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These Life Lessons Are Requirements In Life, Not Choices

Apr 24, 2024
don't make someone a priority in your


when they don't do the same for you nothing is permanent don't stress too much because no matter how bad the situation is it will change your value it is not determined by another person's inability To see your value, your Enemies will often tell you the truth because it hurts and your friends will often lie because they don't live


the way you want to live it because even the people who love you can't be with you every step of the way. By the way, the danger is very real, but fear is a choice.
these life lessons are requirements in life not choices
Beneath the pain is a lesson. Beneath the pain there is hope. Beneath the struggle is courage when it seems like all is lost. You find what you really need. Most people are only nice when things aren't. It doesn't matter, not everyone is meant to be in your future, some people are just passing by to teach you life


. You must be big enough to admit your mistakes, smart enough to learn from them, and strong enough to correct them. Letting go is very difficult, but it is the best you can achieve, satisfaction is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the understanding of how much you already have.
these life lessons are requirements in life not choices

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these life lessons are requirements in life not choices...

Life is about balance. Be kind, but don't let people abuse your trust, but don't be fooled. Be happy, but never stop improving. You yourself may be the only person who believes in yourself, but enough is enough, life gets so much better when you stop taking things personally, no matter how kind or respectful you are, some people will still talk bad about you behind your back, be it. whatever is causing you. Worry or pain right now will not cause you worry or pain forever. Things change over time and they will pass. Never take someone's feelings for granted.
these life lessons are requirements in life not choices
You never know how much courage it took to share them if you're not sure. Pretend it will come. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Expectations always hurt, so expect less or no expectations from others. The people who say you can't and won't are usually the ones who are afraid you won't catch fire. to keep others warm if you expect the world to be fair to you know why you are fair you are fooling yourself that is like expecting the lion not to eat you because you didn't eat it worrying only means you suffer twice don't be afraid of a shadow just means there's a light nearby just because you hate this chapter doesn't mean you'll hate the book if it can be fixed why are you complaining if it can't be fixed why are you complaining? you think you have time life can only be understood backwards but you have to live it forwards you don't notice your progress in life because you are always raising the bar let yourself go or you will drag you will ruin your life trying to make everyone happy if you are more than three priorities you don't have any knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad people don't get what they deserve you are not always responsible for the first thought you have but you are responsible for the second never be so kind you forgot to be smart and never be so smart you forgot to be kind your mind gives up much faster than your body a calm sea will not make you an expert sailor waiting for change while not doing anything for it is like waiting for the train at a bus stop.
these life lessons are requirements in life not choices
If you repeatedly ask yourself if something is right for you or not, the answer is usually no, at some point you will realize that no one else has a say in your life, unless you let them when you work for someone else you only have the right to work not for the fruits of your labor we have two lives and the second begins when we realize that we only have one the cave you fear to enter contains the treasure you seek Nothing in a life worth having is easy everything is It can take away from a man, but one thing is the last of human freedoms: to choose one's attitude in any set of circumstances, to choose one's own path, it is not possible to make mistakes and still lose, that is not possible. a weakness that is life you are going to anger a lot of people by doing what is right for you you cannot cross the ocean until you lose sight of the shore it is easy to deceive someone it is difficult to convince them that they have been deceived any thought you have about the future is an illusion resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die there are many things worth worrying about you can be a negative or positive person in life but only one will catch you somewhere before you speak let your words be pass through three doors it's true it's kind it's necessary be afraid but do it anyway it takes a long time to realize how truly miserable you are and even longer to realize that it doesn't have to be that way that way you'll never remember the days and nights that you stay home and do nothing courage doesn't always roar sometimes it's a quiet voice at the end of the day that says: I'll try again tomorrow that mountain you've been carrying, you were just supposed to climb people can often confuse stress with responsibility don't hold on to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time doing it someone once told me the meaning of hell on your last day on earth the person you became will know the person You could have converted, it's not a matter of time, it's a lack of priority.
What would you do if you weren't afraid? there are two paths you can go but in the long run there is still time to change the path you are on hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard the reason you want to be better than someone else is the reason why the one you're not Accept stress as the opposite of apathy life moves pretty fast if you don't stop and look around You could miss everything outside of this moment it's just imagination. If you would stop seeing the world in terms of what you like and what you don't like and see things as they really are in themselves, you would find much more peace in your life. are all the bad guys in someone's story the only person who will ever remember your hard work is you not this company not your boss just you it's not worth killing yourself over a company that will replace you in two days if you leave people at who cares don't matter and the people who care don't care keep breaking your heart until it opens remember when you wanted what you have today be the person you needed when you were younger when you do things right people won't make sure you have done something if you are not happy you are doing something wrong don't be afraid to move slowly just be afraid to stand still sometimes a hypocrite is nothing more than a man in the process of changing the only time you should look in the someone else's plate is to make sure they have enough, give them the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind, someone's opinion of you doesn't have to become your reality, the things you own end up owning, you speak your mind even if your voice shakes. experience don't expect experience life you don't have expectations about how a day should be or the first day you decide that you fail 100% of the shots you don't take them youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty anyone who maintains the ability to see beauty never ages the past is just a story We tell ourselves that every living person comes to a crossroads in life when you have to leave the past behind and forge yourself and head towards something new, the only sad thing would be to hold on to the past once it is Out of reach, luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.
