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This Pokemon Game Lets You Be A Gym Leader

Jun 02, 2024
There are Pokémon


s where you can be a trainer, a ranger, and even a Pokémon, but you never get the chance to be a gym


, until a Pokémon fan


finally gave me the chance to become the gym


of my dreams. . It all started with a big decision when I was a kid, fighting was always my favorite writing, but every time I played Pokémon Yellow I didn't even get the chance to face a real fighting gym leader as the Fighting Dojo was just pushed into a side, so I set out to redeem the fighting dojo and to do so I had to follow a different path and I chose Raiolu instead of Tyrogue as the starter and with Ryolu at my side it was time to head to Humble City, home of my new gym. struggle. but as soon as I arrived in the city, the pressure started immediately after I had a long conversation with the mayor.
this pokemon game lets you be a gym leader
If I lost too many battles as a Gym Leader, I would get fired and the townspeople would end up not liking me. I would be fired and if I didn't put enough of my own money into rebuilding the city, you guessed it, you're fired and to top it all off there was talk of gang members in the city but I fought one of them and honestly I didn't care as much as that they fired me. The most exciting thing was that he told me that as a new gym leader, I had to have three Pokémon before I could open my gym and that I was free to explore anywhere I wanted to catch my team.
this pokemon game lets you be a gym leader

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this pokemon game lets you be a gym leader...

Boy, I had the perfect fighting gym already figured out, but


game had its own limitations. Primeape and more importantly Polyrth were nowhere to be found and after choosing raiolu instead of Tyrogue, most of the Gen 1 fighting types I wanted weren't even options, but thankfully. I was still able to find the Pokémon I always imagined would be the Ace of my fighting gym. Good job. Come on, Machamp, my second favorite Pokémon for a long time, was my favorite Pokémon. That's why I always wanted to have a wrestling gym. No. no, a few moments later, we can now begin to gather the gym equipment, as exciting as it was that my gym leader dreams were coming true, a different reality began to set in as I looked at Zubat, well, the Fighting types have many strengths, they are not. perfect and challengers are forced to try to exploit its weaknesses.
this pokemon game lets you be a gym leader
Fortunately, a third of my team was allowed to be a non-fighting type Pokémon, as long as they could learn my gym's signature move, breaking bricks, and adjusting the Pokémon in mind and adding. absolutely no problems adding him to the team no, why were you up you weak little baby, oh no


