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This Game Will TRIGGER YOU..!

May 09, 2020
parts can come back here please I'm just going to give you the old slap the classic


man just dodged me hey get out of there well I tried to be nice turns out I just can't be nice that's right where are you why are you? dead I hope you're dead you better be dead there it is there it's compromised why are you so fast probably because you have eight legs I swear I saw another one too don't go crazy, I'm going crazy how much I clean my son's room it's a disaster beer cans a random wrench the traffic lights are still a bit weird that's look at his phone what his phone is now broken pen usb drive diary could read the newspaper wait and another phone why are there two phones what's going on that's over for the last time I tell you to clean your room and you don't, so when you come home from wherever you are now it


be very difficult to clean your rooms when there isn't much of that.
this game will trigger you
At least there are no spiders, no, that's a positive side, ah, bad tree, okay, I forgot who should look. It's her, the pots, the boys have cheese buns, what can you do with the cheese popsicles? Okay, let's unlock


. I think this is the studio, right? I think that's going to have to go up in flames too or I can put the cheese balls in, wait let me grab this battery real quick let's grab this too new target ah cheese they're attracted to it you idiot idiot I've got the last one . battery, catch him, catch him, these are all fast, wait, I'm not going to hurt you, oh why is this room so messy?
this game will trigger you

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this game will trigger you...

I'm not going to hurt them, I promise, well, where did they go? Ah, your


, a chair


always get angry. He's definitely going to be angry, I got you, oh there he is, there's one more thing, always on fire, it doesn't matter, we can let that guy die. We've done 16, how many do you need to kill? We have to go. 20, okay, four more and me. I bet they're all here. I found batteries. Discover a secret room. There is other equipment we can use. What could it be? I was one of the containers. I caught it.
this game will trigger you
Yes. Sorry about your computer. It may be there. Maybe it's my computer. I'm not. I heard the noise I made after I might have to light the old fire to destroy all the pictures, I don't care, the books are falling over by accident, look at all these secret USB batteries, I don't know what this is all about. things are secret documents gifts I love cargo shorts cool anything about diamonds I don't know my wife all of this are you kidding me? She thinks it's funny to spend our money on this and what's in the safe, huh, what's not?
this game will trigger you
I want you to find it, fortunately, there are no spiders here, there are no spiders on any other disposable phone, my family is up to something strange. I don't like it, I don't like it at all, oh well that was big, yeah, only two more left, oh wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I missed it. Okay, big boys out. Where are you going? Hey? Where are you going? Oh really. Where did you go? Where did you go? I take out the shotgun and you get scared, hey, look what it's like, I'm sure. You stayed in this room, you didn't mean to do that, but that works pretty well, reaction times like a feast, we only have that spider left and I have no idea where the noise was from, when everyone gets home I'll take them down .
Wait, wait, isn't it? Yes, my goals break the framed memories, okay, if I must, oh, and this latest self-portrait of mine, ah, I've unlocked the safe, wait, wait, there's more, what are you guys doing here? I did not realize. that will be more vo and we won't be when the kids get home, wife, get home, not only did I open the safe that will reveal some dark secrets, but I found a secret room and I was in the house, it shouldn't be. smoking, then you should, you little punk, I'll reveal this to him when he walks in the door and tell him: hey, because you've been smoking, I smoked your stuff, that's right, I smoked it all, now clean the house, right where the secret room is .
I totally forgot, it's here, right? And then we may have a little smoke left. How much is left? Yes, ten ammunition to try to find the rest. What are you giving to the safe? What's it gonna be? Cash, cash, okay, cash, but let's talk about it. the real thing right here c4 I'm on the lookout for squeaks if I hear a squeak I'm blowing it up oh oh to squeak that's right, that's right, everything I did with that, oh, that was amazing, how many of these do I have that someone else already wants squeak someone else wants to squeak oh wait there's a battery here did I drop one?
I don't hear any squeaks. Did I successfully get rid of all the spiders? I said there were a handful left, but I'm thinking. There aren't any, I have 23 spiders, that's pretty, that's pretty good, just in case, although I'll do c4 in the toilet, I'll close the lid real quick and then one more just for good luck, okay, I thought I was going to be behind there. for good luck let's put one in, I'm just going to do a second one here, I should have been smoking, you should, little punk, see, listen, little Teddy, here, he's going to die, are you ready, teddy bear, hilarious that you will teach you to disobey me, you little punk, okay, so I didn't kill two spiders with one shotgun blast that's like some Opie thing right there.
I don't know if I can do that if I killed 23 spiders and got seven. batteries we start leaving my house we end up here look at this beautiful this


is so good oh that's the full demo more levels more weapons more spiders more upgrades and more fire so we can go outside we get a little glimpse of the kitchen like Well, this game is fun so I had some cargo shorts as an upgrade pad, cool and stylish, just five extra slots to assign gear we couldn't do this because we didn't get enough points. Grainy tracker increases battery life.
Those super long ones. Spider tracking sessions we already used. I should have used it. I would like to update it. Oh, I'm an idiot. And this is all we have used. You can lure them in with Cheetos and there, bam, a dead shotgun revolver, whatever you want. sea ​​lion, you might feel a little more, guys. I enjoyed this game. I hope you did too. I hope it didn't cause them too much amusement if they did. If you enjoyed the video, don't even like it. It is greatly appreciated. Subscribe. your brand is new Buy that big red subscribe button right below the video and I'll see you in the next one.
I'm going to go check my office for more eight-legged friends and I'll see you soon, bye.

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