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This cheap 15$ Temu knife blew my mind

Jun 21, 2024




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sprites to the first episode of Stein versus Knives. Today we have a $15 blade that I bought from Teemu of all places. Let's try


$15 knife and see how it holds up. Well, take a look at this thing. This is a clone or copy of a Gerber strongarm in coyote brown color. Do not pay attention to the cord with which you can tease. the comments because I don't know how to tie a cord, but if this is an exact clone then it should be 420 HC steel, well we will test it today and if it fails then we will know for sure that it is definitely not. 420hc steel, but first of all, just looking at the knife it looks pretty decent.
this cheap 15 temu knife blew my mind
The only complaints I have about it are the teeth because I ordered the one that didn't have teeth so they sent me the wrong one but what can you do? $15 right and the case is just, I mean, it's just a case, it's a little sticky, I mean, the nylon straps are decent and they have a lot of different configurations, you can make a lot of different buttons that you can make, I mean. not bad for $15, I mean, compare it to the fact that the real Gerber strong arm costs between $90 and $100, so if it can hold up even if you can cut this piece of wood, then I think I got my value from $15, but first. let's do, let's try to cut this hardwood, okay, let's get that out, first, first, the safety, first, let's put on the cord that I made, now well, let's start cutting, yes, I have this strap. down so I don't have to hold it with my hands because I'd be the idiot if they cut off my finger okay let's cut it off you know what I hate to say but actually this isn't bad at all I mean it's doing pretty good so far and this is a $15 Teemu knife.
this cheap 15 temu knife blew my mind

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this cheap 15 temu knife blew my mind...

I actually didn't have any faith in this knife and thought it would probably break the moment I started using it so the fact that it made it this far is very amazing, let's move on and this is some really damn hard wood, okay, I don't know if you can hear that jingle every time I hit, but yeah, this is a super hard wood, look at that, oh, I'm tying a knot, oh, Oh. I'm causing some damage, man. I really wish they sent me the right knife because I hate knives with teeth, I mean if you like them that's fine, I only like certain knives with teeth, but not this one, that's why I have the bungees on there I need to move my hand away, man, you know what, let's turn it around, here we go, man, you know what a $15 night is, look what that thing is like that bites like crazy, let's look now, it still feels sharp and It ain't like that, it ain't cost nothing like $15 and just so you know, we're literally going to test some of the


