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The Wacky World Of Segasonic The Hedgehog Plushes

May 14, 2024
90's Sonic the Hedgehog, what a great time to be a Sonic fan, the games, the cartoons, the special events, uh, the food, it's definitely the Golden Age of Sonic the Hedgehog, but I left something out and it's the merchandise along with everything else that came out. All 9 of us can't forget the marketable plushies, like the cow toy PMs and even the tech toys if you want to go to Brazil, but how about Japan, where Sonic the Hedgehog comes from? Did they get any merchandise? I present to you the Sega Sonic the Hedgehog line. started in the early 1990s and then ended around Sonic Adventure, it was the Sega Sonic the Hedgehog line and is a fairly well-known plush line within the collecting community.
the wacky world of segasonic the hedgehog plushes
I mean, I named my channel, but for people who are still a little confused, Sega Jr., the Hedgehog line was mostly stuffed animals with a few other types of products, like shirts, puzzles, and yes, school supplies, and even though the brand lasted about 7 years, that didn't stop them from having over 100 plushies even today, that's an impressive number. number so in today's video we'll look at the history of these plushies and then at the end of the video we'll sort through all of them and hopefully preserve these amazing plushies so that with that we'll grab some Sonic Mania Jones Soda in a pack of Sonic fruit. snacks and enjoy the ride, you might be wondering why I included 1990 since we all know the original Hedgehog son came out on June 23, 1991, but I want to mention it because, well, when can I mention it again? from Japan, the thing in question is the 1990 Sonic plush and yes, and as the name says, it was rumored to be part of the Sonic the Hedgehog plush, although we didn't know this plush existed until a few years ago, although this It's not really a Sega Sonic plush.
the wacky world of segasonic the hedgehog plushes

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the wacky world of segasonic the hedgehog plushes...

I still think it counts and I have to say that this stuffed animal is very well made, especially if this stuffed animal was used for the field and has aged quite well since it is 34 years old, but it didn't stay put. Son's designer for a long time since in 2020 there was a listing for this plush on Marari for around 300,000 yen, which in USD is equivalent to around $2,000 and honestly, it's a pretty cheap price given that it's Son's first plush. Sonic, but how about plushies that the real public can? buy it or I guess when, well, here you have one of the plushies that came out in 1991 and the first thing you think is maybe wait, it's that the teoy plush, but no, this is its own thing and, despite being a plush from Sega Sonic this was made in Korea the plush is really big being 15 which would mean this is the first giant plush released and I have to say it's really impressive how accurate this plush is and it's truly a product of its time saying that this stuffed animal has only one back, Spike, although this stuffed animal has one.
the wacky world of segasonic the hedgehog plushes
Something special, his eyes as they look like Twix rods, he's been nicknamed the Twix eyes, they sound like plushies, but overall this thing is really awesome, but I have yet to see a plush set, well here's a Sonaka Hedgehog set from 1991 consisting of Sonic Eggman flicky Pocky and pecky which were made to coincide with Sonic the Hedgehog, these plushies are some of the first to come from the franchise, although the plushies themselves are good, I wouldn't say they are cheap, they have a homemade feel that gives this a very touching and enjoyable Sonic set. stuffed animals like Sonic who has stringy limbs, speaking of Sonic, he's the most well-known in the set because like I said before, he has stringy limbs, so he's the most common Pol that you'll see other people have in their collections, but As for the price, it is not common, but it is not just Sonic in the set, since we have Sonic's animal friends who deserve more love.
the wacky world of segasonic the hedgehog plushes
Could you look at this and tell me the name? Most of you would probably say no, but I have to stop this rant about penguins and all stuffed animals anyway. It has a very stylized design that to me accurately represents Japanese artwork from the early 90s, by the way I love this art style as it has an SL comic look, but long story short this plush set has a very charming and unique look. style that perfectly captures the early 90's incarnation of SN the Hedgehog, but that being said, this won't be the last time I talk about this set, although before that we still have the oneart plush from 1991, this plush is a decoration already which is a curtain tassel, but that's not important anyway, the plushie is very well made and surprisingly accurate for being so early in a plush.
