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These 5 Breakfasts Regenerate Stem Cells & LIVE LONGER ☕ Dr. William Li

Apr 30, 2024
There are these biological sy


s that keep us fit and keep us healthy and if we are not careful to take good care of them, they too will be in their power to defend us and that is how we end up getting sick. Meet Dr. William Lee around the world. Renowned Harvard-trained physician-researcher and president and founder of the Angiogenesis Foundation, who has contributed significantly to medical science. His work has led to more than 40 FDA-approved therapies and devices for cancer, cardiovascular disease, wound healing and vision loss. He is also a New York resident. The Times bestselling author of Eat to Beat Disease, the new science of how your body can heal itself, recently published a new book Eat to Beat Your Diet, Burn Fat, Heal Your Metabolism, and Live Longer When You and I'm growing up in elementary school.
these 5 breakfasts regenerate stem cells live longer dr william li
We learned from our teachers that starfish can


, salamanders can


, but people can't regenerate, right? They can't grow a new arm, yeah, well, that's right, they can't grow a new arm, but we do regenerate, we regenerate every day in today's video with With the help of Dr. Lee, we will reveal five


that regenerate



and will help you



. As we age, our bodies undergo profound changes that require greater attention to our dietary choices to combat the effects of aging. Discover the power of these breakfast options to rejuvenate the stem. Cells increase energy levels and strengthen against age-related ailments.
these 5 breakfasts regenerate stem cells live longer dr william li

More Interesting Facts About,

these 5 breakfasts regenerate stem cells live longer dr william li...

The number one Greek yogurt parfait. Greek Yogurt Parfait is an amazing breakfast for anyone interested in living healthier and


. Beyond its great taste, it comes rich in protein and packed with antioxidants that go a long way to renewing the body, but how does this food translate into a longer, healthier life for you? What makes it promote cell regeneration and general well-being? To start, the thick, creamy parfait base. Greek yogurt comes packed with beneficial proteins for This protein generally contains the essential amino acids which are the building blocks of protein in the body. These amino acids play a very important role in muscle repair and maintenance, which is vital for healthy aging.
these 5 breakfasts regenerate stem cells live longer dr william li
Studies have also shown that eating enough protein can help prevent age-related muscle loss (sarcopenia) which can lead to frailty and deterioration in overall health. Plain Greek yogurt contains probiotics. Live bacteria that contribute to a healthy gut microbiome. The gut microbiome is a complex ecosystem of bacteria that influences digestion, immunity, and even mood. Researchers have also shown a strong link between a balanced gut microbiome and healthy aging – the probiotics in Greek yogurt may help maintain this balance, thus ensuring a healthier lifestyle. Plus, there's the generous helping of berries that are usually included in pafa. These little fruits are loaded with antioxidants.
these 5 breakfasts regenerate stem cells live longer dr william li
Nature's Defense System Against Harmful Free Radicals Free radicals are known to damage


and contribute to the aging process. The antioxidants in strawberries, such as anthocyanins and vitamin vamin c and e, fight these free radicals, ensuring your cells are protected and you


