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The ULTIMATE SICILY ROAD TRIP - Taormina, Ortigia, Agrigento, Erice & MORE (Italy’s Hidden Gems)

May 14, 2024
welcome to Sicily The southern Italian island located in the heart of the Mediterranean, while Italy attracts millions of tourists each year, many tend to focus on its most iconic cities and regions. Sicily is by no means a


gym, but it certainly offers a


authentic and less crowded environment. Italian experience with its attractive mix of ancient ruins, charming coastal towns and delicious cuisine. This is the Italy we have been looking for. We are very lucky to have Tommy's parents joining us on this unforgettable



as we go beyond the usual tourist spots. immersing ourselves in Sicilian culture today we will spend the day in Tarina it is a hilltop town on the east coast of Sicily it is very well known for its excursions to Mount Etna and it is absolutely beautiful here right now we are going to bambar to go try a amazing local sweet you guys, I appreciate it, we came and ordered a local sweet here, this is called granita.
the ultimate sicily road trip   taormina ortigia agrigento erice more italy s hidden gems
I ordered mine in two flavors, I have raspberry and lemon so it's basically like a frozen slushy and mine has cream. On top you order it with a side of Brio bread and the traditional way to eat it is to tear off a piece and dip it in the ice cream which is so good, the raspberry is so tart and the sweet cream on top of the bread is so fluffy, it's $4 a pop , which is not a bad price and a doll for Brio fun, your favorite lemon and raspberry here. Nice almond coffee and you, raspberry lemon.
the ultimate sicily road trip   taormina ortigia agrigento erice more italy s hidden gems

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the ultimate sicily road trip taormina ortigia agrigento erice more italy s hidden gems...

Everyone orders well and the bun was delicious as if it were a Hawaiian candy we just bought. Tickets for the cable car to go down to the beach were €€ round


and €6 one way. When you leave the property for the first time, you arrive at the Mazaro parking lot, walk a little further and see Mazaro beach. Beautiful, the water is so turquoise that it looks super inviting for swimming, but it seems quite private, so this is all private around here. The public beach where you don't have to pay will be where those boats will be in that little area right there, I think.
the ultimate sicily road trip   taormina ortigia agrigento erice more italy s hidden gems
Let's walk 6


minutes to the most popular and beautiful beach here, towards the sea, until the years pass. I think the water is warm enough for Sami to actually get in. She is swimming in a sexy photo shoot. go, I don't know what you think about the beach, honey, I think it's very beautiful, the water is very clear and the rocks make it look that perfect, I don't know, almost the Mediterranean beach vibe that you want, it's very, very Crowded tourism here in Italy is crazy for me in the shoulder season, it's mid-October right now for good reason, although this is very beautiful, yes, and the weather is a damn TV show, this It is the famous White Lotus.
the ultimate sicily road trip   taormina ortigia agrigento erice more italy s hidden gems
The best advice from the Damned White Lotus is to bring Some like beach shoes. It's a little tricky to get into these slippery rocks. I was ready. I used my T. Sammy is one of the few. Yes is funny. It's fun to watch everyone else until the years go by. SC. No, thanks. We are trying to do it. a little video for someone Vlog we're trying to make a vlog for someone but thanks I know you're probably expecting Tommy and Sammy but instead you get Tom and Jackie, Tommy's parents because it turned out that Tommy and Sammy were too stingy. pay the 1350 ticket to enter the ancient theater of Tera look what they have missed behind us it is so beautiful for the sunset tonight we are going to walk to a castle overlooking this cliff the views are supposed to be incredible it is like a 50 minute walk up all these stairs from the city, wish us luck, wow, what a view, I said to Tommy.
I told him this is a silent walk, we're not going to talk, we're just going to listen to our headphones because we've been like this. I'm really stimulated today, but I'm talking now because look how similar also dehydrated look how pretty this is, you did it, baby, you made five from there, so we started behind that castle down there. Coro Umberto is the main street of TOA, it really comes. It is alive at night with musicians and has a lively atmosphere as people walk around shopping and dining at outdoor restaurants, today we not only loaded the car, we headed south and continued our sic


