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the weirdest tiktok life hacks

Mar 07, 2024
We have found the strangest tic tac



, we are going to put them to the test, okay, these are Eddie's cookies, the first tic tac


hack, okay, she can't put her shirt on, okay, she has a umbrella, okay, open it. inside, first of all, what, what, that, it doesn't make any sense, wait, how does that help you? You know my mom used to put me in my shirts when I was a kid and they wouldn't fit, she can stuff it in and she'd push it until my head went through the hole, let's try it, maybe tic tac knows something we don't, where's that What goes like this when you need it?
the weirdest tiktok life hacks
Wow dude, I don't see how this is going to help me put on a shirt, wait. one they have goes in, well that's what we have so you'll have to make it work. Have you ever been stuck in this scenario? You try and you try but you can't take off your shirt but we have a tick tock life hack that will solve your problem rainy day today don't put on a shirt easy windy like one two three oh I'm pushing myself so okay what a friend and so, bing bong, yes sir, it works, put your arm Through that, how hard is it to put yourself?
the weirdest tiktok life hacks

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the weirdest tiktok life hacks...

You put your arm through the hole in my neck. This guy is screwed. You just learned how to put on a shirt. Was it easier or harder with this life hack? I don't know what I would do without the ticking. life


i'd be shirtless 24 7. the next tick of this shit life pack no cups oh oh i just gotta get a cup get a bottle wait it's a bottle why don't you use the bottle tape? You're kidding me pocket mug What hey, wait a minute, wait a minute, that might actually be something with that self that might get hard, so you wrap it first and then you make a cross and then you wrap it again.
the weirdest tiktok life hacks
Do you have a bottle? Are we somewhere? I'm going to need a bottle Kevin on top of my refrigerator there is a bottle of sake Okay, thank you, the same color ribbon because it does matter. I always knew I wanted a pocket cup, buddy, you just picked it up. No, I did not do it. Yes, indeed you did. No, you didn't put the sticky side on the bottle, that's what you're supposed to do. No, no, you're supposed to use the other side, otherwise it won't come out when you take it out, oh you. You're right and then you go all the way around, man, you were, you're made for this Eddie, which is the thickest cup I've ever seen in my life, man, so now what they do is cross it and then you'll be fine like this.
the weirdest tiktok life hacks
I'm learning that people sit down and actively try to think about this every day. I don't think they did. They did it? No, oh yes, now fill it now. No, we have to do the test. Actually, you just made a cup. Dude, you just made a cup with duct tape in front of your eyes, okay, now go get some water, so take this out of your pocket now, oh, I don't have a cup for this water, but don't worry, I brought my own, would you like some water now? I'd love some water Eddie, here you go, it's not working Eddie, it's not working, drink it, it probably tastes like cancer, oh God, I hate ticking life eggs, one of these has to change my life. everything you put in your mouth because it's bad dude, it's bad, it's so bad, I literally only tried straws, drinking straws, parchment paper and an iron, wait, what are you waiting for, then you cut it, shoes, no, you just made sandals with straws, leaves the manufacturing of flip flops to the Mexican.
Yes sir, do we have an iron? What kind of man doesn't have an iron? I don't have an iron. I'm not 90. Well, I can't make chocolate, at least the kids gave me these cool ones. dot store you can check them out they are way cooler than anything you can make with a bunch of straws buy them at the kids dot store eddie we can do it another time big guy I know you're excited to make the flip flops. I'll do it next time, I know you're so excited about it, next time we won't have a clothes iron.
Hey, okay, eating cereal with the back of the spoon, who hates when that happens? I'm going to scream, I'll get a spoon, hey, spoon, no work, this is dark chocolate, almond milk, yeah, yeah, okay, do you like to eat cereal in the morning? I know, that seems simple, doo doo-doo, can I borrow one? of your spoons, yes, of course you can. I'm going to try to eat this like the dumbest human being on this entire planet. Oh no, Eddie, your spoon, no shovel, doesn't work. We know how to solve it. Did you get titanium spoons, buddy? this spoon is invincible you the spoon is the power of zeus there is not a dent unless you walked in here and obama was here oh oh the beauty of a forge master you have it i hit the spoon so hard that hard chunks of your concrete came off of the hammer dented before the spoon, where did you buy these spoons? friend King Bach wants to know your location try it yes friend we have one in the oh that's not good oh on the contrary everything expired that's disgusting in case you have a spoon that can't be turned get a hammer and hit them the next tick oh, there's no place to put it oh no, it needs a cup holder on top, stop, stop, wait, that's really reusable, that's a big brain, here's the thing, do we have a cup like that? just grab a cup from your pantry please tell me you have cups listen bro I don't need cups or parchment paper or tile no I don't have cups okay I blew it all on the titanium spoon I'm broken pull the tape and then you push, you put, you pass the thing, yeah, like that, oh, you got it, you got it, you got it, I got the tape stuck, so they gotta restart, stop, I'm nervous, you push it, come on, man.
Dude I'm doing good, I'm doing good, look and you can put this anywhere, just carry a whole roll of duct tape with you, boom like that, let me see that shake. Alright, moment of truth, come on buddy, another winner, you know? what's that actually worked tick tac life hack worked wait wait can you look through that hole real quick? I'm a walking cup holder, yes, feel free to take a sip if anyone wants some. Thanks, that's a good shake, thanks friend, let's talk about toothpaste in a balloon. What homemade softball? Homemade soft balls. Things for stress.
We have balloons. Rack. Storyteller. I have toothpaste, okay, sweetie, Eddie, what are you doing, buddy? Nothing, I wasn't even gone for a full minute, Eddie, in fishnets, what kind of tic toc life hack is this? You better save them. I'm going to start sucking, you want to squeeze it and see what happens, okay, spill balloons everywhere and laugh like you just stole the moon, squeeze the toothpaste in there, I'm sorry, I did it and then I let it go and now It's full of soft, now you have the toothpaste there. Now you need the fishnet stockings, okay?
So I have to tie the balloon. crazy dude, it's got straight balls, straight balls, bro, okay, fishnet, ready time, it's not coming out of the holes, these are the holes, oh, it's coming out, oh, look at that, it's like a little alien brain that It leaves me with a lot of stress, you should stop. a little more, buddy, how did that happen? It's a good tech factor, cute high five, high five, okay, next one, oh we have oreos scraping the cream, why would you shut your mouth? Are you kidding me, how is that a tick tac life hack? just on top, take out the cream, which is fine, then yeah, you put toothpaste in it, oh wait, wait, put it back in the package.
Honestly, if you like shaping the edges, no one would know it was an oreo, ha, that's not an oreo. toothpaste good ah that'll cut right in my mouth dude I like to chew a piece of that second hand this is a


