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This is why we believe... | Langham Hotel Room 333

Jun 07, 2021
well, that's a real thing like the devil type, yeah, like something is attached to you personally and if it's attached to me and now my little brother is getting Yeah, but didn't you say that why you want to do


you want to solve it ? Well, yeah, bro, that's what I think, especially with everything we've done, like we're all screwed. They will all almost certainly be haunted for life, so we can say that's reassuring, man, it's a fact that we are screwed because we don't know what happens when we leave, like you know we can talk to so many. experts as we want there are researchers for like the unknown for like something for like what I don't know and that's something we don't know, like when we play with the spirit world, what happens when we go to it and like I'm in


state of mind where I'm a little tired of running and I just want to find out what's going on and I want to know what's going on and I want to do it, yeah bro, 'cause I don't want to die and then I'm in a blank


with the shadow man staring at me especially for a thousand millions of years.
this is why we believe langham hotel room 333
If it's affecting your family, if my little brother is seeing the shadow man right now, then yes, this is a big problem, maybe it's not a generational thing, maybe it's just the fact that so many people Your surroundings did the same with the Ouija board, but if you can. figure out how to control it or how to save yourself or how to understand it, then you could definitely save them, which is what I want to do and I think that's the reason why we all do this so that we can fully understand and so that no matter what comes our way, we can fight it, what would you all do, bro, if your little brother or sister texted you and I was like, hey, I think I'm seeing something in my


like, would you?
this is why we believe langham hotel room 333

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this is why we believe langham hotel room 333...

I don't feel responsible like I feel like yeah, I definitely would feel responsible, especially for the same things that we've been doing, but now it's also a responsibility to understand it more than ever to be able to answer your questions when you have questions for I think now we just have to Find out how to help you. If you feel like it might be a little bit your fault, then let's fix it. Maybe it would be nice if we called it a night. Sorry guys, I got really weird. I'm sorry to mention that, no no, it's like it's your family, it's totally understandable that the guy during an investigation just shows up late anyway, what did you say this ghost box is ruined or something?
this is why we believe langham hotel room 333
What is this over there? What is this that TSA ruined it with all the candles and stuff and now he's dead and out of battery, okay, so just charge this? Anyway it's getting late, should we meet again at three or something you guys want, yeah? I'm at my best you can see what's possibly going to happen at three and then honestly just move on now it's getting serious and now it's more like let's understand it better yeah we gotta do it bro like we're not doing, I know we have to like it. find out now it's not even like we're hunting ghosts bro, it's like we're putting our family in danger bro or yours, I mean I don't know the origin, I don't think I've really experienced anything. but yeah, since what was that, what was that, what was that right after you talked about your family, holy shit, okay, oh, who is it, it's my friend, okay, it was a random number that I was going to tell Cali, oh my god, it's okay. let's set perfect alarms three or something, but I think it's good to take a break for a minute to relax and then we'll come back to this in a minute.
this is why we believe langham hotel room 333
It's 3D. You still want to do this, buddy. I am so tired. see if the camera is still working, yeah it's actually still on, I'll call Jake Cory, we actually just slept for a couple of hours, they're obviously asleep and didn't set alarms, uh oh someone just called you, who is it Corey Cory?, yes. What time is it? Oh my god, it's 3 33. There's no way you think he randomly woke up at this time. Maybe something happened, friend. I just woke up again because no. I have never had a migraine until this week. I think it is.
Honestly, jet lag isn't, I mean, it's unbearable for like 10 seconds, but it actually woke me up because I feel like I have a slight headache too, but it's definitely not a migraine, it's just, oh my god, we're still filming while asleep. . Yes, why is there something like that? Should we go there? Yes, this is what we do for you. Late like the video. Goodbye merchandising. Let's wake up, Cory, if you've ever wondered what this


looks like at 3 a.m. somehow. This is it, yes, good morning, what are you doing? Yes, what happens sleeping? What are you guys doing coming here because we tried to call you but you didn't answer?
My phone is on the charger, didn't they call? We're like, okay, no, why didn't I call them like two minutes ago, didn't they just call us? The wait, I never called you. Jake called you on the phone. You got a call about 10 minutes ago from Corey. Were you awake? No, it was right after three because we called them at three and they didn't answer, so we. I thought you were calling us buddy I thought you were with me because it was 3 30 and just before I woke up 3 33 sorry I just processed and yes at 3 33 because I had woken up like a minute or two before because like My pain in my head doesn't go away and then I automatically hear your phone ringing.
I was like, "Thank God, he's awake now," Corey Sheer said, yeah, like it's not like a blocked number, but do you have your phone? He says of course you can here? Ask Jay bro, we've both been asleep, look, look, I'll show you the last 3 34. I never called Colby, what the fuck, Colby, Saturday two days ago, should we get out of the


? We thought we'd get up at three, but when? We got up at three and called them, nothing was happening so we decided to call it a night. My phone called Colby or maybe this is a technical problem.
It could have been like on a previous call you received a random notification. Guys, didn't we pass out like two hours ago? Yeah, so we like to set some alarms to try to wake everyone up and get there by three o'clock, but I guess that didn't happen. What was that? Yeah, who got up at three? We have so many things planned tomorrow we should sleep now it's like I don't know what it was it was almost four I feel like we should at least try to sleep one more time I'm waiting now you're okay yeah oh wait.
I didn't even tell you guys when we got here before, this was literally like this and I asked Jake, I asked him if anyone touched him, if he was ever touched right there and he said no, we went down to get water, we came. I backed away and it was like this why don't you just do where the vents are could be part of this oh yeah there is what there is no there's no way to push that this hotel bro okay I definitely agree that We should, is for what, oh God. God, oh my God, Jake, the only thing I can think of is that you guys know it's a prank calling app where you can enter a phone number.
Oh, but how would anyone know my phone number and their phone number at 333 unless they are one of us? friends 333 like if someone was doing it in the United States, how would they know it's going to be here? We'll try to get some sleep and as soon as you wake up, let us know and we'll get out of here. Sorry to scare you, but I'm putting my phone on airplane mode, dude, yeah, do you still have a headache? You could have someone. I would be devastated brother. Oh, thanks, of course, buddy, I got you. Thanks man.
Alright. See, don't be too scared, okay? Do you want to explain to viewers why you are awake? Okay then, yeah, yeah, come on, what buddy? Seriously, he's asking for your help? Wait, phones did it. Should we throw away the phone? down before no okay i think maybe corey and jake were right we should get out of here right now let's go you were like you were waking up too why were you awake dude okay i was going through the footage and in the other chamber, yes, as if I could. I didn't go to sleep after we talked to Corey, so he was going through the pictures and man, I even have to show you something.
I'm pretty sure I captured something, but we'll show them all when we get out, but let's go. Yo, yo, what's wrong? Anyone there. Why are you okay? I'm very nauseous, brother.

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