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The Worst Day Of My Life

May 04, 2020
What's up guys? Welcome to this episode of Lanky Box. Now say Justin. I'm going to tell you a story. Okay, about why I love school lunches. Well, who does it? I know. Good. So when you were little, like in elementary school, did you order school lunch from time to time and those were a great day right, oh right, okay, then this story gets intense. Oh, really intense, you might start sweating. I'm an intense person, but sweating is fine, but before entering. Adam's story today guys we want to take a minute to thank our sponsor for today's episode crunchyroll crunchyroll Adam you know how much we love anime right you love anime more than boobs it's okay everything's okay I just finished the first season of my hero, okay? in that second scene I highly recommend Adam and everyone else watch your lion go broke, that's really sad.
the worst day of my life
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the worst day of my life

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the worst day of my life...

I know about you, where you are, it fits your United States or not, but at my school we had classic things like pizza, chicken nuggets, all the corn dog burgers, like my favorite food, exactly exactly, but when I brought the lunch from home. it was always the same it was a sandwich and some apples and maybe some cookies you're forgetting about the grass you're forgetting about the sweet sweet fruits from the top of the tree but that's fine and which is pretty good now normally because normally I would Bring it in a lunchbox, right, it would all get crushed, yeah, and then it would be sitting on the table.
the worst day of my life
Okay, here we go, get out my PB&J, everything has crust. I look at my friend, he has a nice plate with a big burger. I'm so jealous yeah that's the abbess your friend wouldn't share if you asked hey could she have some? No oh well that's not a real friend you've shared with me at all if I was in that cafeteria with you around 600 chicken nuggets Shanaya then Absolutely not another thing I forgot to mention was that on Fridays at my school they had something special on the that they gave us popcorn so one of the parents' moms would volunteer to make popcorn and my mom was one of those moms, oh.
the worst day of my life
Man, one Friday a month, she came to make popcorn and everyone could buy a bag for 25 25 cents. What is a business? Come on mom, sometimes it has turned out well and it was always a great time like a month, yes, once a month. I always find two dogs coming towards me. I like her. She sometimes she talks to me like she's free popcorn. Your mother is embezzling. No, no, I'm reporting that one day I thought, "I want to use one of my five school lunches, today is the day." Why, but why didn't I feel like myself?
I thought I have to flex, you know, I want to be like the cool kids because I'd say everyone lines up and looks so cool and I'll be sitting alone at the table. eating my sandwich because most of the kids were ordering lunch, yeah yeah, in my head it was fine, what I want is a hamburger and some white milk, just regular milk, AHA, that's my dream food, a hamburger and milk, that's what I want to eat, so I get in line, I dial my number, whatever, so I take my try, I point to what she puts it on, oh, I go ahead and I'll take the milk and I say, wait, this is a fish wish, this is a fish sandwich, what is it? up fish I wish it was like a hamburger except instead of fish what are the best ways to make a fish burger put it back in You know your brother is already too far down the line and he was afraid to go back?
I thought about getting into trouble and they were like they didn't give me anything oh really yeah you know me yeah I don't get dirty we don't give me a real burger you were too scared yeah I bought a fish sandwich I grabbed my milk, whatever it was. I put it on and went to my table. I was so sad. I wasted your one out of five on all of you like this. Yes, and I'm going to sit at the table. I opened my milk and started drinking it and it's pink, why? Like, what is this and does it say on the strawberry box?
I said no, because because white milk and strawberry milk come to a point, oh, you had a job, get a hamburger and regular milk, you got a strawberry, you made my day. ruined, yeah, he's literally about to cry, you don't know the important thing, yeah, what, oh, there you're definitely crying, so basically I was depressed all day, probably the whole month, yeah, my whole year would be ruined. Eating sweets from talking that no one is. Polly is going to be sad about the fish I wish I never wanted it, yeah it was the first time I thought it was literally a fish that always attacks you so I used one of my precious school lunches and stayed face down everything went wrong , a tragedy, sad. tragedy now, during this time, my mom, for some reason, wanted our entire family to be vegetarian all year round.
I think it was because she wanted to follow a vegetarian diet and since she cooked for everyone, she said: I want everyone. We have been to Terra, your mother is a smart one, yes, I was doing what I tell them, no one and she was better to say that if I catch them eating meat, they will be in trouble because she wanted to make sure that everyone. He's vegetarian, right. I know this guy as Barker, so you know me. I don't like getting into trouble. He was like you and you were younger. I was outstanding, so I'm not.
I'm not a mini-me. Platts a couple of months ago, it's probably December, Christmas. I think I could use another one of my school lunches. Oh, now it was probably like a Friday. I felt good. I thought, "I'm going to do it." I'm going to get the lunch I want, so I thought, well, what's lunch? I want this unless you want the hamburger and milk, oh I did and I thought, wait a minute, a hamburger is meat. I'm not supposed to eat this, oh. man, then you get like oh, I'm doing something wrong, just like a yo-yo, you hurry up, now, try, the laughter picks up when he's eating those burgers, so I get in line.
I'm sure this time I know exactly what I want, yeah, dial the number, tell the lunch lady. I'd like a burger, oh okay, there's your burger. I made sure it was a hamburger. This time there isn't. I'm going to drink the milk. I make sure. It's the right Miller, hot on the tray. I sit down, boom. I got the food I wanted. I did it my way, so I pick up my burger. I'm about to go grab a big bite to eat and who do I see walking towards the dining room? my mom, oh why was it popcorn day, she was in charge of the popcorn, so engrossed in the burger I couldn't believe my brain left out Auggie, so I saw her push in this popcorn machine, she got the popcorn I want to eat. me at the machine he is smiling I am in the dining room, I took my tray and I was one of the first to sit down because I ran to the dining room and naturally I was the first, all my other friends were still in line so here I was alone and she knows well sit down she knows what class I'm in she knows where to find me I see I'm looking for the boy sitting alone without I don't know where my son likes okay I have this couple aha I have to hide it because I'm going to get in trouble, yeah, so I'm thinking: Do I take out the burger and put it in my pocket?
What do I try and eat the burger really fast so she can't see it? I ordered a hamburger because like she said, you can't eat meat and she said I get in trouble if I eat meat so do you really consider taking out the hamburger and hiding it. Yeah I was considering swapping my tray with someone else but I had no friends I had no one to stay away from so I started sweating I started sweating I was panicking here she comes she comes over with a popcorn machine she sees me she She says hello and starts to approach, kisses my hand and she told me that she had told you not to eat meat.
I was like, oh yeah, sorry, she's fine, just in the future she just eats a salad or something. I'm like, she's fine and then she just left, that was it. I just have Wow, there was a lot of debris buildup. Can you eat it all? She said that's literally why she maybe didn't give me free popcorn that day. Wow, but that's how it was and the moral is, I guess, if you don't want to. live in constant fear just do the right thing okay guys make sure to leave a like if you enjoyed this series and subscribe if you want more man you know Adam there's a real lesson in your story.
Life is a lot like a school cafeteria. you have to do the right thing sometimes you have to do the wrong sometimes you stop there just eating

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