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The UNLUCKIEST People Alive.. (0.001% Chance)

Apr 15, 2024
let's look at some of the



in the world, one in a million, okay please, oh she's the only car there too, oh brother, if she had parked literally three feet away she would have been good, wow, that's crazy, what the hell? the odds suck for her anyway i want to see her car again look at that oh my god and it's all frozen she'll literally have to get a flamethrower to unlock her car guys are you unlucky? Well, if you leave a like, her luck will increase. week just leave one like trust me okay there's a cat no the cat is going to break no oh really the cat just ruined your laptop by biting it why didn't you stop to your cat?
the unluckiest people alive 0 001 chance
Although it's clearly like, bro, it's oh, you're dumb. You're stupid, that doesn't even unlock you, that's cool, look at this guy, apparently he's trying to rob this store, look what happens, he dropped his gun, he's going to climb up and get it, no, just run, no way , buddy, God, you had a job. Look at it, the guy pulls out the gun, yeah, like, oh wow, that's funny, the girl screams and he's like he lost his gun too, that's unfortunate. Guns are pretty expensive, suck at idiots, maybe get a job, don't steal I think. I just found the


man in the world, Ronald Wayne, he was one of the three co-founders of Apple in 1976, he signed a contract that gave him 10% of the company, but 12 days later, because he had his own dreams, no, it did not. 10 states today that 10 the bet would make him worth 190 billion dollars two thousand dollars could have been 190 billion oh my god, man, you messed up big time, yeah, oh, I mean, obviously he didn't know that, but Dude, that's crazy, he literally would have been among the top 10 richest men in the world, but it gets worse: he sold Apple's original founding document for $500 in the 1990s, yet in 2011, this document was auctioned for $1.6 million.
the unluckiest people alive 0 001 chance

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the unluckiest people alive 0 001 chance...

This man was really wrong twice, he clearly didn't believe in Apple. Mike, yes, what a L brother. God, that's terrible. What type of wild animal is an ibex? I don't think I've ever heard of that ibex goat. Pig or deer hair I'm going to go with. I don't even know what I am. I'm going to turn goat, what did he say? Dear, wait, wait, where was he wrong, he was right, I'm crazy, I'm crazy, oh my god, I knew it, I'm so smart, okay, wait, that's so terrible, the damn host was wrong too. It was like I wasn't even going to check it, you're right dude, here's a million dollars, what is this?
the unluckiest people alive 0 001 chance
It's an idea seeing you guys in Africa, he's literally like what a foreigner, what are you doing, why are you jumping on that friend, he doesn't want to have kids? oh oh okay, what is this build? What's going on? Nut Tap Compilation. What are you doing? Why are you doing that? What's stopping him? Oh God. Oh, it's fine. I mean, it's not really unfortunate if you do it on purpose, brother, he breaks his jewelry. He's like guys get on the umbrella quick yeah he's just a helicopter it must be incredibly strong winds that's crazy bro okay what did they think he was going to happen?
the unluckiest people alive 0 001 chance
Did they not understand gravity? God, now you have all those cards to collect why not? they closed the bedroom so convenient I guess the truck driver made a mistake there maybe I don't know what you could be doing if you left it on all night that's disgusting he broke the pot Gordon Ramsay oh my god this guy guy sit down okay oh no he It's oh you little idiot look why he decided to change his position I deserve to get dressed I wasn't going to say drowned but not wet pizza that's a lot of oh okay oh the mango broke sauce for everyone more like sauce like the ants and stuff and the bugs, but I used to work in a pizzeria when I was 17 years old.
That never happened to me, but it would be very unfortunate, you should have the worst luck of all time under control, okay? oh the creeper no way bro straight into the hole if a bucket of MLG water is poured you clearly aren't talented enough by the way make sure you subscribe we're so close to 20 million that's all what I'll say, let's go back to the video okay, they have a basketball stuck, I got it, I mean, yeah, that happens to most


, but you can probably, oh yeah, this guy's going to grab the other basketball basketball, he'll shoot her and knock her out easily, it's not even bad luck, okay? like they clearly can't figure it out, they're just jumping through hoops.
Well, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I reacted for him. Wait, what is it? What are broken eggs showing? Oh yeah, that makes sense, actually, yeah, his balls are gone, mom, why did you open that? I was swinging oh, it sounded like that oh my god, mom, you little bad, okay, we got some Fall Guys, oh, he's going to win, I mean, something's going to happen, what's good, what could happen here, what could happen, offline, offline, oh I would never play with full guys again. Guys again, you know I've actually only played ball about three times and then I said I'm terrible at this.
I don't think he ever got a win. I would literally uninstall life at that moment this guy was trying to kick the ball. to his friends, but the ball had different planes, that's what you get for being mean to your friends, people who had a worse day than you, okay, let's see, my God, why do passports do this? They just make your photos so terrible. Jesus, friend, in the head. Larry, that's bad, that's so bad, his forehead grew like three inches in the picture, let's get in the tube, no, that was so perfect, no way, bro, that fish, that fish, it was like yeah, yeah I was literally so excited like, yeah, at home, I love it. my life, oh I'm dead, that's funny if Scott was late for his bus, a panel in front, he kept running, he has to get to the bus, I don't care if I literally just have shards of glass on my arm, no I can.
I miss this man on the bus who survived the sinking of a ship and in 1871, leaving him traumatized, some 40 years later he was finally able to overcome his fears and sail again only to die in the water, oh my goodness how unfortunate, imagine having the luck of this guy. the neighbor's son hit a soccer ball oh he's ruining all his flowers no way what are those meddling kids and those kids is why your father is in jail he killed the neighbor's son what is that oh okay actually You're lucky to be