Everything like this plush has the right number of spikes on the head and back and everything in general is well made, although I still prefer it. the last plush to be more exclusive, but that doesn't mean that this plush is bad, it's definitely far from that and lays the foundation for what will come after, so 1991 was a pretty good start for the brand, if not to say everything was perfect because there could be some. it gets better here or there so with that let's see what 1992 has in store for us from the beginning 1992 is a step forward to give us more as this year we got 15 stuffed animals compared to the 8 stuffed animals in last year's series, but as we will soon find out that it is isn't as good as you think, so I guess in order to have a plush set for Sonic 2, Sega decided to re-release the last set, then removed the Charming Sonic plush and replaced it with these two newer Sonics.
It is now common practice for companies. Reroll the same plushies and then add one or two plushies. You don't want it to be the same as the previous set. Would it be wrong to add Tails if it really was an outfit to promote Sonic 2? However, before you look at this set. Also, there is a plushie that came out between these two and it is this one, this is the re-release of the stringy Sonic, although with some small changes, like the most notable difference, the shoes, unlike the flat shoes of the past, this one has a nice plastic pair. shoes, it looks pretty cool, although since this plushie is 32 years old, most of these plushies drop their shoes, which as you can imagine doesn't look good, but anyway the big, main part from 1992 is this set and, as I said before.
These are just re-releases of the 1991 set, but now we have these Sonics, as Goofy and weird as they are, they have their own charm and I can't get over how much I like this plush, in fact, I spent $60 on it I think they scammed me. Aside from these Sonics, there's one crucial difference that separates this from this one and all the labels you see for the 1992 set say Sega Sonic the Hedgehog instead of Sonic the Hedgehog and you'll wonder why. Let me explain, Sega tried to file for Sonic in the late 1990s and soon discovered that a trademark already existed for a game called Sonic Blast.
Now technically they were both different names, but Sega didn't want to take any chances. to avoid potential legal issues Sega added Sega in front of Sonic, yes the only reason the Sega part is there is because of legal issues and since all plushies after this one have this name it's a pretty interesting fact, but we go. Going back to the main topic of the video, the plushies now for some reason Sega likes to use the set because we see it a lot, for example your first thoughts are: maybe this is a set for Sonic drift and honestly you don't mind. would blame but then look at the release date for sonic drift and this set was made 2 years earlier so it makes even less sense for this set to exist.
The set itself is strange to say the least, all they did was put the last few plushies in plastic carts even though you're weird, I have to admit it would be cool to have at least one of them but the set definitely The coolest thing this year are these two stuffed animals, if you didn't already know, this is a set for Christmas and these are cute. cool and that's all I have to say, it's just another re-release of the same plushies and that sums up 1992, just repeat versions of the same plush over and over again, yeah this year was pretty disappointing but next year is, with difference, one.
One of the best years was to say it wasn't the Hedgehog brand, so let's go ahead and move on. 1993 is an absolutely incredible year as we have been given 11 plushies and none of them are reissues, although I want to say at this point that we are going. Go ahead, I don't know exactly when these plushies came out, so I could be wrong about a couple of things, so with that being said, let's see what 1993 has in store for us. The first set I want to start with is a little obscure because I've never heard anyone mention it, maybe because it's a plh keychain set consisting of Sonic Tails Amy and Eggman and judging by the pictures or just a picture, the plushies, if you can call them, are decent enough given their small size, but it still looks good but this next set has to be one of my personal favorites given how cute they are and that has to be this set and I just have to say it flat out, this has to be one of the most charming and amazing sets, period Oh.
Sorry, not only because they have Amy's first plush, but also because Sonic and Tails steal the show with their accessories and outfits like the green sweater, the tails on Sonic's blue sweater, and these awesome guys. This set is just great, although the next set is not as strange, but so-so. less interesting, okay, maybe a little weird, I mean, it's not every day that you see a Karate Sonic plush, the plushies are very well made, although at first it may seem like these two look the same, there is a difference and that's the headband and one has a solid one. color and the other has a strip pattern and the same goes for Tails so the plushies are good but unfortunately they didn't age as well as many of them seem to be missing eyes or other signs of wear but anyway there is One thing that is interesting about this set when we look at the picture of the set and then look at Sonic, we can see that it is a plush re-released in 1992.
