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The Two Ronnies - Sweet Shop Sketch

Jun 22, 2024
So how many do you want in a baby? Half pain, three quarters too. I really wanted two ounces, if it's not too much trouble, too much trouble, ma'am, nothing is too much trouble in this store, no, no, too much, just a little heavy for two. ounces these, see, look, because you only get one, see, you can have a piglet to save it for later, can't you exactly two inches?, that's right and one for luck. 13p, that will be madame, oh, thank you. I'm sorry to bother you, no, no problem, ma'am, no problem, oh, good morning, good morning, can I bother you for a quarter pound of licorice?
the two ronnies   sweet shop sketch
There's nothing that needs too much trouble a quarter of a pain, licorice, all sorts here we go, I'll just remove these house bugs because they're getting a little trickster, that guy, here we are, four of a feather, oh, liquid licorice. of all kinds, that's right, yes, these are not, they are good, beautiful, here we go, wait a minute, wait a minute, sir, the only thing is, no, I don't like pink ones. You don't like pink ones, no, no. okay, well, we'll bring out the pink ones, so that's it, I hope you don't mind, no, nothing is too much trouble, so no, there we are and I don't like the blue ones, you don't like the blue ones, I see you soon true, but take out the blue ones, come on sir, that's not the black and white ones either, please, I don't want the black one, you don't want the black and white one, oh, that only leaves the orange ones, I'm afraid, Sirius, but I only like it the orange, oh, you like it, I'll tell you what we do, then we'll take them all off the counter, then we'll select some oranges and put them in there, that's it, that's it.
the two ronnies   sweet shop sketch

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the two ronnies sweet shop sketch...

Come on Mr. Fourth Panda, although now, what else would you like? What else would you like? Yeah, I'd like, uh, a gobstopper. Goldberg plugs here, big drink, little boxer, little leprechaun, little gold right here, little dress plugs, yes, there are two of us, you might be saying. 2pr could they have the kind that turn pink after you suck on them please well I don't know what color they are so they start green you see they all start green we know yes but no. They all turn pink afterwards, you know, oh oh no, some of them make you dirty and turn brown.
the two ronnies   sweet shop sketch
Can I definitely try one so you don't mind? It's not too much trouble, so I'll try one. Is there anything else you want while wearing the socks? Do we have any of those Mitch with a hole in everything that means we kept yesterday, sir? How big is the hole? Well, I don't want it to be too big, you see. Do you have something to measure it sir, well, not on me, no, but it must be small enough not to touch your finger. Do you know what I mean? Oh, you know, I don't want to. I had a friend.
the two ronnies   sweet shop sketch
I went out with a girl for the night once, you know, she stuck her finger in her mint, okay, what happened, I had to marry her, the vicar said with this wedge of mint ivy, I wish I didn't care the meat, right? Could you give me these chocolates that melt in your mouth but not in your hand? Yeah, well, we have something very similar, so let me see, I have the real ones, but these are very similar. Okay, could you try it once? uh hold it in my hand oh yeah and it's okay so yeah you don't care do you there's too much trouble there not even you sir no there's a gobstopper coming oh it's turned white oh dear , that's useless, right? absolutely holy it's turned pink look there's a nice pink one that's one anyway I want some I want some chocolates chocolates very good what types here well I would like milk chocolates these are very popular so there is a good milk chocolate there are assortments of the sundays oh them They're all milk chocolates, they're all milk chocolates, uh, I mean, are they pretty, pretty, yeah, they're soft, okay, yeah, that's hard there, that's hard too oh, it looks adorable, yeah Look, the last four or five have been difficult, yeah, oh, don't I?
They don't, no, well we won't bother them now, so now we're closing, seriously, is there anything else? I would like you to notice that you have that rolled licorice roll, Christmas, my nephew, thank you, there we are, that's all. that's all how long they would be if you unroll them you know but they would be quite long they are quite long yes they will be long yes would you mind if I sign up I will unroll them I'm sure here we go no nothing is too much work but that's such a lonely arsenal there you have it , they all have the same legs yes, they are all the same this one seems longer no no they are not all the same no, they are not look, I dropped the one in the middle, the liquid doesn't matter, we will leave all that, so let's forget that what I entered was hundreds of thousands, hundreds and seconds, all right, yes, hundreds of thousands, yes, we have hundreds and salvations of them, sir, yes, could you, uh, could you count them for me?
Please excuse me, I'm not causing any problems. I hope not, you don't have any problems. Amy, do you want it? Sir, well, just the wife is making a cake that she wants exactly if she can. Don't worry, hey, what do you want with your old bag? I want you to make your caramel, caramel, yes, and then we will cut it and crush it all, yes, in little pieces, a little bit, I will crush it in a little bit. It's okay, you always know it's too troublesome, madam, I will destroy everything. I'll break your teeth with the knife.
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