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This CONCRETE PIT is Hiding One of The BIGGEST Fish in The WORLD!!! (New PB!)

Jun 07, 2024
oh there's a


in oh big


, big fish


could be the target species


could be what we're looking for what's going on everyone Nick from 618 fishing here and welcome back to another fishing adventure. I have set an epic goal for today and that is to catch a bucket list fish species, a fish that is endangered, incredibly rare, and one of the largest freshwater fish in North America, so that we are driving 2 and a half hours to fish in a place I have never fished before. It took 4 times but we finally made it to the fishing spots, almost to the fishing spots according to Google Earth, they are 2 miles upstream from the boat ramp, luckily there doesn't seem to be too much current.
this concrete pit is hiding one of the biggest fish in the world new pb
I got excited, yeah, you've been around for a bit. while you spend a ton of money on a b Vibe and rented life but I've been here since the donut days and all you see cause I did it I know cross those it's taken forever but we finally got to our fishing . It's this giant Spillway SL dam that prevents all the fish moving upstream from moving forward, so these monster fish I'm looking for today should be here living under this spillway. I can't wait to get started before we move. into the calm water, let's try throwing a lipless crankbait into this fast-moving current.
this concrete pit is hiding one of the biggest fish in the world new pb

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this concrete pit is hiding one of the biggest fish in the world new pb...

Okay, this is actually a little sketchy. I'm going to move on and get back to that calm water. There's a ton of water coming in there and it's just moving my kayak. I think I'm actually going to park my kayak and fish these rocks. I found this place on Google Earth and the satellite image doesn't do it justice. This place is one of the best places for fishing. I have sometimes discovered that the water is crystal clear, seems deep and looks like a place where a monster fish would hide. As far as baits go, I brought a bunch of nightcrawlers.
this concrete pit is hiding one of the biggest fish in the world new pb
I brought some frozen Skip Jack and some frozen Shad, so I got a little bit of everything. I have my two big catfish rods along with my spinning tackle. Let's start with what I've researched. This monster fish I'm targeting eats a variety of baits, so let's go ahead and get started. Throwing away some cut pieces, jump to Jack along with some nightcrawlers. This current is incredibly strong. I have an 8 O weight tied up, but I don't know if it will be enough, but let's go ahead and throw a piece out. that jumps Jack on this Carolina rig oh there's a way sh fish oh big fish big fish oh easy dude big fish big fish get the line out man this guy's swing is fast what's that oh sacred cow sacred cow in the net there come on?
this concrete pit is hiding one of the biggest fish in the world new pb
Guys, here we go, the first fish is a very nice blue catfish. I'll take it, it was great, this guy crushed jumper Jack, very, very nice. Amazing first catch, see you later buddy, that blue catfish took absolutely no time to pick it up. Get that jump up Jack, but that's not the species of monster fish we're looking for today, let's get some more baits in the water. I was looking out into this clear water and I see some small fish, I think they are sunfish. Let's try to catch one to use as live bait, okay, here we go, here we go, that took no time.
Impressive, although the species of fish I'm referring to today is not a flyhead catfish. I always wanted to catch a flathead monster. catfish and they always say live bait is better, well this right here looks incredibly good, let's throw it into these deep waters and see if there's a monster flathead catfish


, there's a bite, a big bite, oh no, damn sea, oh, SLI, these rocks are so slippery when I reached for my rod that had just come off, damn, this sun looks incredibly cool. This is one of the coolest fish I've ever caught. This guy looks almost too cool to use as bait. so let's go ahead and let it go see you later buddy okay I'm really excited right now.
I was flying my drone and in the water I think I saw the target species. I found a group of huge fish, so I packed all my gear, I'm in the kayak and I'm going to head there. Hopefully this is the fish we're looking for today, according to my drone those big fish were sitting right below these rapids, let's throw out some baits and see. If we can get one to pick it up there we'll go fishing, okay it's not the target species but I'll take it. This is a spotted bass. I don't catch many of these fish, what an amazing little fish, let's go ahead and let it go.
See you later buddy, I'm starting to think those fish I saw were a carp, it was really hard to tell on my phone screen, let's go ahead and change places again, there we go fishing, oh that guy jumped a couple of meters of the water was amazing, okay another spotted bass man, these fish look so cool, see you later buddy, we're back to where we started if we're going to catch our target species. I think this might be our best bet. there we go fishing oh oh easy friend easy friend I think this is another badmouth this guy is a beast I think this is the


badmouth I've ever caught what an amazing fish oh there's a bite oh no I think it broke Damn, see you later buddy, right after I got my personal best, bad mouth, something giant picked up this bait and I'm pretty sure it broke, took out the drag for a second, yeah, it completely broke my line, I didn't expect to hook her. a big fish on this rod I had a pretty small bait there so let's go ahead and cast one of my bigger baits where I had this one sitting oh there's a big bite there's a big F Finish line oh good fish good fish , good fish oh please stay away, oh what the hell is this?
This could be the target species. This could be what we are looking for. We have to disembark it. What the hell is that? Oh, nice fish and the net, here we come, you are not the target. species, but another very nice blue catfish. I'll take it, yeah, see you later buddy, we caught that first fish from this spot almost immediately and the second catfish took a lot more effort, but we were finally able to catch another decent sized fish. I only have a little more time, but I know there are much larger fish living below the surface, including my target species.
I can't wait to see what we snag next, well guys I'm seeing lightning and it's getting dark real fast. so I need to start heading back down the river to my truck. The fish I was looking for today was a lake sturgeon. It weighs more than 200 pounds and is one of the largest freshwater fish in the


. I know this place has them. but unfortunately we weren't able to catch one today but that being said I still had a lot of fun exploring this new fishing spot and we were able to catch a couple of nice blue catfish so overall I had a great time if you guys enjoyed this. episode I would really appreciate it if, thumbs up, possibly think about subscribing if you haven't, I'll see you in the next one, right here right now, you're in my house, my city, yeah, we do it big.
It is this? There's a bite, a big bite, oh no, damn it, and now I'm trapped.

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