Honesty without kindness is brutality. Kindness without honesty is manipulation. They have promised that dreams can come true, but they forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams too. There are two ways to live life. It's like nothing is a miracle the other is like everything is a miracle if you change the way you see things the things you look at change you train people how to treat you unconsciously or not I have had many worries in my life most of which I never stop realizing that you are not your thoughts. It is when you begin to awaken spiritually.
The world is a tragedy for those who feel it, but a comedy for those who think that you are part of the problem or part of the solution. Never attribute to malice what you do. can be adequately explained by stupidity fairy tales are more than true not because they tell us that dragons exist but because they tell us that dragons can be defeated never go to the past in search of happiness or justification or excuses the world is what you are you are what you are things are only impossible until they are not just because you got your way a bad decision does not make it a good decision it is not the critic who counts nor the man who points out how the man stumbles. strong man or where the author of the feats could have done them better the credit belongs to the man who was really in the arena whose face is stained by dust, sweat and blood it is not your fault things are as they are more things that can scare us than crush us we suffer more often in imagination than in reality anger is an acid that can do more damage to the container in which it is stored than to anything it is poured on fake love is very compelling in a world where true love is very rare he who fights can lose he who doesn't fight has already lost we live longer when we are too busy living the objective of the argument is not to defeat each other but to understand each other life is 10% of what happens to us us and 90% of how we react to it pain is weakness leaving your body choose your pain the pain of discipline or the pain of regret work as if there is someone working 24 hours a day to take it away from you the past is in your head the future is in your hands a sword can only be formed once it goes into the fire many of life's failures are people who didn't realize how close they were to success when they gave up if it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't challenge you challenge yourself to change yourself your most difficult moments often lead to the best moments of your life the problem is that you think you have time you have survived 100% of your bad days a man must suffer if he wants to remake himself because he is both the marble and the sculptor never forget why you started if you can't overcome fear just do it scared doubt kills more dreams than failure when you find yourself in a difficult situation and everything is going against you never give up because this is the place and time when that Everything will change it could always be worse the moment when you feel like giving up is the moment when you need to try harder stop complaining about the results you didn't get from the work you didn't do one day you will thank yourself for never giving up What if Would I tell you that in 10 years your life would be exactly the same?
I doubt that you will be happy once we accept our limits we go beyond them a failure is not always a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do Under these circumstances, the real mistake is to stop trying, when a decisive moment arrives, You can do one of two things, define the moment or let the moment define, never give up on a dream just because of how long it will take. achieve it time will pass anyway it's supposed to be difficult if it wasn't difficult everyone would be doing it the difficult thing is what makes it great if you think it will work you will see opportunities if you think it won't you will see obstacles the happiest people don't have the best of everything they just make the best of everything they have you will die once in your life make sure it's worth it you really can't control someone's loyalty to you you can do a lot for someone and still not be treated well if you have to keep wondering if something is worth it then maybe no don't accept criticism from anyone you wouldn't accept advice from leave when a promise turns into forgiveness, sometimes staying alone is important important for your mind and your well-being education to know things does not mean nothing if you're not willing to put in the work and use what you know believe half of what you see and don't believe anything you hear work hard to be the man you want your daughter to get married if you blame someone else don't expect her get better when you drink you are borrowing tomorrow's happiness don't make decisions when you're angry don't make promises when you're angry happy we are the average of the people we spend time with surround yourself with good people to be a good person if your problem can be solved With money it's not a real problem, letting go is very difficult but it's the best thing you can do, don't do it.
I don't really know the person you're with until you move in together. Never marry anyone without living with them. First learn to be content and happy for yourself. If you need company to be happy, it will weaken you if you cannot accept it. take care of yourself you can't take care of anyone else trust is built over the life of a relationship but can be lost in an instant if you are not careful no job is beneath one's dignity if you say you will do something, do it Your word is one of the most valuable things you can cultivate and if your word ever loses that value it will be difficult to get it back the world owes you nothing it is too big and has too many things to do to care about you don't let it Emotions affect yourlife, it doesn't matter if those emotions are yours or someone else's, if you like what you do, you will never feel like working, being kind to yourself is the best medicine, don't change yourself just to make someone happy, unless that someone is you.
