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This HUGE Tiny House Has EVERYTHING!

Jun 21, 2024
certainly not so. Very much for me, I thought you could get away with it, but no, uh, we haven't done it for you and the design here is really cool, plus it's nice that you have such a bright separation between your bedroom. and your office yes well I work a lot at night and that's why I wanted to have a space that was connected to my rest space in which I wouldn't disturb the others in the


and I could sit here as late at night as necessary and then go to the bed, yes, and it's quite nice that you have I created


almost like a private suite for you inside the little


, yes, it's my creation, so I wanted to create something that I would be happy to hang.
this huge tiny house has everything
It's nice the way you have the different layers here, as well as the different heights, as you know. The seat you are sitting on is the entrance to my son's room so he has a little bit of head room so we turned it into a seat and the seat can be raised and have someone sleep on it, and I do not. I didn't want to have a bedroom where I was constantly bending over, so I needed to have a place where I could stand comfortably, get dressed, access my clothes and all that kind of stuff, so we did the split level, which works very, very well, He certainly did. and it feels a bit like a sanctuary space up here too.
this huge tiny house has everything

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this huge tiny house has everything...

I especially like the textured walls and


that you've done here with the lighting, yes, so I wanted to make it comfortable and a little bit luxurious and I still wanted to have that theme of neutrality with the colors, but I wanted to make sure that I felt comfortable and that It was relaxing and yes, it works, you certainly did it so well. I like how you created


office in such a nice and simple way, you also have the beautiful work table as a desk and then you have the only big bookshelf up here,


is very clean and very organized and it is one of those spaces that almost looks like It encourages you to be productive.
this huge tiny house has everything
Yes, well, I have many books. In fact, I've had to cut back on a lot of my books. Moving here, I wanted to make sure I had easy access because I like to reference a lot. things for my work along the window sill there. I actually have a friend who is German and she does that all over her house and I thought it's a great idea to make those window sills functional and you can put some little things on it so it flows really well and I can sit and relax and read a book or look at something and I can sit there and do my work and um, yeah, no hassle and go up the other stairs to your daughter's loft, yeah, she has her own beautiful private space.
this huge tiny house has everything
Well, great, tell me about that. She has the biggest room in the house. My room is still okay, but I have this extra space here, so I feel very lucky. She is also lucky because she has four windows, she gets lots of fresh air and she loves it. Her little room is bright, so how long have you been living in the little house? A little over a year and how are things going for you? Incredible. I am the luckiest lady in the world. I have my own piece of paradise. like I have landed in the sky, this house means that my dream has become a creation and this creation has been anchored here and I can enjoy it with my family and friends every day, it gave me a focus and allowed me to create. a space that was truly mine and where I could make all the decisions and flavor my way of doing things and uh, it's a pleasure to be able to wake up and say: "wow, I made this, I created this, obviously you put it like this" .
A lot of thought and attention to detail went into the design of this house, is there anything now that you have lived in the house for a while that you would change in its design? I agree about the dining room, sometimes it is a little difficult to get in and out. once you're in and you've forgotten something, you have to go back out, so I don't know, maybe I'd reconsider, but at the end of the day it works most of the time, the table goes up. and downstairs we have stools for visitors so I feel it's functional enough but you know it was a difficult space to think about what to do so I'm happy with the result yes this is a small big house and you have Obviously, no expense was spared with the way you outfitted this too.
I dare to ask about the cost of this house, so I had a budget and the budget was over 100 and I really went beyond that and when I went beyond. that I somehow stopped keeping track of what I was spending because materials had become more expensive. I did some of the work myself and my son helped build this house. My daughter helped me with some painting and stuff, so it was a family effort to save costs, but it was actually a hit to the budget. I'm sure that's how it was. Do you even have a rough estimate of where you think it ended up?
Probably around 200,000, to be honest, for a house of this size and with this level of quality 200,000. It's actually an extraordinary budget, it really was a family effort, yes, wow, and with the house now complete, what? what does the future hold for you? Well, the next stage is outside, so I would love to get a covered terrace and work in the gardens and get more food growing beautifully, well. Here you have done a wonderful job with this house, it is


and you have used every square inch of this house wonderfully. Thank you very much for sharing it with me.
Thanks Bryce, thanks for coming. It's a real pleasure. It's great to be here. Sheree has created such an exceptional home for her and her family. Here you can really see how much attention to detail has been put into each and every aspect of this home. Yes, it is a small, big house, but it is also a big house. A little house that she's doing so much and ultimately, though beyond all of that, I can really connect with the amount of love that Sheree has poured into this space for her family, it's really very special.

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