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The WORST Shoulder Rehab Exercise (+Effective Alternatives)

May 31, 2024
In this video, I'm going to talk about one of the





s I was assigned and have seen commonly assigned for people who have


impingement, rotator cuff tears, shoulder btis, etc., etc. , so if you have shoulder pain or frostbite. shoulder or whatever. I'm going to explain why this


doesn't make sense even though doctors and physical therapists seem to love it, and give you some


that I've personally found to be much more useful and


. Make sure you watch until the end so you understand all the wisdom, do's and don'ts. Let's prepare to think well, move well and feel good.
the worst shoulder rehab exercise effective alternatives
That's why this shoulder


ilitation exercise is called pendulum or you and Codman pendulum exercise. Basically, we're trying to relax all the muscles on the back of the shoulder, relax everything so that you can get passive movement of the arm in relation to the shoulder blade and they talk about how you can use it to get a little more range of motion by just letting it go. hang and hang to hopefully result in a greater range of upward motion if you have a frozen shoulder. This Al is often recommended. You will see it on rehab websites. You'll see it in protocols where they just want you to actually do it.
the worst shoulder rehab exercise effective alternatives

More Interesting Facts About,

the worst shoulder rehab exercise effective alternatives...

Try to gently move this arm gradually being very careful not to hurt anything, but the problem is that the rationale here doesn't make any sense if you are someone who has trouble achieving shoulder flexion, which is what this movement is, so Just trying Dangle Loosely isn't really going to do anything to improve your overhead mobility unless you're really lucky because ultimately, if you want to trick that arm into that higher position, you basically have to get face down like this, which I'm pretty sure your therapist and doctor don't recommend. Also, if you can't flex your shoulder, there are a lot of muscles that could be restricting it, there could be some weak muscles and the pendulum exercise doesn't address any of that. and it definitely doesn't address some of the postural issues that can lead to shoulder problems.
the worst shoulder rehab exercise effective alternatives
What kind of postural problems you might ask? If you have kyphosis or a very rounded upper back, your ability to move your shoulders will be severe. Limited Just having kyphosis means that you will encounter some obstacles in your shoulder joint as you go up, the muscles will not be able to function properly, you may feel pinching and binding. Similar sensations when you try to raise your arm to the side. you're going to prematurely reach the end of your range of motion, whereas if you can fix that if you can get more extension in your upper back, you'll find that your range of motion improves dramatically and it doesn't cause pain because all the muscles are now in the correct relationship with each other.
the worst shoulder rehab exercise effective alternatives
The shoulder blade also sits in the correct position instead of being stuck in this prolonged tilted and also abducted position. If your shoulder blades move away from your spine in this way, your range of motion for your arms out to the sides will be limited, so you will need to address not only the shoulder joint but also your upper and middle back; If you don't, there's a good chance you'll be stuck in a limited range of motion and no momentum. hanging and hanging will solve the problem and even though you may be very frustrated, your doctor, surgeon and physical therapist will still collect payments from your insurance company, so instead of wasting time, hang your arm in space and let it the muscles in the back of your shoulder just atrophied for some reason, you will stand against the wall with your feet away from the wall, then press your lower back against the wall so you can feel your entire lower back and the middle of your back on the wall and then You will keep your chin tucked and pull the back of your head towards the wall.
Now you will probably find some difficulty getting your head to touch the wall without looking up, so don't force this. keep your chin tucked in you want the back of your head to try to reach the wall pause where you feel you can reach don't try to rush and end up looking up so we're trying to feel the muscles in the thoracic spine which is the middle and upper back, you want that curl to straighten like this, so keep your eyes towards the floor, you're looking somewhere down, like this, pulling your head back, it might take some time, it might I brought you a pair. weeks to develop spinal muscle control to be able to do that, but this is what you're working on to be able to straighten your upper back instead of doing the pendulum, which is, as we mentioned, kind of a great It's a waste of time, we're going to do the opposite instead of letting those muscles weaken, we're actually going to raise our arms, if you can't go as high, you can keep them lower, that's fine, and we're going to be pressing against the wall trying to use the muscles on the back of your shoulders and also between your shoulder blades, so we're here and you're just going to press against the wall bringing your shoulder blades together at the top of your arm, basically your elbows are. you're going to be pressing against the wall and then you relax, whatever height you can reach, you can play with the angles, just keep trying to get those muscles firing, you're not trying to break the wall, you're just trying to feel those muscles. work that will help you develop strength in the back of your shoulder, which actually helps your shoulders articulate better.