Some will call you stubborn, others will call you strong, but regardless of what they say, if deep down you know that what you are doing is right and fair, their opinions shouldn't matter, you can make all the mistakes you want, just don't. you do. Not doing the same thing twice potentially means you haven't done anything yet. People have to do a lot of stupid things to find out what they really want. Don't try to fit in where they don't want you. Friends can still ruin you without By doing it intentionally, sometimes when something tragic or heartbreaking happens, you never get over it or move on, you just learn to live with it.
If your progress doesn't need to be seen or validated by others to be real, don't. There is a quick and easy way to achieve something valuable and hard-earned. Anyone else who tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something, the only thing constant about this. the world is change letting go is much easier than you think holding on is much harder than you think making others look bad doesn't make you look better do the right thing not what is easy no excuses because excuses don't solve your problems problems real growth is when you start to control and correct yourself instead of blaming others, you take back your power by being responsible for your life, you don't chase people who leave your life, you can't control what thoughts come into your life. mind, but you can control what thoughts you entertain don't give energy to thoughts that don't make you feel good kindness won't earn you respect except your own but that's what counts you can't change others if you love something set it free if it comes back then it's yours and it's meant to be and if not, move on, you can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.
One of your worst enemies will be your own ego, he will tell you that "you are never wrong that you are invincible that you have no weaknesses regularly tell your ego to shut up you never realize when the most precious moments of your life are happening try to enjoy every day your life will not go as planned and believe me, it is a The good thing is that you prepare yourself so that every moment is a learning moment in which nothing can go wrong Jealousy will bring you down, don't be surprised, it is normal, a bad one. phase of your life can start at any time most of the time to swallow the pain and learn to grow for yourself don't make one person the center of all your happiness don't make them the reason you are happy because one Once that person walks away from your life you are left without confidence.
Wisely and not blindly, never expect someone to catch you when you fall, even if you have caught many when falling, it is easier to get into a thing than to get out of it, the Most people will treat you according to their needs and greed if someone says something and then says it. I'm kidding, he or she always means what he or she says, people only want to hear the good not the bad so if you have problems it will be hard to find people to trust once you hurt someone they probably won't forget . They will always remember how much you have hurt them.
An insignificant action can have devastating consequences. People want you to succeed, but no more than they want you to succeed. It's not one of the most powerful words out there. Don't please people. You will be alone. In the most difficult moments of your life, these times will make you wise, mature and brave, when you work for someone else's dream, you sacrifice your own, no matter how much good you do for people, they will only remember your mistakes to get there to where you need. Leaving something behind is better to leave things at the right time, otherwise you will be left with too many regrets and complaints, you may not realize it, but the people you love are your biggest weaknesses, what other people think about you is not your business, bad times.
They are actually a blessing because they awaken you to the good things you never paid attention to. If you are impatient, life will always be more difficult. Patience can work wonders. Trust is easy to build but can be destroyed in seconds. tomorrow takes away today's peace don't be afraid to make a difficult decision difficult decisions are the best ones you end up making the more you spend clinging to the past the less likely your future will be better any action is 10 times more valuable than reading and experience in Planning is the best teacher, respect yourself because people can see that if you don't, someone you love can die at any moment, appreciate it, nothing is as easy as it seems, good things come to those who wait and They suffer, it may take time and it will be a long and difficult road, but it is completely and totally worth it, whether it is a machine, a house or a relationship.
Maintenance is always cheaper than repair, we cry for people, but what about time? Time will never return either. Time is everything and a day. It will define things that will tell about your health and your achievements. You will make the best decisions when you feel pain because the fear of experiencing the same pain again is the strongest motivator. The harder your past was, the more beautiful your future will be. you worry about what never happens you attract what you are you want to attract better be better just because you miss someone doesn't mean you need them back in your life missing is part of getting over it before you're old attending as many funerals as you can handle and listening to no one talk about the achievements of the deceased the only thing people will remember is what kind of person you were as long as you managed to have at least one person in your life to give you honest opinions it is good to be generous benign and magnanimous but there is a limit or they will give you of course holding on to things will always make you stronger stressed things won't happen a certain way just because you want them to happen that way learn from what people do, not what they tell you don't react with anger immediately wait for them decrease what is said or done in anger it is irreversible do not share too much privacy is power do not regret the past because at that moment you did the best you could to see people for who they are not who you need them to be never jump to conclusions be demanding and let people show you their true colors never overlook contempt when someone looks down on you and talks to you as if you are beneath them they will probably hurt you either relationally socially or physically remove that person from your life .
Never lend money because you could lend it to your friends for a few days, but get it back from fools for years. Never share your problems with friends before finding a solution, no matter how challenging it is. Don't show your weaknesses. people will enjoy the show don't be weak in front of them listen to people who tell you what you don't want to hear self-pity is dangerous stay away from it just because you're going through hell right now isn't it means you'll never smile again pain is purely temporary you spend all your health initially on wealth and then you spend all your wealth on one day of good health holding a grudge will never hurt the people you hate Only you time defines you you will not be defined Well, by anything other than Time, time is the most powerful force, no matter how much you fight, it will do what it wants.

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