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This Guy Gives the Worst Advice

Jul 03, 2024
I love the finance gurus on Tik Tock, it's


beautiful cornucopia of shame where they offer some of the



you'll ever hear, sometimes it's even shameless to try to make you lose as much money as possible, other times it's to promote some type of scam. where you pay them for stupid things, that always blows my mind because you're actually failing at the first step of becoming more financially independent by just wasting money on a guy who's really just using you as a little piggy bank to blow up by telling you things. who you want to hear whisper sweet nothings in your ear who are not going to do anything but keep paying you so you can keep sucking on their chest of nonsense that always fascinates me today I want to focus on an outrageously stupid lesson that a financial guru recently tried to teach.
this guy gives the worst advice
This comes from Grant Cardone, who I'm not very familiar with. I've seen a couple of his seminars because he always acts like a clown every time he opens his mouth. I'm going to go ahead and show you the most infamous clip from 2 years ago if I made 400 grand a year I would be ashamed of myself as a husband, as a father, basically as a human being 400 grand, how do you make sense of $35,000 a year? month? I haven't done the math because you can't live on $400k a year, probably one of the most disconnected statements I've ever heard, which is right up there with Ubisoft claiming that their pirate game Bone of Thieves or something like that in water, what is it?
this guy gives the worst advice

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this guy gives the worst advice...

It's called skull, skull and bones, since they claim that was the first quad ever created in a game, it's shocking how delusional that statement from Grant Cardone is. Now I'm not dumb enough to think he actually believes


is one. one of those tough love approaches that a lot of gurus take because for some reason some desperate men have a humiliation problem where they want to be belittled and belittled, like you should be ashamed as a man if you don't make 400 grand. a year like yeah you're right he really should be yeah come on he keeps telling me how naughty I am for not making that much money so he's just going through this scam where he's like H if you're not making 400k Dollars. year you are subhuman you are a worm you are pathetic you make me sick one of you comes here so I can kick your ass for not earning 400 thousand for real please what he is saying is so exaggerated that I think it is pretty It is obvious that he doesn't really believe anything of those $35,000 a month that he claims he can't live on.
this guy gives the worst advice
The citizens of Narnia would recognize that's a ton of money to live on and wouldn't even be familiar with our currency, so the point is that he's just saying the things he thinks people want to hear from this audience to try to make money off of them. Now Grant Cardone made all his money through real estate, he made an absolute killing and he's a multi- now he's a millionaire and so he's changed his goal to basically trying to take advantage of desperate people looking to him to try to improve their financial security, but I will tell you one thing: Grant Cardone is not giving you the tools to improve your financial situation, he is actually only making things worse for you because you are paying him as if you were losing money to get nothing in return.
this guy gives the worst advice
There is no value in any of the lessons I have seen him teach, especially the one I really want. focus on today every 15 year old should do this right now if you get an allowance of 300 dollars a month buy real estate that pays you 30 dollars a month just use the 30 don't touch the 300 but how Would a young, normal person get money? Sad jobs, sad hustles. He was 14 years old. He worked every weekend. He mowed the lawn and did everything he could to make some extra money. Hello friend, you just came from a stupid city. It is really impressive. the amount of dog he was able to cram in in just 20 seconds, that's an accomplishment, that he was able to get that much crap out in just 20 seconds, there are like a million things you can point out as blatantly incorrect here, so let's move on. and dive in, let's do a little colonoscopy with this $300 a month allowance Grant, do you think that's normal?
Do you think that's the normal allowance a child would receive from his family? It's an absurdly high allowance at which point your family is already quite well off. If you get $300 a month when you're 15, why don't you call your butler Jeeves and ask him to take a couple of gold bricks out of the family safe? Then you will have already succeeded as a millionaire. you don't even need Grant Cardone's


on how to achieve it, which is as stupid as a number to throw around, but even putting aside that unrealistic pipe dream of an allowance when you were 15 at $300 a month, let's say you somehow had that Grant when you were 15, how are you going to start investing in real estate with $300 a month?
You will never be approved for a loan when you are 15 years old and receive $300 a month. month as allowance isn't even tied to a job, so good luck finding a reliable place to give you a real estate loan. He's also 15, so he can't even legally purchase real estate without someone co-signing it. you and $300 a month isn't much to start looking at real estate that at best is like a $45,000 property that you could maybe have access to under the most unrealistic circumstances. You better find the pot of gold from the Lucky Charms pet. What it's like to find a house, any property for $45,000 in America right now, with the way the real estate market is, it just doesn't exist, but you know, we'll continue to inhabit this ninth-dimensional wonderland that the brain by Grant Cardone it seems to be. stuck on let's say you found it, you're not going to get a $300 a month loan, you're going to have to make a down payment on this property and that down payment will probably be several thousand dollars, which you won't have from $300 a month unless you You have already saved a couple of years before to pay this down payment.
You can not do this. It is impossible. It's actually impossible. And Grant Cardone is a real estate billionaire and he knows it. but he thinks everyone who follows him is stupid, clumsy Neanderthals and he may be right. I guess if anyone really thinks the advice coming out of his mouth is legitimate, this is so disgusting, so wrong it's unbelievable. I also hate that so many kids watch this and I bet there are no small number of them that actually think this is what they should do and are told this is what every kid should do to make money and maybe one day in the future, against all odds. a 15 year old boy actually succeeds and becomes a landlord my heart breaks whatever family has to deal with that nightmare that hell between leaning towers falls into fortnite and plays roblox with the team then goes and He collects money from his tenants, oh God.
It's so miserable to even think it's a possibility, but in Grant's world, he believes that's what kids should do. In fact, it's amazing how often the financial guru's advice boils down to the first step: start being rich or the first step, don't be poor, and he's even been brainwashed. own daughter like she makes some videos on her Tik Tok page and I'm not here to insult her, it's definitely not her fault, she's like 15, but her father has really convinced her that this is a normal thing that everyone the children have. She accessed it, so she posted a video about how she will be a millionaire before she is 20 and gave advice to kids her age on how to achieve a similar feat.
I'm going to be a millionaire before I'm 20 and that's how I work for my father's company, I have a contract with them and they pay me every month, that money then goes into real estate where I get some passive income and I can spend. I'm going to stop it right there because because the whole tutorial is that I work for my father's company, this is how I will be a millionaire when I'm 20 and it's not like she actually works for the company, she gets an allowance from her father that's like 50 thousand dollars a year. at least according to Tik Tok, where he is giving you bonuses based on the performance of Tik Tok videos, so the advice is to literally be born into a rich family, so it's not something most people can continue. 99% of the population is going to fail the first step because they literally can't just work for their dad's multi-million dollar company, it's just not feasible and yet this entire page, Grant Cardone's entire online career is based on in selling these kinds of meaningless ideas, oh, it's so easy everyone can be rich, just give it a try.
Give me money and I'll reveal the secrets to you and then the secret is basically, hey, don't be poor, invest in real estate at age 15 with your $300 a month allowance, which you guys weren't doing, that's already so easy. but anyway I just wanted to shoot some spitballs at Grant Cardone here today, that's all, see ya.

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