healthier. Strawberries have something called elic acid in In fact, elic acid is what makes a good strawberry pie, so strawberries are sweet, they are a little tart and the tartness comes from the elic acid. Well, elic acid is produced by strawberries, it cuts off the blood supply to tumors, it's actually good for metabolism burns.
It reduces harmful body fat, is an antioxidant, protects your DNA, reduces inflammation and vitamin C in the strawberry itself, and activates your stem cells, so what's not to love about strawberries? Some berries, such as blueberries, are particularly known for their brain-stimulating properties. Studies have shown that regular consumption of blueberries can improve cognitive function and memory, which can decline with age. Beyond cell regeneration and healthier living, you can also keep your mind alert as you age with this food, let me tell you how powerful walnuts are. was a study of almost 800 people with stage three colon cancer, colon cancer which is colon cancer that spreads in your body, okay, it's very serious and they were being treated by their oncologist and the research study found that People with stage three colon cancer who ate two handfuls of nuts a week, seven days, had a 57% reduction in mortality.
You can also add granola to your parfait to give it that crunchy sensation. Granola is typically a mixture of rolled oats, nuts and seeds. Oats are a great source of fiber, which is essential for digestive health. Fiber keeps you fuller longer and promotes intestinal health, which can be beneficial for maintaining a healthy weight as you age. The nuts and seeds in granola are packed with healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, these nutrients play a vital role. role in the different functions your body performs, for example, almonds are a good source of vitamin E, another antioxidant that can help with cell regeneration, number two, spiced apple and carrot muffins, another satisfying food your taste buds and at the same time it does a lot of good for your body.
Spiced Apple and Carrot Muffins is more than just a satisfying meal, as it contains several ingredients that have been linked to cell regeneration and healthy living. What are these ingredients and how do they work? We are actually made of some cells in the womb. The leftovers just get packed into our bone marrow and a few other places when there's a signal that your organ needs to be repaired, basically the damaged area texts your bone marrow and says, "Hey, I need some stem cells." ". What happens is that message will send the stem cells into your bloodstream and into your Genesis like bees coming out of a hive and those bees literally make a bee suitable for that organ and repair it and replace it.
It's quite surprising if you know. Many people don't know this, but if you had your liver, some of our organs actually regenerate. If you had a liver problem, I took out 2 thirds of your liver, most of it, the rest, one third will grow back. the rest again, if I cut off the top part of your lung, it'll just regenerate, grow back, and as you know, people say, wow! I didn't know, but guess what our hair grows back, our skin grows back, you know, you have a little bit more, it's because your skin is falling off, the old stuff is being replaced by stem cells.
A very basic scientific fact is that the human body is constantly renewing itself at the cellular level. This cellular regeneration is carried out by stem cells that are found. In small quantities throughout the body, these stem cells have the remarkable ability to transform into specialized cells repairing tissues and organs, while aging can decrease the activity of stem cells. Scientists have shown that certain food ingredients can help fix this. One of these is cinnamon. Studies have shown that cinnamon. Extracts may stimulate stem cell growth and differentiation into certain cell types. This is good news as it means that cinnamon can be very useful in cell regeneration.
Hi Dr. Will Lee, here I am in the produce section again and I'm looking at a bunch. of apples and pears look, I love apples, have you heard it said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well, this apple actually has this doctor here to pick some up because I love the sweet and crunchy taste of it. What's in an apple? good for you chlorogenic acid chlorogenic acid lights up your metabolism by burning the harmful body fat in the skin of an apple, by the way, it's something called elic acid and you should wash it very well anyway, but if you want one that doesn't have the pesticides get an organic apple that will have more elastic acid in the skin.
Guess what that does? Protect your stem cells and illuminate your metabolism. One more Apple fact: Apples are one of the highest sources of a natural bioactive called procyanidins. Procyanidins brighten your brown. Fat to burn harmful fats again. Good for your metabolism in three ways and also helps protect your stem cells to help regenerate your body from the inside out. What's not to like about this, choose an apple a day, another ingredient in this fantastic Spiced Apple and Carrot. Muffin food is apple, which is a rich source of quatin. Quatin is a flavonoid with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and research shows that it has the potential to protect stem cells from damage caused by free radicals.
