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They said Carlsen is about to get checkmated then he sacrificed his queen against Caruana

May 19, 2024
the D6 spawn is hanging. I expected this to get complicated but not so quickly, yeah just in the space of two or three moves when we had Danny with us it seemed like Fabiano was in complete control, no problem now, suddenly it's pure. Chaos and I think we need to dig deeper as the players now hit the 4 minute mark. Black's last move was taken to f8. I just want to recap that last three-movement flurry that was here with everything roughly balanced. Magnus decided to continue forward. with his pawn, if this pawn was captured,


he would make the move he actually made in the game, eliminating this knight before taking a pawn in the center, either with his knight or a pawn.
they said carlsen is about to get checkmated then he sacrificed his queen against caruana


, "Okay, I don't want to let you." to activate, I am going to place a strong horse in the middle and after this capture, White's horse advances. I'm surprised that Fabiano had the calm, the incredible calm to ignore this porn attack and Magnus says, "I'm calling your bluff Torre." to f8 hints at the sacrifice Tanya mentioned Magnus just takes a porno and now the white king is about to open, take that knight sacrifice. The exchange right now because if the rook takes the knight pawn, takes the rook to the


to H4, the rook on B8 about to turn to f8, hits the F3 pawn, the H3 pawns are under attack, there are so many black pieces heading in the direction of the white king, so I don't know what Magnus sees here, but it looks very scary for his king, I think Magnus sees it.
they said carlsen is about to get checkmated then he sacrificed his queen against caruana

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they said carlsen is about to get checkmated then he sacrificed his queen against caruana...

Fab's watch because this means Fabby has to make some critical decisions and stops with the sacrifice but the tester says it's the wrong one. Wow, this is a very human approach. We still don't invest that much material. We did not renounce the exchange as we were defending it. I think it was a two-way street and he chose the other option. Now the Rook takes the Knight and is a threat because the bishop is actually pinning a pawn to the Queen. The idea is that this pawn on G2 that he was going to say was overloaded. now the black bishop has fallen but so has the white knight and now he has a dilemma The rook is attacked this pawn is attacked Fabiano needs to justify his recent decision this is getting really sharp now he can plunder it


exchanged for the second time now the rook takes Bishop, because if the pawn takes the knight, it jumps there bifurcating the


and the rook, this creates extremely tight margins for both players.
they said carlsen is about to get checkmated then he sacrificed his queen against caruana
I think, unfortunately for Fabiano, his position is a little more precarious. He actually faces E3 with the horse and the royal. the bar is going up even higher, he loves Mag's position, he was able to push that E5 pawn, he opens up the board and his pieces have been flowing, yeah, just compare, compare this white knight, a beautiful stallion there, with this black bishop on the edge of the board, which is not really participating Magnus has it again. Two options, uh, position right now, take the stream, take the horse, which one are you going to capture, maybe taking the horse, because this black rook could very well get trapped a little bit later and, I mean this?
they said carlsen is about to get checkmated then he sacrificed his queen against caruana
It's still a crazy position. The white king is a little airy. I have a favor for White just because of the beautiful knight, but still anyone can play and that G6 pawn always hangs Magnus Carlson with a compromised decision, the knight takes the pawn and gives Fabiano a big missed opportunity. by Fabby and now it looks like Magnus is in the driver's seat, but he opts for a different approach instead of capturing on E, one that gives him the tower back. I still love that knight on D6, threats with the queen penetrating on F7, C6. The pawn is hanging at the moment.
There are still problems for Fabby if you put that white pawn on the G-file. I think Fabbi is pretty lost, but considering the white king is open, that will give Fabby enough counterplay. I'm looking at the clocks, Fabby, a little further ahead, but it's about getting there on time I think it's anyone's game at the moment 96 which is a stud is beautiful up there but the white king is exposed the D4 pawns in a dark square and a black pie is a queen on the H4 rook on f8 things Of that nature there could be a counterattack, yes, and sooner or later at least the Knight is on a dark square, so you will be able to eliminate him.
Fabiano, you need to be precise. It seems that Black is the one trying to save this game. Magnus is the one trying to make things happen while he is still in balance, but yes, Fabiano needs to play fast and precise to maintain that balance and that is one of the hardest things to do in chess, to be fast and precise in a chaotic position like the one we have in front of us and this is the approach that has to be correct to obtain victories, where you may not be objectively playing the best moves, but asking the most important practical questions to your opponent, giving him the opportunity of getting it wrong and Honestly, that's a great description of what's happening in the other game, where nirc abuse we see the rating bar at the bottom right of the screen.
Better for him, suddenly it was a previous position we were talking about like Wesley, he's playing too fast, that black pawn was loose. Nock has allowed Wesle to make mistakes, it doesn't happen very often, but he is better at that game. Yes,


