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THIS GAME WANTS TO BE BROKEN - Crab Champions Is A Perfectly Balanced Game with no Exploits or Bugs

Mar 18, 2024
Oh no, video


developers, you don't want me to do


, not really, hello ladies and gentlemen,


is Crab Champions, a video


created by the Irish DJ who made the song Crab Rave, in this game you are a


who must Fight waves of enemies and bosses in a quest to become more powerful. It may seem simple and standard, but this is one of the best games I've ever played for one simple reason: the developer


you to break the game, as you already know. Great British video games make a living, it's rare that a developer actively encourages you to exploit their systems and destroy game balance, so what happens when exploiters and developers work together?
this game wants to be broken   crab champions is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits or bugs
Well, you're about to find out, so let's jump in. I enter the first level and I will quickly explain the game in a very simple way. I'm a


with a gun and there are other crabs and slugs running towards me. Killing them will release purple crystals. I can use these purple crystals in the shops to buy upgrades every time. I clear an island, a chest will appear and I can get a chest upgrade. It's basically like vampire survivors, yes it was actually very, very, very good and fun, well, you know, that game is good and fun, but there's something wonderful about crab


this game wants to be broken   crab champions is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits or bugs

More Interesting Facts About,

this game wants to be broken crab champions is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits or bugs...

Similar to Risk of Rain 2, this game is not afraid to let the player become an unstoppable overpowered God and that is exactly what we are going to do, so here we go, first on the island, we eliminate very easy enemies, for of course, and we get a damage chest. In it, we can get various upgrades, such as trick shot, so that we do more damage when we fire from the hip and less when we aim with a large shot, so our shots are larger and cause more damage, but they move slower, or a snake shot where you know your shots aren't.
this game wants to be broken   crab champions is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits or bugs
We're going to hit anything, we're going to do a trick shot because like most YouTubers playing an FPS game, there is absolutely no way I can aim, then we can choose which level to go to next. Or choose a damage chest in an arena or a spike chest, a spike chest of course has a higher value reward, but I lose 33% of my health. This may sound dangerous, but don't worry, this whole game is basically about risk and reward W I'm also deliberately playing with a weapon called the orb launcher, a stupidly fast-firing weapon that deals a very good amount of damage, so yeah, here we go, the island is cleared and our beautiful Spike chest appears, it only cost me 132 life, but "I can get some upgrades, this one here is very useful, it basically means that for a short time after eliminating an enemy you don't "We use ammunition, it doesn't directly increase our damage, but it increases our production and I like that next." I'm going to look for a speed upgrade, I actually just walked into an explosive barrel which is like for me, oh and there's also a way that you can technically upgrade this game a little bit, which is that when you unlock things in the lobby using keys, You can take them into your race as long as it's the first time you unlock them, in my case that means I entered this race with a landmine shot, which is a legendary ability that as you can imagine will make this race a little easier. but I'm going to go with Rapid Fire to increase the rate of fire and then oh I love the lucky chest but I also love The Relic chests both are two good options okay let's go for the lucky chest Relic, okay? we just have some enemies heading towards us and we have to survive for about 36 seconds which can be pretty spicy, oh my god the sniper crabs are the worst.
this game wants to be broken   crab champions is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits or bugs
Sniper crabs are very, very dangerous. There we go, we can eliminate them. I climbed a bit and survived the horde. Wonderful heaven, we have 82 lives, but okay, oh, we can choose a hard target that reduces incoming damage and a relic chest. Chests contain more free loot options, that's something awesome or fast, reload your weapon is also very good. I'm going to go with the coral amulet now, of course, because I'm killing things pretty reliably. Basically, I'll never have to worry about ammo for a while. It basically means that I don't necessarily have to worry about reloading my gun. weapon that massively improves my DPS output and oh my god there's a lot of pumpkins okay but here we go level clear we get a random buff of some kind we have a lot of options now I'm awesome we can wind it up. meaning the shots do more damage per shot until I stop shooting, but since I'm unlikely to reload, I'm unlikely to stop shooting right now, now we keep shooting and there we go, now we're doing 20 damage per shot , which is We've improved massively from where we were previously, we become fantastic, we manage to survive four and get an epic chest with a higher upgrade option, and now that we've cleared enough levels, we can go to the store. a wonderful place to rest and also to play in general.
The shop is run by this charming crab. Here Tony, in Tony's shop, we can buy various upgrades and raise UPG grades, we can increase our maximum HP and if we have more crystals, we can obtain them. more articles, everything is very good, but after Tony's purchase we must face an elite, this is a high-powered enemy, in our case it is an elite lightning crab, quite spicy because if it hits us, we would not be doing it very good, unfortunately for him. he shoots very fast and gets killed very easily, okay we get another epic chest, what is this double tap chance so that the shots deal damage twice?
I like that, yeah, let's go for that, that's crazy, straight to the next biome. Come on, now we are in the ice world, which means we have some new enemies, all the enemies become more powerful and we have some new environments to fight against all of them, but the most important thing is that I am doing more damage, so that life is good and now. yeah, instead of just doing a base six or so damage per shot, we can do about 30, which is a really nice upgrade, and oh look, these relics get an extra portal. The choice after each island is incredible.
The skill ring is amazing. The value ring is amazing and the duplication ring is great too. All of these relics are incredible. Well, that's right, let's take the portal ring. More options, rather. Okay, let's go find the lucky chest. This is a splendid idea, trust me. luck in this game is basically just a way to manipulate RNG and if you know anything about survival games it's that manipulating RNG is always the quickest way to destroy any semblance of balance. Now this is the item I've been looking for the lucky charm, luck increases after clearing an island flawlessly and luck based mods are more likely to trigger, basically the more flawlessly we play this game the better we become , which, as you can imagine, can get pretty cheesy because it's just continually reinforced endlessly.
Good time for a section I like to call science with spiff. We just picked up an item called a lucky charm. It is an item that increases our luck stat by 5% every time we clear an island without taking damage. This does not add 5% luck, as that would be


