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May 31, 2021
We spent a thousand pounds on Christmas decorations and are going to build the most epic Christmas





has ever seen. Look at this guys. This looks so sick. What's going on guys? Merry


. Now this video is going to be epic. We spent 1,000. pounds on Christmas decorations and we're going to build the most epic Christmas


field involving a flashback ever here we go I love me some tin tool for Christmas come on yeah green red ready so we've got Christmas lights , two feet, one, I'm without wasting any time, let's go with two random trees and go back to the Christmas section, beautiful, in fact, I have a good michael down left right left right left right make your grass greener I have astro I don't need gloves but I'm going to use them anyway here we go Christmas gift for mom I saw it here's the big man hello guys where are you going what are we doing in the dust in the garden? give me some skin e and in wow, let's do it in the garden, come on go, go, go, go, go to the garden again, there you go, swinging around the Christmas tree, always, happy birthday, I can't see now, you have a spartan for you and you really have it, she's shy today, this one, how many can I take?, that's the question, I'm not joking with Kate on our way back with Roman Dusty, by the way, you got me serious, DHL , what you got nasty, stay away, the HL bill is coming, yeah, Joe Biehl, the bill that never happened, keep it incognito, Dusty, you shouldn't have done it. done that I can't blame Dusty and what did you do that for does anyone know where the north pole is that way to the left left I put more poles that way but now I'm thinking it's that way so every time I turn This I'm getting confused, isn't it shameless?
the world s first christmas football pitch
So this is a cameo for Toby who is there helping us in Toblerone. He's totally old school. This is like, what is this? This is the champions league. I don't remember what year it is. You guys know what year this is, I like the way you're keeping me shaded there by the way, if I move this way, can you keep up with me, really? Yeah, so I just know, come on, they have people, so I'm thinking, hey, you're going too fast, you have to walk with me, so what I'm thinking, guys, is that basically this ball is definitely from 2006, maybe from 2007.
the world s first christmas football pitch

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the world s first christmas football pitch...

Tape, let's make a


, let's get in there. Dusty has a hat. and she goes out to play and daddy comes, wait, so I mean there's a wide variety of tackles you get when you come to my house, you get hiccups with duct tape, give me a number eight, one, two, three, danger, there's glasses, bottle of water, one, two, bottle. of foxy water, so you're probably wondering, Bill, why the tape that you obviously didn't record to produce the


's biggest tacos with tape that anyone has ever produced before, no I didn't, what I have to accept is for the launch.
the world s first christmas football pitch
Oh, that'll look good on tape. That's terrible. I don't have any more taped pants. It is not like this? I need your help to set the tone with the tape. This will be more of a guess and I need you to do it. Measure how many steps we are away from the concrete please, well the OCD can't handle it if we lift the drone and this image is crooked. However, I'm going to be absolutely furious and I don't think I can go back. That one, two, three, four, five, the next phase of these guys, you're going to love it.
the world s first christmas football pitch
I'm going to stick LED strips in the middle of the masking tape to create an illuminated flood that has never been done before, exclusive to YouTube and all other social media platforms. tone this is what we do innovative we don't mess with 30 31 32 let's call it 32 in a bit of a quick combination what is 32 and a half divided in two 16.5 16.25 16.25 quick math where have you been happy like Henry's party? Oh, that's nice but look what daddy's doing, he's making a Christmas football field, balls, come and make some shiny looking tekkers, very nice crossbar, oh my god, if only that had hit the ball, oh, that would have been lifting the ball, it could have gone into a bar.
Crazy couple, she's doing the corner flags now, hey, she is, oh, that's convenient. She almost marked the entire field making the final little corner flag and she appears. I've been in charge of lunch for the kids, darling, I've done very well. How did you understand it so clearly? Oh don't use metrics basically pigeon steps yeah one two three baby I didn't crush the ball tell the truth we're always raising kids to be honest tell the truth but once you . You're giving yourself away, did you give me away? No, I was like, oh five, come on, my dad shows up to bring Christmas presents alright.
I love him when he comes, but he's a three-hour guy, he's a three-hour guy, don't put that. please put that here tom if you're watching this you're a five cups of tea kind of guy i love you tom hey tom rolling would you calculate the score prediction on sunday suddenly around six still dad, we have tickets, oh no? I know, yeah, we've selected that ticket, I thought I'd go with Bill, you don't need to go, will you come out, son? I know this is what I mean, so we have the LED strip that's going to go around the field, but yet, it doesn't even work right, so let's see if it works bang bang.
I'm going to start going down the middle of here boom ski shabuka booyah I'm excited about this this is going to light up the football field we're there guys we're there this is working you know what a smart person would do we'll matter anyway so moving that back or this back doesn't affect it it's that way or this way you know what I do? I mean, you know what I mean, basically because the cable runs that way, whether it's straight or not, it doesn't matter how far we go in that direction or this direction, but this line doesn't matter, it can get stuck because we I won't change this line, but we could change how far back the other line goes, um, okay, you're not cold, you're not cold in wrestling clothes, baby, when you do it, actually, when you eat it too hard, you push it . on the right now look good it's already getting dark as you can see let's do this we've set that center section on the tree does it do justice to what I mean innovation dust look at this Christmas tree yeah big stuff , does she look like the warmest baby in the world?
The world is fine, don't go back in, it explodes, everything breaks in the world explodes, the whole world does, even our house, even our house, so dad and I are on our way to the store to buy more Christmas lights . come back get ready let's do this super speed busy now we're talking look at this or like these they're cute wow meat everyone's giving me the longest job of the day my fingers feel like icicles wow what's he doing oh ready look? And that, how much difference you see at night, oh, that's amazing, we're not even there and I'm happy with that.
It already looks amazing, just going around with some lights, guys, I have the slide that I'm going to put in. it's somewhere okay guys as you can see I have changed the color look at the picture it already looks amazing does it look amazing or what are the LED strips showing up? Comment below which color you would choose, but you have orange in there. What do you think I'm trash? What does Hulk Smash do? He hits everyone in the world. What's happening guys? I'm about to show you the bird's eye view. This is the opportunity to make money.
Is incredible. Like if you think this looks cool. in my opinion this should get 10,000 likes because it's amazing look at this guys look it's that amazing or what babe you're an absolute superstar high five listen that's why I married you before when you showed up I was a little whiny you had a little cup of soul she said come here give me a hug a little whiny but I forgave you I'll tell you why billy doesn't have any kind of preparation for these sessions listen to youtube we learn as we go don't we, Guys, don't we, don't we want a perfect shoe?
I know, but when you have three kids and it's freezing and it's getting dark like a baby, listen, look at the bounty we went through, listen, yeah, we. go pat, it was worth it, give me a place to say no more kids come here now I know what you're thinking, Bill, you've done great with the family, amazing job, but what are you doing? A football, listen, we are. festive, it's


