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Thieves of the Automotive Industry Buyers and Sellers Beware

May 15, 2024
Well guys J brought a gig here I gotta let you know something they just caught my attention so this company here did speed basted 79 basically since 1979 they've been stealing people's products so I. Now we're one of their most recent victims of this and you know you don't care that much about being copied, but look at this, this is infuriating, so I'm going to take this out of the box. I'm going to take it out. of the couple, two, three bags, they put this in, so be patient. I wanted you to witness how I opened this. Oh, look at that broader performance, well, we're not selling it to them and I want you to understand something here if you watch this. and here's a real license plate, the tool marks are like a signature, okay, so when the police do Blcks on a gun or something, you know they can match a bullet to a gun, this is pretty much the same thing and if you look at this you know, these tool marks on the Ripoff go in a circular pattern, okay, where ours, our mill simulations are just horizontal, okay and also, if you can see this, the engraving here is done with a pointed engraving tool, okay, this is done with a flat end mill.
thieves of the automotive industry buyers and sellers beware
Now, none of that really matters, but I want you to understand the difference between a Chinese copy and the original product that was designed by me and manufactured in-house at this company. Well, someone recently. I found out about this company ripping this off a couple of years ago. I was aware, but the audacity of putting our company name on their copied product is really crossing the line and someone recently contacted me about this saying it was crashing into third place. Hey, I've got your valve body, it's locking up in third. He said well H, okay, I'm not sure about that and he says yes, I bought it at Summit.
thieves of the automotive industry buyers and sellers beware

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thieves of the automotive industry buyers and sellers beware...

Well, keep it there because we don't sell this to Summit or any of these other corporate companies. These products are purchased directly and that's when I found out. something was wrong I said well sorry we don't sell through Summit it's someone else's no it has your name on it actually send me a picture and I got a picture of this and just from the picture I knew it was not my plate. I knew it had our name on it, but I knew it wasn't my dish because as you can see, they look different, so I know right away, so I ordered one from Summit, received it, and yeah, here they are.
thieves of the automotive industry buyers and sellers beware
Put our name on it and this is really disappointing. You know, we're just a small company, not a big corporation. I've worked hard on this design and when I got into this business there were a lot of trans disruptions, esp. For Fords in those days that just didn't work, they were worth it. Well I'm going to be honest with you and you know these are great companies that everyone was buying and it just didn't work out well and the guys at Ford asked for my help over and over again and I feel like I solved this problem and apparently I did because China is kind of stealing from us and again it's one thing to steal something from someone but put your name on it so if you're watching Yes we will do something about it I promise you but for now the first step is to let the public be aware of this no buy knockoffs because they usually don't work well and I know you all want to do that.
thieves of the automotive industry buyers and sellers beware
I save money but I understand something when I'm gone and others like me, you know other innovative shops like for example Jake's performance who built some cool GM stuff when he and I and a handful of us decided well and they all rip us off, can. We can't stay in business anymore, we can't cover overhead, so why bother doing it right? These people who copy this stuff don't understand it and they can't make it work and they're not able to design it and they're I'm only going to design something if there's a large number of people, you know, they're going to make a lot of profit, they're not going to do this because they love it. the Fords and they think well, you know, if I can make a little money with it and do something.
I enjoy and it helps people so big corporations don't think like that, they don't care about you even if you think they're your friends, you know, oh, I got it with faster shipping. I got free shipping, they really helped me. bro, a gig charged me for shipping and it took too long to ship it right. bro, a gig spends his time designing things and like other people I mentioned, other small companies that work hard to develop these products, so these corporate shockers are in a Many times case


