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they're putting "P" in school books

Apr 04, 2024
If you've seen any of my previous videos, you know that I don't shy away from talking about topics, especially something of this nature, where I have a strong stance on the negative effects of early exposure that would happen to a child watching. adult material online adult videos of which I can't tell the real name. I'm going to be very vague when I explain these things because guess what YouTube doesn't even allow it, but the elementary library does. Incredible, let's get into it. This comes from the beginning, there are a lot of


, especially in my city, that are facing a challenge right now, there are people that are protesting and making sure that their voices are heard because


don't want little children as their children. go to


, go to the library and accidentally pick up or search for one of the


that have to do with teaching kids how to have sex or get really nasty and brave into the most extreme types of types of sex and relationships. positions and the unpleasant things


do that can transmit a lot of sexually transmitted diseases.
they re putting p in school books
They don't shy away from any of it and in fact teach kids how to do it with graphic images that are drawn images that parents are beyond annoying because not only are they doing everything they can to make sure their kids don't see this type of material on online on their iPads, on their phones or whatever, but they're


up all these parental controls that are doing everything they can to "Make sure this Society isn't infiltrating them with their nasty hypersexualized agendas and now, when they said no They could go to


during the seven hours of the day when they at least knew they were going to be safe.
they re putting p in school books

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they re putting p in school books...

