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There's A Hole In Your Story | Pastor Steven Furtick | Elevation Church

May 31, 2021
tide... I can choose the


I tell. Yeah! I feel empowerment in this word. I have to choose the


I tell. Beware of selective stories, beware of self-centered stories, beware of secondhand stories, and beware of short stories. This point is not for Holly. her life... She may have to pay for this when we get home, but it will be worth making the point. When my wife was little, she used to say her father, because there were three women in the house... Well, three daughters and a wife, so it was him versus the estrogen, and the estrogen was so powerful.
there s a hole in your story pastor steven furtick elevation church
When they started telling a story, he would say, "How long will this story be? I just need to know. Should I get comfortable in my chair? Should I fluff my pillow? Should I get an MRE? How long will we be here in this story?" " I thought it was very rude of him to say that, but now I know what he was saying. It's not that I don't want to hear it; I just want to walk from one side to the other. With my attention span myself, I make sure to take some notes so I can refer to point 3A.
there s a hole in your story pastor steven furtick elevation church

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there s a hole in your story pastor steven furtick elevation church...

But he is always very eloquent. Anyway, she says something all the time that I've never said to anyone. Someone will be telling a story. This happened last week. She told someone last week... They were starting to tell a story. I seem interested, but I have an internal yawn. I nod, the faster they will do this. She says, "Oh, this is a great story. Please tell me everything and don't leave out any details." "Be quiet!" When I said Peter told the w


story, I thought of Holly. I thought about the w


story, all the details. Sometimes you leave doubt.
there s a hole in your story pastor steven furtick elevation church
She interrupted you in the middle of a sentence. God is speaking in


life. So beware the short story. Be careful when people try to summarize


life into a neat little category. Be careful when you tell yourself a story like that. there is. That's not all there is. There is more to the story. There's a void in your story right now, and I wonder what you're going to fill it with. When Peter went to preach to Cornelius, he went. Tell him the good news about Jesus Christ. When he told them to the circumcised believers in Jerusalem, he left out a part of his story.
there s a hole in your story pastor steven furtick elevation church
I want to show you just one thing before I sit down, put this microphone on, and send you home happy. I want to show you why some of you are stuck in a part of his story that was never intended to be the end. When Peter stood up to preach to Cornelius, in Acts 10:39 he said something about Jesus that "We are all witnesses..." "I saw him. I know what you heard. I saw him. I was there. I saw him save. I saw him pay. the price of my sins. I saw him shed his blood. I saw him with the lashes on his back.
I saw him like a sheep before the shearer. "We are witnesses of everything he did in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They killed him. They hung him on a cross..." The word of the Lord to you today, my brother, my sister: do not stop at the eat. The next verse says: "...but God..." I love those two words like I love the breath in my lungs. "But God..." We were intruders. We had broken his law. We didn't deserve mercy. Someone shouts, "But God..." If you stop at the comma, you'll never be able to see the but.
God was raising him from the dead when the story began to spread. The resurrection is possible when you realize that he did not remain on the cross. When they nailed him to the tree, they put a nail in his hands, but early one Sunday he showed something to Tomás. "Put your finger where the nails were." There's a hole in your story. This is the gospel of Jesus Christ! There's a hole in your story. Follow me to the garden tomb where they put his body in a cave. His body is not there. He is risen! There's a hole in your story and the best is yet to come!
He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it! If you believe it, give it a shout right now!

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