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They Completely Ruined This Franchise

May 23, 2024
2024 has been a notable year for horrible horror movies. Every month we get a new horror disaster on the big screen and are charged over $10 for what should be a crime for movies that are as bad as tarot and now weird. Chapter 1 I'm surprised how often


post these disgusting messes, no matter how you look at


movie or if you're generous if you try to be with her, there's nothing you like, it's a bunch of dogs, it's actually worse than that because real dog like tangible poop is at least free


is a dog you're paying $10 to sit and be bored and miserable the point is strangers chapter 1 isn't very good im sure there's no doubt that most of you guys could sniff that.
they completely ruined this franchise
I was trying to be very subtle with my review so as not to be biased, but it's hard with how bad this movie was and made worse by the fact that I really like Strangers, the first movie from 2008. In fact, I think it's a classic, I didn't like the second one as much. I actually forgot it existed until I went back and saw that


actually had one from 2018 and I thought, oh that's interesting, I must have missed it and then I saw the trailer. No, I saw it, I remember it now, anyway it opened up a repressed memory, although episode 1 of Strangers is Far and Away, the worst of the


here and one of the worst horror movies of the year.
they completely ruined this franchise

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they completely ruined this franchise...

I don't think it's worse than tarot. but tarot was genetically designed to be the worst possible horror movie you can create. They had one of the Moonfall writers direct that thing, so it's going to be very difficult for any movie to be worse than Tarot this year, but this one certainly tried. to give it a run for its money now, strangers chapter 1 has a really interesting story, not in the movie itself because the story is complete garbage, but they actually filmed an entire trilogy for strangers and I'm not talking about 2008 and 2018, I mean. Strangers Chapter 1 is the beginning of their new trilogy that they already filmed, apparently they filmed all three movies and will be releasing this entire trilogy over the course of the next year, which is very ambitious, especially when you have something so weak.
they completely ruined this franchise
For starters, I don't know how they're going to justify the existence of chapter 2 or the final chapter, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious now because how could it get better? It can't get any worse, this is definitely the worst, I think it can be for outsiders, but what could they do to make it better? I don't know, the movie ends with a 2B and no one wants to continue with this, but now I have this morbid curiosity about where this could go, like I'm meaning to hope this starts bringing in aliens and time travel or something. .
they completely ruined this franchise
I think it's really going to go off the rails, but let me talk about what makes this movie so special. bad and in fact I'll start with this quote from the director. Nothing is too ambitious for me. If it had been a remake or a sequel, I definitely would have approved of it because at this point in my life I wouldn't play a classic like it. original, the strangers, hello friend, you just came from a stupid city, what are you talking about? Strangers Chapter 1 is literally a stand-alone remake of the 2008 movie Strangers, except the characters are stupider, they're more shallow, like these are the most boring characters I've ever met. seen in a horror movie and that is saying something extraordinary because I thought tarot had the worst characters, but the two characters, the main characters here, are very unpleasant and have no depth, somehow the tarot characters had better depth, what do you mean by that? you didn't want to just make a new version and you would have passed if that was the task.
You made everything that was present in 2008 Strangers is present here but worse it's like the AI ​​was tasked with recreating Strangers 2008 and just chatted that GPT put this together to try to make it a close emulation but lost the whole soul and what made this movie so good is that if you've seen 2008's The Strangers, you've already seen episode 1 of Strangers. It's the exact same story, the only thing that changes is that it's an Airbnb, but everything else is


intact, including some of the iconic scares done one by one, but worse, it loses all the strangers tension from 2008, it's rubbish, remake that movie.
Whether you set that goal or not, that's what you delivered, the best thing I can say about Strangers Chapter 1 is that at least it's only 91 minutes, so it's nice and short, you get in there, you get frustrated, you get bored, you leave and you forget about the movie


