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They Never Told Us About This in the Blind Side

Jun 04, 2021
The facts are presented for the first time, we were





in The Blind Side, when The Blind


was released in theaters in 2009, it immediately became a huge hit, not only the audience loved the movie, but also critics even received a nomination for an award. Academy Award for Best Picture Sandra Bullock won an Oscar for her performance, which is one of the highest forms of praise an actor can receive, although most people loved the movie, there were some who didn't. The movie is Michael ORS's story and he feels like the movie didn't tell the real events the way


really happened here are some things Michael says the movie got wrong The Blind Side went deeper into how Michael Oher ended up with the TUI family according to Michael, the Hollywood version of his life was watered down to make it easier to see Michael's life was really hard his mother was an addict and was not present in his life during his childhood his father was in He went to prison and died there.
they never told us about this in the blind side
He has 11 brothers and sisters and none of them had an easy time growing up. That's why when Michael met the two, he essentially saved his life in The Blind Side. The first time the family meets, Michael is in the pouring rain and is freezing,


stop to ask him where he is going and he says that he is going. The gym to keep warm and the family takes him to his house for the night, according to Michael, staying with the TUI didn't happen suddenly, it was gradual. LeAnn met Michael at the school her children attended and she first wanted to help.
they never told us about this in the blind side

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they never told us about this in the blind side...

Her buying him new clothes, it took them a while to develop a close relationship which was not seen in the movie, however, they ended up adopting him. Actor Quentin Aaron played Michael in the film and portrayed him as a quiet and reserved man. He was shy and passive in the movie, he always did things that others wanted in real life. Michael is known for his big personality, his raucous laugh and his quick sense of humor. He also says that the family he really wanted didn't push him towards football. plays alone michael says quentin did a great job as an actor only he had no real story to tell quentin played the role as he was


but it wasn't mike's true personality at all lian-chu works as a successful interior designer, One of his clients was Patrick Ramsey, who was the quarterback of the Washington Redskins.
they never told us about this in the blind side
That's not mentioned in the movie, but Leanne, played by Sandra Bullock, mentions Patrick in the movie in a casual reference. However, she does mention that she is a designer for celebrities when she is talking on the phone over a chair in the film. Michael struggled with racial issues in the film, he wrote an essay about being the only black person in a sea of ​​white, well there is a part where Leanne's uncle calls the house after watching the family Christmas. card that asked if there was a colored child in the photo. He was also selected during a game because of his race in real life.
they never told us about this in the blind side
Michael also faced racial challenges. He was the only black student, which meant that he had to deal with the intolerance of his other classmates. Various ways they tried to make him feel part of the family, but the racial issues were always in the back of his mind in the movie, the connection between Michael and the two E's happened immediately in real life, although it didn't happen that quickly and there was a good As far as tension goes, what the movie did right was that a strong bond was eventually forged between the two E's and Michael, when they looked at each other like family and they still do today in the movie, it was Lee Ann who instilled the love for him. soccer. she met Michael and even helped him learn the game in real life.
Lee Ann participated in Michael's training, but he was not as clueless as he was portrayed in the movie in real life. Michael had athletic skills and already knew how to play soccer. She had played football at her previous schools and believes the film robbed her of the hard work and determination she put in as an athlete before meeting the two E's. When Sandra Bullock was first approached to play Lee Anne, she He almost rejected it. She did not do it. I think she would be able to play a Catholic woman realistically after sitting down and talking to the real Lee Anne, although she agreed to take on the role, she took it so seriously that she was willing to accept less money than usual to play the role. character.
She is very glad she did it because she won an Academy Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role. Sandra Bullock was not the only actress to turn down the role at first, although Julia Roberts was also offered the role of Leanne, but she turned it down. she said she didn't feel raw was right for her, which is a shame because it was an award-winning role for Sandra Bullock. Quintin Aaron is the actor who played Michael Oher and he was an excellent choice. The two men have a similar build, both are very tall, although the significant difference between the two actors is their age.
Michael was born in 1986. Quinton was born in 1984, which is two years apart. Sandra Bullock met the family only once and she became good friends with Michael. Oher and the TUI family, in fact, today still visits them quite frequently and has attended some football games. She has been seen many times sitting in the stands with the TUI family watching the real Michael Oher play before landing the role of Michael Oher in Blind