Now when we look at the ending without plushie they changed it. I don't know, I just thought it was like that. interesting, the last set from 1993 is honestly great and it's these two plushies, Sonic and Tails, which, uh, wait, really, oh okay, there are actually two more plushies in the set, we have the Sonic and Tails smaller ones and then we have the two larger versions, but with Sonic having a soccer ball and tails with I don't really know what that is anyway, let's get the elephant out of the room and just say it. These plushies are very high quality and look amazing, but besides the looks, we have the tags, well I guess they would still count as looks anyway, they separate themselves from the generic tags you see so far, the karate set and The costume set have been using this label with Sonic two art, the second Sonic the Hedgehog logo at the bottom and with the background alone.
Being white is not a bad label, but we will see it a lot in the future, in this set. The labels have a much better design with custom artwork of Sonic and Tails. Sonic and Tails from TCH and of course the Sega logo are the Hedgehog on it. aside, but overall these are very good plushies, too bad they are expensive, well that's enough for 1993, we may have a set that no one cares about or that no one cares about, but we have a lot of really great plushies and that gives I hope the rest of the plushies are exceptional, so once that's done, let's see if 1994 meets 1994, what a great year we got the amazing Sonic 3 and Knuckles, the best classic Genesis game, at least, what do we have ? for sigga Sonic the Hedgehog, well, we have three sets, which brings us to a total of 15 plushies.
Now, this year we may see Sega experiment with seasonal plushies, so let's start with one of those. The Sumerset has six stuffed animals, the sailor Sonic and the surfboard Tails. Sonic and Tails and then the Sonic and Tails rubber ring, yeah you see a pattern and for you Knuckles fans I'm just going to say there are no Knuckles plushies for this year which doesn't make any sense since he debuted this anus. Anyway, back to the set, these are pretty decent, they're about the same quality as the Sonic costume and karate sets, which isn't bad, but they age the same, so some plushies are missing something or just have some damage, but anyway all the accessories are very well made and it shows that they put a lot of time and care into them, for example, in order not to make Tails' accessories the same as Sonics', they made the taals as accessories with more colors dark and the Sonics ones with lighter colors, a quite interesting detail.
That you may not have noticed, but that's it for this set. Now remember when I said Sega was making seasonal plushies, well this isn't one of them, it's just Sonic Tails and Rocky which this set doesn't make up for. numbers, it definitely makes up for it in quality, like I'm being dead serious when I say it, these are some of the best looking Sonic plushies I've ever seen, like the taals for example, this is simply the best Tails plush never made, I mean the classic Tails plush. everything, like the stuffed animal, is made of soft fur and all the details are correct or just the fact thatthey look cute.
These are the best of the best I have ever seen but the reason I praise this set is because we have the first uh wait I forgot his name Rocky Plush and as a certificate wait I forgot his name again like certified Rocky fan. I see this as a w, who the hell are you? I'm your friendly neighborhood, uh, I'm your familiar, familiar. neighborhood Rocky fan, get out of my room please, I'm sorry, what's okay, relax, relax, bro? I'll go, no. Oh, I'm still in a video. I should probably get back to that. This last set returns to the seasonal theme.
Since we eat around Christmas, we go from summer to Christmas, why do we skip Halloween? You know, look at this concept art of a pumpkin. Tails plush. Well, anyway, this set consists of six plushies. Santa Sonic Stockings. Tails green. Santa Eggman and Sonic Reeve. Santa Sonic. plush slippers and then plush Santa Tals slippers, these plushies are nice and heartwarming, get it, heartwarming, Christmas snow warming, okay, come on anyway, the plushies look great and capture that Christmas feeling and you know what, for the people watching I want a debate in the comments which looks better on this Sonic set or this one from 1993Mario Christmas set and yes that's it for 1994, we have some unique plushies that Sega would never approve of today and it's cool that let's have them, so with that we're halfway there, I guess I don't know, let's just move on.
