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THIS Pot Roast is Better Than Beef Bourguignon

May 01, 2024
This video is sponsored by tyer, hey, what's up today? I'll show you how to make a very good tasting


. It's just as strong as the other famous braised meats, like


stew or Bergen Yun


, but it requires less work and actually offers the exact same experience which is


than beef burgun, no, yeah, buddy, no, he said it to start. I will need 3 to 5 pounds of


beef. Chuck is really the only option here because it is the only cow roast that is large format and has the 7030 lean fat ratio that we are looking for in the entire muscle to prepare it for the pot.
this pot roast is better than beef bourguignon
I will need to season the top, bottom and around the sides generously,


is a 3 and 1/2 pound roast with little surface area to carry the seasoning so it needs a lot of salt. I would say at least a full tablespoon or about 20g per side and once


meat is generously salted I will prepare it. Set it aside and let the salt soak in for at least 20 minutes. Next, let's prepare the vegetables for this classic roast. I prefer a Mira of shallots, carrots, celery and a little garlic. First I will chop about 225g of peeled shallots. or of course onions would work too, just cut them into 1 or 2 pieces like shallots.
this pot roast is better than beef bourguignon

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this pot roast is better than beef bourguignon...

I'm sure most people will opt for onions and that's totally fine. I like shallots because they make the final sauce a little less sweet below. I'll take four to six stocks of celery and cut them into pieces the size of a Lego brick in total. I will need 225 g. Next, I will take three carrots in pieces and cut them on obliques, which is an oblique, well, it is a knife cut. Mainly used in classic French restaurants, in my opinion it is an easier alternative to dicing because there is no waste and you don't need to worry about angular perfection.
this pot roast is better than beef bourguignon
The technique is also very simple: you make your first cut diagonally and then rotate the vegetable 45 to 90° and then simply cut the last cut at an angle, it is very simple and this style of cutting can be applied to practically any root vegetable or even zucchini and eggplant. Lastly, I will simply crush four to five garlic cloves with my garlic press and in total I need about 15 to 20 G. Then I will take a heavy bottomed pot, leave it on the stove on medium high heat and then preheat my oven to 275 F Now let's check the meat again, at this point the meat is seasoned, but very moist, so to ensure a crispy brown sear, I will take a paper towel and then completely dry both sides, do not reduce this part halfway please, The moisture level of the surface will directly affect the quality of your browning, so please do.
this pot roast is better than beef bourguignon
Dry next in my hot Dutch oven. I'll drizzle a lot of oil with a long, high smoke point squeezer and then throw in my salty roast. Be sure to press the meat into the pot to ensure even contact; if you don't press, steam will escape. make bubbles underneath and it will prevent it from browning properly. Now I will give this meat at least 5 to 6 minutes of undisturbed cooking. A little rotation is also a good move here, by the way, which will make the new meat touch each other. the pan and I really improved the quality of the browning and after 6 to 7 minutes of browning this, you can see this browning looks so sick, that's thanks to the dried meat, you guys now I'm going to turn it over and brown it on the other side. for 5 to 6 minutes, okay, when I check again, you can see that the duh side has also been deeply browned, so next I'm going to move this whole roast to a plate to hang while I put the sauce back in the pot. drop in 50g of butter, then melt it, then add my shallots, carrots, celery, garlic and then a strong pinch of salt, then stir everything together to cook.
The step is mainly to give the vegetables a little caramelization and add a little more flavor to the sauce and once these vegetables soften a little and smell aromatic, I will add 25 g of tomato paste and sauté it for about 2 minutes , as usual. I want to open up the little Cann tomato flavor so I'm just going to fry it in fat with the vegetables until the paste is glazed on the bottom of the pot and it's gone from red to rusty like this now to give some body to this sauce that I will add. 25 g all-purpose flour.
I'm using gluten free flour here because my sweetest baby, Lauren, is gluten free and if you're wondering, yes, regular flour with gluten thickens exactly the same as this Bob thing and once the flour is added. and fried a little bit, I'll add 150g of red wine, 25g of which and then stir until I get the glaze. At this point there's quite a bit of tasty brown substance in the pot and we want to incorporate it into the sauce, so I'll scrape it in with a wooden spoon for about 30 seconds to a minute until the flour starts to thicken the wine and then I'll come back in with 15 G of a meat base