trip, we headed to Oria syracusa, but we have one stop we want to make first.
It's like a local bakery that our Etna tour guide had told us about, so that's where we're going to head first. Look, these are honey croissants, they actually fold them with honey inside. them, the moment of truth will live up to the hype, absolutely fantastic, so smooth, look at all these layers, uhoh, you're losing layers, of course, we've got it with a few cappuccinos, what's your first stop? It's amazing, definitely worth going out. out of your way to stop by more Baro this establishment is over 140 years old wow that's amazing you know how I love Italian pastries this might be the best one I know but very good they also brought us a little tasting of more grains, chocolate, almonds and coffee flavors, we didn't ask for them, so he brought them to us to try, which is very nice.
I just met the third generation owner and her grandfather originally started this, then it was her father and now it's her and her son who have to do it. the fourth generation and this behind us was the original and dates back more than hundreds of years ago that is wild yes so cool she was also so sweet yes she was very sweet stars and moons how much does the small necklace cost this style Ste water there is no problem okay look look, it matches my ring ah cute smart meant to be very smart you love it yes, I love it I always buy all my little pieces in little this is Myanmar this is Hungary this is my name Tommy's how is?
It looks very, very, very pretty. I like to look at it with the C lens. I can't pass up this offer, one for 250 plus a free glass of wine, yes thanks, mhm, that was perfect for me, delicious, it gives you that feeling. right there where it's like pie and ocean, I love it, it's been a while since we've had oysters, oh my gosh, one of our favorite things. I know I love oysters so we were waiting for the calamari and he was cutting up this octopus and it looks so delicious. So we're also going to buy some of that and a big cone of calamari.
The squid for the large cone costs €1 and the octopus costs €7. It looks so good that your parents already liked this and said it was delicious. I know. They're so bad they stole it, go get it, look at that, so you put chili and parsley in it, and oil and lime, it's so fresh it's not chewy in the slightest, a little spicy too. CH got it, this is the best octopus. I've ever had a good meal, B T, I've had a bite of anything, but wait, wait, okay, wait, pause, look at that cute little one over there, oh how cute, we're definitely House of Seafood lovers, we love them all seafood and all seafood, and this is really good. as good as portugal portugal is amazing octopus it's hard to get good octopus and it's very easy to get it wrong when it's easy to get it right but it's the best cir i've had in a long time but they really are both excellent there's something about eating seafood when they're cutting the fish right in front of you, fresh out of the water, it's pretty, it's irresistible, it really is, if you start eating that way, you'll never be able to go back, that's right, hey, it's nice to meet you, it's a pleasure. good luck with everything, enjoy the conference, hey, I just met my favorite musician that we met on our travels, he is very talented, check out his website.
A very special moment there in the main square, so at the end of the city there is a castle that you can also explore. I think it's They're only 8 years old to enter, unfortunately we don't have time today, but it looks really cool, so me and my family are cute, come on, come on, and Sammy also likes his quiet, relaxing time, so check it out look right now, hey, taking a much-needed break. time, eh, yeah, I saw everyone else doing this and I thought: this is what I want to do too, how perfect are these benches, they are quite comfortable, yes, they are actually very comfortable, this castle was erected around 12 :32 and like you I can see it would be a great fortress, it's situated towards the ocean, okay Sammy, back to the main square for a beer, okay, my workouts said they finished training.
I thought I hadn't been exercising at all. I've been walking a little bit. A little, thank you, bye, oh, that looks so good. We were walking by this restaurant and this guy brought out this huge tray of seafood. It looks so amazing. We're asking how much 3 34 costs, so we're going to wait for a table and devour it. huge seafood PL consistently huh wow oh my gosh okay guys what do you think wow you guys think we can finish it all. What we have here, review it with us. We have squid muscles, fries, shrimp, oranges, garnishes, um, a little sardine.
I like how. salty, those are I wish we could eat seafood more often, especially when it's so fresh, you know what we need to get through the rest, today's road trip, cappuccino, cappuccino, cappuccino, it smells so good, I love it, and this It's pistachio, pachio, okay, yes, we ate them. We had a great time exploring Ortigia today, we have a three hour drive to our next destination so we're not going to Vlog about all that. We will see them in the morning as we explore the Valley of the Temples. We just got here. Valley of the Temples This is the oldest archaeological site here in Sicily and one of the largest archaeological sites in the world.