This year wasn't really good for the franchise, the only game we got was Knuckles Chaotics which is the best classic Sonic game. You can't change your mind, wait, no, no, no, but other than Knuckles Chaotics, that was the only game. we have and the only thing that can make up for that is marketable plushies, but seriously, the number of plushies that will be released will start to decrease. I don't really know why, but this year we only got two sets that bring only nine plushies to the table. Winning these sets I covered in a video and that is the sports set which consists of soccer, Sonic, tennis, Tails, skiing, Sonic, baseball tails and of course the holy grail and absolute unit that is basketball , Eggman.
These stuffed animals are different from the rest since they experiment with plastic. accessories instead of being plush or just pieces of fabric and it may seem strange to us, but in the eyes of the people who make them it is much easier and more profitable, like imagining trying to make a plush tennis racket, but apart from the accessories . The plushies are good, although Sonic's muzzle looks a little crooked, but I would say these are a good average set of Sonic plushies, although I do want to mention the picture of the set, since they use a lot of prototype plushies that look very different from the endings. like football, Sonic with these striped pants, Tails with a blue tennis racket or sking Sonic with glasses instead of glasses, but also that's it for this set, although this one is really cool, this set is just Sonic Tails Eggman and the first Knuckles plushie, so The trick to this game is its suction cups so you can do the exciting thing about putting them on your window and on your window, although the suction cup part is a little useless.
I can't imagine they keep the stuffed animals up for long. their size, but the main thing about these stuffed animals is how good they look. They use a Velboa Velboa material which gives these plushies a soft, almost shiny look, but aside from the material used, they still look very accurate and it's mostly noticeable on Tails and Knuckles, although Knuckles likes the little details on his shoes , it still looks good. Eggman looks weird and that has to be it. 1995 is not a bad year, but it is not good either. The stuffed animals in general are good, it is because of the amount of stuffed animals we have. and his lack of but I hope next year he approves that I hope 1996 what a disappointment.
I kid you not, we have one. I kid you not, a set. Okay, maybe I'm being a little harsh, but like we used to have almost four sets, so. I'm just going to do these spoilers. 1997 only has two sets so I'll include that year too so this single set is good yeah surprisingly they honestly look good Sonic Tails Knuckles and Eggman are pretty much the same as suction. mug set only with some minor differences like replacing the cloth but there are two other plushies which are this pecky plush which looks really cool and the other plush is oh god Rocky but can you get out of my video amazing person if you could ?
I'm no longer telling you that these stuffed animals are attached to baskets and their use is shown in the image of the set where pencils and pens are kept on your desk, although I think the children simply tore off the baskets to play with them, but in general, now they are fine. I'm not really sure if these even count as the Hedgehog plushies since they are 100% tiin or they are like the fighters and for people who don't know, it's a Sonic arcade fighting game made in 1996, so although don't be. really sigga hrock plushies. I'm going to talk about it anyway, this is by far the rarest and biggest set as it has Sonic Tails Knuckles Amy Fang Bean Barks SPO Metal Sonic and Eggman so it has the entire roster from that set and although he's not in the established image since he's meant to be a secret plush and that's Jetson and I still find it strange that this is the only classic Supersonic plush until Tomy made his in 2018, that's 21 years anyway , these are known to be the largest. set and with it you have the first and practically only plushies of many characters like bean and bark, but this set is really known for just looking good, these are some of the most attractive plushies of the 9s and they deserve more recognition and it seems that Yeah.
Given how rare they are, I know I haven't been talking about Rarity, but I think I should mention it like this, for example, this almost $600 SPO plush or this $1,000 one for Amy, but the next set isn't as good, right? TRUE? remember that weird 1994 set, well that's what almost wins, half the set are reissues, but now we have Knuckles Fang Ando, ​​there's not really much to say about these, just that they look good given their size and just like the biggest game these are expensive too and yeah no I'm never going to buy them and that's it for 1996 and 1997 these two years were great we really did good if not amazing at the most part, so we have one year left, it's going to be good, let's find out, I would say this is a good year, yes I do, we have two sets leading to a total of six plushies, so let's look at the first set, these are They look amazing, they are some of the most game accurate song plushies I have ever seen, the sheer amount of detail is just great and they seem to use that vboa material which gives them a soft look, but the main focus for me at least is Tails, I'm sorry, Sonic, but this stuffed animal.
