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The Weird World of PSAs - JonTron

Mar 07, 2024
Drugs, what's wrong with them? I love them, but wait, let's go back to the 80s and 90s when everyone told me not to consume them because then I might change my mind, after all, we know how unbiased these ads were. Dope. Weed, whatever you want to call it, is probably the most dangerous drug in the United States and we haven't even begun to discover all the harmful effects. These are so fun and I was just looking at some of them and some of them are. so ridiculous I just have to give it a chance, come on let's see what's number one on the list here.
the weird world of psas   jontron
I can get angry, just thinking about it makes me angry. little kids doing drugs, it makes my stomach turn. Mr. T., are you bleeding? Are you okay? a band aid for you it hurts the wearer it hurts his family it's okay, I'm okay, we're a good man, I just want to shake a little, shake some sense, kids, I'm not a kid, so remember, don't you or else, okay, yeah, you make a good point. I don't like the smile. He was good until he smiled. If you're going to hurt me, hurt me, don't make me think about this 10 years later.
the weird world of psas   jontron

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the weird world of psas jontron...

Life in the therapist's office is more important than material things, you don't need all the gold and variety of diamonds, yes, direct, direct, direct, direct, direct, direct, here we tell you it's direct, this is the Classic, this is your brain. no, it's not and this is heroin no, it's not an egg in a frying pan this is what happens to your brain no, that's what happens when you smash an egg with a frying pan what happens to your family oh no the dishes the oh the clock how are we? you're going to know what time it is you didn't have to do any of that you chose to do that drugs can get you in big trouble you could go to the principal's office or go to jail that's a pretty big jump between those two and you can I don't watch TV I don't even eat pizza I'm out there is no pizza I can't watch television I can't eat pizza go to jail I can't eat pizza I don't give them recess it's good the hamsters are good the hamsters are good the hamsters are good how? this pen you're going astray drugs are bad i want to do drugs who's deader who's deader inside that's the game i play him that's me this kid died from using illegal drugs are you allowed to be here and this kid died from wear? prescription drugs who's deader she's going to ask who's deader which one is deader this is the deadest I've ever seen in my life you just walked into a disco cemetery the guy died from a bullet this guy fell down the stairs stairs which one of them is dead you better answer this better that's not a rhetorical question that's not a rhetorical question you have to answer that question when you enter that kind of territory I'm angry let me introduce you to my man you know them all there's a man crawling on the ground looking through binoculars man sergeant where is he smoking a cigarette? man left last night we burned him with a match a message from a rat reject all the tobacco take it third you better tell someone that they didn't sell me until the rat they didn't sell me until then but when that comes on, my God, damn it, I want to throw all my marijuana leaves in the big ol' trash can, hey, what about me? give him some H, give me some, okay, okay, you want meth, boy, here's your meth and here's your meth dealer and your meth boyfriends and here's your meth mom and your meth dad and your meth CPA and your meth boyfriends meth boyfriend please step back okay understand the personal bubble and your meth baby meth baby I'll never get over meth baby as long as I live I'll never stop seeing meth yeah This, this, this has to come to an end soon, don't forget your meth face.
the weird world of psas   jontron
I like how meth face is more important than meth baby, I just want to point out that priorities are a little messed up. up here, but again they're on meth, it's called a smoking dog, it can't be bad, this dog is cool as ice, Bennett, dinner Bennett, I'm smoking, that's how the dog talks, he talks like a person, just like smoke like a person, what? What's going on in this is like she just gave up she's defeated he's going to be out there smoking he wants to kill himself okay you'll be there but stay there dog hey I'm a dog what's your excuse?
the weird world of psas   jontron
Not all dogs make excuses. me # not all dogs thank you some dogs these days think they can put us all in a box I'm Michael Jordan hello Michael Jordan McDonald's restaurants have given me this time to speak why it has to be McDonald's that gave you this opportunity was just a camera and a background and you're in a suit McDonald's restaurants have given me this time to talk to you about something we both really care about children, children and McDonald's, children, girls, education, children, McDonald's Chicken McNugget, you can be almost anything you want. Listen I love it I love the cut I love how I couldn't This is just I love it This is basically rambling Listen I was already listening Michael I was already with you You so don't ruin it Don't do drugs if You're doing it, stop, get help and definitely , eat the biggest, biggest, biggest Big Mac, get some fries with it.
No harm, just some fries. McDonald's wants you to give yourself a chance and so do I. Is his name really a ghoul? Yes that's fine. one just called himself a ghoul, they come to my house, ghoul for a little ghoul, you like my friends, they are good listeners, they are ghouls. Bill here is 16 years old, unless he's alive there sleeping in one of those little Japanese sleepover hotels, so join the ghoul party. trace crack ghoul what was ghoul about that none of that was ghoul