It actually feels better when the muscles back here are stronger because they actually hold the humoris, that arm bone in place, they help keep the shoulder together so it feels good most of the time in modern life we're sitting in front of computers and phones like this and the posterior muscles of the shoulder actually just die from atrophy, atrophy pains and cause bad joint. Now I'm going to show you how to strengthen your back. off your shoulders even more, but before you do I just want to ask you to comment below if this video is helping you and don't forget to subscribe.
Thank you so much. It helps a lot when you do those things. Let's get into the exercise. so you will stand near a couch, a bench, a chair, a concrete flower pot, you will have your arm extended to the side with your pinky pointing to the side and then you will raise your elbow and towards the sky, so I keep this angle of about 90 degrees between my body and my arm and I just lift it up and to the side when you first start, just feel the movement and keep going. Pulling that arm back, you want to feel that your posterior shoulder, like your posterior deltoids, as well as the muscles that connect your shoulder blade to your spine, are working, so you are retracting this shoulder blade correctly, so it is pushing you back.
You should feel the shoulder blade going this way, okay, so we pull like this and then we go back down, and as soon as you feel like you understand the movement, you grab a light weight, start with something light, it could be a pound. Be a water bottle and then you're just going to pull up and out to the side, hold that top position and slowly work your way back down, make sure you don't use your top traps or your lifting ladder to do this so if you do. If you're pulling, you feel like you're doing this, then you probably need to not use the weight and just practice the correct movement, just practice pulling back without using that upper trap, so you're going to go here nice and slow and controlled, and then a time.
If you feel like you can do it, make sure you wear something light, super light, and just get used to activating the right muscles. If you can, you'll do sets of 8 to 20. When you do this without weight, you really should. able to do a set of 8 to 20, but if you feel really weak then that's a big sign for you that your posterior shoulder muscles are too atrophied and that will mean your shoulders hurt and if you continue doing things like pendulum , it's going to get worse because you're continually telling the muscles in the back of the shoulder to weaken, so don't just rely on passive movements, you really want to make sure you have strength in those muscles because without strength you can't move. the bones and even if only one shoulder hurts, I highly recommend doing both sides because that will ensure that you avoid problems on the other side.
Nicely slow and controlled again, start with no weight and then start adding weight and sets around it. 8 to 20. I'm saying 8 to 20, but there are no magic numbers. It's just a good solid range to help you build more strength in a safe way. You don't want to use a weight so heavy that you can only. To do three reps because it's too intense, you're probably going to hurt yourself or feel really sore, so stay in that 8 to 20 range, the higher you go, the more resistance you build, the more resistance you build in those muscles. and then when you reach your 20's and it feels comfortable and easy, then you can increase the weight by 1-2 pounds every two weeks.
What if you don't have dumbbells or you don't have weights or you just sit down a little? outlined on this hey, I want to say a big thank you to Long for donating $100 via PayPal to support this channel. Thank you for making videos like this possible. If you also want to support this channel, you can do so like you did a long time ago. using uppr health or using any of the links you will find in the description box or joining on YouTube or patreon. I also invite you to receive my newsletter at upright so that you and I are connected in case the sensors or the algorithm decide that they no longer like me, which who knows I may not like me anymore very soon, in Anyway, I thank you for your support and let's get back to the video now, what if you don't have dumbbells, you don't have weights or you're just feeling a little burned out about this, you can also do another exercise that's the same, but then you just carry the arm out to the side and then If you're going to do some circles like this, you can do circles in both directions, just fatigue the back of the shoulder to really get the rear delts working.
