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The Worst Injury to Ever Happen in a Team Edge Video..

May 31, 2021
Hello and welcome to Team Edge, today we are going to mix basketball and baseball into one sport. Basketball, don't watch the movie, I've n


seen it, I think it looks naughty, as you can see, we are playing on a baseball field, but Put basketball hoops on each base. Look, the rules are pretty simple, just like baseball, three outs per inning, stay tuned because this


is going to win. Sorry for the spoiler. Mainly, the biggest addition of the basketball hoop is that you throw out the running back. When you score a basket, if I'm running to first base and they have the ball, they got a score to throw me out.
the worst injury to ever happen in a team edge video
It's that simple, if you have questions, save it for after the


, the overall winner of this game gets that trophy. there's the winner winner so


blue team joey kobe bobby really the two wannabe baseball players you can see why they're tired and you got my team we got marvin we got jordan we got josh alright ladies and gentlemen we have four entries today so who


has the most points is the overall winner oh oh those sliders are deadly oh we'll take you home though it's okay you're not going to drive well let's just call let's pack our bags okay sorry that weeks a week keep your eyes on well friends we are in the limit space we have tried and tried to reshoot this


we had to stop that day because of what


ed jordan suffered a concussion I don't remember jordan drew blood but they gave me the ko that's it I'm saying my friend gave me stitches because only cowards go to the doctor to get stitches, that's not how it works, in case you're wondering what


ed to all those pictures, this is a family channel, Not really, it's a family channel.
the worst injury to ever happen in a team edge video

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the worst injury to ever happen in a team edge video...

It's supposed to be appropriate for the whole family, that video, although too graphic, we didn't show most of it because there was a lot of blood on my face. I was pale and white. He got knocked out so we don't show most of it even though most of it. would you like to see it, we've tried several times to re-film this video in that park, but they kicked us out because we went all gorilla style, you know, we just showed up and filmed and then the guys say, get out of here, so we're. doing in the rim space and this is how it will happen, the basketballs are a little bit deflated because we don't have the same amount of space for safety reasons, we have moved the bases a little bit from the rims.
the worst injury to ever happen in a team edge video
I wish I had seen that ahead of time. when the runner is passing by here and someone is trying to get him out, they are not going to continue it, we will continue the game, folks, we are not restarting, we are only one inning and it was 6-0, so here it is. the teams if you didn't see the beginning of the video joey bobby kevin billy brian jordan john marvin his name is luke let's start these are the new rules for this warehouse we have to bounce it on a field, but if it bounces after this is a ball that has to bounce before from this line i just realized we have three college athletes on that team and one college actor guess which one was in the cabin i'm not saying names come on here we go the pitcher really tried all i want a pic joey this is our moment to shine guys we have to look at this guy with the nerd bracelet is that was supposed to be an insult oh no no that was a ball why do you say it doesn't matter see you that was the The strangest celebration right there, yeah, oh, I hurt my arm really badly, he hit that flat ball too hard, he said you were holding your wrist, but you said your shoulder isn't, because he's trying to hold it up.
the worst injury to ever happen in a team edge video
Oh man, the blue team is just weak. Someone? score, yeah, I scored, you just scored two, run the bases, go run, don't duck, keep your arm, run the bases, okay, the question is why is Joey's hand on Joey's butt? Bobby, yeah, I don't know, I'm actually taking it easy. I shouldn't say he's my boss, he can fire me, Steve, really, that's not a good eye, you got a strike, brother, you're wrong too, give me a real shot forward, I thought it was wrong, no, that's good, There are like three, okay, all of them. Get into John's pitch, don't hurt your shoulder, oh you're right, my shoulder specifically spits out my editing shoulder, wow, that's a wall, let's get pity points, trust, yeah, pity points, that It is what it is, hey, back off, big boy. campus this guy thinks he's a great shooter hey say it keep him keep him keep an eye on him for me I won't, don't come near me I've never played I've never played baseball before let's see how this goes this is your first time to shine just ruin this I can see his legs shaking that's what I like to see a little scared oh don't hit me buddy I saw you trying to throw me that make sure your feet aren't on the line wow I just stopped playing he threw the bat and I was like wait Did I throw it away? you made a hole in the wall, he just blew me away and that's steel right there.
I just stopped playing because he was I think it was a Scare Tactic and it worked one one one Jordan scares me dude bro he's not even running I thought he was going to attack me like he did last time I was hungry last time , that's a different story, okay, my defense is letting me down, we have to move. Just hit a home run, we'll all go, yeah, that's the easy solution, isn't it go back? You're wrong, that pull you gotta run back, one strike, two balls, the mind games we play here, you just watched his life flash before yours. eyes, I'll live to see 11 30 buddy, get on the ground, joey, right on the ground, open up the sky, oh why are you jumping, run faster, buddy, I'm right behind you, that's right, I saved you , Kaden, coming right to Canada, what a tank we athletes are, I call it the Mississippi slider yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, oh go two, come by for a second, oh no, no, no, no, what are you doing?
Will you stop shooting the damn ball? What are we doing? New rule, no. when passing you have to shoot it or run and score, all good guys, so to clarify this rule, let's say for example that Joey catches the ball if he drops it before it touches the base and goes in, I'm out, yeah, This is called the itchy belly. Are we ready? look at that shot okay, okay, remember what you're going to do. I'm going to swing the bat at you as hard as I can. Don't grab it. You got it. This is called the Carolina Reaper.
Only pennants. Now come on, 'cause we got a guy that's playing too, man, that scared the shit out of me, at least I can do it since Bobby hurt his shoulder and he's going to kill someone. They can only do it. Brian is bringing my mistletoe right here. Wow mistletoe, I got it. joey oh no no no no no go go go see go go go go home joey wait second second second second don't slide on these things oh, we scored yeah, yeah, we got it, get on the floor, pretty, face up, let's play there. go, he has to come back, listen to me, run back, joey, i didn't know i had him, joey, listen, oh no, i can't go, kevin, you're getting too nervous, you gotta relax, bro, can't he get through it, can you?
Hey? he has to shoot, shoot, he was screaming at the top of his lungs attention, yeah, I think it's the first time in the video, Kevin has been like Kayden is behind, oh, so this is the last half of the inning, this is the lower part of the face. this is it, so here if you guys don't do it, if you don't get enough runs, we win, if you don't score seven runs, you don't win, so we have to stop you before seven runs, here you go, shoot. Billy, I'll rob you, that was a classy guy, what just happened, oh look, I'm the wolf, that's it, hey, Billy, I call this the California panda, are we ready, what the hell was that?
I don't know, I'm so glad I did it. It didn't run yeah I'm glad you didn't either no who just watched that was amazing that was super cool it's all up to you right now Luke Luke the whole video rests on your shoulders and it's all running piling on top, play it. sure whoa whoa he was towards me right in front of me got in the way of him he literally ran in front of me oh my god they almost decapitated him I can't believe we tied him up dude well wait wait let's figure this out right?
I want to walk with him, let's face John, yeah, walking, I say, walk with him, you're going to put the responsibility back on my trophy, the pressure is on a big job, you said, wait, I said home, we did it, I thought I was screaming, wait, wait, so I held it, here, John, you get the MVP Jordan, there you take that home, which is yours, we did it, guys, make sure to check out our new merch store. We have a lot of new things like this, like the one we have in camo print. I also have the J-Wrap shirt like that and also you guys go check out our latest beach ball baseball video, it's old but so good, and go check out the ice cream slingshot challenge right here which is old , it's exactly what it all sounds like but hey, I love candy

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