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This Godzilla Analog Horror Gets DARK! | The Man In The Suit

May 08, 2024
It is, yes.This is an illustration from your novel Ash, it's not in my novel, but maybe it should be, maybe it could be. This is like the appendix at the end, so three emojis in your book SP


and that guy, oh man, here we go. Dragon drop, come on. look what


is going to translate, okay, I love this. Godzilla may be a monster but I wonder if that's what he's supposed to be and I have to be in this gigantic amount of bodies to be one with him, thanks Goji, very cool. very good, it's good to know that it will be in this gigantic number of bodies, just all the bodies that GOI will be uh and the actor fell in love with it.
this godzilla analog horror gets dark the man in the suit
I think I think there's absolutely a special bond between the actor. a mascot uniform or a rubber


or, again, how you obviously see yourself in FNAF, where there is a personal connection between the artist and the character, so I, Rings is 100% accurate, would wear the


most part of the time to the point. that you never really saw his face or you never saw his real face even when we took breaks he just wore the suit, the suit sometimes got hot but he didn't care that the actor basically said what it was um oh shoot why didn't I Does it happen to mention his name Morbius Jared?
this godzilla analog horror gets dark the man in the suit

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this godzilla analog horror gets dark the man in the suit...

Basically, it was Jared Leto. This guy was the Jared Leto of Godzilla. The actor who takes it too far and everyone's like he's okay, dude, just take off the suit. Alright. It was going to be okay it was like he was addicted to the suit like he was saying his name. I love the part where Godzilla is on every set and it's gotten to the point where he takes the suit home even though we tell him not to. oh, he's just a scoop, just a scoop of Godzilla, he didn't really talk much, but he said his name is goji, basically the nickname we gave the suit just SPO last time we saw him on set, he was acting. in the suit until he stopped this is the photo that was taken I love photos several minutes later he started walking and stopped once again his breathing was muffled but he was also breathing strangely the director thought it was a joke poking him to come back to put him in his place but he didn't move no, I'm Godzilla, don't touch me, I'm Godzilla, hit him with his tiny rubber arms, get off me, director after two minutes of strange breathing, very strange, people said to check him and make sure he took off the suit, oh man this was the photo someone took before the person on the right saw what was inside, the man opened the costume to see it was growing inside the suit, his flesh was I would go slowly. it tore while trying to open the pocket where the actors would enter the suit oh it fused with the suit that's cool that's really horrible like the suit is now his skin that's amazing oh that's wild that's really horrible somehow his body it deformed to the point that it was filling the inside of the suit it feels like i saw this as an anime somewhere or as a manga this is what they expected as they expected this is what they got expectation vs reality this is what they found here come on I love like the diagram, just a man from a bathroom, wait for it, it was amazing, it was like one of the best scary sounds I've ever had.
this godzilla analog horror gets dark the man in the suit
I admit this is what they found, yeah, I mean, that would be pretty horrible, it's like a little D. a dinosaur inside a dinosaur, it's still filling the meat here, it's still growing, it's a cool concept, I love it, uh, but yeah, the idea of ​​growing like skin, like fusing or sort of mutating to fill the suit, oh god, no. oh no Ash, what do you mean no? For a minute I thought oh, this is fun and original, but suddenly I realized that Five Nights at Freddy's just did this because in the books the impersonator can warp and fuse together. into things and grows and expands and mutates its body to fill the suits, which is what this is doing.
this godzilla analog horror gets dark the man in the suit
I feel like you know there's that Simpsons Did It Meme like South Park did this whole stunt right where like South Park was trying to do something and then they ran around and said The Simpsons did it. The Simpsons did it because The Simpsons has been around for so long that they've done literally everything in every genre. I feel like FNAF FNAF might be turning into that for


