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This phone is SO CLOSE. - Sony Xperia 5 IV

Jul 04, 2024
Today is going to be a really fun


video for me because I'm considering switching to



, but we have to find out how good it is in front of me. Today I have the Xperia 5 4. The naming convention is confusing at best. we have the Xperia Pro I, which we made a video about the newest Names. It's not great, but the phone is potentially great. In the box we only have the phone and very ecological packaging. This is paper. There is no charger or cable. So they are taking the Apple route. Now here's the phone.
this phone is so close   sony xperia 5 iv
You might think


. It looks quite similar to the four and it does, it's a very good thing, there are a couple of key differences so on the back here we have this soft touch metallic finish which I really love on Sony phones, it doesn't really attract fingerprints fingerprints. A lot will be if you notice if your hands are super sweaty or whatever and you're holding your phone, but in my opinion it really is one of the best finishes on a phone because I hate you knowing that I have a OnePlus. 8, which is pretty old at this point, but look at this, it's a mirror on the rest of the back, there are three cameras 16 mil, 24 mil and 60 mil now, if you watch video 1-4 or know anything about that other one. predecessor phone, we are actually missing the 85-120k telephoto lens that they had, it was actually an optical zoom, really cool technology, no time of flight sensor either, but again, this is the most affordable version of a similar phone in the writing marathon we have. power button shutter button which actually this time is not knurled or scored or textured in any way it's still there which is nice so when you turn on the phone yeah you long press on your camera app and it just goes away open and then you have a shutter button in relatively the same position as a camera when you hold it like this, I think the fingerprint sensor is built into the power button and then we have a volume rocker on the right and then on the left From the phone we have nothing, which is not bad, I don't really mind that everything is on one side, this phone and this is probably one of my favorite things about Xperia phones, it has a headphone jack 2022, most of smartphones don't have headphone jacks which you might not care about besides using. headphones, you can actually use a microphone, you have a microphone input and that is very important because high quality audio, especially if you are recording with just your phone, is very necessary on the front, we have a 25 20 Full HD screen for 1080p, it's OLED, which is very cool and 120 hertz, 120 hertz is actually disabled by default, which I guess is just a battery saving measure, but I'm going to turn it on so we get the full experience.
this phone is so close   sony xperia 5 iv

More Interesting Facts About,

this phone is so close sony xperia 5 iv...

