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This 11 Year Old Is a Dangerous Psychopath | New Amsterdam | MD TV

Jun 13, 2024
Now, if the police came to your house, the police, yes, the police, if they came to your house, they would see a piece of cord lying on the ground where your wife cut it, you know? I think I threw it away. It came off, yes, after we let it go, but the rest of the cord would still be hanging there, cut, that's what the police would see and they would also see the scissors lying on the floor and the drawers that Alana went through, they would all be there. open and the breakfast you were cooking would still be on the stove there were no scissors there was no cord it was just me but I swear it will never happen again please no please don't take it so what are they?
this 11 year old is a dangerous psychopath new amsterdam md tv
You're saying I'm lying. The marks on Calvin's neck aren't abrasions, they're bruises. A shoelace wasn't made by his hands, right? It was me, I was having a tantrum, I just snapped, I didn't know I was choking him. I just wanted it to stop, Ethan, I don't think a man would strangle his daughter. The wounds on his neck were too small. Can I see your hands? A person who strangles someone often has defensive wounds on their hands from the nails of the person they are choking on. You don't know what happened to your brother. Juliette wanted his phone so I took it.
this 11 year old is a dangerous psychopath new amsterdam md tv

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this 11 year old is a dangerous psychopath new amsterdam md tv...

I think tears are a sign of weakness. okay I think other people's feelings are not important cool I think about hurting my family me Okay, just your brother, who else, my mom and dad, why do you want to hurt them? I can, you know, I mean, it's early and one session is a small sample, but Julia comes across as an emotionless callous, you're saying she's a


, she's been in dozens. from doctors we have now heard schizophrenia, ADHD, radical, no one has ever said emotionless callous


, it's not a diagnosis doctors really like to give because historically speaking there is no cure, so what do we do, she You will go to an inpatient facility. run by the department of corrections jail, she is 11


s old.
this 11 year old is a dangerous psychopath new amsterdam md tv
Oh, she wait, wait, wait, there's another possibility. Punishment bounces off emotional children's calluses because they can't feel shame, but there has been some very promising reward-based behavioral therapy. system, I'm sure you've noticed that Juliet's reward drive is extremely high, which is why she takes what she wants, so if I can show some progress with Juliet, we can admit her here. She could be an inpatient at New Amsterdam. Dr. Frum, yes, have you ever done that? I was successful with a girl like Julieta. No, she's fine, let's play a game. I will set a task and if you complete it you win, what do I win?
this 11 year old is a dangerous psychopath new amsterdam md tv
I'll give you Iggy Bucks. Those look pathetic. I have not finished. The Iggy Bucks are just like you. get to the real prize 50 of these give you an hour with


bad boy, okay it just so happens that


first task can make you win the 50 dollars in one go, what's the task? You apologize to your brother, no, why didn't Juliet deserve it? I know you don't feel it, and I know you may never feel it, but hurting Calvin was a big deal, and a big deal means a big apology, but it also means a big reward for you, if a big apology means a big reward.
How about a little apology? Yes of course. Okay, let's start with a little apology. 10 80 dollars. What's that? Oh, um, that's something one of my sons did to me. It's ugly. Is your son stupid? I am sorry it was not my intention. Small apology. Ten bucks oh okay that's not wow I didn't do it okay geez whoa whoa who am I supposed to be? I'm so sorry, 20 dollars, okay, I didn't say I was playing, you never said you weren't fat, cara, were you fat when you were a kid? Did other kids make fun of you because you were fat?
I'm so sorry, 30 dollars. Okay, Juliet, why don't we go over the rules? You sweat, you're sweating, you sweat stains. in your arms it's disgusting I'm sorry 40 ducks okay I'm not going to play dr de I'm so sorry 50 dollars I win hey honey hey dad hey cal hey I'm sorry I hurt you over a stupid phone, I really did I didn't mean to and I I'm so sorry, okay, can I? I can play with your phone. I'm not done yet, but I apologize. No exchange, I want it. I apologized to Julieta. I think we're done. I love you.
I love you. I love you. I love it, I don't know why I get so angry and I wish I did because everyone thinks I don't care about anyone, but yeah, I care about you and I want your phone because when we play the same games, that's the only one. way i know how to be around you i thought you hated me i hate being yours thanks to that you call it progress that was terrifying she manipulated them okay yeah, I mean, I'll grant you it wasn't exactly a Signature Moment, but come on, y'all We operate on a rewards system of some kind.
You know you're doing well in school. You get good grades. Your parents buy you a car. You keep a job. You get money. We will spend the next few


s. changing Juliet's prizes from phones to real world things and then who knows if she will be able to learn to always play at an expert level, maybe she will win the grand prize in a normal life, but she will always be missing something, yes, empathy that Will never have. So we have to have it for her.

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