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These frog owners are disgusting people

May 08, 2024
I'm back with our favorite series where I rank Reddit subs by controversial, but only reptile related, we did corn snakes, leopard geckos. I was very disappointed, many of you hated the videos, many of you loved them, so now we are on our


s, which was highly recommended and I am afraid because this community bothers me. Getting started is pretty simple, pretty neat in fact, because it's a salad bubble bath with someone's toad, which is also not a


in a pile of soap, which is probably me. I would be surprised if the toad is still alive to this day.
these frog owners are disgusting people
The thread was blocked and also why did you put soap on your salad? I only used water. I am doing something wrong? Why did you soap it? That's a little gross, but you did it. There's a toad in there anyway, wait, why do you soap up the salad and then put your little bag of urine in it in the first place? Yes, do you wash your vegetables with soap? Why would you wash your vegetables with soap? Sorry, I'm already getting a bit. It got unnecessarily hot I apologize, okay, at first glance, this threw me a little, but I actually like forbidden mochi.
these frog owners are disgusting people

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these frog owners are disgusting people...

I'm not going to look at the mochi the same, but that's okay because I laughed at the post. Is this little guy gone? Yeah, yeah, oh yeah, so Justin's going to be able to smudge a little bit in this episode. I think this is our first contestant to fade. He says South Florida was inside a caged fan when it turned on. He took it out around 8.30am. m. and i found him still alive around 1.30. base of spine sticking out both hind legs in bad shape and broken he's not alive either today i don't think he's absolutely in love with frogs and i discovered this amazing project, say hello to jeff, this It's an nft.
these frog owners are disgusting people
Yes there is a frognolia link, yes it's on openc, yes there are 10,000 of them, you think it's fun to take screenshots of


's nfts, huh, property theft is a joke on you, well, You already know that blockchain doesn't lie, I own it. even if you save it it's my property you're mad because you don't own the art I have delete that screenshot I don't know why I memorized that move on also look I have some experience scam no not scam I did it I don't want to say scam , spam, read it to earn money. If you want to look like a person who just found out about this fantastic project, you have to be a little more convincing.
these frog owners are disgusting people
Normally you only want to be a customer of the product you don't want. mention the product you just posted about the product,