where it's like oh yeah imposters in jumpsuits uh FNAF did it oh sorry someone fused to fuse into the skin of his suit FNAF did it fazu people turned into monsters stickies in a virtual reality headset setup oh FNAF did it oh man this is what we've become as a society it's tragic um so next up is the angurius suit incident of 1955 so this was 54 55 and we have the text here, well, oh wow, that's a lot of text, let's see what we have the full description in English.
I had to do it in two parts. Okay, soon an army will rise. An army that I created. An army that shows what happens when there is a nuclear war. They will end up with the same creatures they created with him. atomic bomb the truth will be known to others and soon my family will be Avenged they will understand that we will not resign I am not afraid of anyone I am not afraid of weapons I am not afraid of bombs Goji please help me please help me what is happening please help me please help me why my body hurts well probably because your skin has fused with your suit it's not the most comfortable situation I'll say why I can't talk I can't talk it hurts please help Me please help me please help me , how can I see what happened, my daughter will be okay, help me, why can't you hear me, help, don't talk, please help me, please help me, please God, there is no God that is okay, so he's talking.
This then this idea of ​​uh, why can't you help me? Don't talk, it looks like he and the suit are having a back and forth conversation, um, no God, that would also look like that's Godzilla's suit answering who you are and what you do. want from me I would like you to participate why is it so painful that I can't get out of the suit calm down you are one with the suit why please help me someone please listen listen to me and only for me you were I was not chosen for you I was not chosen for no reason so you're saying I was chosen for a reason yeah that's what we're going to do huh I heard you lost your daughter, did your daughter die in a bomb?
Don't worry, I will heal you, I will heal you again, I will help you, but only if you help me, do you want to take revenge on your daughter, on your son, on his wife who died without any remorse, who are you, this is goji, just Goji, so one of the things? so they're talking about whether your family died in a bomb. I'm and this is 1950 1955 1956 um we dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima in what was 45 yeah so this was 45 I I've been to the Atomic Bomb Museum in Hiroshima it's amazing it's so moving so sad and tragic and at the same time so hopeful and inspiring, which I think was one of the things that surprised me the most about the museum's approach, wasn't it? atrocity that happened, please make sure this never happens to anyone else again and I think it's like such a moving and such a great message from the people involved in this, the families involved in this, the culture that had to endure this to Somehow, he looks forward and says, "Hey, we, we've endured this horrible thing, so in that way, no one else, please make sure no one else has to do this, it's, it's, it's "an amazing museum if you are ever in Japan." and in the southern part of the country, make sure you take the time to visit because it's amazing and I learned a lot about that whole series of events that were really educational for me because you know in the US you get half of it. of the story, uh, but this is 1945, so if this is happening in 1955, then it was 10 years later, so this is very believable, right, this person who is in the suit would have potentially lost people to the bomb, even even the first one I saw.
Hirosima here somewhere, right? I swear I saw it, oh oh, it's, it says here in the location, so the location is based on Hiroshima in the description, so again that reaffirms this idea that it's not just like that, haha, Godzilla is fun. It's a fun