The speakers are firing forward and have apparently changed. the speaker casing so there is less vibration on the phone, which in theory should make it sound better. Additionally, we have a new 12-megapixel selfie camera on this phone compared to its predecessor, the 5.3. This is also one of the first telephones. with the one they make fun of this in the one but this is the first time I'm going to try this in person, they have this Pro music app that's supposed to let you record voice, it's an app that you can literally record an instrument if you really want to and then you can send it to Sony to their servers and it will remove the background noise.
this phone is so close   sony xperia 5 iv
You can also edit it on the phone, which is great. Well, this phone is also ip68. 65 so you can drop it in a puddle and not cry and at the bottom of the phone we have the typical type C and a tool-less Sim and micro SD expansion. Thanks Sony for continuing to do this because, again, there are a lot of phones you get. These days I don't have Micro SD expansion, it's obviously going to be slower than the phone's built-in memory, which I think this model has 128 gigs. The latest specifications of this phone have the Snapdragon 8 gen 1 and it also has 8 gigs. of built-in RAM, the other new feature of this phone is that it actually has wireless charging and reverse wireless charging, which I would love to see because I personally haven't used a phone with wireless charging and other than wireless charging, this phone is like the four.
this phone is so close   sony xperia 5 iv
It has a 5000 milliamp hour battery, which is pretty respectable before you get to the cameras. I'm going to tell you about today's sponsor epidemic sound thanks to today's sponsor epidemic sound video provides high quality professionally produced music and sound effects for your use. Whether you're a video creator on YouTube or need it to work at an agency, Academic Sound has a license to cover you across your personal and business plans, choose from tens of thousands of diverse and original sound effects and track The Epidemic Ear feature that also allows you to select specific parts of any track to search for music in your catalog that sounds similar to the sound you're looking for, so sign up today at the link in the video description for a 30-day free trial thanks epidemic sound okay cameras so I've heard this will overheat at certain resolutions for long periods of time and as this warning tells me the Videography Pro app is kind of a little better UI for toggling things like your Zoom, you have your manual autofocus. very similar to an alpha ISO camera is here like I really like this similar Photo Pro UI, you have a couple of modes, the basic one is very similar to the standard camera app on your smartphone, the 16 millimeter and 24 millimeter cameras In this phone they are the same as the four, the main difference is the 60 ml because they are 60 thousand fixed versus the 85 to 120 thousand.
You got your Venice color, different Luts, warm, cold, strong, all those kinds of things that are amazing. Similar layout to the Pro video above, but with a couple of extra things like the codec is here on the screen, it has audio levels, it's a little more professional, it has a shutter angle, that kind of frame rate is here, oh also every camera on this phone like the one on it has 4K 120 FPS recording which is pretty cool this is what the selfie camera looks like this is also what the microphone sounds like so I'll keep talking and you guys can Tell me in the comments what you think of the microphone.
I will listen to this. later on the laptop but the selfie camera in HDR and this is what the microphone sounds like let's test what it looks like so assuming I'm in a backlit portrait this is optimal lighting but honestly my impression of this on the phone screen anyway it looks a bit positive because of the way the camera thought to meter the shot. Also let me check if there is any skin softening. Oh please Sony, I get it, but don't turn on the soft skin effect by default. Again, without the skin smoothing feature, you can see the texture of my skin compared to less if you look at the other photo.
I automatically focus each of these cameras, which again is great to look at. I really like the screen. feels snappy as I would expect a 120Hz display and I'm actually more okay with this resolution than the 4K OLED that was in the 1-4 because you won't really notice the pixel density of 4K versus 1080p on a screen so good and If you are the only person doing well, why don't we try to listen to the speakers' questions? Oh that's so weird, there is this feature when I press the YouTube dynamic vibration volume control and it's like vibrating your phone. by the song I mean on it's own without comparing it side by side with another device, this sounds pretty good to me, most phones nowadays have much smaller mids and aren't really good at the bottom end.
I mean, again, this is just a speakerphone. that's front shooting, which is good. The last thing I want to try is go over some of the photos we took over the weekend because I've been using this phone for about three days and we're going to do some live testing, so I'll go out with Adam and take a couple of photos and videos. The first thing I want to try is the 60mm lens on this phone because it is different from the other two cameras, which are the same as the four. I'll try this one too. the image stabilization and how good it is when we walk backwards, so Adam is here, we'll just walk around here in a circle and then we'll come back and I'll follow him the whole time or he'll follow me.
I miss those instructions. I'm walking here. Thank you very much and one, two, so the main thing I want to test here is mainly the 60 mil just because we've seen the performance of the 16 and the 24 mil. Both are good, but. I'll do a couple of takes with both of them too. The last test I want to do is how the selfie camera handles a backlight situation, so there is one thing I don't like about the Video Pro app I'm using in this case. the selfie camera, but the UI is still in landscape configuration, so this is what the selfie camera looks like in a 4k backlight situation.
It's also shooting in HDR, so I can't seem to do any manual control on the selfie camera, at least not in the Video Pro app, which is a bit unfortunate because I really like a lot of things about this app. You should be able to go into this and change the settings. The last thing I want to test is that we have some background noise right now. I train that way there are some people working in the garden that way. I'm going to record a voiceover on this phone and then we'll send it to Sony and see how the process goes.
We're back inside. I actually picked up this phone. on a weekend trip to Seattle, so let's take a look at some of the photos from that trip. We'll also look at some of the photos we just took of Adam outside, as well as the video. Now, an interesting thing. Before I finish, I'd like to point out that the dngs on this phone don't work surprisingly, so this is one of the 60k JPEGs I got. The camera performance is quite good. The sharpness is decent compared to the raw dng of the same photo, yes you will see in the dng a little noisier.
Obviously you can edit this to be able to reduce the exposure. I can remove the highlights. I don't think it's clipping the autofocus that much. This photo of these birds is great on this phone. I was walking down the sidewalk without really slowing down to take this photo. I took it real quick because these birds flew by and Bam, there was this giant Norwegian cruise ship that was really pushing. the ultra wide to see if I could fit everything on this boat is huge, like you can see this little boat here and then you look at this thing, it's like the size of a building.
I think this is on the telephoto lens and you can actually like to see individual people, obviously we can't see their faces but you can tell people apart and that's pretty impressive. Here's another wide shot from a different perspective a little earlier in the day so you can see the sun to the right. shining this way, the dynamic range kept everything very well, we even have the shadows on this tree on the left perfectly balanced. I just like using this phone as a camera. I don't think I was ever really dissatisfied with the performance of this one, especially in a daylight environment. when you're outside, if you use it in that situation most of the time, it works pretty well.
Here are a couple of photos of my son inside our hotel room. Now the struggle here was that I think he moved around a lot. and even the autofocus couldn't always keep up at