guy won't get a single chance. There's just no way it's going to happen uh-uh no, my friend with my team base gathered, there was only one thing left for me to do before I officially opened my gym to the public, start rebuilding the city of course, but as I hadn't won a single gym battle and was still broke, I decided to do what any good gym leader would do and found a sponsor. for my gym Watcher of Rel, welcome to the mystical continent of Taya, the setting of the next-generation fantasy role-playing game Watcher of Realms, immerse yourself in a realm where magic meets reality, brought to life through stunning 3D models and Cutting-edge motion capture technology.
this pokemon game lets you be a gym leader
Experience the new Pinnacle of quality in role-playing games, you will embark on an epic journey across diverse landscapes, unraveling the rich lore of factions and heroes and the strategic decisions you make will decide the fate of time. Master the art of strategy, choose the best combinations of heroes to survive, but remember everything. The timing and skills of your locations will directly affect the results of each game. Watcher of Realms offers several PVE modes where you can team up with your guild to defeat an epic dragon and reach the top of the leaderboard or face an onslaught of monsters with your heroes.
In Tide Mode, you can even climb the player rankings in the original tower defense PvP mode. Watcher of Realms is hosting a launch event where two great creators will compete and you'll have a chance to win awesome prizes like these, so be sure to check it out. the event Link in the description and most importantly, download Watcher of Realms right now and start your adventure today. Scan the QR code or click the link in the description. When will the money arrive? It may take some time to reach my account. Well, anyway, it was finally time for my first official day as a Gym Leader.
I immediately discovered exactly what type of trainers challenge the lowest ranked gym leaders. The bad guys, they were letting in anyone with a Pokémon and a pulse and I almost felt it. It was bad to fight against these people. Your mom almost told you it was a good idea. Jeff, go tell your mom it was a horrible idea. With how easy the first day as a gym leader was. I was expecting more of the same with the second day, but thankfully a challenger. named Burton had a surprise for me what is that is a frog Aaron is also the bright colors but he didn't have the Sparkles is that shiny frog Aeron what's going on here what uh-oh that was scary Where did you get that thing?
For better or worse, that wouldn't be the last time I faced Burton, and his repeated attempts to take me down made it impossible to forget about the Frog as Aeron, but apparently Aeron wasn't the only Pokémon that looked a little different in this. Region What is that? What is that dark type thing? Redeeming the Fighting Dojo seemed easier with each passing day and Raiolu's initial evolution couldn't have given me more confidence in my initial decision, but I just felt that being a fighting-type Gym Leader was a little too easy. I'm going to let another Gym Leader come in here and not try them.
What do you mean the gym leader gets out of the way? This is my gym. I was ready for a Fairy type. Get that thing out of here. Elizabeth Driftloon. I prepared it. So also, what do you think this is? Come on, I'm the real one, get used to it. I will not go anywhere. Finally being recognized as a Gym Leader was a great start, but it was just a start. I was still just a low level Gym Leader, but when I got back to my Daily Grind I started to notice something no matter where I went or who I fought, the Frog like Aeron just seemed to follow me or maybe it was just Burton repeatedly fighting me. and that man would do it.
I didn't hear a word. I said get a job, Burton, and although I finally got my sponsor's money and was able to build the first new building in um Ball City, it wasn't enough to distract me from the metal frogs dancing around my head. If I couldn't have a Polywrath on the team, I had to at least try to find the Frog as Aeron and maybe Agron would be the metal frog of my dreams. There's the Rana Air which is brilliant, yes, and that simple. Frog Aaron has been caught Steel Dragon that's crazy this is Frau there's just one more thing we need to see come on ah oh I'm pretty sure Agron can learn Brick Break but maybe it wasn't meant to be after a few more days successful of defeating anyone who dared to challenge me I realize something the house they gave me had a man and not only that there was mail coming out of the mailbox turns out you can hire gym trainers but my new gym trainers finally eliminating the challengers weak that I started The next day, ready for a real challenge, only to find that nothing had changed, my gym trainers immediately let me down and, frustrated, I began to explore what they mean by mythical field, what is incredibly useful, wait a minute , this is about to evolve. on Machoke too and if they rape that thing it's going to be incredibly difficult to take down apparently the news of the mythical violator spread like wildfire because instantly The Challengers stepped up their game I finally had some close calls just when I thought things were getting better.