, but it's tied to the history of this, and in case you don't know, the other thing worth mentioning is that I have this kind of horror movie. I saw her again in cin Massacre. mentioned above, but the whole premise of Godzilla, right, he is born from nuclear fear, right, Godzilla is a creature born from basically like nuclear fallout, right, he is, he is representative of a nuclear attack that hits a country specifically in Japan , is a fictional character. version, obviously, he is this mutant lizard and this and that, but in essence he is representative and symbolic of the fears of the atomic bomb, of its destructive force and how he is this unreal, reasonable and unstoppable monster that tells all this through from a Godzilla story.
It's actually really interesting, probably a topic for another day or just a general topic that I think is endlessly fascinating, but that idea of ​​horror movie monsters is born and evolves from the fears of the time, in the nuclear war era during the In the Cold War era there were a lot of things that were aliens or body snatchers, like if you can't trust the people around you because you know it's the Red Scare, that person on the street could be a communist and you know he could be spying. about you or steal your secrets or seek to betray you in some way or you also had the nuclear age where the giant mantis was, the Godzilla things, all these large creatures, the giant woman things that were like well, yeah the radiation will take over you. and then all of a sudden we were mutants, so that was a big thing, a couple of years ago, or like around the turn of the millennium, with the Matrix and stuff, you had a lot of stories. about how computers computers take over what happens when we are assimilated into the Matrix, this is reality and therefore movies and media are a fascinating distillation of the collective fears and fixations of a society that you know and right now we are really obsessed. with people like personalities uploaded into a computer and duplicated and what it means to be alive and conscious and that's why you get all these stories from people who like content, uh, like playtime, you know.
People like capitalism where people become monsters and companies turn them into fodder for the product, right, that's one thing, or you have stories like FNAF where it's like glitch tra and people get uploaded to a machine and then brainwashing others and stuff like that it's like what is humanity where are our brains located what is the role of humans in a society where computers get smarter so it's cool to look at this 1955 era and to have a story that is I talked about these fears that were so prevalent at the time, so I'm again, I'm very excited about where they're going to take it, not one, but two of the scariest creatures ever unleashed upon man, each one of them a furious and unkillable horror. both on a rampage to stun all your senses gigantis the fire monster born to destroy each other but first they will destroy the world here is the cinematic adventure and excitement to amaze the imagination loving the fantastical moners storming out of the flaming bowels of hell Mighty gigus crushing entire cities in his rage oh look and again you have that leg and the deadly hurus screaming ptal combat challenge the battle of the ages scenes and sights and sensations beyond anything beyond oh I was excited to see where it was going , was so involved in the battle, the man in the Godzilla suit still appeared in the next movie, if they stopped and told anyone about the man in the suit, Toho would have been sued and ridiculed for keeping such a disgusting creation, so that they decided to keep it out of the public.
They could take advantage of the success of Goeta's classic. They say, "Oh, this guy is too valuable to waste. We don't have to. We don't have to pay him overtime anymore. It's great that the man in the Godzilla suit got privately vetted." doctors doctors say that he has taken, he has taken a drug that caused the skin and flesh to swell inside the suit and the skin and flesh fused together making the outside of his suit his skin, wow, he took a drug that made his skin and his flesh puff up, I mean how is it, I felt the urge to do the, I'll have what he's joking about, but I don't think I want that, actually, we just finished with uh uh, do the whole Willy Wonka how we read Willy Wonka. book uh for Ali and then we did the two Willy Monk and the Chocolate Factory movies so I think about things that make people puff up and I just think about uh Violet Board chewing that gum that turns her into a giant blueberry and she simply chewing gum that inflates it into a giant blueberry.
In Gogeta's suit, his bones were rearranged inside to match the height of the suit, which reminds me of Harry Potter where they like the bones to grow back or maybe he has a Hold the Balloons Pea from the games from Mario where Mario simply turns into a balloonsplashing around as one of them frantically tried to get out of the other's reach, only one of them rose from the water was this man in the suit, come on man in the suit, you bought it, you knocked Shichi down. He was sick to his stomach not wanting to know what he had done to Shoichi.
I grabbed my other camera and ran. Shichi is in the cast listing Ash ever since. You already have the team and everything ready. I tried to leave the long hallways of Toho Studio wanting to take a quick breath of fresh air but I heard screams from the room I had left, yes, where really yes, it is a real person who played. King Kong yes, really, yes, the power went out. I used my camera flash trying to look around frantically trying to find a way out. I heard someone's footsteps walking towards me. Oh, shoot. I thought he was an employee.
I took a photo wanting to find a get out quickly oh this is It's increasing now it wasn't an employee it was the man in the suit this is the picture it was just him he was trying to evacuate like everyone else here we go here it's going to be like running Bring or Yes, that's fair. Bring, there you have it. This is good. I like it. I really like this one I like where it's going I like that it feels different I love that it has a theme and a perspective on a theme and that it's also all infused with these really interesting real life events, movies and pop culture , there are a lot of things that this is weaving together in a very interesting and compelling way to me.
I think obviously a lot of


horror stuff is just sort of riffs on completely original ideas, completely unique settings and horrors and this and that, but weaving the story of a very famous and instrumental character in the history of horror and the history of monster movies and then weaving that together with real-life events in terms of the atomic bombings and then also weaving together elements of analog horror and doing it in a way that's coherent and respectful and makes sense. It is really a difficult challenge. The fact that this channel was unknowingly able to do this so effectively with the analog horror series Godzilla is truly impressive.
And really, really, something worth applauding. I think this is finding a really good balance between leaning into real-life fears and fears, using real-life events as a starting point, but also being very respectful of what's happening. Here I'm excited to see where it goes, but overall this is fantastic and I understand why people have been talking about it more and more and requesting it, and I'm glad you brought it to my attention, Ash, for sure. amazing man, you're the best, you're the best anyway, that's the start of our coverage of the man in the suit, will we react to more?
Let us know in the comments if you want to see more. I encourage you. Watch everything on the channel first before getting our reactions because obviously this is a promising channel that deserves a lot of attention. With this story coming up, you'll definitely want to follow it without knowing it. Make sure you press it. subscribe button so that way it shines and has little fireworks and you can get that little hit of dopam and then come back here where we'll talk about it at length over an extended period of time because that's what we do here so anyway Thank you all so much for watching, thank you Ash and congratulations again on finishing and completing and I hope to see you soon in your shirt in the office, thank you friend and as always my friends, I will see you in the next upload.
Meanwhile, remember that it was not a live broadcast but it was a video, a video for us to see each other.

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