because it sucks, at least it wasn't long so thanks for that I guess, the story revolves around a man and a woman who have been dating for 5 years, the boy hasn't proposed to her, which is a plot point that doesn't really do anything, never leads to anything, except a single line here and there about how they are deeply in love and that they are on a journey, they head to Oregon, but they encounter some car trouble and end up getting stranded in a place called Venus Oregon and directed to an Airbnb to spend the night while they wait for a guy named Rudy to fix their car and most of the people in this little town.
They are very sketchy, so it makes the main of the main characters nervous, the guy, I already forgot his name, that's why I just refer to him as the guy, I don't actually remember their names and I don't really feel like . looking for him because it's not even worth remembering their names, so the guy and his girlfriend go to a restaurant because they're hungry and the guy immediately starts rolling a one on every Charisma check so that everyone he interacts with throughout the entire The first half. of the movie ends up hating him because he tries to be a joker with everyone and no one likes it, so every time he makes a little joke like, for example, one of the waitresses at the restaurant said, oh, you've been dating for 5 years, why no?
Haven't you put a ring on it yet? What are you waiting for? And he's doing well right now. I'm waiting for my turkey to melt and no, no one laughs so he just says tough people and he does it like six times, he's so annoying and every character hates him, this guy has negative charisma in his stats, so of course anyway, it's not enjoyable for everyone in the movie and for everyone watching the movie because it has nothing to do, it's not interesting, it has nothing written around it, it's just this. A hollow character who spits out a couple of bad jokes and makes horribly stupid decisions, so now they're staying at this Airbnb and things are getting a little weird because there's someone knocking on the door, they're banging on the door, and they're asking for a Tamara, they say: H, not here, go away, weird, so they leave and come back, where is Tamara?
Hey, I already told you there's no Tamara here, go away, take a walk and meet him and his girlfriend. like he's trying to make the best of the situation, she seems to really like him and the guy grabs his six pack of beer and tries to put it in the fridge. He says the damn refrigerator doesn't work, so he takes it out and then his girlfriend. he finds a number to call if they need help with something for the Airbnb owner and I don't, it's like 1:00am. m. and he and she grab his number and call the Airbnb owner to leave a message and send someone to fix the refrigerator at 1:00 a.m. m. so they could chill his beer, what an inconsiderate guest, why would you do that?
You're there for like 6 hours, why would you ask someone to leave at 1:00 AM? m. to fix your refrigerator so your My boyfriend can put beer in it, but they end up drinking the six beers anyway without them being cold. It's so stupid. This is so stupid. I'm all over Breaking this down because this movie really sucks and there are a lot of things I want. to complain, but okay, let's go back to that person knocking on the door, eventually the boyfriend realizes that he doesn't have his inhaler. His girlfriend says she forgot to put it in the car when they got to the Airbnb because someone drove them there. and he said, okay, okay, I'm going back to town on this motorcycle I saw outside, so this Airbnb has a motorcycle.
I want you to take very strong note that it is a motorcycle that works and that the boyfriend takes without any problem. town that's like 5 miles away or something, so he goes to get his inhaler and she's now left alone in the house and creepy things are happening, one of the strangers is singing Rocka by baby like all the cliches that you can imagine. a horror movie there are in this movie every possible cliche of a horror movie and they are done much worse than you have seen before, so she is getting nervous, you are hearing these things and you see how all these strange people and creepy. they are standing behind her and she doesn't see them but we see them it's creepy scary and then they jump up and scare the wazo and it finally culminates when they turn off the power and she has her phone flashlight off and she sees one of the strangers in her mask is standing right in front of her so she runs upstairs and locks herself in and then her boyfriend comes back on his motorcycle and he has his inhaler and he has a cheeseburger.
I also want to note, while he was in town, he actually met some. They weren't weird people because the city was sketchy, they were very nervous, you know, the outsiders, but when he came back to the city, they were all super friendly, like normal young people, and they talked like, hey, why don't you like spending the day? hang out with us? He says: No, I have to go home, so I want to make it clear that there are normal people there. He comes home with the inhaler and a cheeseburger and says, Hey, what's going on, ma'am, what are you? sitting on the floor to see what's going on girlfriend, that's very strange and she says no, there's someone in the house.