Actually, it's not safe now, it's still coming into the libraries and if it's going to go into the libraries, believe me, it's not It won't stop there, so let's get into the books and find out what they're teaching the kids that they really can It won't be, it's really that bad, it's so bad, I actually had to erase the whole screen because it talks about things that I don't even know about. I can't even talk. He is a 21 year old boy on YouTube. I'm going to explain what I am. Looking right now, it's a sexual position of two people doing it, yes, on a bed that is spread out, it's like drawn with pencil and paper.
they re putting p in school books
I can't show this because this video will be age restricted. You'll probably even lose it. My entire YouTube channel for showing what they show little kids in school and calling it sex education, so at the end of this book there is a cheat sheet section where it teaches you all the nasty explicit erotic terms that I myself De In fact, I just learned from reading this book when I was 21 years old. They have extreme definitions of things that, if you did, you would die from a really serious illness or end up in a hospital for an extremely long time.
they re putting p in school books
Talk about a shower. I can't see the full name of this term, it's an extreme fantasy that some people do, it's really like next level, scary limit, let's talk about this one, uh, Rim, oh my god, I can't even see the full word, Oh. Oh my god, it talks about eating, oh my god, oh my god, this one is so bad, this one is so bad if I do say so myself, I don't think this video is on YouTube anymore, it talks about consuming waste, I swear to God. I swear that's literally what's explained here, how about this on page 90 where it says there's nothing wrong with having multiple partners if all partners are honest, open and confident about their lifestyle choices?
It doesn't matter how many sexual partners you have, but don't mess with someone else's patch, oh God, don't let you cheat on someone, let's read on for the way you're teaching the kids, you're teaching the kids to Be more promiscuous and have more partners and become strangers to as many people as possible. There is nothing wrong with it because it feels good and as long as no one lies, is honest, open and confident, you should be fine and this is extremely dangerous advice to tell people not only adults but especially children. for your own mental health but also for your physical health because not everyone is honest, open and confident, if we are honest let's continue, it's about choices.
I think everyone should be able to live the way they want as long as they do it. You don't hurt anyone or yourself in the process, you can choose to be promiscuous or you can choose to be unwell, there are many flaws in this ideology, let's start analyzing them one by one because if you want to get into philosophy, friend. Let's get into philosophy, no problem, as long as you don't hurt anyone or yourself. Unfortunately, many people accept this as truth. They teach it in school. This is the foundation of philosophy. Liberalism, this is called the harm principle, but this is, let's say, version two of the harm principle done by Jon Stewart Mill, where they added their own.
This person added his own where he said, uh, you can hurt, don't hurt anyone else or yourself. Now this is a problematic statement perhaps for the person writing this book, because if you really mean what you say about not hurting anyone including yourself, then smoking should be banned, drinking should also be banned because You are hurting yourself and the smoke in it. Air hurts someone else or drinking because you're hurting yourself and the way you might act in public is hurting someone else even if you don't do it you're still hurting yourself so all these negative things that we do daily.
Including all the things that were taught in this book, all the extreme erotic fantasies that were taught in this book, they could actually hurt you, so all of these tips contradict each other because you will eventually hurt yourself if you continue to follow them. So, who are you? Let's discuss who are you to tell me I can't drink or I can't smoke. This is my freedom. This is my freedom. Are you infringing on my freedom as a human being? And if? I want to get drunk maybe once every four or five weeks, who are you to stop me?
It's my choice and I want to do it. Let's say you go to the original damage principle drawn up by Jon Stewart Mill himself, then you would have to assume. Let's say, for example, cheating is not wrong unless the partner realizes it, because the only time cheating can hurt is if the partner discovers that their heart is broken and discovers that this person all this time in I was actually fooling them, ah now. now we're getting into more flaws that don't really make sense or let's say for example if a brother and sister really want to have fun if you know what I mean then by your own logic and your own principles there is absolutely nothing wrong in this because they are not hurting anyone else or themselves it is fun they are practicing it safely and they can play so much fortnite.
I have to use whatever kind of filler words they want because it doesn't hurt anyone. So according to your own logic, that is completely subjective because of the way you make an objective statement, as if morality is a fact, but you get your morality from yourself, which is different for every person around the world. , so you can't. Even make this argument to begin with, it's full of flaws. Well, now, as an example, this one teaches you how to excite. I actually have to blur this whole figure. Discover how to excite the email body. Talk about lips.
Kisses. um, oh my gosh, I can't even say the rest of this, talk about what to do with certain body parts, talk about how, oh my gosh, talk about what body parts would feel good if you touched them, oh my brother, This is real children's toiletries inside school books, how did this get into the library? Any part of your body will respond. I can't say this on YouTube, let's move on to the next book, uh, which is another version. of childcare uh, we're in I think this is a chapter that talks about having fun with yourself alone, it talks about how it's perfectly normal, actually, when you have these feelings it's not a bad thing, but it's a good thing. and you really should act on it, this is teaching kids that they should do it themselves and there's nothing wrong with it.
It literally says in this book that some people think masturbation is wrong or harmful and some religions consider masturbation a sin, but masturbating cannot be. hurt you and does not result in pregnancy or contracting or transmitting infections that are transmitted through sexual contact. UM, this book talks about boys, girls, teens, and adults too, so it's even aimed at little boys, girls, teens, and adults. It addresses everyone. people and says they experience sexy feelings when, oh my gosh, it says what it is to do it to yourself and then it says because it feels good, then it explains what it means to do it to yourself and then it explains why it feels good, then this The book tells you that it feels good.
This is a positive thing. He's talking to little kids. The next line says that some people think masturbation is bad or harmful and some religions consider masturbation a sin, but masturbating can't and does harm you. it doesn't result in pregnancy or getting or transmitting infections that are transmitted through sexual contact, so it tells you why it's not really a bad thing and it's not going to hurt you, so it gives you the open door to what maybe Maybe you should do it because hey, it feels good and it's not going to hurt you, this is what you're teaching the kids, this is a book, we actually have to fight our way out of the book and out of the schools, I don't know. how he got into the Schools call this sex education, it's like a blanket term they hide this underneath, if we're being totally honest this is pornography and this is illegal too, let's check the actual laws of the state of Michigan to see what parts of them do. call it illegal, we see it here right after the already preloaded page, we see section 722 675 where it says to spread exhibitions or exes or show sexually explicit material to minors.
By the way, this is illegal in the state of Michigan, disseminating sexually explicit material to a minor is a felony punishable by imprisonment of not more than two years or a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars or both parts of this law It says, for example, that passive sexual participation means a real or simulated act that exposes or attracts another person. a person's attention to an act of sexual intercourse erotic caressing masturbation sexual arousal or erotic nudity which is exactly what we saw in this book this book says on page 83 it says and I quote basically pornography is okay and it's fun, but it's not at all way is real you can't tell children that this is okay and fun;
In fact, it is illegal to request that children under 18 be shown and taught that they should watch erotic programs. So now we see that parents in my town are outraged because they have little brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and children who go to schools where they thought that school, of all places, would finally be the safe haven where they wouldn't have to worry so they wouldn't have to breathe their neck to make sure they're not on any bad sites online, the school will take care of them when in reality the school won't take care of them. I don't know how this is even up for debate, but kids should do it. not having access to porn is that simple let alone little books that have pictures that teach them how to do extremely dangerous risky acts, glorify them and make them look cool, groom kids and then teach them that hey, not only It's fun, but they also watch it online.
It's really fun and okay, how is this even a pro? How are we talking about this? How is this even for a debate? Parents. Sorry, this is the challenge you have in life because I don't know how to do it. solve it normally i have a solution in all my videos in this video there is no solution that's the end of this holy video please comment below or something we can do to protect our children from seeing these explicit 18+ things in their seven - one year libraries uh i don't know how to end this video amazing amazing brother

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