est knives you can buy because on one hand I'm a


asshole and on the other hand I just can.
this cheap 15 temu knife blew my mind
I can't bring myself to spend $100 or even 90 or 80 on a knife when I know I'm going to abuse it and if I break it I'll cry because I'm just a cheapskate idiot, so I'll stick with these $15 knives if they keep doing this, guys look at this it's funny because I would tell my wife that you are the devil before I get up there and order a bunch of knives and this is just the first one I have about nine. What's more, I'm going to test them for you, so they are all within the price range, some of them were $8, some were $30 but nothing more than $30 and if they hold up as well as this one, I'm really excited about this, Now you know what, let's spin it again, look man, are you real?
this cheap 15 temu knife blew my mind
This is working much better than I could have expected and I'm not, I mean, I'm sure a couple of my shots are hitting the mark. the side, so this is definitely not a cheap Chinese knife like I thought it was since I paid. Oh, I can make a pen out of that since it's only $15. You'd expect it to be one of those cheap gas station type ninjas. knives, you know what I mean, but this thing seems to hold up about the same as a real Gerber strong arm, that makes me wonder if this could be like a second one instead of a copy or a clone clone or could it just be a clone and they are so good at it.
Tell you what, let's tilt this camera back just a little bit. I don't want her to get crushed by flying debris, here we go, let's go, let's go, oh, not now. I don't know if I'm going to sit here and try to finish this whole piece because this is a thick guy and it's probably going to take me a good 30 or 40 minutes to finish this with this little knife, well we're definitely doing some damage that's for sure. Yeah, boy, man, that's a tough piece of wood. I have to catch my breath. I'm out of shape trying to approach at an angle.
Tell you what, let me take a smaller piece. a wooden one that I already have a divot hole in, this is what we're going to do, how about yeah, how about we try a little batoning? Okay, we'll save it for a minute and try to beat it. one too, but how about we do this? There we go, wait, let's go now, let's see, yeah, let's try the cane, okay, just to see how he woos the cane. That's pretty decent. In fact, I'm amazed by that, oh, that probably just happened. with the green one, so I'll tell you what we're going to cut, let's go ahead and finish cutting this one right up to okay I don't think it's going to work, it's a hardwood man, turn it over, let's make the point, there we go, that's it what I'm talking about trying to make some thinner sticks now, the only thing I have to say about this, this handle, this is an overmolded handle, this is a Full Tang knife, I don't know if you can see here what it has. a nice little skull crusher, this is a Full Tang knife and just has a very thin rubber mold with these highly aggressive little diamond pattern points that dig right into my hand.
I probably should have had a pair of gloves on, but that's enough, let's try something, let me take my hand off the cord. I want to try splitting this with the toe down. I would have the most disgusting cane ever to try to do this, you know what, it's a horrible idea, but let's take a look at the knife, I don't know if you guys can see it, but I mean it's still relatively sharp from the abuse I put on it. we're hitting this, so I have an idea, let's do a toe test here, oh wait, let's do it. a tip test, we're about to stab the ever loving of this wood with the tip Safety First bead all ready, get in there, stab, oh okay, so far there's only a little bit of paint left to get out of there, but Still thus, the tip is not bent.
I'm going to be honest with you. This leaves me speechless. How much abuse is there of this or excuse my language? This $15 Teemu knife takes it without a problem. Well then here you could too. Try some of the cloves. These are really aggressive teeth on this knife. I'm just not a big fan of sawtooth, but I mean, that's just me. Okay, now that we've done that, let's try to make a little hole to stab it in there, oh. Yeah, I would definitely recommend wearing gloves with this uh, this knife because this handle is definitely hurting me.
I'm going to have blisters for days. Look at that divot man, get in there deep like, come here, rip, handy dandy brush, okay, I mean, that's it. and that's a pretty decent cleft, man, that's pretty deep, what do you think? Yeah, he's pretty deep in there, he's so deep in there, so I say he's pretty good, I mean, look at that, oh, now, now, let's clear this table. I've always made it a clean work environment, sure, okay, now let's try to do it because we've put this knife in a bad ass, let's do some curls, how about that?
I'm trying to use the entire sheet, so I give it a try. pretty decent hm, not bad H man that's not bad at all let's try it on this bigger piece so I can hold it oh yeah honey look that's why I wish it didn't have teeth in there because it's definitely getting in the way . of me trying to make curls, but I mean it's doing it, this thing probably needs sharpening now after all that abuse, but I mean, if you look, the blade is perfectly fine, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the blade, no, Nicks, nothing, that's very surprising, now let's see if I can use it, let's see if I can make some chips, no, that black layer there makes it not very good, rough edge, try to make it a little bit right, It worked out kinda well, guys.
I'm very impressed by this, can you believe this $15 Teemu clone is doing the same job a real Gerber strongarm would do? Because I can't, I mean, this is, I'm not even going to lie, this is not like that. Bad at all, this is a decent knife okay, we're just going to cut this bit off just to get an idea of ​​how good it bites and then I think we'll call it there, I almost got it and yeah, feel free to scoff. of being so close to cutting off my hand in the comments. I'll appreciate it, there we have it, so that's it, what do you guys think?
I mean, I'll definitely go ahead and tell you that this is definitely worth every bit of $15. Instead of spending $90 or $100 on a real Gerber strong arm, I mean, it's literally identical. I have looked at it and I will put a photo there so you can see that it is identical, except maybe for the serrations, these things are many. longer than Gerber's normal strong arm serration, but it definitely has to be 420 hc, otherwise he wouldn't do this kind of work like he's doing. I mean, this thing endures much, much, much more than I thought. It would be oh, first I had an idea even though I have the cord.
Let's try this real quick and we'll be done now if that hits you in the face or head, you're done guys. I am not going to lie. I am very impressed with this $15 teu. I suggest you look and get one for 15 dollars. Thanks for playing.

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