It is so incredibly beautiful that it is actually not located in a valley, but rather it is located on this ridge line like a 3 km long ridge line. I just entered the first temple, it is beautiful, it was built around 400 BC. C. I think what else he wanted to say. Opening hours 8:30 a.m. m. to 7:00 p.m. m. right, and it was only 12 EOS per person to get in, not bad, they had such a wonderful view here back in the day, didn't they? Yes, this is beautiful, you can see all the way to the sea, I was going to say ocean.
I stopped to think that it's really beautiful and I'm really glad I started at the East Gate because you can see all the people walking up the stairs so it's time to visit right at sunset to get that golden color right at the temple. How beautiful here and much quieter than during the day Hi, plenty of time for that shot, thanks. Okay, Samy, what do you think of the ruins? I thought they were very impressive. I think we got here a little early, like around 330. a little early maybe around 4 or 5 and then Jackie would say four is the perfect time. 4:00 is the time to come and have the perfect mood lighting.
The Temple of Concord was incredible. It's huge and completely intact. The history here is quite amazing, although it is a little scary to even think that, during World War II, much of it was destroyed. Today we continue our road trip through Sicily. Here we are heading to Traon and we are supposed to. I will go there to take a cable car to what will be one of the most beautiful villages here in Sicily. His name is Ed E e r i c e i. I really want to say Ares, but it's Edie, so that's what we're going to do today.
We have stopped. Because everyone in this car needs coffee, one thing I love about all the gas stations here in Italy is that they all have espresso machines, so we went where we did. We used all our coffee pods in our Airbnb so it was a very quiet 20 minute car ride to get to this gas station for a coffee everyone was sitting in silence because we haven't had our coffees yet today this is my second coffee flow through people's veins it is surprising how much we have changed after a couple of coffees come on oh it's speeding up so let's take the cable car to aiche it was the round trip of an 11 year old boy to take the cable car up the views They are beautiful I just wish the glass was a little cleaner so I could show It's better for you so we've come this far for Eddie J.
The little town of Hilltop is very historic. There are lots of little places of interest that you can go into, like the bell tower, the churches, different things and they all cost like €3. or you can pay €1 for the city pass and get into everything so you can save money that way, everything is perfect, we are just walking and I was searching on Google what is there to eat in this city because I don't like it. Talking about history or ancient cities, but I can really talk about food and there is a local delicacy to try here, so let's go buy a cookie.
Okay, we have the products. This is a typical cookie. Ed's Sicilian cookie. It's a butter cookie. and it has a filling inside and we have cream and ricotta we have two types to try they wrapped it very pretty oh look it's warm I didn't expect it to be fresh that shortbread got crispy but it's so light M so light and flaky I've never had one like that really good are you ready for the second one okay, I like this one better you don't I don't like that one more this one is less sweet you are the queen of cheese, of course and I am the queen of cheese, of course, I would like this one better.
I like it morethe other one, but unlike the rotten one at home, it's a little bit flat, so, I mean, that's not a negative thing, they're just black, a little bit of that cheese flavor. We have, I like it better here, I think so, I like it too, that's what I say, I like it more than the rich one at home, but I still like the cream better, sweeter, more flavor, well, we found our Typical treat to try, so glad I did. up to the castle, the views here are incredible. Used, take advantage of this trip, the water is such a beautiful turquoise blue, the surrounding area is also beautiful, so green, okay, app, we are trying one last little treat before we leave, this is an Aaron.
Chinese, so this is a fried rice ball and it comes with many different varieties of fillings. Jackie and I got mushrooms who don't love fried rice. Super soft and crispy rice on the outside. Mushrooms have a delicious spicy flavor, so when you're on sic. you have to try the A and China I asked him his favorite he said the spicy slamy is the only way to do it let's try it and we also have a beer with him oh my god that's unfair you always ask them what their favorite is they will never lead you astray , look how delicious it looks, mom.
You've been waiting to say that, haven't you? So a place called lat mom found out that it actually has great reviews, it was a must stop while you're here in town and it lives up to the hype, this is delicious, try both. which was better you won oh again I will never admit it no you won I'm just kidding ok what a great little stop at Andy CH the road trip through Sicily continues and we head to castal Mari de gulo these names I'm going to like they're hard to pronounce you are doing great we just arrived at our beautiful apartment we will be staying right outside castar castal Mari de goo is a beautiful spacious apartment two bedrooms one bathroom it was only $60 a night per couple which I think is a bargain especially since the The best part is this incredible ocean view with all the vegetation.