boy it's called


boy I don't know ghoul I didn't see a single wait there's still a second left this let me check for ghoul no ghoul no ghoul in this This is false advertising.
I wanted a demon to scare me. Hey, have you ever thought about taking drugs? Well, I never thought about that. I don't think any of you need any more drugs. It seems that they have already taken all the necessary drugs. Think hard, but. They find me when they need the most, come on kids, don't you want to bite one of these babies? This idiot is not worth it. What can we go back for a second? What exactly is the moral here? Don't buy drugs at Secret. monster men good point announcement thanks. I will keep it in mind once again friends.
I'm out. I'm already out of this. I can't go any further. I have 1/8 of a monkey shift. That's all. all I can handle now Scott, I understand you just bought 15 of our Banks surfer onesies is that it's true, yes, this is what I'm trying to do. I feel like this makes me want to smoke marijuana. Like what? What do I buy? calculate that, let's get out the calculator real quick $363 I mean what are those three tickets to Disneyland that you have so much fun with a monkey surfboard piggy bank God bless you God bless you ask your M ask your parents well you bad ask your mom ask dad I didn't call myself a fart, well that's probably a good thing.
I don't know if you want to go around calling yourself that. In my head I was a socialite after I only farted occasionally. awkward I really don't like this can we turn this off and my boyfriend gets my attention and good for him he's taking it right where it counts? I even woke up in the morning wanting to fart, a good one, guys, sick allegory, you slipped. okay I can't believe how smart you were to write that just changed farting to smoking and that's it, the tobacco companies lost all their stock, you did it, you've done it, sick guy, getting fat, she says no again , he doesn't smoke again. an alien comes while my boyfriend smokes marijuana not again the alien comes at me again he has a weird potato face it always happens just trying to have a good day oh man that alien just stole the girl from that guy who is a pimp alien not again and she left don Don't let an alien steal your girlfriend from kids who smoke marijuana.
Wow, great man, very sick, nice weed. Wow, what are you doing smoking this weed smoking this rough weed what's your misfortune? I just got here I don't even know anything what weed is, come with me girl, this guy is a loser, see ya dude, you suck, seriously, you suck, dude. I'm Captain Lou Al. I didn't expect that anyone who asks you for drug news isn't your friend. The drugs Cannon will kill, but Mario, you always eat. the mushrooms understand it remember don't be afraid to turn to your priest your rabbi your minister your moms your dads your teachers because drugs can kill and if you use drugs you will go to hell before you die Mario, you are marking children for life here alone tell me I'm going to hell before I die I just want to jump on the Goombas Mario I just want to ride Yoshi I guess she was really affected by Luigi's fatal drug addiction Mario, it's me Luigi, well I just can Don't stop Eating mushrooms is a very funny sight.
I'm a very funny, funny, go to hell guy. Pablo, is this your real name? Pablo, the MU dog, show me, Pablo, what turns out. I have been used to smuggle cocaine into the country don't do a drug PSA about this this this doesn't make me want to not do drugs this makes me sad for Pablo, who had cocaine smuggled into him by a group of Mexicans that's what makes me want to , which rather begs the question, what's the big problem? deal, you should be dead, ghoul dog, stay dead. I went to this nasty bathroom and this girl asked me if you forgave satna. uh no, I'm a dog and a friend CED, there's no help and look who we have here, bleeding. perfect nostril I'm bleeding well done yeah you are and he's P he's cutting his coke and he couldn't wait to tell me that so I picked up the phone somehow and talked to Frank.
There is a darker side to Coca-Cola to discover more. Visit talk. Hi, I'm John and after watching Pablo, the MU dog, get stuffed with handfuls and handfuls of Co, I'm here, McDonald's and I are here to tell you what we know is really important: the Big family Mac. McNuggets, come on, grab just a four-pack of God's Green Soil four-piece McNuggets growing straight from MacDonald Farms $1.99 just two pieces of chicken nuggets one to get free listen if you're doing drugs, stop it or else Otherwise, Mr. T is going to come and take all that loose change out of your pockets how are you going to get some six-piece Chicken McNuggets and then reopen the 911 investigation what really happened there you just have to know the facts just reopen it take a look look, you never know what will be inside that's me John, see you later, now it's time for strong leadership Reagan for president this episode was sponsored by Loot Crate, if you don't know what they are, they are a monthly subscription service For pop culture gear and gamer gear for under $20 a month, you get 6-8 items including licensed gear, apparel, collectibles, one-of-a-kind items, and more.
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