Fun and difficult, Burton shows up with his level eight in the air because he, of course, does it. The toughest battles paid off and I was soon elevated to Gym Rank 2, which didn't really do anything, but sounds a lot better than Rank One, all he really did. was to attract the attention of the city's trash gang, who immediately challenged me in front of the mayor in a clear attempt to try to get me fired, not only did they fail to get me fired, they started a chain reaction that made my team was stronger than I thought was possible so early in my trip.
I don't know if you can evolve Machoke in this game because there is no trading, but we have the aviolite and this will be a problem for people. I soon discovered that being a rank. 2 gym leader had its benefits as I had access to a new trainer who sat in front of my gym every day with a team of three or six blissies, she even started making fun of me telling me that I needed a level 30 team, like this I showed her and took advantage of her happiness by training my team until it was unstoppable. Nobody can beat this team.
Not only did Nobody grow my team significantly but Umbball City apparently doubled in size with new lands finally opening up to me and it wasn't just new land. I was also able to construct new buildings that would increase my salary and gained access to a shopping center full of amazing items knowing how vital they would be to the success of my gym. I decided to be responsible with my money. and I built a factor and like my other buildings this one came without doors which is really a must in any modern design. That factory without doors worked like a charm and my team had the perfect elements in a short time, but just when it seemed that things couldn't.
I don't get any better, a man called Gladstone decided to reign in My Parade later, wait, why doesn't he look like a frog anymore? It just looks shiny. Lairon, he doesn't look like a frog. I'm the shiny guy, so subscribe to Shiny. By the way, luckily, it could still work. My Metal Frog dreams were dashed in an instant, but it was okay because at the end of the day I still had the best trio in town and even when the challengers improved, my record remained impeccable and once Machoke. and Electabuzz evolved, I really felt like no trainer and Pokémon combination had a chance at a fighting gym victory and I began to confidently believe that I would never end up handing out a fighting gym badge to anyone who defeated these three Pokémon. who tells me right now who but as soon as those words left my mouth everything changed what I can't see anything everything is Darkness Welcome to the gym leader The Hideout this is not like the fighting dojo this is clearly a legit fighting gym someone did it I don't want me to complete my goal, but the enemies the Fighting Dojo had was Sabrina getting nervous seeing my success and even if it was her, why would she send a bunch of dark heads to come and kidnap me?
Each one I fought seemed easier to overcome. I made it through the previous one and it quickly became clear that all these guys were simply a distraction and without worrying about facing a real challenge, I let my guard down and focused entirely on finding my way back to my gym and just when I thought I was. clearly Paul, you're not even one of the Rough Riders, why are you fighting me? Paul, they kidnapped me. Oh, you can't just hit someone who was kidnapped with a level 70 Godzilla monster. Oh no, you're a bad man. Paul, what do you mean you have a complete restoration?
I only have one sphere of aura left which is really bad. I need you to outspeed LaDainian. I need you to overcome the space. This is really important. No, I'm a champion. You have to live this, please, how was it? I was not physically prepared and they kidnapped me, my team was not prepared and we suffered our first defeat. I can't lose to Tyranitar as a fighting gym leader. Something has to change, something will change. I didn't know who Edgar was or if he was actually the person behind my kidnapping, but what was clear to me is that he had his eyes on my work and that, coupled with my recent loss, could have sent me spiraling, but luckily a surprise promotion to Rank 3 Gym Leader gave me the boost I desperately needed.
This new promotion came with the requirement of having six Pokémon on my gym team, which was simply music to my ears, but I also knew that Finishing this outfit would take some time, so when I was told I had a few vacation days saved up, I took the maximum amount and headed to the opulence. The city's opulence means great wealth, so I was incredibly excited to see what could find in the city and let me tell you I was not disappointed, if I am going to be a leader of a fighting gym, how can I do it? having a gym without Hitmonchan my first favorite Pokémon of thatI'm talking about that I'm talking about having your cake and eating it Also not only did I have the two starting options I originally wanted but I also now had access to Nature's Shifting Mints, which would practically guarantee an evolution of Hitmonchan, but the surprises of the city's opulence hasn't ended there yet, that's fun, Chan, here we go, this is incredible.