buddy, what was that?
I don't understand what this contraption is, oh my God, it raised the ground explosion from underground. What is this interesting? I really don't know what's going on, but I think you're lucky to be


, man, people are the worst day ever. again, okay, my goodness, this guy is one of a kind, unfortunate friend, this guy, um, he's clearly not killing a spider, that spider knows he's protecting himself, he's actually a genius spider, if you think about it , it's so smart, what are you going to do? You'll have to buy another one and by the time you go to the store and get another one, the spider will lay eggs everywhere, so that's it, that's it, oh, it's legally applauded.
Is that real? Why did it look like paper? What happened? What's underneath this? It's actually Hilary screaming. Hey, technically, you took a strike, although this guy is crazy, he took a strike without touching the pins, oh, what's happening in these clips, there's no way there's that many sodas. Behind that damn refrigerator, why are there so many soft drinks? It was like ten thousand look at it just look at it like oh I have to pay for all of them oh this man literally had to pay for ten thousand sodas this is the best one for her whole noodles for One Singular noodle they just ruined his entire damn lunch that's a madness, oh no, the wine, oh no, okay, okay, it was definitely on purpose, how did that happen?
Yeah, that sure was on purpose, bro, that man was so mad that he was so mad, what? Do we have four televisions in one? Dude, what are you doing? Okay and your phone is gone. Yes, I knew it, and your phone is gone and your laptops are gone. God and your refrigerator are gone and still the table is gone. Oh wait, I didn't see what happened. It broke? Oh it broke in half yeah losers yeah we got another game of bowling let's see oh sane you literally trick shot the PIN that's crazy unlucky dude that couldn't be me.
I'd take strikes like that guy, okay, okay, what's that? kid doing crazy things his dad punished him so he did that Trey flip oh no oh mustard everywhere okay but why did the damn lid open? That's so unfortunate that the lid oh almost slipped hey, although I'm lucky it didn't slip. That would have been a terrible day at work. Oh, the forklift broke and the forklift just left it. Oh my god, it destroyed the truck too. God, what a terrible day at work. Concrete mixer, no, that's a lot of damage, it's the nastiest pool. look, he's literally cleaning it with his feet, unfortunately the truck is going to fall, no, no, oh, he's trying, he's trying to hold on, okay, he could have cut it worse, it definitely could have been worse.
The tank falls off the platform, are you kidding me? Oh my god, it almost crushed them. People, you were lucky to get fired, but it was worth it. He had your board. That's actually really fun. Some Parkour. What was he looking for? Oh no, cat edition. Animal edition. Oh moments that ruined people's day. The boy throws ice cream abroad. This kid really got upset. some ice cream on some spilled milk, literally, there's milk and ice cream. I'm going to drop thousands of water bottles, oh that was on Fruit Jesus, this guy is literally trapped in the fruit, the ultimate loser, oh that's karma, the guys steal the bag that the bag was connected to . the chair looks unfortunate, that's embarrassing, oh god, oh, this is going to be beautiful, isn't it, like he hit those notes, oh, you're going to feel that in the morning, no, what, oh my god, That was amazing, God, that was perfect and now they're both crying, that's really funny, it must be really cold I guess, or Frost's booty hurts both of them today, the tram boy is having a bad day, oh wow to hit a car, right?
Who will he go to? which one is he going for no no no oh oh but the other one the other one the other one no no no what are you doing oh he didn't even save that one the other one the other one no no oh three cars with scratches, how unfortunate, how did that happen, brother, What are you doing? What are you doing? oh the dolphin has your iPad now buddy oh how did that happen? What type of golf swing was it? I literally just learned golf in like two weeks. Does, why is it doing so many spins, bro, that's what you get, why are you throwing it so high, Gerald, you fool, um, yeah, honestly, I feel really bad for the person who has to clean that up, right? what's the point, what is this guy doing to you?
I'll have to pay for it, but it's just wasting his money. The workers here literally seem to quit. I would just quit right there. I don't care, thank you, what a bad day at work, what oh oh, that's so satisfying. Actually, bro, it's a good day at work. He just felt satisfied. I sent it a little too hard, but my goodness, no way did it try to clean that Gap. He thought he was in GTA. Brother. He tried to jump the Gap. That's actually crazy. people again leave a like if you want to get lucky and if you don't leave a like then you will be out of luck for the rest of the week thanks for watching subscribe

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