than buan.
By the way, this video is not sponsored by them, just I really like this product and then I'll add 750 g of beef broth. This doesn't have much flavor, but it browns the sauce more and gives it a slight miraa flavor which I like. Next I'll bring the whole thing to a simmer, then carefully nestle my seared roast in this liquid, make sure to move the vegetables to the side because of the way we want this meat to sit at the bottom of the pot and then they go in two bay leaves and some twigs. of fresh thyme and then, for best results, a thermometer likely.
Knowing the internal temperature of this roast as it cooks can really help us achieve the optimal texture and I'll explain more about why this is in just a second for now. I'll load this into a 275°F oven with the lid on but slightly jar-like and then cook it for about 4-5 hours, but I'll check back once my roast reaches 195°F, which should be about 2 hours meanwhile. Tyer for sponsoring this video when you are cooking large pieces of meat like a roast for a long period of time using a meat thermometer is probably your best friend. This type of sink that I have been using to measure this meat is actually the first wireless meat probe I have ever used and the technology has made it very easy to achieve this temperature.
You can also monitor the temperature in two places on the base that charges the probes or in an app on your phone, just set the cooking goal. temperature and will show you the remaining cooking time and let you know when you've reached your optimal temperature point and to do that the probe actually uses six different built-in sensors so it's super accurate, plus you get two probes with your meter . It sinks so you can temper two pieces of meat at the same time or you can monitor two different parts of one giant piece of meat, in my experience this thermometer is accurate, thorough and very reliable, it stays connected to the base of your phone with virtually no import So, there are no frustrating connection issues, so to get a SN tyer for yourself or a meat-loving Bud, head to the link in my description below and use the code Brian 20 off for 20% off discount on tyer sync again, that's Brian code 20 off too.
If you're wondering, Hi Bri, can I skip the slow cooking in the oven and speed it up with a pressure cooker? Well, no, I tried it and I definitely wouldn't recommend it because inside a pressure cooker the internal temperature of the meat rises to 250ºC. If this high temperature environment deeply strains the meat fibers, making the meat crumbly but unpleasant to eat hot, what do you think is fibrous, it's tender but also chewy at the same time, it doesn't feel good with the teeth? Now the jaw works, according to a food scientist. Harold McGee, for large, tough cuts of meat, the key is to cook slowly at or just above minimal collagen dissolution to minimize drying of the meat fibers.
This minimum of collagen dissolution that Harold mentions begins when the meat reaches an internal temperature of 180°F which is much lower than pressure cooker 250 basically, the slower and more gently we dissolve the collagen into gelatin, the more succulent and tender It will be our personally braised meat. I prefer to sear my meat at an internal temperature slightly higher than this collagen dissolution minimum of 180 because cooking meat at that low temperature takes 8-10 hours to tenderize. Instead, I prefer 190 to 195 because it gives us the same creamy and crumbly result, but now in about half the time, after 2 hours of slowly raising the temperature on this roast.
We have reached my ideal temperature for dissolving collagen of about 190 to 195°F, but as you can see this is not at all tender, as expected from here, we need to keep this roast at this sweet temperature point for a long time to melt it slowly . jellied collagen, so to do that I'll throw the roast back into my oven and cook it with a lid on a jar for another 2-3 hours while it finishes cooking. I want to show you a great way to make the ideal potato to serve under this roast. In fact, I thought about it while wearing my loaded baker at a steakhouse last weekend.
To make it, I'll start with six large rusty potatoes, then peel them and wrap each potato with a single layer of aluminum foil from here. I'll throw the six baked potatoes on a tray and slow roast them along with my roast beef for about 2 hours and after about 4 and a half hours of low temperature searing, it's time to check the tenderness of this beef right now. The perfect texture in my opinion is crumbly but still holds together but barely holds together. You want to mash this on your plate with your fork or in your mouth, not in the pot, the important thing is that before we finish, I need to taste the sauce. salt wow, I don't think it really needs salt, the buan carries it, the vegetables had a little salt in them, the meat was very salty, it tastes very good before I cut this meat, I will let it rest for about 30 minutes and during that time , the meat is going to reabsorb some of the liquid that was squeezed out of it during cooking, while it's resting, I'm going to take all my slow roasted potatoes out of the oven and as you can see, they are totally 100% tender.
It can be mashed, so I'll move all six to a high-sided saucepan and then add a generous amount of salt, at least a whole stick of butter, and then some sour cream. Next, I'll just mash things up like I'm seasoning. a baked potato at a steakhouse I can't believe I haven't thought of this before you guys loaded baked potatoes are probably the second best way to eat potatoes behind French fries the texture is thick but soft and very, very creamy note aside I noticed that Adam Russia also served his stew with roasted mashed potatoes and I'm pretty sure I didn't get this idea from his video.
I think it was a real Steakhouse epiphany for me if you want to see how Adam does it. Link to your video below and I'm sure the whole process and recipe is great so be sure to check it out and after 30 minutes of rest on this meat I'll go back and carefully pull out a piece of shredded meat. a lot of recipes want you to slice the roast and then sauté it on a plate and that's stupid to me. I think it's much better to tear off a piece and leave it on top of the potatoes along with a few spoonfuls of tender, juicy meat. flavored vegetables and then a little sauce to glaze it all, guys this dish is a lot easier than Bergen Yun beef and I'll say it.
I think at this point in my life it hits just as hard, maybe harder, the meat is succulent and tender. Juicy and perfectly seasoned, the sauce is round and with just a touch of sweetness from the carrots. If you are one of those weirdos who like to feel happy, then you should prepare this. It's going to work now if you want to see another easy recipe. pot food that is super comforting, then watch this video to see spaghetti in meat sauce. You're going to love it. See you there.

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