I saw someone standing in the house, it's like someone in the house had really been smoking. Not me, he says, have you been smoking? and her. Well, yeah, kinda, he shows me where this person was standing, so she takes him downstairs where the Masked Stranger scared her and then she looks around and sees a picture of a clown on a wall and says, Oh me. you know what happened here this looks familiar and he does this in front of her blocking the clown photo and then unlocking it he says this is this is what you saw was someone standing in this house you just saw the clown photo and you're so high that you get up and then she says "Strange brothers are strong things," that's a line in the movie that says "Strange brothers are strong things," referring to what she was smoking.
I have to imagine that the director was talking about the strange brothers when he was making this movie because it's so stupid, it's so stupid, how the hell would you say? Hey, listen, it was definitely this photo you saw. It's not a human being standing here, that makes a lot more sense. You could be on PCP and probably. Don't confuse a picture of a clown with a human being standing in front of you and yet this fool lights her up and convinces her that's what it was, then they go on with the rest of the night and if any of them were thinking .
Logically, what should have happened there is that they both got on the motorcycle and headed into town and just spent the rest of the night with normal people because there were normal people who invited them to hang out, so they would have just returned to the city. be like yeah, Airbnb was up, there are creepy people scaring my girlfriend, let's go back to the city with these normal people and stay there until they fix the car in the morning, that would have been the logical thing to do because they have a working vehicle and they just used and would have immediately ended the movie on the spot, but that's not how it plays out because no one was thinking, so instead they just sit there, listen to some records, and then finally one of the strangers wearing the mask like basically the Scarecrow Mask from Batman Begins hits the door with an ax and that's when it hits the boyfriend like oh my girlfriend's not crazy, oh we're in danger so they run into one of the rooms, they hide and they wait for everything to happen where it is. one of the strangers with the ax just went through the door looks at them and then walks away and immediately after walking away for like maybe 5 seconds the boyfriend leaves and says "it's okay, they're gone, we're safe now, it's actually So".
It's like an NPC sprung from oblivion or something the moment you break line of sight they say oh it must have been that the wind just ceased to exist so the boyfriend and girlfriend say okay we need to get some weapons. I need to like the setup in case they come back because obviously it's not like they just disappear so they start looking around for weapons uh to no avail finally the girlfriend likes to bust one of the big guys and there's another thing which I want to point out. In the room they were ducking and covering in there was a window right behind them.
They could have gone in through the window and just taken their chances in the woods, but they don't do that. Instead, I also skipped something when they come out. In the room, they immediately go to the motorcycle, too late for that because now all the strangersThey are there and the motorcycle explodes, so the motorcycle is gone, they run back into the house, they go to another room and that's when the girlfriend takes like the vent. from the wall and they both go up there now that they are under the house crawling trying not to make noise and the bride hits a nail with her hand and a nail goes through a scene that we saw one by one and that we did much better in a quiet place, so now she had a nail in her hand and I can't yell CU obviously strangers would hear them so now she has to deal with him pulling out the nail and they crawl under the house and eventually he likes this little door that It opens under the house and they open it.
Get up, go out and immediately start talking at full volume, what do they like? They've only walked like a couple of feet and they just start talking at full volume and obviously strangers can hear that they just recognized that they needed to be quiet, they couldn't say anything, she couldn't even scream with a nail through her hand and then 2 feet later ok now we can use our outside voices it's so dumb they are so stupid but what happens? The stupidest thing is that they are outside now, they could just run through the forest and their chances are pretty decent there since there is so much land that it would be difficult for just three people and three strangers to locate these two individuals who are in good shape to They run, but instead of just doing that, what they decide to do is go to the shed next door, which is something that obviously strangers are going to be looking around the shed, but whatever stupid decision number 20 is, they're already in. to the shed looking for a weapon.