and normal, instead it increases your current luck stat by 5%. This means that with four Lucky Charms you more than double your luck stat every five islands, as you can imagine this breaks very quickly, like in this video. the algorithm, if you like it, go ahead, do it. I believe in you anyway.
Now we can enter the store once again, this time with a little more money than last time and, uh, the store has been drastically improved with a lot more. options but these options can get pretty cheesy because as you can see this perk here is 75% off which means I only need 290 crystals to buy it but like I said this game


to be


so I can get the Speed ​​park ​​Demon for 290 drop it on the ground and sell it for 581 this ladies and gentlemen is capitalism four crystals to roll I will do that because when we roll we get one thing that does have a 75% discount so we can buy that, leave it in the grind and sell it and make money, right?
I'm very happy with the upgrades I've gotten, so in the elite fight we go where we have to fight some kind of big, creepy crab, oh my god, it's a crazy poisonous crab by the looks of it. Okay no it's a lightning crab and oh the worst kind of crab but luckily I can deal a good amount of damage to it so it should be dead relatively soon yeah perfect okay on to the next biome we go to . Now you're in the fun, spicy desert sand biome, full of slugs and red ants and generally big, mean enemies that just want to hurt you with fire, which isn't the kind of damage I like.
Oh my lucky charm increased my luck by 5. % yeah that's really cool Cy Vortex what grenades explode into vortexes C is kind of crazy. Do I grab that? I mean, I have to do it. I really have to do it alone because I could sell it for so much money. Let's go find a lucky chest. Hello. there mister slug now the problem with my luck stat is that it increases everything i have that is likely to go off, for example my land mines will increase now eventually this will lead us to a situation where every time a bullet of mine hits an enemy, a land mine will simply be summoned from the air above them, which, as you can imagine, is pretty bad, especially when I'm shooting as fast as I do and my luck has just increased by a 5% more. so my luck stat is up to 165% very good uh what do we do next?
I think we're going to an economic chest why not, oh my gosh, look at all the landmines we're dropping. Yeah, oh, this is brilliant, you don't even need it. To worry about crowd control or AOE, we have landmines and my luck just increased by 10% because of that amazing love, let's go find another lucky chest island, but this one is perfect, which means that if you don't I take damage, I'll get a second reward chest, come on, come on, come on, just dodge and move Dodge and move 1 second to the left and we did it. Luck increased by 10% and two cheap chests, life is good, oh wait, no, we just got a free lucky chest.
Okay, sure, no, let's go find another lucky charm, since this seems like a horribly


