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The Zombie Apocalypse || How to Actually Survive a Global Outbreak

Jun 15, 2024
near you.   Those in the first row draw their spears and impale the


s, then step aside so that those in the second row can rush forward and deliver fatal blows with axes, hammers, or similar weapons. It's brutally effective and you see why the ancients fought like that. The number one rule for


survival is to never split up, so while it would be faster for you to investigate the store in teams, stick together. You manage to get some much needed camping gear, some rifles and a bunch of bullets for each. You also get practical survival gear, such as fishing rods and lures; you will need them for your new life in the cold.
the zombie apocalypse how to actually survive a global outbreak
Speaking of which, be sure to take all the warm weather gear and first aid kits you can find. Day 25 You've made good time despite having to stay off the main highways, and that's a good thing because fall will arrive soon and the first snow will fall soon after.   You have arrived in Canada, where the situation is very similar to that of the United States.   This is not a national crisis, zombies do not respect borders. Some members of the group want to stop here, where the weather will be a little better than in frozen Alaska, but you know that.
the zombie apocalypse how to actually survive a global outbreak

More Interesting Facts About,

the zombie apocalypse how to actually survive a global outbreak...

Bad weather is exactly why you go as far north as you can.   You should stay away from any warm place for at least a year, maybe two to be safe.   By then, any reanimated flesh will have fallen apart due to decomposition or the zombies will simply have been eaten by savage predators. Humans are a mess without weapons, so predators like bears, mountain lions, and wolves must be having fun gorging themselves on walking corpses. Then a terrifying thought comes to you: what if those animals also turned into zombies by eating zombie meat, or perhaps by being bitten while taking down a zombie?
the zombie apocalypse how to actually survive a global outbreak
The thought of a zombie bear gives you a chill and reinforces your decisions: you will go to Alaska for a minimum of two years, after that nature should have taken its course and there shouldn't be many zombies, if any left. You continue to siphon gas from the vehicles you find and take more than you need for the trip. You don't know how many vehicles you'll encounter in rural Alaska, so you'll need plenty of gas for the future. In a cool, dry environment, gasoline can last a few years before going bad due to oxidation, so you'll have no problem storing it even during the winter.
the zombie apocalypse how to actually survive a global outbreak
However, you can get a lot of fuel stabilizer at the gas stations and mechanic shops you come across, as you will need it for long-term gasoline storage. You also take spare tires - there is a very real risk of tires rotting while vehicles are in storage. Ask the Russians inside Ukraine. Day 40 The trip has been much slower than normal on the highways, but you have managed to overcome the winter until you reach Alaska. Now it's a matter of finding a good place to shelter. Fortunately, the Alaska coast is dotted with small resort communities or clusters of cabins that tourists can rent during the spring and summer, and Alaska's coastal waters are rich with all types of edible marine life.
There are rivers everywhere that are also teeming with fish – it's the last truly untouched place in North America and life abounds here. You choose a small group of cabins on the coast, not far from a river, using a map of tourist attractions that you can find at most motels or gas stations. You also pick up plenty of canned goods which you add to your considerable stash in the back of both SUVs.   You've never hunted before and the last time you went fishing you were a kid. It will be a huge learning curve, but one that you can pick up over time.
Until then you will have to supplement your diet with canned goods, especially during the long, frigid winter. Humanity has thrived in all environments on Earth except Antarctica for thousands of years; However, you come from one of the greatest survival success stories in history, even if modern life has blunted its limits. If your ancestors could do it, you can too, especially with the help of modern rifles and fishing rods. As for the zombie threat, not only is your location remote, but as predicted, when the temperature drops, the zombies you encounter in supply and exploration runs begin to dwindle.
Without warm blood coursing through their veins, zombies become increasingly stiffer as the temperature plummets, and killing them is as easy as tearing them to pieces as they try to lunge at you in slow motion. It's going to be hard to


here in Alaska, but if something ends up eating you here it will be a bear, a wolf, or a Bigfoot, but definitely not a zombie. Watch now that the US military really has a zombie plan or click on this other video!

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