are in the endgame and we all know Nock's skill and experience. Meanwhile, the end of the game, this Fabian immediately retreats with his bishop to challenge that stallion, the white knight on D6 at that outpost, he is giving up a pawn, but says who cares that the black pawn C6 is weak of anyway if the white queen goes and captures.
If it is more important and urgent to get rid of the horse, I think it is a very good practical decision, especially with the clocks ticking. The black king, I should mention, has a nice safe hiding place in H7, the white king will be out in the open for the rest of the time. The game is very, very interesting, chess that is played here. Combative play by both Fabby and Magnus. Magnus takes the pawn on C6. Fabby will get rid of that stud on D6 if Magnus were to retrieve and trade the queens. I think that. it would simply end in a draw with Black's rook sliding to d8 and picking up that passed pawn.
If Magnus wants more, he has to recapture with the pawn. Is he thinking about performing a check and does that check actually accomplish anything in Possession? Yes, the only one. The good thing I see about giving a check at this time for White is that if the White Queen slides to D5 and


the next move wherever the black king goes takes the bishop with the pawn, then the White Queen on D5 in reality prevents the black queen from jumping. She controls herself, so he launches that move like you predicted, Tanya. It's really a good place there and suddenly Fabiano has a problem.
He has to deal with those two. One of them is weak, fortunately, and he will soon. Go for it with the black Rook, if Magnus can hold the D Pawn he will win; otherwise it should be a tie and the H3 Pawn is also under fire at the moment, but Fab's big idea is to slide that Rook to d8 to double the bet. the jam as you like to call it in the robit gorge does white have enough time to activate his own rook in the position with the E line open? I'm not a traffic cop, but I think I'll clear the traffic.
In the defile, you are going to take that pawn on D6, we may see some exchanges and there won't be too many pieces left. The problem for White is that yes, you can free your own rook, but that 8, three pawns is also loose and there. There may be a series of checks that the white king cannot escape from, it won't necessarily be a checkmate, but we could see a draw through endless checks, so the black queen is perfectly placed in front of a pass. The rook of pawns joins the group. Just no. I don't see it for Magnus and he has 40 seconds, he is below that by the time he plays King G2 is giving up the D6 pawn without that pawn.
I don't see any chance of winning for white, but black may have some, yeah, check this out. Last move Fabiano chooses the correct square for his rook. In fact, I think Black should keep the queens on the board, so taking the rook to d8 would have been fine too, but would have led to a possible queen exchange. Magnus is very strong on this end. games Magnus has the passing pawns, who has the safest king, is black, so keeping the queens gives you long term attacking potential and I remember Fabiano, didn't he win a game against ala fua with a very similar dynamic , only the heavy pieces, the largest ones? queen pieces and rooks where the opponent had a deep pawn pass but the opponent also had a weak king.
He won that one with Black in similar circumstances, but and this is why Magnus is trying to pass his pawn saying Black can't. going all in for an attack the D pawn is a difficult passer to stop so I think black needs to plant his own forces on that D6 square and I don't think there will be any progress for either side, yeah it seems very balanced now it feels like Black has found all the right moves, maybe Black can put some pressure on, but ultimately this last turn of Magnus Rook stands up, as we like to say, uh, showing off with these rooks, now he has a guardian of the king The white rook can always slide to the other side. third rank to block if necessary to act as a bodyguard this should be a draw due to the reduced material the only opportunity for Magnus here is to try to make the depth move, but for that you need the queen to help him from that Central E5 square, but whenever you plant it there, Fab's Rook will find activity in the fifth row with a Tempo so hard to imagine either side advancing here now, although Queenie, uh, if Faby moved that Rook, now the dwn advances and they are a lot of things happening. on the right side of the board, since the players have seconds, yes, well, then against Abdu satov black has a pawn advantage.
Black has four against two on the king's side, white has two against one on the queen's side, but yeah, just a little bit of basic Arithmetic and Abdor is probably the only one with a chance of winning, Wesley, so maybe Once one of the players in the tournament so far is fighting for his life and Abdus advances almost a minute on the clock on the right side of the screen on the left side. side Magnus Carlson reduced to 9 seconds Fabiano with 35 is pressing Magnus on the clock even more towards the board oh my goodness Magnus has to move Magnus is really doing well, he needs to escape this game, he needs to try to get out of trouble The tie that is Trying to repeat this is the second time we have seen this position.
Can Fabiano create winning opportunities? Press Magnus on the clock and there was no round robin where Fabiano rejected the replay and lost that game with White. pieces, for the second time in the Champions final, rejects a repeat against Magnus. Magnus takes his king out of hiding, there he shows it looking down in the center and it's fine, Fabiano dancing with his queen and looks at the line of the totem in the gorge at this moment the black queen is doing a big dance turning around , but when the king seeks refuge on the queen's side, what a journey, what an adventure, and if we look at the board on the left side, all of Magnus' pieces are protected.
He made sure that if you take this F3 pawn, I will get the pass pawn, so Fabby is stuck playing a waiting game that prevents the D5 pawn from advancing on the left side of the screen. He places the queen on him. she blocks it, but Mang is doing an amazing job getting his own King to safety, so now it's not like the white King is in danger, but Fabiano had a great active game. These players are so strong. Magnus, how did he imagine it? How did he find that creative idea? Fabiano is trying to open the new white king haven, it's getting really dramatic on that left board, uh, Wesley, meanwhile he's still in trouble against Abaturov, but still within the Safety Realms, uh, in the other clash semi-final, it's difficult. to predict what we think he's going to happen, we'll see a winner in one of the semi-finals.
I'm surprised to see the King march by Magnus Carlson and then Fabiano Kwana hitting on that side of the board without wasting any time to arrive and he's also considering a possible edge push at some point and I see Robert, something catches your eye, yeah, a pawn push for Fabiano, but both players fell for about 10 seconds and now on the right side the advantage goes to Black. He shouldn't abdara on that bishop, I mean the pawn like David


