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Jun 07, 2024
so last month my friends went up against some of the most talented kids in the entire world, yeah we know how that was, oh yeah that was embarrassing, that wasn't good, so today we have a new group of kids who are still most talented and some of the biggest child prodigies in the entire world why I love to embarrass you guys you're probably wondering why you're all here yeah I'm scared what's going on Brad shit


is Kate just he's 14 years old and he's a three time world renowned champion in karate Jiu Jitsu and kickboxing he's literally The Karate Kid okay Kane show us what you got oh oh have all my fingers so we're okay can we see how big


sword is compared to?
this girl is so strong no one can beat her
I don't trust Drew's head, look how big that is, what the hell is it, okay, where does he keep getting all these weapons? Oh my goodness, are you ready to start training? Yes, oh my God, to warm up our strength, we will be. breaking a slab of wood, why am I holding this? Oh, my hand hurts, it seems pretty easy to me. Oh oh, oh my gosh, okay Lexi, that means you're awake, boy, come on, okay, who was the best Lexi? I think she's just trying to do it. flirting with Lexi is exactly what you're doing, so now you guys are going to go one on one against Kane.
this girl is so strong no one can beat her

More Interesting Facts About,

this girl is so strong no one can beat her...

Wow, I never agreed with this, well he didn't agree with a lot of things either, but we're here, okay? True, you are the first to get up. I'm not going to fight with a 14-year-old boy. I'm 15. What, oh wait, hey, hey, man, I feel like we've been really good friends so far, right? Oh, I'm sick of you making a fool of Jeremy and I, so I want to give you another chance, step aside, that's not a good idea, oh my god, oh my god, I'm starting to not like you ever you liked him in the first place, oh my God, and if he were You don't intimidate our next prodigy.
this girl is so strong no one can beat her
He is one of the most talented children's gymnasts in the country. This is Salish and she is only 13 years old. When you started? I don't even walk it. Ben can't even walk. Now wait, what am I? I'm fine now, guys, you can use these. Look, how small it is compared to my body. I realize it won't make us better at gymnastics, right? I know it'll embarrass you even more, right? Salish, yes, perfect, oh my god, my outfit is so tight. I can barely breathe, I like the druze back and you might want to work on this a little, oh what's first?
this girl is so strong no one can beat her
I think we should stretch first, get you guys ready, okay, guys, run, you'll sit like this, okay, and then? Kirsten, you're going to sit here, lie down real quick. I don't want to mention it, mention it, mention it. I'm not participating in that stretch with Drew, okay guys, now let's do the floor, let's do some cartwheels. she's actually really good at tumbling, I can do tumbling, okay oh my gosh, falling into Brent's DMS one day you think you can do better than that, no, oh she's good at gymnastics and she's good at lying. I think you should give Pearson a hug and a kiss. just in case just in case I'll see you later it's nice to meet you I don't like this oh that was the best that was the best she had good form okay they're just joining in with me okay guys let's do a backflip whoa oh oh wow oh my god what's going on was a little better than Ben, come on let's try there's more would you like them to copy this routine?
Okay, that's easy, oh wow, so before you go, any advice, yeah, don't do it. fall that wasn't a Takedown oh oh oh oh guys I don't do gymnastics okay yeah we know it actually made Ben look like a prop yeah oh oh oh oh I'm off balance from the balance beam to the Ice skating rink, my friends. They were being shown by kids half her age, so guys, this is Elena, she's 11 years old and she's one of the best figure skaters in the entire world. God, are you going to show my friends today? Yeah, oh, I'm scared, buddy.
I'm scared too and ice skating is not going well, guys, let's get dressed, why did she laugh when she said that dress? What are we wearing, brother? How do they look? They look great. I don't feel very well. Liv, what are they? you guys use safety kid safety I think we're ready to try some tricks okay so what's this one called? Swizzles, okay, no, you guys look ridiculous, oh, that doesn't seem that hard, it may not seem that hard, but I know it will be. be okay, right, try it, oh okay, I think it's time for me to try it, here we go, okay, that's pretty bad, let's pair up and do some performances because she's so bad she'll ruin my eyes, right?
Are you ready for our performance? I'm so excited to see this, oh after all I got a three out of 10. That means Dom and I won the skating competition. Damn, I'm wearing a dress and I'm a loser. This is the last trick, oh God. God we're not doing that no YouTube this is not a smart idea right not right oh oh father oh no are you okay no I'm not okay okay Brian I'll see you soon our next prodigy is Chase he's the youngest in gain? two championships on scooter and I've only been doing it for five years my friends aren't going to wait for this okay so Chase you were telling me there's an extreme trick you want to try yeah this one's for you Lexi this one for me Yes, let's see.
You're impressed but I'm impressed, but I mean it was still weird. I say Chase, let them try it now. What are you saying? Yeah, he's just trying to hurt us. Okay, so we'll start slow. What are you doing? That doesn't seem like it. easy you have this video Try it all here we go oh hit my ankle so hard it's like my worst fear as a kid it was embarrassing thanks Chase I need this band save me first this isn't even a fish I can't even buckle up. Oh, that's how you do it, good luck, that doesn't really help me, join me and do you think Ben can do this?
He will fall and it will be so funny bro, the helmet fell off before he even started. What did you think Chase? I think it's very bad. Oh my god, I'm not doing that, just don't hit your ankle. I can't promise you that. Don't know. I think we know what this means, right? Chase. it's Lexi's turn yeah oh my god I'll do it like this oh wait you're already on your way wait what happens when you're 14 and you have to pick her up on a scooter so right now we're here in the gym? Yes, I know you guys have been looking for a personal trainer, so I found a personal trainer for you.
Oh, are you ready to meet her? She, yes, she, oh, come on, okay, open your eyes in three, two, one, of course, yes, I am. this is a brody, she is one of the




s in the entire world and she can lift three times her weight, which doesn't even make sense, she is second in the world in jiu jitsu and is on her way to being an olympic weightlifter, show us what. You got it, I'm totally ready, oh my god, we'll do a snatch first, oh my god, yes, yes, beautiful, she's fine, Liv, you're next.
I'll make sure your legs are straight, like the first step was. Oh, I can't do it right, I think that's enough, uh, no, it's not like you thought we were just getting started, we're just getting started, oh, I feel like I could do that, oh, oh, holy shit, oh, oh, okay , so Brody, what? Do we have the following? Let's do a pistol jump. My God. Oh, that was very good. I did it. Why are they so difficult? This weighs 115 pounds. Wait, how much do you weigh? 70. You are going to lift weight. almost twice your weight, yeah, by the way, I don't know how she lifted this, okay, then let's do some Jiu Jitsu, but I need a volunteer, yeah, you know, then you're going to get into your scarecrow, she broke me the arm, how? you feel Drew it's not good why am I doing this right oh actually I was just um I know I really just have to grab something from the box oh my god oh now we're going to arm wrestle are you all ready oh come on?
Okay, Dom, you've got this, you think? No, no, no, Dom, you hurt the best


of the day scream because since you


us at almost everything, we want to see what it would look like if you went against the


est guy in the world. the world so we have here so you can fight the problem is that you can't even take your shirt off look at these muscles she's demanding well, two, one, okay, apparently only one percent of subscribers can like the videos on this moment on YouTube, that's weird, so everyone try it and comment below and let me know if it works.
This week's shout out goes to Chris Plays and we'll see you next week. Goodbye friends.

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