Then there are carrots, these contain beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant that the body converts into vitamin A. Vitamin A has been shown to be crucial for maintaining healthy tissues and immune function. Studies have also shown that vitamin A may play a role in stem cell self-renewal, which is the ability of stem cells to replicate. in themselves, but apart from all of these, there are other ingredients that contribute to helping your body age more slowly, for example, eggs are a vital source of proteins that are necessary to build and repair tissues. Whole wheat flour provides fiber that promotes gut health and a healthy gut has been linked to a healthy immune system which in turn can impact the quality of your life, To create these Spiced Apple and Carrot Muffins, gather the following ingredients one large carrot and one apple, both grated, two eggs, 1 cup coconut milk, half a cup maple syrup for natural sweetness one teaspoon ground ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg for warming spices one cup almond flour and half a cup brown rice flour for the base 1 teaspoon baking powder for rising and a pinch of kosher salt to bring out all the flavors start by preheating the oven and lining a muffin tray with paper cups in a large bowl, combine dry ingredients Flowers, baking powder, spices and salt in another bowl, mix the wet ingredients, eggs, coconut milk and maple syrup before adding the grated carrot and apple, combine both mixtures until just liquefied, then pour the batter into muffin cups, bake at 350 Fahrenheit for about 20 to 25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean, enjoy warm for a cozy and nutritious treat before continuing, please take a moment to subscribe to the channel and press the bell icon, if you want to see more recipe videos, please let us know in the comments below.
Kiwi and dragon fruit smoothie number three. Kiwi and dragon fruit smoothie is an exceptional option for anyone who wants to improve their health and extend their lifespan. Not only is it delicious and refreshing, but it is also packed with vital nutrients and antioxidants that are crucial for rejuvenating the body, but what impact does this smoothie have on your health and longevity? How does it encourage cell regeneration and improve overall well-being? Kiwi is packed with vitamins and antioxidants and it has been shown that eating just one kiwi a day can actually protect your blood from being fortified to neutralize approximately 60% of the incoming damage.
Kiwis are not only known for their sweet and tangy flavor, but they are also packed with vitamin C and antioxidants. Vitamin C is crucial for maintaining skin integrity and immune function and serves as a powerful antioxidant to reduce oxidative stress in the body, which is vital for protecting stem cells from damage. Additionally, research highlights that the fibers in kiwis can promote proliferation. of the gut microbiota that improves digestive health and potentially supports the functionality of stem cells in the intestinal lining. Dragon fruit stands out in this smoothie for its vibrant color and unique nutrient profile. It is rich in vitamin C, several B vitamins and essential minerals such as iron and magnesium.
Studies suggest that the antioxidant properties of dragon fruit can significantly decrease markers of oxidative stress, which is beneficial for maintaining stem cell integrity and function. The inclusion of banana not only adds a creamy texture but also substantial benefits through its high potassium and fiber content. Potassium is essential for proper nutrition. cellular function and hydration, while fiber supports digestive health, a crucial aspect of overall well-being and effective nutrient absorption. A tropical hydration booster, coconut water plays its role by supplying electrolytes like potassium,magnesium and sodium. These electrolytes are vital for maintaining fluid balance in the body. Essential for cellular health and efficient stem cell functioning, optional spinach adds a green boost.
Loaded with iron folate and vitamin K, all known to support blood health and cell regeneration. Spinach is particularly known for its high amounts of antioxidants and its role in promoting health. of epithelial tissues, including those in the digestive tract where stem cells are prolific. To make this nutrient-packed smoothie, you'll need two ripe kiwis and one large dragon fruit, both peeled and lightly or diced, along with a banana for added sweetness. and creaminess. a cup of coconut water in the mixture to improve hydration and give it a tropical touch. Optionally, add a handful of fresh spinach leaves to give the greens an extra boost.
If you prefer your smoothie cold, add a few ice cubes. Start by preparing the fruits and then combine everything. Ingredients in a blender are mixed on high speed until mixture is smooth and creamy. If the smoothie is too thick, adjust the consistency by adding a little more coconut water flavor and adjust the sweetness by adding more banana if necessary, serve the smoothie immediately to enjoy its flavor. fresh flavor and maximum nutritional benefits number four, Berry Walnut breakfast cookies, the core of this recipe is rolled oats and mashed banana that provide a sustained release of energy throughout the morning due to their high fiber and complex carbohydrate content , so the fiber in oats is particularly notable.