Those posterior rotator cuff muscles are working to help stabilize your arm. Do this for about 30 seconds. in one direction and then 30 seconds in the other direction. If you have better balance and want more of a challenge for your spine, you can do it independently, so doing both arms at the same time is a little more time efficient. Also play with hand position, but generally, if you want more rear delts, you want to have your thumbs down, but no harm, no foul. If you want to do it this way, this will only give you more options that you'll want to make sure of.
I have will in every position, so it's great to play and develop strength at these different angles with previous clients who had frozen shoulder or shoulder impingement or any other shoulder diagnosis. This approach has been really helpful. I've seen people make big profits early on. addressing the thoracic spine and then having the posterior shoulders strengthen, this makes sense because modern life generally puts us in this kyphotic position and weakens the posterior shoulder from disuse, so correcting that position and starting to wake up those muscles will undoes normality. Patterns and habits that you are getting stuck in that are causing you pain in the first place because you are so stunted and probably not used to any of the things I just showed you.
It is very important to value and give yourself a little. of time to acclimatize to these exercises, so when you first start you may want to do this on Monday, Thursday, Tuesday and Saturday and just feel things out and see how your body responds, you may find that it hurts a lot, so we don't want it. soreness when doing this every day When you are doing the first exercise against the wall, start with one minute and work your way up to three minutes for the shoulder exercises. You can do two rounds on each side to achieve fatigue, make sure you take enough rest so you don't get tired or stressed so much that your upper traps are working all the time.
Keep your shoulders away from your ears and focus on feeling the posterior shoulder muscles working, whether with the dumbbell or just floating freely in space. have one side that is obviously weaker than the other do an extra set for that weaker side these exercises are much better than typical shoulder rehab exercises because they actually build strength and control instead of the rehab exercise It's kind of a waste of time trying to overcome range of motion issues without actually improving muscle function if you're just trying to passively creepily hang your arm or do little wall crawls to expand. the range of motion you are indoing.
You may be very frustrated, but your doctor, your surgeon, and your physical therapist will still charge your insurance company if you have a frozen shoulder. I don't want you to get frustrated and give up, so here are two quick tips. stories of people who fixed their frozen shoulders this one was from Katie. She had an extremely sore shoulder so even everyday tasks or small bumps were very painful, she became a frozen shoulder and then there was much less pain but also less movement. My local physio was she helped me a lot, she gave me some general exercises and referred me to a specialist.
I was frustrated and then I found the shoulder correction program. I really feel like my shoulders started to improve from the first day I did the lateral windmill exercise, why not? my local physio gave me thatexercise my shoulder it still doesn't have full range of motion but it has enough movement for what I need to do and there is no pain then this story from Carol a few years ago I used her frozen shoulder program to resolve it five stars on me range My left shoulder movement is all the way back and I have highly recommended it to others.
The big takeaway here is that you can get your shoulder working again even if the experts you saw didn't know what they were doing and were giving a bunch of useless exercises, in fact I'll go so far as to say that even if you find that my free content or my paid content doesn't help your frozen shoulder, you can still find someone who can help you. because ultimately the problem is with the muscles that control the bones and if you can take the time to figure it out, you will regain your shoulder's range of motion if you want a more comprehensive approach to fixing your shoulder, no matter what some doctor has labeled.
I encourage you to go to DIY to see the shoulder solution. It's a program I designed based on years of having shoulder problems and years of working with clients with things like frozen shoulder impingement and shoulder BTI. and rotator cuff tears, the ultimate goal of the program is to develop your strength, flexibility and control so you can do all the movements you love without shoulder pain and without the frustration of wasted time. Ice, rest and pills. I also have a bunch of free pills. videos on YouTube to help you with shoulder impingement and other shoulder problems, check them out here to support this channel, use the links in the description box or the join button on YouTube or just send me some money via Paypal .
I really appreciate it, please share and subscribe with the bell notification on and as always I hope you remember that pain sucks, life shouldn't

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