Quintin was working as a security guard after his audition, he gave his card to director John Lee Hancock and told her to call and that she might need security on set.
Quinton was surprised when he received the call from her telling him that he had since landed the role. So he hasn't worked in any security jobs, his main focus today is acting and he has landed roles in movies and television shows, including Law & Order SVU. Michael Oher has made it no secret that he disapproves of the way he was portrayed in the film. He didn't like the way he was portrayed as an athlete and he doesn't like the way people think of him since the film's release. He says, since the movie came out people don't see him as a serious athlete.
They look at him as the NFL player who had a movie about him, suddenly his incredible talent as an athlete doesn't matter anymore and he believes that's because of his value as a professional athlete in the movie. Michael was admitted to the school after the football coach. and Sean Chui fought for him to attend while these two men were instrumental in getting him into the school. He had to do more. Michael had to take several academic exams before being admitted to the school. The parts of the movie that Michael didn't have basic knowledge of. In reality, the skills were not precise.
Some teachers helped him more than others, but he entered school on his own merit. Michael was not happy with the way he was portrayed in the film, so he decided to write an autobiography to set the record straight. and his book is called I Beat the Odds from Homelessness to The Blind Side and Beyond. In his book, he goes into detail about his childhood and corrects many of the changes and embellishments the filmmakers used to make the film a success. It's her way of letting people know who the real Michael ower is Colin Stewie is the eldest son of the TUI family and their only daughter, she and Michael forged a strong bond in the movie and they did it in real life in the movie , she was a cheerleader and volleyball player.
In real life, her athletic achievements are even more significant: she received a cheerleading scholarship at the University of Mississippi and won the title of state champion in pole vault when she was still in high school, like the entire family. of the. Collins was incredibly athletic. Michael and Sean's first. The


side encounter is different than what it was in real life in the movie. Sean met Michael after Colin's volleyball game while he was picking up food left by people watching the game. In reality, Sean met Michael at school, but only later. The family had already started helping him.
Sean went to school to make sure Michael had lunch money so he could be sure the student could eat during the day. Quentin may have bore a physical resemblance to the real Michael Oher, but he didn't know anything about football to prepare for the position. Quinton joined the Georgia Tech football team for three months. He underwent rigorous training with the team and the experience helped him better understand the game and the soccer fields. This experience helped him play a credible football player most people would


know he had never played ball before his time with Georgia Tech school officials at Briarcrest Christian School were not very enthusiastic about their being mentioned. school in the film, they were concerned about how the staff would be portrayed and then reflect poorly on them without the school's permission to use their name.
The writers had to change the name of the school in the film. The name was changed to Windgate Christian School, but the school's green color still appeared in the film before landing. the role of Michael or Quinton Aaron had never been on a plane, his first time was when he was asked to go for a second audition in Los Angeles, since then he has flown many times and has fit perfectly into the glamorous life of Hollywood Wally Anne. he pushed Michael to play soccer. Quentin's mother urged him to play the role of Michael Oher after reading the open call for Blind Side.
Quentin's mother realized that her son had the right look and build to play the soccer star. She submitted his name for the audition and the rest is history. Quinton had to do a lot to play Michael successfully, not only did he take acting lessons and train with Georgia Tech football players, but he also had to lose a hundred pounds for the role; He managed to do it in just three months. He says landing the role of a longtime country music legend was worth it. Tim McGraw played Sean. II Tim wasn't the only actor in the cast with musical talent, although Lily Collins, who played Collins, is the daughter of rock legend Phil.
Collins in the movie SJ was an adorable kid who took Michael under his wing right away. The relationship between the two was accurately portrayed in the film as SJ was so young when the film was made that the audience never finds out that Michael played football. He never told us


by surprise after graduating from high school. SJ was accepted into Loyola University in Baltimore and today he works as a football coach at Southern Methodist University. Subscribe to get more information.

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