hack right here this looks like bananas at this point dude so take all your oreos, you separate all the cream. and you throw this away just eat the cookies that's the life hack I love dareder's house I can't wait to move in can I wash my hands? Yes please, I'm back. I had to wash my hands very quickly.
I want to shake your hand. Don't do this to me I want to shake your hand I'm fine shake your hand thank you no problem man no you yelled at me guys I think we're close to the finish line thank god let's see the next one yeah let's go to the next one ramen antifreeze is that antifreeze yeah , wait, it's sucking up the engine coolant with antifreeze and then you put it in there's no way, there's no way you can make fire starters out of ramen, arson for cheap, do we have somewhere we can start a fire?
For the ramen we need like a glass, something, a bowl, please tell me you have something we can soak the ramen in. Little by little I am learning that I am poor when it comes to choosing options for my house. Worst case scenario, we can make one out of duct tape. Oh that's the worst part dude, I did that once and I was having such a bad day that my dog ​​was next to me and I just kicked him in the head. He was so angry at the forbidden mountain dew. You can help? Yeah. I'm stretching you, I'm opening you up a little bit, we're going to let the ramen marinate and it's going to sit in that sticky juice for a while and what do you want to do in the meantime?
Okay, let's see how our little man does. He's been marinating for I don't know about 30 minutes 30 minutes. He looks slightly green. Is this flammable? Yes, please take him out of my house. It won't catch fire, although no, wait, wait. It is, friend. There is no antifreeze that is flammable. The ramen is just cooking well, yeah that doesn't work. The next tick can't reach. He is a short person who cannot reach. I wonder how they are going to solve his problem. Put on real shoes. Get taller. Stop playing. Stop playing. Genius, just build a pile of sandals.
Oh, I need a tick-tock trick for this situation I'm in now. Okay, buddy, I got you, I got you, no, here, take these, huh, okay, yeah, you're going to need this, yeah, uh. you're going to need this guys uh i discovered some tic tac tape on an oreo now the oreo is hanging there you put the spoon on the oreo uh huh and then you can put it there like this you use the inverted spoon no way and now you can pick it up, good friend, yes, I am a master of the tick-tock life hack, so this is what we have, two top flip flops and then a pair of flip flops without the bones, let's warm up. glue them all together and then glue them on top, so in case you're short, in case you're Josh and you can't reach the top shelf, you can do it with five dollars, uh, I don't know, can some platform games handle that? ? life hacks, I got you, I literally just told you it was there, oh dude, why did you do that forbidden thing?
I've got the glue gun, I've got the glue gun, so you start with that stack and then you put one on top. I see this is like a Mexican super villain moment right now dude I'm the best Mexican this is the life hack for Mexican moms yeah don't let the Mexican moms get a hold of this one dude it's a astronaut. Check it out, boom, we just invented a shoe that makes your toes stand on tiptoe, a new product for Mexican moms. Oh, what is that? I can't reach the tits on the top shelf. Lucky for me, I have a tall ass.
Crystal chain. Check it out. Oh yeah, come here. Tits. Oh, come on. becoming mexican mexican mom i always wanted to be guys hey im going back to work wait there's no new trick to creating a twitch account i discovered the infinite money problem hey they're pouring soap into a hose on the head from the shower and Now they, who have a big brain, what happens if something gets in your eyes and you say I need water to get it out exactly? Oh, I have something in my eye. You have to wash it. It's just soap, how are you going to rinse it off?
You can't, that one just ruins your life. OK. I have to go back to Florida. Actually, narrator. I mean, Kevin has to go out, so I'll see you later. You're not leaving until this is clean. I have to go back to. I have one thing, idiot, I left this laptop. Bowser story. You will help. Yes that's fine. Oh no, they're going backwards. Are they still there with the sandals? You built the original problems. Yeah.

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