Its beta glucan content, which has been studied for its role in blood sugar regulation and cardiovascular health, is one of my wellness favorites. It has been shown to improve your immune system by triggering the feeding of your gut microbiome, and when that actually happens, it really improves your body. They respond better to uh Med medications specifically, the study was conducted on patients with stage three colon cancer who were receiving regular cancer treatment. Including walnuts in their diet actually reduced their mortality by more than 50%. Nuts and seeds like cheia and flaxseed are added for more than just their crunch: They're an important source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for maintaining heart health. and reduce inflammation Omega-3s are also linked to improved neurological functions and supporting brain health, which may contribute to better cognitive functions as we age.
Its beautiful blue color comes from a natural diet called anthocyanin, which is an antioxidant that protects your DNA and helps build your immune system. and also improves your metabolism, berries, whether blueberries or raspberries, add not only bursts of flavor but also powerful antioxidants like vitamin C and quatin. These compounds are known for their ability to combat oxidative stress and inflammation factors that can compromise cellular health and accelerate aging. The inclusion of cinnamon not only improves the flavor but also adds health benefits as an anti-inflammatory spice known to aid in blood sugar control, which is crucial for maintaining energy levels and preventing insulin spikes.
To make Berry Walnut Breakfast Cookies gather the following ingredients: 1 and 1/2 cups rolled oats one ripe, mashed banana 1/2 cup chopped walnuts 1/2 cup fresh or frozen berries such as blueberries or raspberries 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce 2 tablespoons each chia and ground flax seeds 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon cinnamon and a pinch of salt Start by preheating the oven to 350 F and lining a baking sheet with parchment paper in a large bowl combine oats, walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, cinnamon and salt, add mashed banana, applesauce and vanilla extract. mix until all ingredients are well incorporated, gently fold in berries to avoid crushing them, pour mixture onto prepared baking sheet, flatten each tablespoon slightly to form cookies, bake 15 to 18 minutes until cookies are golden brown and firm, allow cookies to cook.
Let them cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely. Enjoy these healthy crackers as a nutritious start to the day or as a healthy snack number five smoked salmon and mango salad with cinnamon toasted walnuts smoked salmon and mango salad with cinnamon toasted walnuts is a vibrant breakfast option for those interested ​​in taking care of your health and improving longevity. This recipe not only pleases the palate with its rich flavors but also features a line of ingredients known for their important health benefits, especially in the area of ​​cell regeneration, but I know that seafood is one of those foods that really They are good for health, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and have healthy omega-3 fatty acids, starting with salmon, an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, it is essential for the brain. health and reduced inflammation throughout the body Omega-3 acids are essential for maintaining the fluidity of cell membranes, which is essential for cell division and stem cell health.
Studies have linked eating foods rich in omega-3s, such as salmon, to better cardiovascular health and cognitive function. Mangos, in addition to adding a sweet tropical flavor, are loaded with vitamins A and C. Vitamin C is a Powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from free radical damage and supports immune function, which in turn can help regenerate health. Additionally, healthy stem cells contain mangoes. compounds that can improve skin health and even possess anti-cancer properties let me tell you how powerful walnuts are uh there was a study of almost 800 people with stage three colon cancer, colon cancer which is colon cancer that spreads in your body, okay, it's really serious and Well, they were being treated by their oncologist and the research study found that those people with stage three colon cancer who ate two handfuls of nuts a week 7 Days OK had a reduction in 57% in mortality when including nuts, particularly almonds and macadamias coated with cinnamon.
Not only does it add a delicious crunchy flavor, but it also provides additional antioxidants, manganese, and healthy fats. These nutrients contribute to heart health and can help stabilize blood sugar levels, thus offering sustained energy throughout the day to prepare this nutritious salad. Start by preheating your oven to 350° F toss the almonds and macadamia nuts with cinnamon and a pinch of salt, then roast them until golden brown and fragrant for the salad toss in thinly sliced ​​salmon, diced mango, black-skinned red tomatoes diced and sliced ​​apple in a bowl, create a dressing with olive oil, lemon juice finely chopped fresh rosemary, salt and pepper and whisk them together before drizzling them over the salmon and fruit mixture.
Finally, toss everything gently to coat and serve the salad sprinkled with the toasted walnuts now if you want to learn more about drinks that can provide life-changing nutrients. benefits watch my next video where I will review five shakes that kill cancer and burn fat

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