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The UNLUCKIEST People Alive..

Apr 16, 2024



in the world is setting off a firework cool what could go wrong what could go wrong seems fine they're like a building okay oh and it's off um where is this going that's fine so no bad luck apartment 306 al Chance is bad luck, no way, that's crazy, why is your apartment there? It's literally all your fault. What is going to happen here? something is going to fall on him from the sky. I'm going to guess, oh wait, he liked lying back in the chair and then? like just wow just the smallest move that's crazy dude how unlucky you want to get lucky just press the like button press the like button your luck will increase during the week try it try it I promise vending machine okay here that nice drink and it's back in the vending machine, there's no way guy J would say no, that's mine.
the unluckiest people alive
Nice try, friend. Well guys, my phone is gone, so that's your phone that you dropped and you're too scared to pick it up because there's obviously an alligator right there, Gat. on the left I understand it maybe as a friend, just take it real fast no you can't, I'd be too scared too, eat it no, it's not, no, he's not, oh, the crack, oh yeah, you're done, why is he eating it? I feel bad about that, man, he's going to get really hurt, he sees a phone, yeah, that's why he ate it. What the hell? These have to be the craziest clips I've ever found online and speaking of online, have you ever wondered how I can take a deep dive?
the unluckiest people alive

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the unluckiest people alive...

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the unluckiest people alive
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the unluckiest people alive
That's crazy, he had an F1 race, what happened, what was it and the will rolled down and hit the cameraman, no mate, the cameraman was just filming, he was just doing his job, oh my god mate, that it's so unfortunate, the cameraman was just trying to get the perfect shot rolling down, his back gets ripped off, that sucks, okay, then the car bursts into flames, right? then a truck came to help no it wasn't a fire truck it's not that it's a poop truck yes this truck was full of poop a sewage truck would you like I'd rather my car burst into flames than spray poop everywhere to stop the fire like I don't watch this guy just excrete putting out the flames is crazy.
I can't believe this like oh the smells, the smells, you would never get the smell out of your car, your car would always smell like Poop I'd rather say goodbye to the car. I would not do it. There is no way I won't have a car that smells like poop for the rest of my life. This guy got the


seat on this water ride. He looks at this guy and stops completely. he just stops there so I guess they just have to wait until that's crazy he's giving up okay it's not even cold anymore. I'm used to it, that's crazy, it still stops, bro, there's no way it's stopping fast. shower before going on the next trip, that's crazy, it goes on for a full minute and then tries to spray the other


, dude, that's so unfortunate, oh the Christmas tree was completely redirected to hit them, look at it It was falling here and then it changed, he spat Chang was like, oh humans, are you okay?
By the way, it was a big F, just yeah, God, Mortal Kombat death from a Christmas tree, so you know these lookalike cameras that pretend you know basketball games, right? Chris has has Mir what so they made one where he's like poop that looks like poop that's so bad so unfortunate guy he's going to cry now I feel so bad he's like what the hell D what did I do what did I do I don't look like poop well , you do, Greg, you look perfect, so this person is having a very unfortunate day. His dogs brought the water hose to his house and left it on for, you know, a long time and, as you can see, it filled up. he lifted up his house and flooded his house, so that's cool, it just ruined the floor.
God, that sucks dude, oh oh, cute dog, cute dogs though, so this person was kind enough to pull over to the side to allow the cyclists to pass safely, he broke up the fight a little from behind. Oh friend God, how can you not see the idiot in the car? Maybe you shouldn't have stopped, that was nice, but oh God, look at that, oh, that was really painful and they're going to lose the race, that's two L's, so this rider was. He drives by and then he just turns the tables on this old lady right, karma karma, what are you doing? just an old lady, don't be mean, you deserve to crash, you deserve to fall right in front of her face, she probably said and that's right, there's no way you just played happy week, Wheels fucking Victory screen, that's crazy, right? why is there this big gap here?
This is so stupid I'm going to assume they were fixing something because I know gas tanks are underground at gas stations so that's probably the reason but that's very dangerous at least he stayed awake very lucky if you ask me, but he was unlucky. everything was open I guess it's okay, so this guy was in a race and what the hell is he only around his legs now he went crazy Fooled, got caught with a trap mid-race, that was the finish line by the way , so he was in first place and then he got second or third place, now it's okay, he got second, Mario Kart's reverse goofball caught him real quick, that's crazy, that should be a thing in racing like having power-ups special ones like bananas and things you can throw behind you.
You shouldn't be the toothbrush, oh gosh, oh you've been brushing your teeth every day with your cat C, but oh, and that's probably your cat's favorite place to sit too, look at this big bird, look this big bird, okay, Big Bird is coming to get. You, Big Bird, come because don't call him that, oh, come right to what are the chances that that occurred to you while you were filming it, that's crazy, smart work, not difficult, he got how many plates, six plates and direct. the garbage at least you don't have to clean a MK it's right in the garbage already it's perfect unfortunate people who face death and survived Natalie Eaton impaled by a broken golf club shattered parts of her vertebrae what are they doing soccer oh my god ? why would they do that oh oh this happened no way damn idiot friends why would they do that that's crazy dude hey she survived, that's good though, but yeah, very unlucky, how unlucky can you be, what, oh, of no way, that's crazy, literally the second as tree could Don't wait another second, it would have been fine, I could have actually landed on it, so maybe that would have been bad.
I don't know two more seconds, the most unlucky person, we have a Minecraft clip, why would you watch it? Why would you watch it? Not cool, smart cuz Enderman can't get in the water, y'all know he wasn't even mugging what there's no way to basketball, uh-oh, dude, I'm fine, thanks for using it, that's a crazy clip, wait, I came through, oh, that must have happened. Hurt, dude, damn, no basketball for you. I have the worst luck. What's happening? Oh, the phone, no, oh, you idiot, you fool, well, those people were unlucky. Subscribe now.

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