It will be a great place to relax for the next two nights. Also the place came with ice so we can make our genetic tonics here and the host gave us a bottle of wine which is really nice and some cookies and some really nice wine glasses so let's have our J's and tonics and enjoy From this view, I think Che. tonics in a great view yes a fun road trip through Sicily Good morning guys another beautiful day here in Sicily good morning excellent yes very good that's our wonderful host so we will stay in this area to explore this beautiful coast , there are great walks and Today we are going to explore the quaint little village of Scapel, it looks very beautiful and hopefully we will get back to swimming a bit with who you share.
We were going to go to the little village of Scapel, it's like a couple of buildings and a beautiful beach. I went there and it costs €115 per person to go down to the beach, which to me is crazy, but we have some beautiful drone footage that you can see now, but we are going back to our public and very free beach. Well we finally get to the beach, free beach, yeah now I left my swimsuit at the last Airbnb and my extra swimsuit that I normally bring I also left at the last Airbnb so this is all I have for swimming .
Know? I know I thought, well, at least my pair of shorts match and are the kind that dry quickly whoever you share them with. Good morning, today we are leaving our beautiful Airbnb. We have one last stop with our sister. On the road trip we headed to the city of Missina. It will be closer to the ferry where we have to drive and drop off in a few days, but today we are actually heading to Poo for a food tour, but you'll see. in another video and after that we head to our last stop here in Sicily we just travel to our beautiful place just outside Messina we are right on the beach look at this beautiful sunset in the background oh the next 3 days just We'll be hanging out and relaxing here, are you excited?
I am so excited that this is our last stop in Sicily. I hope you have been enjoying our Sicily road trip. I'm sure we'll show you some things for whatever we do over the next 3 days, but this is how wonderful it is to end our trip to Italy. I want to show you where we will stay. We are in the small town of Ganeri, just outside the main town of MSA. This property is absolutely beautiful. We have this huge patio with lots of little seating areas, lounge chairs and we overlook our own private beach. I mean, honestly, what more could you ask for?
We have two bedrooms, two bathrooms, an outdoor kitchen and the best part is it's only $55 a night. a great way to end our little road trip, check out this amazing breakfast this morning, we have hash browns, a couple of eggs, some toast and our hostess was super sweet, she brought us granitas with four different flavors to try, super excited waiting , let's have it. Tonight on the patio we will have our last dinner here in Sicily. The parents bought fresh fish from the fish market today. I think we have tuna and what's the other one. Sea bass and lots of fresh vegetables.
Jackie made a beautiful salad. like some shattering things we bought just a nice last nice dinner to end our trip, what do we have to drink? Mom, we have a little wine shop, we passed by, it's a Sicilian white wine, nice and he was such a sweet man, so I think it's supposed to have a little sparkle too, but I don't know, I like it what they say here frante frante, it's white fante, try, oh my goodness, for dinner tonight we have a beautiful plate of homemade sea bass, congratulations to Chef Tom. Bravo brao, we have this tuna, tuna, tuna, delicious tuna, the fresh catch of the day, yes, we have our beautiful salad in our pot, Jackie, what we have, you know, you do what you can on airbnbs and, we have a little Sherie Board of things that we cut up and then we also have green beans look how beautiful this is for her so Tom and Jackie went to the market this morning they bought fresh fish then they went to the bakery they bought fresh bread then they went to the vegetable market and they bought vegetables fresh in true Italian style, so yes, this is grown for the table people and the wine shop for the champion.
Well, greetings for the wonderful night last night in Sicily. Go out to Sicily. What a great trip for everyone. Such a wonderful trip. Your favorite parts. From the road trip through Sicily, I think for me it would probably be Tarina, it was a very touristy town but it was just beautiful the old town, beautiful views of the sea, the atmosphere was very fun and I loved the bambar and the granita, all the Atmosphere was really great. On the walk we did with the perfect views, I loved it for someone who doesn't live by the sea being able to swim everywhere in Sicily is always fantastic but I have to say my favorite was Mount Etna, you just don't do it. having so many opportunities to have a unique experience in a place like the volcanoes that have recently erupted, the natural beauty it has with all that destruction is incredible, that was my favorite, without a doubt, my favorite part of traveling is always going to new places.
And then the perks of traveling together with our beautiful family have been wonderful, but I love this last place we're staying, it's not touristy, it's just a way to relax and live like a local here with all the little shops to go from shopping and I loved it here it's a great trip guys yeah a wonderful trip. I agree with dad. Mountet was my favorite moment. I would say Marco, our guide was very special, he was very knowledgeable and had so much passion for what he does. Awesome thank you. Guys for watching, we appreciate that we see you in the next video.

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