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The World's Most Notorious Unfinished Buildings

Jun 06, 2021
Hello everyone, welcome back to another episode of side projects. This is about the





in the


. In fact, I made a video on the subject. I think it's called the Ryongyang Hotel in North Korea, the big strange pyramid on my Geographics channel. I would definitely like to see it, I think it's possibly the


viewed video ever on that channel, so people like it, people like



, I hope you do too and let's jump to the way we often The history of


architecture is told. of great achievements demolished only by time of the seven wonders of the ancient world only the great pyramid of Giza remains the others are only available to modern people and second-hand accounts of writings and art we consider that these and other wonders were lost in time whether from the rise and fall of empires or simply the wear and tear of wars and accidents, this makes us appreciate the architectural masterpieces that have remained standing through such events, even more culturally appreciable as relics of historical art or simply living architecture captures the imagination as buildings. a testament not only to the imagination of the architect but also to the work of workers, craftsmen and engineers to elevate marble and many other materials to the sky.
the world s most notorious unfinished buildings
The destruction of these buildings always feels like a profound loss. A tragedy for the cultures that built them, but what are they? The other ways buildings can be lost in time Lack of funds interrupted construction Majestic plans were left to exist forever in the imagination Well, the truth is that many architectural masterpieces have struggled to get out of the phase of design or have been lost in the various stages of production in In fact, there are many buildings famous for their different states of completion. The reasons for this infamy vary from building to building, but these building skeletons also tell a story of human ambition through time, the pursuit of the mind's eye and the struggle to make vision a reality. enormous unfinished structure was built in the thick jungles of the capital of the Khmer empire, Angkor, in present-day Cambodia.
the world s most notorious unfinished buildings

More Interesting Facts About,

the world s most notorious unfinished buildings...