, but I have to focus on Magnus Carlson's king, he goes after Fab's king. Fabby says no, so which pawns are weaker, which king is safer, is the fundamental question, yes, it feels that way.
The King of Magnus has been in trouble for so long, but there is no way to solve it. The moves are coming thick and fast on both boards right now. You can go? A3 valuation bars fell. Fabiano, is he winning? Oh, my Black Rook can land on the second row. Oh, Tower F2. It's a good start, but that queen in C3 covers all the bases. Wow, it feels like there are tactics up in the air.Magnus offers an exchange of ladies. Now Fabiano will say not to look at that white king. He is naked by himself.
Go in and behind. Can he take another pawn and get some step on his account, but will that D-pawn start to work? pawn there was a threat from A3 and finally comes to the board offering a queen exchange. He will reject it because right now it's about getting to Magnus's King, so give away a pawn to open the F on the left side of your screen, the white king lacks shelter, so magazon does his best to put his pieces in. ahead, but Fab goes after the D5 pawn and has his own pins at some point. Fab is pushing his pawn, but some nervous movements from both players are real.
The nerves now show Fabiano checking with the black rook. The problem is that Black's pawns act as a refuge. He doesn't really want to push them until he has to, but he is a big threat to Black. Rook threatens to go to F3 with a nasty pin to the White Queen. All checks look at that white king, although they have no protection around him either. Fabiano needs to attack, he needs to win this game, he has surpassed Magnus wao and there is a check on B2. that is very dangerous for the white king to force it on the a-file so that the king can execute the question is if he can hide and he hides in front of that pawn on B4 on the left side of the screen, you see magnus's king, not the there is. too many pieces left it's out in the open that deep pawn may suddenly become a queen since Magnus is actually the one with the advantage he's actually possibly turning right now all three outcomes are possible a few checks the position repeats Fabiano will rescue himself with a tie.
This position has already been seen. If he continues to mark, the white king wants more. He wants more. He is playing to win. There are no safe spaces for Magnus's king. You have to go to the SE file. You have to take a step forward. You have to run. forward with the white king, but I think he's losing, he raises to C7, he goes crazy, the black queen raises one square to A7 with check and I think he anting net. The tower will slide at the end. I think Magnus is about to be


and Magnus. slows down but has six 6 seconds to decide now The Rook can move to the SE column and win the queen.
Give up your Queen. Magnus Carson will surely Fabi take it, but she looks at the white pawn, the remaining white pawn is up to now. The advancer is not finished yet Magnus has lost his queen but he is still fighting because everything depends on these two pawns advancing and Fabiano Carana in seconds can convert this with only 4 seconds on the clock. I think he made those quick moves to get the recurring reminder for everyone. 3 seconds are added for every move you make, so do a quick check, block that pawn, and then push your own pawns. Fabby can win this game even if she loses the queen for those two pawns, so she could push the pawns of his is a rook and St, but she gave it away with check.
Wow, he just made a mistake with the pawn in check. She should have pushed the other one away. The G pawn was a wrong choice and Magnus is alive. Look at those white pawns paralyzing the black queen and this can. It will be terrifying for Black because now the queen can't move anywhere with the check without allowing the dewn to advance and Magnus has enough to hold this well. The problem for Magnus is that Gon will be a decoy, he is not to be


. The rook on D3 cannot move because the D7 pawn in front of the queen will be captured.
Both sides are fighting a bit here. Five doesn't know where to go, but now he's winning. Out of madness, he lowers his tower completely. He chooses the wrong box, he caught his own queen and it's hake

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