range, although I did manage a couple, as here's one that was in focus and perfectly fine, still one in a hundred. Here's the selfie I took a moment ago, not really. Look at overexposed on the computer, it's on the high end, here's the photo of Belle and Mark and it's a little noisy because it's ISO 800, but if you really push it, Bella is perfectly in focus and he had a small head. this photo, but the focus was spot on even though it's in the darkest part of the image, the HDR video from the selfie camera again also didn't turn out as dark as it looked on the phone because there was obviously full sun on that screen, so It was a little hard to say that there's a little bit of what feels like shadow clipping because it's really trying to balance both the sky and me, but it's completely usable, so this new selfie camera is solid as well. here is the video with telephoto lens and the stabilization guys. excellent and managed to keep Adam looking like I'm not just walking around like he's almost on a gimbal or something.
The auto exposure is doing a pretty good job here, it's not the highest quality nor the sharpest video I've seen. I feel like the telephoto lens at 1-4 wasPretty much better, but obviously that's what you're paying for. Let's also listen to the PRO music voiceover, the raw process voiceover and here is the process voiceover edited by Sony, okay? This is a test of the Sony Xperia 5 4 microphone using the Music Pro app to record a voiceover. I have some background noise from a person working in the yard behind Mark and then behind me there will be a train and I think I actually hear a plane so there is a lot of background noise here to deal with.
Well, it's been a couple of days because I actually had a couple of problems setting up the account for the Music Pro app, but you guys just listened to both the original and the processed one. I went and just listened to them myself. I mean, I didn't know what I was expecting, but I think Sony did what they set out to do: they made the voiceover sound a little more separate from the background noise of the yard. Worker, you could hear a little less, but things like wind noise and you could hear a little bit of compression throughout the recording, so obviously it's still not an ideal place or environment to record a voiceover and that's As expected, if you start with a bad recording, no level of post-processing will really fix those problems, especially one that's AI-based to be fair to Sony, although I do want to.
In fact, make a recording more here and now to see how it sounds in a studio environment, rather maybe this would be similar to a hotel room if you recorded your voiceover, which is probably what people would do if you even We are going to use this feature, so this is a test of the Xperia 54 microphone indoors, select the setting you want. I'm going to just remove the noise, let's see what D Reverb does, it does some mic simulation and studio simulation, let's do them all. So here is the original. This is testing the Xperia 54 microphone indoors in a studio.
This is testing the Xperia 54's microphone indoors in a studio for the second time. In fact, I'm quite impressed. I think Sony did exactly what they did. I went with this AI based program, the tuned version of this vo sounds much better and somehow eliminates the echo of this being such a large room. It's not perfect, but I would say this phone is pretty good to my ears. ticks a lot of boxes, especially in terms of specs, expandable storage, all that kind of stuff, headphone jack, it's definitely aimed squarely at creators, so it probably fits in the niche of a phone like this, but I really like the that Sony has been doing with its Xperia. line and I really hope they succeed because there are very few other smartphone manufacturers that actually pack all these features into one device so yes $9.99 is expensive and this is not a review it's just a first impression, but this phone is fantastic, it could be better yes but I think they are going in the right direction so I hope Sony succeeds in this case.
Thanks everyone for watching, if you want to see more about the Xperia line, maybe you can check out the 1-. 4 video If you haven't, it's a slightly bulkier and better version of this phone, but also more expensive. I hope you have a good day, take care. I'm looking at Andy. He wants this to end.

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