Why does his shadow look like that shadow punch? Is this a ghost guy? There is no way to fight a ghost. Are you kidding? There's no way it's a fighting ghost. Hitmonchan. I'll be ready for Tyranitar next time and I'll certainly be ready for Edgar. I ended my vacation immediately and ran back. home with a plan in mind, the starter park was finally open and the right starter Pokémon could really push this team over the edge. This decision may have been the most important in my career as a Gym Leader, as many starters could have worked, but when I really thought about it, there was only one option: that is the starter I need on the team every time I play a game. fourth generation.
I choose Chimchar, there is no other fight starter I could use if I wanted to be a fight gym later on. the gas produced in its belly burned from its rear and with five Pokémon set up it still had room for one more non-fighting Pokémon and the options seemed endless, but at the same time I knew that wasn't really true, maybe Aeron wasn't . I didn't evolve into the metal frog I had always dreamed of, but that didn't mean I had gotten rid of them. Aeron still had that frog in him and I just needed to see if Agron could learn my Gym's signature move like I thought.
My gym team is finally complete, no Pokémon will be able to defeat this team not even a level 70 tyranny you are not prepared wait a second Paul I have prepared for this moment since our first battle Don't you think you can get away with it yours? I don't care at all Air Paul I don't care at all wow that didn't do the damage I thought it would it's a numbers game I knew you'd do that I knew you'd do that Paul no it's fine I'm not worried about a second dragon dance here it is reality is often disappointing I'm a champion you're my ace wait while they reload the volume here we go They're going to get hit easily come on bull restore whatever you want ball don't care don't care There it is, get that thing out of my face, no one will come to this gym and will take down my team, nothing and no one.
I had finally proven myself worthy of being a fighting gym leader, but I still knew that he hadn't completely redeemed me. or even the Fighting Dojo, but there was still an evil team that had kidnapped me led by a man who wanted nothing more than my job and at some point all of that had to be fixed and it turned out that point was now. There it is, if I win, you give up the city and let us run the show. If you win, we'll keep our hands out of town. It sounds good, you're asking a lot, but it doesn't matter because I'm not going to lose.
Let's finish this battle with Agron. I started this journey with Anubis. I'm starting this battle the same way Agron doesn't want to take it even a spear, no it's not like that, you just have to hold on and it's that easy. I dare you to waste every one of your potions see if I care every turn you heal. I gain a little more HP, do it again see if I don't care about more healing items Edgar, what else do you have? Oh, I taught you ice punch for a reason. We gotta live forward, here we go, Jackie, here we go, what is this team?
Well, we have a shadow punch for a reason, Zuko. I know you can delete this. You may lose a little HB along the way, but it will in no way limit a flare. Blitz Salamence. gotta go into frog we can live one more come on we can live this and just two more turns what could be next hello dragon we can hit that for super effective damage we sacrifice the fraud oh no they don't miss it oh that's so big Strange again, okie dokie, let's just go one more to go to Tyranitar and it's not even level 70.
I think I can handle that there's only one way to end this, keep going, I'm a champion, keep going, that's not how I. I thought this would happen. I heard whispers that the fighting dojo and Sabrina one day in a similar battle, the winner takes all and became the leader of the city gym and where the old fighting Dojo may have failed. I defeated my challenger and was able to resume my duties as a newly promoted Rank 4 Gym Leader, but after so much chaos and excitement I began to feel like I was just going through the motions defeating each and every challenger with ease.
He definitely wasn't tired of being a Gym Leader, but he was getting more and more so. The champion was looking forward to a new challenge, what is happening? Garrison certainly didn't lose Paul's battle. I haven't lost, there are no battles, they didn't kidnap me and I left the gym unattended, that didn't happen either, it's one thing to be able to be Edgar or Paul, it's another thing to be able to beat the champion with the pressure of the whole town watching me, everything changes, it smells like ticks, that kid It's not even a real Pokémon let's bulk up and see what we can do that was my best Pokémon can't lose this battle the whole city is watching the champion is fighting me we have to win this battle we have to do it it doesn't matter get that thing out of here we lower the defenses they are going to give Sucker Punch we are going to Anubis You're not fooling me.
It was a horrible decision. Gengar. I don't know if he's levitated in this game, but Meteor Mash will do a lot of things. Priority would be so good. The hyper potion if they heal I can't hit them. with anything else, we have to change, they lose speed, but another damn body. This is not great, we have to bring Zuko, there are only three Pokémon left and we can take down this or a sphere which is perfectly fine, we bring Jackie, take him out just with a false start. two