I don't know why they thought there would be a gun there because obviously if the strangers were there they probably would have gotten rid of the guns or at least been protecting them so they go into the shed and they start waiting and the guy the guy raises the arms. stairs and finds a shotgun so the strangers are stupid too because they clearly know the property and there is a stranger in the shed who keeps stalking them watching them pick up the shotgun and everything allows him to have the shotgun and then the guy. he starts shooting some of the strangers of course he misses every shot because it's a horror movie so they can't have good aim and now the boyfriend and girlfriend are starting to get a little more confident so they wander around, They crawl through the house and they hear someone banging on the front door, they say, okay, we've got the jump on them, we've outflanked them and now we've got a shotgun, so the boyfriend says stay here, I've got this for him to come around the corner. and like in Gears of War, he comes out of the corner and attacks him, literally, like he's shooting the guy blind and he's like, "I got it, I got it," and the girlfriend walks up and looks like, "Damn, that was". n one of the strangers you criticized Joe, the Airbnb owner, remember earlier when they called about the refrigerator, well, Joe got the message from him, he runs out at 4:00 a.m. m.
He starts banging on her door, ready to fix a refrigerator, and he gets hit with a shotgun in the face, literally blows his brains out, and then the guy says oh no, oh Joe, I'm so sorry Joe, she says no, don't worry, you're trying to protect this. I get it, it's okay and he says, wait. keys, drove a car here, so they got into Joe's car over his cold, lifeless corpse and started trying to get out of there with the car, but one of the strangers was in his truck and started hitting his car with his truck and then he pins that car against the tree and his truck and keeps hitting it and then the guy says go save yourself girlfriend go lady please save yourself I got this I'll be fine and then he remembers he has a shotgun inside . the car because he took it and then he took out the shotgun and was ready to shoot the guy, but the stranger left because he waited until he stopped moving, he stopped hitting his car with his truck to get the shotgun, why didn't he would do? that would be the first thing he would do the moment that truck hit him, the shotgun is next to him, literally, it's close to me, as close as I am to my mouse, that's where the shotgun was and this truck hits him like 20 times he just backs up like in the Austin Powers scene he backs him forward into his car, lets this happen like 20 times and he's like "everyone get out of here girlfriend, I'll know, save yourself, I'll sacrifice myself for you, grab the shotgun and then when it's finally ready, obviously the stranger is gone because they've taken too many hits and the stranger got bored, but if he had done that, maybe 10 seconds earlier, he could have easily had the cleanest shot ever and killed that guy with the shotgun so anyway eventually he gets out of the car uh the lady is running through the woods she likes to bury herself under some sticks to hide so one of the strangers looks down he doesn't see her on the stick like that that the stranger walks away and immediately After that stranger leaves the diagnosis, she takes out a cell phone and calls the police while the stranger is still like, at best, 5T away, she would listen to that, but whatever you can call the police and then start running through the woods again, but now. the stranger sees her and the boy is wandering through the woods with a shotgun trying to find the girl, actually the boy flanks one of the strangers puts the shotgun to the back of his head and says where is my girlfriend, Drop the knife so the girl falls. the knife doesn't say anything he just starts laughing, he says give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you and she keeps laughing and puts the gun in his face and he doesn't shoot her, this guy just attacked an innocent man. in the middle of the night who came to repair a refrigerator and doesn't shoot the people who are trying to kill them, it's painful, it's painful, so he doesn't shoot him and instead the guy who gets the girl knocks him out. knocked out by another of the strangers and then the strangers end up stabbing them both in the house and then the police show up and the girl survives and gives us a continuation of chapter 2 it's so bad it's so shit it's so Shit, there's a lot more I'm sure that I could vent if I really like it, stop and think about more scenes, but it's just not worth it, it's just bad and to think that they filmed two more of these is crazy to me. yeah anyway, can't wait for strangers chapter 2, if I hooked this up to the humidity meter I'd probably give it like 15%, maybe even that feels a little high for this movie, but whatever, It's just not good. sees you

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