It just looks so good, the head overall is better than the 1994 tails and the body, although missing the chest fur, is good and that's the same way I would describe the Sonic plush. This one looks great too, although I still prefer tails and this set is special. for having a unique label that I've never seen before, I think such art and a Sonic PNG from somewhere else below the art, we have the Sega Sonic the Hedgehog logo along with this cool graphic of a golden ring spelling out Sega Sant the Hedgehog again, but in general. these are amazing, the next and final set for this era, I would say definitely worth the wait.
I present to you the Sonic and Tail pastel set, we have low saturation Sonic and Tails and then pastel or white Sonic and Tails and I think I know where they came from. The idea for making these is a similar set of Mario plushies called the Color Me set. I don't know, I just thought they look similar, but anyway, back to the set, the normal son and Tails, if you can call them normal, are so-so. Same as suction cut stuffed animals and I'm sorry if I keep comparing stuffed animals to suction cut stuffed animals but what can I say?
These look almost the same, but now less saturated, depending on how you look at it, the main focus. of this set are the real pastel plushies and they look really good even though they are the same as the normal plushies. I can't help but say it, but they look great, they are very different compared to many other normal plushies. and it's cool that we have these stylized plushies and that's why I think this is my favorite set of plushies and yes, I've said that a couple of times during the video, but I mean it when I say this is my favorite, so that that is the end. from Sega the Hedgehog, but it's not the end of the video, since now we are going to rank all these sets.
No, no, no, no, no, I'll never mention that again, but Leo, you actually missed the Game Gear stand plush and so did you. I forgot to mention the Taiwan Sega Hedgehog plushies, but they can't just skip the qualifying time. Well guys I have 24 unique sets and plushies so I guess let's get started so first we have the 1991 set. It's touching it's nice it's just a nice set of plushies so I'd have to give it a level uh plush jumbo from 1991, it's a good plush, it's very accurate for its Time Charming, so I would give it a high rating, the plush with tassels, I would have to give it looks good, uh. give it a level b, uh, 1994, Sonic and Tails Sports set.
I'd have to give him a level B karate. Sonic and Tails look very, they look good, they don't age because they age badly, that's what I'm trying to say they age. bad, there are a lot of damaged and worn ones, but if I were to leave aside the appearance alone, one level, Sonic involves mini plushies, one level, uh, 1992, Sonic and his friends set, it's just a break and there are two new plushies, but they see each other They don't look that good, but they do have some charm, but as a set I would just have to give him a SE level racing set of Sonic and his friends.
The idea alone is strange. I have to say that, but yeah, it's just weird. It's not good, but it's not great. I have to give it a level two of Sonic Christmas plushies. I actually really like these and think they are fantastic plushies, so I'm going to give them a high 8. Yeah, I'll put them here. the 1994 keychain game um no level D I I don't like it I don't like it at all a set of Sonic costumes level s Sonic the fighter super Sonic I really like this plush and it's just a goat plush so level s Sonic the fighters level D keychain set just like this one No, I don't like the summer set Level B Christmas set from 1994 give it a high level Sonic the fighter set you know the level S amazing plushies Sonic and Tails from 1998 these are very plush high quality and for that reason alone I give the level tail Sonic and Tails set.
I like them a lot, it's actually one of my favorites. This is my favorite uh Sig not Hedgehog plus set, so just for that level Sonic carnival set. I think that's what it's called I I like to call it that for some reason a level B Sonic Sports set level S level suction cut plushies I really like these the Sonic basket game is weird but I like it but I get a level B This stuffed animal looks good in level B and lastly, the Sonic plush, you know the high level and yes, that's the ranking. The Sega Hedgehog line lasted 7 years and gave us amazing, high quality plushies, so if you made it to this part of the video, then thank you.
I honestly had a lot of fun making this video and I hope you guys enjoyed it the same way I enjoyed making this video and consider subscribing, it's free and it helps me a lot. I'm on a trip to subscribers for the end of the year, but of course it's not necessary and I have great news. I'm creating a website where I document each of the Sonic plushies and the link for that will be below and yes, that's pretty much it, join the Discord and have a great rest of your day in peace.

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