immediately do that mission.
this speedrunner was convinced he could beat me in a race

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this speedrunner was convinced he could beat me in a race...

I completely overlooked that it's a quick task he can do. We have to buy the goron spice. He'll go for that goron spice. I'm telling you Chad, this is a ruby ​​ring, Garuda veil, eight rubies. circle location breath of the wild starlight shop what the hell does that mean nine oh my god you have to complete the divine piece to do it okay okay we can do it we can do the side quests now for the spies curry for what ails you. mission go to the goron city general store for goron spice that's it uh okay let's go buy the potion uh nevermind you just did that to me here we go I'm not buying it sorry maybe I didn't buy it maybe I really did I got over it, I just don't believe it after what happened in the last few hours I don't believe it, I don't believe it, okay, I have nine puzzles in Clorox cubes now all the mounts breath of the wild lord of the mountain there is a deer there is a bear lionel night night okay so we are at four ten big horses riding aha we ride a big horse now we are up to five um let's do the lord of the mountain next how to spawn the lord of the breath of the mountain of the wild north of the mountain breath of the wild is written north of the mountain breath of the wild how to spawn lord of the mountain breath of the wild lord of the mountain we


also do tebba yeah let's ride tebba actually okay 11 no 12 sorry 12 12 It has to be 12 right, it's 11 or 12 shit, I think it's 12. no wait, the tower was the tenth, so this is 12.
this speedrunner was convinced he could beat me in a race
Damn, what are you doing what are you doing to get some cubes? Me too, how many cubes are there? you at 13. okay, tell me when you get to 14, okay, okay, I think he's lying, he has to be lying, there's no chance, he's sitting next to a puzzle, it's us, there's no chance, he's sitting next to a puzzle, the snow elk is a different creature from the normal one. one, a male deer is significantly different than a moose, okay, 14, 14, okay, and look at that, huh, I told you because I'm calling your bluff, I don't believe you, I fall for a lot of your debates, I don't do.
this speedrunner was convinced he could beat me in a race
I'm not falling in love with this 15. The link is what's the next question mark. Okay, that's a great question and the great answer I have is, "I mean look at the goals. I don't want to go after all the ones that are piling up. I don't want to do that." start


ing divine and beast right now my best course of action which is so sad because its not a good course of action honestly its just trying to find friends some bomb arrows will be cold up there im ready let's go , I'm sorry I have to go. royal horse breath of the wild I can't believe I'm about to say this talk what we're praying for right now is bad luck because we want flint yes yes flint yes there okay that was the royal white horse so there's another one that's seven wait a second does that more means improve no wait what oh location of the bear breath of nature there is a bear oh huh yes we have the bear I have the giant horse the royal horse the normal horse the bear the range the horse placed Lionel Tebba, there are eight , wait, did I miss count or are we about to win?
So if I travel sideways, I end up fine, let's exchange some flint and we'll get the ruby. Now we just have to make this baby better. I'm going to go and defeat a talis quickly and hopefully that talus will give us a ruby ​​and two flints, we just have a little bit of dialogue here, let me just give this dialogue, we're one away bro, I forgot this was one of The ones at the back side. those who wouldn't, I would have chosen a different Alice if I remembered this is like five minutes, he could do eight montages in five minutes, I have a fucking diamond, oh no, don't die from fall damage, please don't die from the fall. damage oh thank god okay go hey guess what doesn't complete that objective uh no but I'm almost done no don't do it uh wait what are you working on then which one um well right now he's just hiding some palaces oh yeah I guess eventually you'll need that for everything exactly yes, all good, don't worry about it oh, I have all nine mounts wow, of all the goals you looked for for nine mounts oh yeah, none of them were easier than that, but Otherwise, I think it was a lot of fun, yeah, it was good, I enjoyed it, thanks for the


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