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The UK's Number One Professional Eater Eats 19 Chicken Nuggets In 60 Seconds | This Morning

Apr 22, 2024



we love who breaks world records, whether it's the tallest man in Britain or the woman with the longest legs, so when we found out our next guest became the proud holder of one of the world records Guinness, the most disputed title: the most




eaten in a minute we had to take her out ladies and gentlemen please welcome liat shakiva so to meet you I mean first of all how did you get into competitive eating? I mean, first of all, you look amazing, oh, you're sweet, so doing




, hot dogs, hamburgers, you don't seem like the kind of person who would like that, yeah, I probably work harder trying not to fit into the idea of ​​what a competitive


would be like, but yeah, I definitely started a very generic life.
the uk s number one professional eater eats 19 chicken nuggets in 60 seconds this morning
I studied architecture, I had a very normal job, I was a commercial interior designer, but in addition to this I was extremely dedicated to physical exercise, I was learning to eat more so I could gain some muscle mass and this taught me a different mentality about eating. and nutrition and burning calories and eating calories and at the time I was dieting for a bikini competition, yes my brother was going to a local restaurant trying a food challenge, 10 weeks in a row I failed and called him like sisters do, I don't. sorry to make fun of your brothers though um and he just said look you think you're so good come and show us how it's done and I went to the restaurant and I broke the wreck and I broke this record in 2013. and little by little the word spread about the girl who


the food she can actually eat, yeah, so it really developed from there, but I was like a technique that you can learn or do you think, do you think you were innately born with the ability to speed up and just be? ? able to eat quickly innately greedy yes yes no but you know, are you a big


? although you like to eat a lot of food in general in general not on principle I like to stay in shape I like to go to the gym and it's kind of counter, counter why your story is so fascinating, yes, but in terms of competitive eating, I can eat a lot meal.
the uk s number one professional eater eats 19 chicken nuggets in 60 seconds this morning

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the uk s number one professional eater eats 19 chicken nuggets in 60 seconds this morning...

I have always been able to eat the food. I grew up as an overweight kid and I had similar moments in In my younger life I just didn't understand nutrition, so I ate eight and eight and I didn't have those things, yeah, and then suddenly I learned about nutrition, I was like, "Okay, yeah, "We have to reduce it and do more." I worked out and I learned about that stuff and then this became my life and I already had the knowledge to maintain who I am within this crazy world what's the technique, it's two bites and down like, yeah, you chew It's, so, no.
the uk s number one professional eater eats 19 chicken nuggets in 60 seconds this morning
I'm known for chewing my food so well and yes I've been called several times for that but what do you mean the callers are like you don't chew so you don't? eat whoa whoa whoa whoa I have a minute to think about your technique is massively criticized oh oh yeah that's funny because we're all experts at eating we've all been doing that our whole lives too what's the hardest thing to speed up? I would say anything bread or chocolate based is really great, yes chocolate is very hard to eat quickly. I hold the world record for the fastest time to eat a Terry's Chocolate Orange.
the uk s number one professional eater eats 19 chicken nuggets in 60 seconds this morning
I'm sure it's me. Sorry, everyone's a typical answer, it's like seriously, all the orange, all the orange blocks in the box in the package, the timer doesn't start until it's out of the box, no, the timer starts before it's out from the box. I managed to do it in 57




so you do that and then you open is the box, take out the aluminum foil, squish and eat, yeah, everything is so impressive, so listen, we have


nuggets here, your record is what 19 19. and that's in a minute, yeah, in a minute, okay, so we have the minute on the clock, so how many are on that plate? 20 in front of me here oh yeah, I like this that it doesn't activate at all, um at all. okay, you are ready and we are ready, there is the clock on the screen, there it is okay, your time starts in three, two, one, if you like chicken nuggets, then you have to go two by two, oh my goodness, now we should just mention that she actually is. he fasted since six o'clock yesterday afternoon so that he has an empty stomach yes this is incredible and then he will be dancing a lot oh my God I have never seen anything like this it is incredible oh my God what time is it to say that we have still 30 left seconds left 10 seconds left just take your time because you're doing great she's almost done oh my god I've never seen anyone 25 seconds left this is the best thing I've ever seen in my life look at this oh my god I can't believe this, she's gone there's still 15 seconds left just take your time oh my god there were 20 in the front are you on the plane the last two take your time guys she's fighting oh my god you wrecked it , Leah?
I've done it, this is all you did so well. He needed to follow me everywhere. Did that help me? Did my encouragement help me? Yes, I was very impressed, oh my God, so you fasted since six o'clock yesterday, so you were hungry, how are you? Are you feeling now Yes, I feel good Why is it so exhausting? How do you feel afterwards? You feel a little bad like now in your tummy. This is easy for me. Are you like a cat now? Now you're going to sleep for about six hours. That would be an ideal life, yes, I feel good in something like this.
I have done challenges where I have eaten kilos of food. Those challenges are credible. I enjoy less. Wow, what a technique. I had never seen anything like it. Yes, thanks. So much for joining us, you have a world in you, you can train this motivational talk, yes, I will go with you, come on, honey, do it right, just call me and I will be there, yes, yes, thank you very much and thank you. you for doing that for us absolutely wow

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