I've actually been to Angkor Wat, it's pretty amazing if you're ever in Cambodia, I mean that's probably why If you're in Cambodia, it's definitely worth visiting a Hindu temple built to look like the sacred Mt. Meru Taoqiao was finally dedicated to Shiva twenty-five years after the foundation stone was laid. The construction of Takiel began in the 11th century AD. by order of king Jayavaram v one. one of the largest temples ever built in the history of the Khmer Empire and was built entirely of stones, a huge 20 meter high stepped pyramid surrounded by towers, galleries and two library buildings.
the world s most notorious unfinished buildings
The takia temple is a popular artifact of the kaimu empire among both tourists and cultural historians, standing on the steps of the pyramid at the top of the numerous towers, allows visitors and worshipers to gaze upon the vast swinging canopies of the forest and is easy understand why such a serene location would be chosen for a temple and its abandonment. comes with a bit of a sense of confusion, it will leave you wondering what could have stopped a powerful king from moving the resources of his empire to finish the construction of the building, although the exact reasons for its unfinished nature are unknown, there are inscriptions describing a strange An accidental lightning strike that struck the temple during construction was taken as a bad omen of the gods' discontent towards the temple.
the world s most notorious unfinished buildings
This ray remains the most popular explanation for the lack of completion of taqiel, although most of the pyramids and surrounding towers were completed, the inscriptions and dedications were not completed. an accident that leaves the large tacquiao walls blank, austere and visually abandoned; However, despite being unfinished, the takkyal remained a prayer spectacle until around the 3rd century and was not completely abandoned until the 16th of 1931, the Soviet Union announced a competition for a palace of the 15 Soviet architects would provide designs for a grandiose government building, a bureaucratic office administration center and a Congress hall, although the competition was canceled in May of the same year, a new second competition was opened for international architects in July, more than 200 applicants submitted designs, but It was Armando Brassini, who captured the world's attention with his plans for a massive skyscraper topped with a giant statue of Vladimir Lenin.
Of course, the plans became the talk of the world with Lenin's towering figure surveying the horizon, the image vivid in the geopolitical imagination before the first stone was even laid for the foundation the USSR had made a declaration with the plans for this the palace of the Soviets was planned to have one hundred floors and almost 500 meters of neoclassical ingenuity that would have turned it into The tallest building of its time and would have remained the tallest building for a long time at that height; However, like so many designs in the early history of the USSR, such a monumental achievement simply was not realized when construction began in 1937, it was cut. briefly for the invasion of the USSR by Nazi Germany in 1941. shortly after the tons of steel beams already laid for its structure were dismantled to be used in the war effort to build infrastructure and be forged into weapons for defense of russia, resources remained scarce and the war and post-war years and reconstruction never came today the site of what would have been the temple of communist russia stands as moscow's largest outdoor swimming pool at the end the palace of the soviets had barely passed the design phase but its legacy exists in the demolition of the cathedral of christ the savior ordered by stalin once the plans had been drawn up, the mere specter of this enormous motionless face of lenin that dominated so much the kremlin like the moscow river haunted those 20th century nations that already felt threatened by the russian revolution and the rise of communism in eastern europe no list of famous unfinished buildings would be complete without a building whose namesake has been replaced by its people by the of shame, shame and disgrace yes, Scotland's national monument known more colloquially as the Edinburgh disgrace has even been named the pride and poverty of a Scotsman even by its own architect inspired by a neoclassical movement in Scotland in the 19th century, a few marble columns in Edinburgh are the only thing that was built in the national monument of Scotland, the dream of the society of the Scottish Highlands was a monument that rivaled the pantheon of Athens, with its interior functioning such as a church and a crypt built beneath, among other movements, that the Scottish Enlightenment had brought a sense of national pride to the small nation that was receiving recognition especially for its people's contributions to philosophy, the sciences and the arts, Highland society wanted a building as a statement to cement these contributions in the architecture as well as in the libraries of its capital city.
As well as recognizing Scottish developments in the arts and scientists, the national monument would also serve as a monument to those soldiers killed during the Napoleonic Wars after a similar commission of structures in London, however, the monument had funding problems from the beginning, specifically it had no funding, the high cost of such a lavish project with little projected income made the funding of the monument would be overlooked by others in Edinburgh. projects as the city expanded in the early 19th century, the builders were not promised national funds and ended up taking advantage of a loophole to obtain resources from the church that never granted them anything more than wishes, although others, after the era of the original builder, they tried to obtain funds.
Furthermore, the neoclassical style fell out of fashion during the production of the monuments. Returns to the ancient Greeks were seen as following the standards of high society in England rather than Scotland, and a new movement to remember Scotland's medieval history took over any desire towards Hellenicism today. Only the original 12 pillars stand on Carlton Hill as a reminder and real-world monument to the irony of what could have been Edinburgh's pride rather than its disgrace. This brings us to our first pick, the most famous unfinished building in the world, the Sagrada Familia, located in Barcelona, ​​Spain. This Roman Catholic basilica has been under construction since March 1882 and aims to symbolize the union of natural and divine beauty.
The curved arches of the Sagrada Familia rise toward the high ceiling like tree trunks in a canopy of windows that filter light toward churchgoers during mass and prayer. The architect of the Sagrada Familia Antonio Gowdy was more than aware of Since the construction of the city block-sized cathedral would not be completed during his lifetime, he left intense drawings, sketches and plans for the nave, 18 towers, crypt and all other facets of this extraordinary piece of ingenuity. human a brilliant and talented architect he also became a devout catholic while working on the basilica throughout his life gowdy's acquired religiosity his cultivated skill and brilliant imagination made the holy family an anticipated treasure of the world with its intricate carvings , rising needles and Unfortunately, Gowdy could not have foreseen how the amount of time, money and work needed to complete his vision could be stalled by world events.
Many of his plans were lost during the turmoil of the Spanish Civil War and after World War II. War For most of the 20th century the Middle Sagrava relied exclusively on private donations to pay for its work and very little work was done, yet despite legal disputes, problems with land permits and the painstaking work of carving the stone that decorates the cathedral of the holy family. Scheduled to be completed in 2026, assuming, of course, that there are no further delays to halt Gowdy's masterpiece once again, whether due to cultural shifts in funding or unforeseen events, many of the most incredible architectural projects in humanity have been left unfinished, the question with each of these wonders remains: the effort made by contemporary architects and engineers to make these buildings a reality in the case of the Sagrada Familia the plans of the original builder remain by finishing the construction it can be argue that it is an authentic representation of the original designer's plans however the willems want to complete these unfinished buildings are not always present and these


works in progress will always be evidence that not all plans translate to the physical world so really I hope you found the video interesting.
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