chance to get an extra chest by clearing an island without problems. Well, that's probably good, yeah, let's look for a chance to get an extra chest and then, ooh, a flawless one. Relic chest potentially we have to go destroy all the enemy nests okay I see this is the enemy nest okay I did it unfortunately I took some damage so this is not going to be perfect but here we go we clean up the island. Relic chest for us, oh there is a purple relic, ah yes, gain low gravity movement, this is possibly the most powerful relic in the game currently, this is simply because now that I move in low gravity, the AI enemy has not been updated to deal with it. that means it's very hard for them to hit me, which as you can imagine is quite useful for me, there we go, we cleared the island lovely and did it even without problems.
Splendid, my luck increased by 15%, okay, double economy chest. What do we do now? Actually, I'm only going to take 24,000 crystals. By the time we get into the store, that will be fine. So we're at Tony's magical Giga store. Once again, we have an opportunity to make money. I gain crystals by damaging enemies. In fact, I will buy them. Normally I would sell them, but why not keep them? We're basically just looking for any luck-based triggers, like saying streamer loot is cool. Ah, double vision. Here we have. I have a chance to get an extra chest after clearing an island, of course, the more luck stats we have, the better you will get crystal dividends.
Yeah, that just increases our money every time we clear an island and then I'll sell this high caliber for something. extra cash roll again another lucky charm let's buy it but I need to buy another lucky charm here we go. I think we should be good at fighting enemies now in terms of my DPS output, it's pretty good at the moment. we reach around 2000, this is very low by the standard of this game. I have to kill this Elite lightning crab, unfortunately for my Elite lightning crab friend, uh, I should be able to defeat them very easily, yeah, and there we go, oh my crystal.
The dividend has given me an extra 338 and I have generated some additional chests. Is there a chest on the floor? It would seem like this. I'm going to acquire another double vision. There we go, so we have a higher chance of getting an extra chest. And then, oh, I can pick it up again,person. oh, this is very bad, well, uh, the DPS now reaches a big number, a very big number, big screen shaking, I think I saw 100 million, let's defeat the final boss. This is the second time we've faced the final boss, so it should be a lot of fun.
Now we have to face the giant ant, which is terrifying to everyone, um, I don't know about you, but we could fight it. I'm going to click just to be sure, oh, okay, it's almost dead, let me try it. There's a dead grenade that was Flawless, of course, again. I can't do this in any way other than Flawless. It would seem that I am immune to damage. I think this is the end, ladies and gentlemen, we have reached Island 95. and as you can imagine, I am much faster than I used to be. I am completely unkillable.
I can no longer take damage. I can do infinite amounts of DPS. To the point where I am completely unstoppable. My money. Infinite damage. Infinite health. I have become an infinite being and I must defeat this Skull King. Yes, this is the overlord on island 96. Really scary, deadly dangerous and with one click of my mouse, completely dead. Truly amazing. Oh my god, I'm just too good, uh, yeah. The shooting is a glorious visual mess, but the gameplay has become so entertaining. My luck stat is 108,000, my overall damage is up to 15,000 and there we have it. Crab Champions is a



game, no feats, we are unstoppable and have achieved an infinite scale of power, but in a rare twist, I can't help but feel that the developers intended this game to be broken and to the developer of this game I congratulate you because it was a real pleasure to experience being rewarded for pushing a game. to its limits is always a lot of fun, so thank you very much for the experience, as always, a huge thank you to The Majestic Sausages who are my YouTube members and sponsors for funding my never-ending tea addiction.
I'll see each and every one of you lovely ones. Next people have a glorious day and goodbye for now.

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