will naturally ask about the product and then you will sell them the product or no one asks you, ask yourself about the product from a different perspective. Okay, I don't want to give away all my secrets, but that's the way it is. Work, it's a little harder to do now because more people do it, but you can certainly spam Reddit and make money, that's not how, and I guess no one has paid for your stupid little frogs, let's find one that sold recently, I mean, you can.
Tell him that they are automatically generated because look, look, the things that are moldy cheese and sold for .002 ethereum, which is what just six dollars? Thank goodness they made us wait twelve dollars for the last price 700. Why is this? one listed for 2.1 million no one has bought it anyway sorry for distracting me a frog funeral a group of friends and I went to the park the other day everyone gathered around a cute little frog and started taking pictures a friend of mine Josh saw the frog and thought so it was a demon and we hunted it we had a funeral that's why someone played the nutcracker on the harmonica vroom vroom okay this one, shall we blur this one?
Will they be able to see this? It's a dead frog on a motorcycle going around in circles, I don't know. If we save them for this one, well, you know, it's the moved leg, it's extremely crippled, wait, I think that's worse, it's normal, this would be really convincing if you took that little bit away, but no one else liked it, apparently you know that this was downloaded because everyone. They thought it was a real frog and then they realized it was photoshopped and then they were offended because they fell in love. Is that how it works.
How can I keep frogs away from my exterior walls? Phobia, so this is a phobia, so please don't be insensitive. I'm already laughing and they're telling me to get over it, that's not possible in a short period of time and forcing myself to do it just makes me hate them more. The problematic frogs continue to climb the walls and hang around the stairs. I need to go up to get there. In my house, how do I make them leave? There's a reason I'm laughing, that's not why you think I'll tell you when I'm done reading this.
Okay, I can't get out and I can't walk past them. Because they jump around so much, it gets worse when they are too high and have the potential to fall on me. I physically lose the ability to even breathe and, ironically, I start to cry. I'm not okay, I don't believe it or not. I understand exactly what they are describing because I have this exact experience with an animal. I'm not telling you what animal because you'll torture me with it and I'll legitimately delete my YouTube channel, but I know I can sympathize, but the fact that it's a frog is kind of funny, they said, I don't want them to die or anything, I want my species to die all day. time they are more understanding than I am a worse person than them so I'm allowed to laugh, that's how it works, right?, poop, thank you, great, this is my little frog, gay friend, he committed frog jumping from the balcony and yes I miss you, little frog.
P.S. I called him frog k, oh no, I'm sorry for your loss, how high? it was the balcony you saw the body because if you didn't know my frogs are still alive they survive jumping very high we found him dead and thank you what frogs can climb walls to eat fruit flies so I have a fruit fly infestation fruit, no joke. where now I have allergic spots due to their bacteria, they look like insect bites, they itch me and they just won't leave me alone. I have cleaned their possible breeding sites and most of the flies are almost on the ceiling, they know I can do it.
I can't reach them at that height to catch them sticky and they are all over my clean kitchen where there are vinegar traps. I looked up that frogs can eat fruit flies and I always wanted to have a frog and name him Kermit Kermit like a cute and Kermi, I'm sorry. kermie as a cute nickname named after muppet puppets what are you waiting for why is this I don't think this pose is a joke I read that tree frogs are the thing but there are other frogs that can climb walls and eat fruit flies, help me, frogs are my I just hope this is a terrible idea.
Well, I'd make sure to keep her in my sights as much as possible, but I see your point. Turns out something else bit me and not the fruit flies. They said their kitchen is clean, but this has to be just a hoarder because they got stung by a bug that they thought was a different species of bug in their house and they don't know what species was biting them and now they're just going to free themselves around a tree frog. . my dead toad yes, it's just a photo of a dead toad, shall we show you this?
I don't know, it's a dead toad if you need a description, what is it, oh my god, what's on my stick, why are they choking me, what's not what? is why do I choke on what's in my cane? No, okay, I'm going to go back to the photo of the dead frog so I can do it. It didn't look that different from things I've seen, I mean I've had leopard geckos. they overeat because maybe they weren't fed or something and they regurgitate everything, it just happens and it seems like that why this image bothers me so much.
I have something to say about this image, but I can't understand it. So I'm going to skip my five year old African clawed frog with two axolotls. I'm not an expert on any of these species, but no comments. How are you? That's a good comment, right? Rana, I want it. in my balls, okay help, where can I buy a frog other than for sexual reasons? I am in the market for a frog but I don't know where or what type of frog I want to get a frog or what I would like the frog for. -sexual reasons for being blue any information is useful and thanks in advance to the people who can help me on this journey to acquire the pet of my dreams, doggo frog.
I just want to know what would happen if you made a hole in the extra skin on your chin. in frogs, like what would happen, it would still explode, it would work again, like it would heal, I think it will be fine, if anything, there may be some damage to the tone, I mean, it's just extra skin, yeah, it would heal, why what are you encouraging? they are related to this frog, today i have a new passy, ​​it's a little frog, but i have little friends to share, i don't have little friends to share, so enjoy age regression, age aggression as a strategy non-sexual positive coping to relieve the daily pressures of stress, anxiety and sometimes just for fun we have gone too far boys and girls poop the toad fly lays eggs eggs in an unusual place nostrils of the toad when its eggs hatch the larva it feeds on the face and body of the toad unfortunately this leads to the demise of the toad oh my god, oh, yes, oh, I don't like it, I don't really like looking at this one, it's okay, it's okay, oh my god, oh no, no, no, no, no, bye, that's the end of the episode, thanks for making me watch these.

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