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May 12, 2024
Well, all of you, um, a couple or a couple of days or weeks ago, I don't remember when, but I know that Yamen opened a Community tab talking about there's a video that they posted about it. I don't know if this is the video. I think this is so, but there is another K-pop compilation. K-pop. K-pop Tik Tock compilation by the lovely Yanin. This is called K-pop Random Tik Toks to Watch Before Evil Kim Lip Takes Over. do it, come on n uhuh uhuh uhuh I don't trust this at all since the first hell, no, we are not a hell, no, brother, what do you know about this?
theyeonbin kpop tiktoks that raised my blood pressure
I really don't get angry anymore about being perfected. but in 2024 something is wrong with you that's why you said this is for me you know what's good, it's actually our third meeting, do you remember me? Actually, I'm serious, because this is the first time, you know? wait, what do you know you can say m and n with your mouth closed? what, brother, what, brother yanan, what brother, what are you doing, brother, please, brother, come on, son, I'm getting scared, dog, what's wrong with you? Dumb, I'm dumb if you think video calls between idols and fans are embarrassing.
theyeonbin kpop tiktoks that raised my blood pressure

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theyeonbin kpop tiktoks that raised my blood pressure...

Meet you at 2 p.m. the craziest fan when you come to the United States, oh my God, do it, I want to film America Street, oh my God, oh my God, he's just standing there like Oh my God, that's so intimidating, come on, yeah, I'm going to be honest with you. I think ZB was about to be my favorite group because what the fuck, oh my god, am I crying? What are they going to talk about? What happened at the war show, right, I'm pretty sure this is probably one of the only people I know who could guess that I could address that topic in a video like this. keep it with you if not, I will actually be very surprised.
theyeonbin kpop tiktoks that raised my blood pressure
What is it? What was that? Oh my God, I'm so, oh my God, no, because when I go ice skating, I have to have the Granny Walker that I have. and I think I might as well not be ice skating because if I had that's sand, it's sand, I can't, I can't ice skate anymore really, really, because my ankle and I also have metal in my leg, so my leg I might start tripping because it's so cold, so I, we, I don't even need a SK with ice, it's okay, it's cool, oh my God, this makes me so, oh, this is so humiliating, hey, I can feel it, i think uh zerobase water is going to be so legendary and it's probably going to be half and half like amazing iconic moments and then just good music and then guys playing of course but they like it bro the way it's just happening and they just and They're just like in a certain neighborhood, it's so amazing bro, like they're really what they bring it.
theyeonbin kpop tiktoks that raised my blood pressure
I feel like zb1 really takes K-pop to a different level in a lot of ways that you probably wouldn't. I even hope that I appreciate that they D that whatever I like zb1 let's just say that oh God, hey, I wonder what, I wonder what, um H, what should I say on my resume to become a K-pop staff? Well, I probably can't because I don't care, I'd be with the staff too, this is, stop it, hey, hey, you, that's not pretty, my favorite color, can I ask why, because I'm not going to lie to you Were we okay?
So I feel like this is Why shouldn't I have said anything in that Community tab post? I swear we're going to get through this because no, what's going on, you're never going to let them know your next move competition, but this is your oh my gosh. no bro J picked some thoughts bro I can't wait until this comes back bro, is that true? So the thoughts will take off so many times oh oh, let's go, yeah, yeah C of one, brother, brother should be like I hope there will be a day. There will be a reveal and it will be called Confessions of a K-pop Staffer.
That would make a good book or a good video or something. There has to be an exhibition somewhere. Like an India or something, I don't know, sometimes I'll forget that industry ain't like this industry, damn, beating Fashion Week, oh my god, oh my god, I'm fine, I'm fine, Jesus. they like babysitters oh my God I would like that I would do it with that one I want that one I'm not going to lie to you what the medium will be on the screen soon that was lying eh eh very striking ending this is so creative I don't I understand that people don't like it like K-pop bro this is funny J Jay I'm Dr.
Whose head is this? They cook garbage, you all are ready for that because, disgusting, brother, please, brother, come on, it's floating, oh brother, I thought. she was levitating, oh my god, brother, you have to be your brother, always be yourself. I don't care, I don't care what I don't care if you're a brother, I don't care if you want to look cool the best way to look cool is to be yourself. I swear you want to know why because most people are not themselves so if you are yourself it will be refreshing for everyone even if some people are jealous but if you are. yourself, bro, I swear, it can be hard sometimes, but you'll just look back and say, "I mean, at least I'm not a fake idiot, this took a turn for the payoff, wait, wait, wait, oh, what's going on, wait, it's this." It's supposed to be PL or I'm stupid.
Hey, one thing that will really make me laugh is the game's glitches. BR. I love his face so much. How many medals do I have? I don't have anything. 63 oh oh oh oh, okay, stay, kids. just feel the rock, Let It Rock just feel the luck that Let It Rock Stream la la la la salt, we are fourth generation leaders and we run along with the gods jumping between each verse, the Multiverse is not ready for our universe, that's me me why am I still attracted Maniac oh wow B best leader Le now best dancer Chang best why did he take a break oh God Prince fourth generation ASA fourth generation vocalist Jung M on top and then Felix is ​​all that om stand kids yeah yeah yeah SK toilet Ohio Among Us in real life by the way it's jingle jingle jingle the whole time you made me spin Bingle Bingle Bingle dogen season when I see these eight men I fall to the ground and start barking and drooling uncontrollably wolf wolf wolf wait , TRUE? says Wolf Wolf Gang Wolf Wolf Wolf Gang wolf oh my head hurts wolf girl we go crazy yes we love stray kids # stay yes or you wouldn't so let me go over this again do you want a big M A big lump oh I love him so much , a six piece bacon nugget and three, I'm not going to lie, bro, he was my favorite during the boys game because I loved him so much, bro, hey, what I want, that's all, he's a preacher because he would really be like, oh my god.
Not a real person, bro, wow, I don't admit online that I could murder someone who, oh my god, oh my god, what high young rich hands, I'm Chris, my boss, baby, Ricky, oh, oy, Hey, oh, bro, that damn baby, hey, it's okay, damn. damn crescent bomb hydration boost I forgot about that, oh my god, your singing voice is so different, what is it, oh god, what is this, what show is this, what is this BR, I forgot about these, oh god mine, go, baby, try again, try again, go. come on cam oh very funny hey what are you doing one for privacy CH I'm in outer space mango mango mango can you say hello it's hello Africa be there or be square look at you look at me look at me shut up no don't cry, shut up, don't cry, my favorite word is the word believe, it's very important to believe in yourself in America for 4 years, that's why I'm here disos stic disos stic wow, this guy really noticed just being able to visit all the cities.
It's going to be a new experience for all of us wait a minute Careful thank you yes yes why it already stinks oh my god it already stinks oh my name all the MERS of shiny chunks yes RP um Mino Minho yes um du what um Minon Kei said sigh girl, everything I'm the greatest, damn, oh my god, oh my god, I forgot about this, yeah, bro, yeah, okay, yeah, what's happening, what's happening, what's happening, there's none reason why this song is so small, so I'm I'm not going to lie now wait, we're going to have to take a dance break, huh, I had to bend over for a second, oh, who's the strawberry, who's the holy?
Don't tell me, oh my God, what the hell, oh yeah, she, Paloma, I mean, she's okay. well hey, I like to start the month with a good yam tox, it was a pretty good Yaman tox, I'm with it, I like it, shout out to Yaman, this was, this was good, this was, this was, this was good Oh. Wow

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