, it's december and listen, we went to town with a glow in the dark soccer ball, look at that, wow, that looks shiny, baby, look, that's so cool, yeah, it looks so Well, this is what dreams are made of for me.
For you kids, listen, we know some of you may not celebrate Christmas, some of our fans don't, it's absolutely fine to try to create great content for you, we hope you enjoyed it and the game is about to begin in a minute. so I thought I'd go and warm up do my stretches eat a lot if I'm taking it seriously against the kids you're Santa's little helper I see you like this surprise daddy what's your name what's your name young Roman come here Roman you look like Santa's little helper Santa, oh, your Roman Wing Grove, yes, who has been so good at school, that he does all his homework and eats all those delicious cookies in the morning?
You like digestive biscuits, don't you? For being Santa's little helper and doing such a thing. amazing job being polite doing kind hands helping other people you can have a digestive biscuit and always remember to say booyah good boy good boy I'm going to go to the bathroom now emily emily hi emily it's nice to meet you oh come don't be shy, Santa Claus is just here once a year. I'm a friendly character now, Emily, what do you want from Santa Claus? I know, because of the corolla virus, you want some santalizer. Oh, that was relevant, to say the least, here. you have a handsome father, that's right i heard he's very handsome some people say he's like david beckham oh yeah hi dusty you're the prettiest girl i know and as for you naughty girl i hope you were good boy and girl bands, of course, might come see them one day.
Does anyone think they want to see his voice is really good? Do you want to see my Santa Claus dance? Does anyone think that Santa Claus looks like one of these people who are pregnant? and they say oh you wouldn't even know she's pregnant from behind oh yeah it's so good that I have all this since it's still definitely a boy if everything shows in the front it's definitely a boy apparently if it shows in the front it's a ball but if it's in the back oh I definitely have no idea very good you made the effort today I can really see you yeah of course hey you want some nutmeg in that food so my young Roman is The youngest, well, the second from the youngest, is very young. but he's not the youngest, he's dusty, he's the youngest, but he's five years old, he's five years old, look how big he is, very big man, give me a potato, oh, super sonic, okay, Santa Claus, actually He's putting his beard under his shirt, so.
I got a little more leverage to see the ball. I was not ready. I was still celebrating. Oh, I'm still going. Yes, don't leave something hanging. Oh, it was a good fight. Let them touch you. Uh-oh, thank you very much. I enjoyed this video this is the world's


Christmas football pitch we had a lot of fun didn't we guys? I admit this is probably the proudest video I've been of a video we've made so far, this is one of my favorites. I hope you guys enjoyed it, don't forget to leave a like, subscribe to the channel and see you next time.
It was like suffocating me at some points, it was like, oh, taking off a little bit of my natural hair. Oh, and don't think we forgot about the comment of the week. It happens, Ahmed, we selected you. It was very difficult to choose, but your positivity, all your positivity, guys with the comments. It's been huge, keep coming back for a chance to be in the next video until next time.

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