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These 5 Submarines could Destroy the World in 30 Minutes

Apr 09, 2020
Overseas, these five






in 30


, although fortunately they have never been used during a shooting war. Nuclear-powered


carrying nuclear-tipped missiles are the deadliest weapons humanity has ever devised. In some cases, as in the case of the An Ohio-class submarine during the height of the Cold War, even a single vessel


reduce up to 288 city-sized targets to radioactive ash in less than 30


; In fact, these vessels and their payloads could wipe out human civilization in less time than it would take to order a pizza if a third


war broke out. In this video, we've picked out five of the most capable nuclear-armed submarines in the world. service or that older vessels such as the Soviet Union's massive Project 941 Akula known in the West as the Typhoon will soon enter service are not included because those vessels have largely been retired and dismantled, only Dimitri Donskoy remains in service with the Russian Navy as a test ship stripped of its ballistic missile armament.
these 5 submarines could destroy the world in 30 minutes
Here are five submarines that could kill billions of people in minutes. Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine The Ohio-class of nuclear-powered submarines includes the United States Navy's 14 ballistic missile submarines and its four cruise missile submarines each displacing 18,750 tons submerged Ohio-class ships They are the largest submarines ever built for the US Navy. The Ohio class ballistic missile submarine can carry 24 UGM 133 Trident II D5 submarine-launched ballistic missiles, each of which can carry up to 12 thermonuclear warheads. 475 kiloton w88 with the absolute precision of the MK5 reentry vehicle, which has a circular error probability of less than 90 meters, the Ohio class and its Trident II missiles have the capacity to be used as first strike weapons according to the review of the nuclear posture of 2010.
these 5 submarines could destroy the world in 30 minutes

More Interesting Facts About,

these 5 submarines could destroy the world in 30 minutes...

The United States expects to maintain a total of 14 Ohio-class submarines with two under repair at any given time these days. each Ohio carries 20 missiles for a total fleet of 240 Trident two deployed as of 2016, nine Ohio-class submarines are deployed in the Pacific, while another five are assigned to the Atlantic. Thanks, Columbia-class ballistic missile submarine, the Ohio-class submarine is an old design. Despite their formidable capabilities and the first of their class reaching the end of their 42-year service life to replace the Ohio class, the US Navy is building the new Boomer Columbia class, new ballistic missile submarines. They are slightly larger than the Ohio class at a displacement of 20,800 tons, but the ships only have 16 Trident II D5 missiles on board, most of the ship's enormous size is taken up by a new life of the ship's reactor and engine. permanent magnet.
these 5 submarines could destroy the world in 30 minutes
A powerplant that, while extremely quiet, is also enormous, the new vessels draw heavily on the technology of the Virginia-class attack submarines and take advantage of many of the systems of smaller vessels. These submarines will feature a large-aperture bow sonar system that can also be equipped with a federated tactical underwater warfare system to integrate weapons control systems and optical sonar imaging. The horseshoe-shaped large-aperture bow sonar is made of special composite materials to improve the transfer of acoustic signals. In fact, in some respects the Columbia is an expanded advanced derivative of the excellent Virginia-class design. Construction will begin in 2021, while the first ship will enter service in 2031.
these 5 submarines could destroy the world in 30 minutes
Project 955 mixed-class ballistic missile submarine that should not be left behind America's adversary in the Cold War, although its military power is severely reduced, maintains parity in exactly one area with America's nuclear weapons, so it should come as no surprise that Russia is building a fleet of extremely capable ballistic missile submarines from the Project 955A Barai class, smaller than its mammoth Project 941 Akula, too. known as predecessors of the Typhoon class, with a displacement of 24,000 tons. The barai is larger than the Ohio or the Columbia, but is not as capable as the American ship. However, the Beres are the quietest Russian ballistic missile submarines built to date and incorporate bomb jet drive technology.
The Berai submarines measure approximately 170 meters long, 13 meters in diameter and have a maximum submerged speed of at least 46 kilometers per hour are equipped with a floating rescue chamber designed to accommodate the entire crew, the vessels carry 16 submarine-launched RSM-56 Balava ballistic missiles, each with up to 10 nuclear warheads at a range of 8,000 kilometers. The WarHeads have an accuracy of between 250 and 300 meters cep and are designed to Project to evade anti-missile defenses Delta IV class ballistic missile submarine of 667 inhabitants built at the same time as the powerful Typhoon class the Delta IV is the current backbone of the russian ballistic missile submarine fleet the older design 18,200 ton delta iv is nonetheless a capable platform and is armed with 16 r29 rmu sonneva liquid fuel ballistic missiles.
Each of which can carry between four and eight warheads. Unlike previous versions of the project 667 design, the Delta IV is capable of firing missiles in any direction from a constant heading in the circular sector. It is also capable of firing its ballistic missiles from a depth of 55 meters while cruising at a speed of 6 to 7 knots. Initially, all Delta IV class submarines were based in the Russian Northern Fleet in Olanya Bay. All submarines of this class serve in the 12th Squadron the former third strategic submarine flotilla of the Northern Fleet, which is now located in Yagel Naya Bay project 885m Yasin-class guided missile submarine the Severod-class nuclear-powered guided missile submarine Vince is not a ballistic missile submarine, but has a payload of 32 conventional dual nuclear capable 3M 14k caliber cruise missiles that have a range of over 2,500 kilometers.
The Project 885m ships are a threat to the US Homeland. The Yasin class is fast and extremely quiet and has extremely powerful sensors if the US Navy's Office of Naval Intelligence is correct in its assessment of ships, it is believed that the Severon Vince or its sister Kazan could easily approach within 200 kilometers of the east coast of the United States and attack the interior as far as the Great Lakes, if the ship and its impressive stealth could within a radius of one hundred kilometers or At least, it could impact inland like Chicago or even St. Louis.

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