left let's do it we're about to do it haxris I'm not worried about playing the launcher we have a lot of common sense but we kill here there's only one left we just have to overcome this ice hit we have a simulated hit with Choice bands, but that's enough, it has to come Zuko, no, it all comes down to a frog and you live a hit, here we go.
I knew you could do it with the support of the Champions. I am a true gym leader. card raid the guy John see you at the gym don't tell anyone I go to the gym every day that's where I work I just beat the champion what else do you need to know? Do you see the equipment? Taste me. Now I'm a legit gym leader. there's nothing you can do to get over me boom bam who are you and what do you want from me Jason ex gym leader wait what do you do anything else during your reign there will be consequences starting with those closest to you what's wrong with you man oh they gave that one letter, no he's not going to give me that letter despite becoming a rank 6 gym leader and achieving everything I had, someone still didn't want me to be a gym leader, whether they saw me as unfit for the job or not. just jealous of what I had done, it didn't matter, I still hadn't solidified my place in this city before my eyes, the only way to change that was to do my job to the best of my ability, but the next day started a bit.
First of all, the mayor wanted me to say congratulations, you rose through the ranks again. I didn't really do anything. Congratulations, John, you're a better gym leader than we thought. However, we must go from congratulating you to condemning you, we demand. You must cease all actions as a Gym Leader right now or there will be consequences starting with your Gym Trainers. The threats Jason warned me about were finally here, but these cowards decided to target my gym trainers and that was a costly mistake that surely my gym trainers could have made. They've been bad at their jobs and sure maybe I was thinking about firing most of them, but damn, they're still my gym trainers, if you have a problem with me, kidnap me like an adult, don't involve those helpless trainers. gym that had a line.
I had clearly been crossed and it was time to reach my full potential as a fighting gym leader, give me back my gym trainers, they are real people, what are you doing, what are you talking about, if you have hostages there and the mayor barged in? get the hostages, you're the bad guy, I never really talked to him, I kind of ignore him, yeah, but then why do they hire me in the first place? I'm not just a grown man in a Halloween costume, I'm a real gym leader you're still right yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely, yeah, yeah, yeah, no, I am, yeah, yeah, let's do this, come on, do it We have well, well, Mr.
Mayor, we haven't really talked much, have we, but apparently you are old and evil. I already knew you were old but I just discovered that you were evil. I never tried to call the man. I never needed help. I do not know what to tell you. That's why I never called. You are not important. Why did you hire me? Wait, that's what you wanted to say. I thought you meant all this. I thought you dressed the way you know, reshaping the image of a gym leader. I thought you meant this. I'm going to get my gym trainers back now.
I'll make sure the Fighting Gym stays on the map for the rest of the time. Hello, Zuko, no, Lewis. Frost is confused. I don't love that bag. He gets out of there immediately. You are the most infuriating person I have ever fought and that is not a compliment. but I think it's worth it. I didn't do everything I needed to. No, they could be cured, but I need to get rid of it. A violita, here we go, what do you have for the next mayor Goodra? Maybe just a dynamic hit. wow, that's what I'm talking about oh no, they're going to be cured, I was too hasty, it doesn't matter, come on, I'm going to get sassy with a training, get sassy with a training attack, Rose, okay mayor, I don't know what have.
For this one, this is the Pokémon. I started this journey with good luck and I got through it. I'm not worried that we didn't think we were safe. It has no more healing items, at least there are only three Dragonite left, although I have to Thunder Wave. I'm going to have multi scale, I just have to break him under the wave, in case he's okay, we can bring Jackie in and take him out with a good hit, it doesn't matter if he heals completely, we're still in the lead, hey, cut. but okay, it's much weaker in this form, okay, we have to bring it a champion, we outspeed this thing, but if it goes for the King's Shield, we're in trouble, we predict the King's Shield, oh my god , we got it, you should be a King. shield there's only one


left my ace versus yours when I was a kid I always dreamed of being a gym leader and when I thought about being a gym leader I thought about being a fighting type gym leader having him as a champion on the team well that's coming true now maybe you didn't hire me because you believed in me maybe you didn't really want me to succeed but it doesn't matter I have become the gym leader I always knew I could be I have made the Fighting Dojo proud and I have lived up to the name from the fighting gym.
I became a fighting gym leader.

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