, let's use the right word , they go and steal from these little guys who spend their lives trying to make a product that really works, they really care, it's more than just the money, yeah, we have to make money just because it costs money to be in business, you know , it's not greed, it's not something else, it's not me going out on my yacht at the weekend, it's just about having a job and a place in society and when someone like speed bastard 79 scams you like this. and put your name on it.
I mean, this is what you know. They send them non-working and expect them to contact Rader Performance for technical support because we sure don't know how it works. We don't want to bother with technical support, especially on something we don't understand, so we'll put that burden back on broader performance and make the money off the price because it's made in China with slave labor, you know, just because we don't people are enslaved in this country, somehow it's okay to do it in other countries so you can save money. You know a lot of people think that way, but it's not right and you know this is crossing the line.
You know it's one thing You listen to, you know, you listen to a Van Halen song and you take out your guitar and you get inspired and you and you write something that's not the same but maybe in some way similar you just get inspired by it, but you don't put Van Halen on your album. label, you know you can't do that and you can't copy it note for note, it's immoral, it's illegal, so I apologize for having to listen to this, but I want you to know if you went and bought one of these. Cheap copies and it doesn't work, just send it back.
I don't review something I didn't build. You want service. This is the one you need to buy the real thing, either the kit or the complete valve body. Another thing I'm going to do to combat this problem. I have new designs I'm releasing and even better better designs. As good as this one. I have even better things I'm going to release. So I'm going to fight this mostly with brains instead of money because I don't have money, these guys have money and that's why they get away with it and they don't just do it to us.
They do it to a lot of other people and they do it to a lot of big companies and I don't know how they stay in business doing something like this, but they do it, unfortunately, and I'm asking you. please don't support things like this, first of all you don't get a quality product most of the time, you might get it a little cheaper, maybe a little faster which seems to worry everyone but you are becoming poor. quality and you're putting the guys who design these things out of business, they don't design anything, if we designers leave, CU, we can't make money anymore, there won't be anything left for you, you know, other than maybe. some things like this that don't work or something, you know you're going to have to run an LS engine and you know, I don't know what the most popular GM transmission is, it's a full LS engine, that's all you're going to do. have or a Powerglide you're not going to have a choice because everything will be fine which one sells more that's what we're going to do we don't mind catering to a niche market unless we can steal it and reproduce it cheap enough to make a profit so I want you to understand that I'm going to make another video about that.
I hope you watch it and learn from it if you don't already know. I know many of you. you just know, I get it, money is tight, you want to save money and I also get that you guys don't know that you see a broader performance in this and you're like, oh, they make these for the Speedmaster great and I bought them cheaper, my friends at Summit. Racing or Speedmaster made me a deal no they didn't they are not your friends uh I am much closer to your friend than them I promise you because I listen to them and I hear the problems they have. have and this is criticized accordingly so I'm actually your friend or closer to your friend than these guys and these guys aren't anyone's friends they're just there to please themselves so anyway I could go on with this for hours.
I'm not going to do it, they're probably already turning off the video, but please, first I ask you to be aware, okay, okay, if you're getting it in this box here, this speed master shit is Chinese trash, you know? I don't like that, I don't support it, that's fine and from what I hear it doesn't work. If I feel compelled, I might make another video. In fact, I'll try this and see if it works. I could make another video about that. Or maybe it doesn't bother me. I don't know at this moment. I'm pretty irritated, as you can see, so I don't really care if it works or not, but on the other hand I'm curious what they screwed up. and when I find out where they went wrong, I'm sure I won't tell anyone, so I'm going to do something else.
I only have a few of these plates on hand right now because there are so many available. there, but either in this area here or it may be here. I'm going to add to our program. I'm going to record something in these areas. I don't know what yet. It can be a symbol, it can even be a serial number. I'm not sure, but today I think it's April, I think it's April 10, I'm not even sure, about April 10, 2024, so probably in the next few weeks in the next batch, which will be in the next two . weeks I'm going to put something here or here so you guys know what the real deal is um and these guys here and Shanghai we have Shanghai um these guys here in Shanghai won't know what that is.
I'm not going to put a photo on the website or anything, but know that I'll add something here or here in the future, hopefully, so you'll immediately know the difference between the malfunctioning fake and the authentic one. Anyway, I appreciate you listening to this and I hope you stay away from this stuff and I think a lot of you, I think most of you don't really know, you think these guys probably aren't either. re


or maybe they also design and manufacture things, they are brokers like you and do R&D, you know, they make it sound like that, but it's not like that, they are just copying these things in China.
You know, if you look at the box here, Los Angeles, Sydney, Shanghai, you know that's probably where most things are made. I think it might have started in Sydney, this company I'm not sure about that, but they also have a play in Los Angeles. Anyway, they sell a lot of crap and they're probably doing pretty well financially, which is why no one has sued them enough to put them out of business yet because they're ripping off everyone, they're ripping off Holly and Edel Brock and, um, all of these. big names, you know, who know good American products that have proven to be impr.
These guys just steal it, undercut the price, and generally ruin the copy. I've seen other things, so that's all for now. I could make another video on whether this actually works or not I don't know I don't know if I will or not honestly right now I'm a little irritated like I want to do it and I kind of don't so I don't know Anyway guys thanks for look, please don't support these things, you know, and know that if you get this and come in third place, which sounds really scary and dangerous, it's probably not ours, we have Shang Hy, so that's it. is all I like to say so speed oh sorry speed master I call him speed bastard because they're a bunch of bastards they're killing the


and there are other people like him I'm sure and no I know, guys. you know, try to support us small businesses because it's us, it's not just me, there's a lot of us, you know, we're working hard to have something of quality, we're proud of our work, you know, maybe we can't do it as cheaply as you like. wish we did or maybe I can't ship it to you as fast as you'd like or lie to you here and tell you shipping is free and jack up the price whatever this nonsense is.
What these corporations like to do nowadays to gain your trust in your business. um you know, at the end of the day you know because this is what you buy this copy and it doesn't work, they don't know how to fix it, so everything. What they're going to do is tell you well, we'll be happy to send you another one right away, sir, I'm sorry, and you get another one and that's not good either, they're all bad, they're all made the same. so they're probably all bad so after two or three oh well would you like a refund sir?
No problem, we will do it right away. Okay, that's great, we'll give you your money back fantastic, but you don't have the product you wanted the product to start and you wanted the product to work and that's why working with a company like I design it, you can email me directly and I will answer your question and if I can't answer your question via email, I can ask you to send it and I will test it and verify that it is ok, yes. The problem is here, no, the problem is somewhere else. I will do that.
I will do this fairly and honestly and make sure you know that you have a product that works to your satisfaction whenis finished, if he ever has to return, very good. get one back, sometimes we just have a problem with the unit, you know, and we're happy to take the valve body and redo the testing procedure and make sure you know sometimes things happen, there are moving parts, you know that these things can happen. the kids aren't capable of doing that we're fine I want to make that clear so we're here to help they're here to steal so you decide where you want to buy your stuff uh that's the beauty of being an American you have a choice and I hope you make the right decision and thank you for listening to this and I'll keep you posted on this deal and I'm looking forward to some new designs coming out because I'm going to, that's where we are.
I'm going to beat them, uh, that's the best way. I'm going to keep things evolving and progressing, and these guys will always be behind the curve because they don't know what they're doing, they just know how to imitate it, they can. measuring and programming a CNC machine, that's it and making nice fancy colored boxes, okay guys, hope to see you in the next video.

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