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The Tsars: Expansion of the Russian Empire | Russia's Wars Ep.1 | Documentary

Jun 16, 2024
the great arm Napoleon obtains a victory but Russia fights stubbornly without worrying about the losses the great arm suffers almost 30,000 dead or wounded the Russians lose around 40,000 men in one of the bloodiest battles of the 19th century Borino was the most intense carnage the massacre most intense um in a battle until the first day of the battle of the 1916s, it was absolutely a brutal stalemate in which the Russian and French armies just tore each other to pieces at very close range for an entire day. Napoleon's forces enter Moscow without further fighting. but the night of their arrival the city is in flames once again, it is the scorched earth policy of the Russians that denies the invaders any means of supplying themselves with a nap.
the tsars expansion of the russian empire russia s wars ep 1 documentary
Napoleon could only watch, not only did the governor of Moscow set fire to the city, but no delegation arrived. meet with him to negotiate Napoleon decides to withdraw but the winter causes enormous losses in his army due to cold and hunger the battle for the Barina River is the fatal blow for the great arm in the end only 18,000 of the original 450,000 are still alive in the annals of Russian imperial history Napoleon's failed campaign became known as the Patriotic War. It's over, they have swept the intruder out of the country. Almost nothing remains of the French army.
the tsars expansion of the russian empire russia s wars ep 1 documentary

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the tsars expansion of the russian empire russia s wars ep 1 documentary...

Survival has become triumph so this is something that gives a sense of the indomitability of the Russians uh the fact that no army can really defeat them um that they are safe and protected within their geographical boundaries and uh and look what we did to Napoleon and then, of course, look what we did to Hitler decades later Leo Tolstoy publishes his world-famous novel War and Peace before the backdrop of the War of 1812. It tells the story of Three Families, an epic that defines and celebrates the Russian nation at the same time. The novel became a bestseller and was frequently adapted to film.
the tsars expansion of the russian empire russia s wars ep 1 documentary
Tolto was fascinated by the Russian nationality. He was fascinated by history and the relationship in history between great forces, nations,


s, economies, cultures and also the effect that single men had on history and is humanizing the Russian nation through his heroes and is looking back in some ways adding to the mythology of The Russian Resistance, the people's resistance, but also deliberately canonizing, in a way, the creation of the Russian nation after the Patriotic War. Napoleon's power shakes throughout Europe in 1813. Russia with P


, Austria and Sweden. They march against Napoleon's newly formed army. The Battle of the Nations in Lipik.
the tsars expansion of the russian empire russia s wars ep 1 documentary
It is one of the largest battles in world history and marks the end of Napoleon's domination of Europe along with P


and Austria. Russia is now setting the tone in Europe since the time of Peter the Great. The Russian SARS expanded its


at sea in the first half of the 19th century. 19th century Sevastopol in Crimea becomes the most modern naval base of its time. Sevastapol became one of Russia's incredibly proud hero cities and that's partly why Sevastapol and crime are so important to Putin today, but secondly, it had enormous practical importance and still It does so today too because Crimea controls the entire Black Sea and, in fact, the approaches to Constantinople and Istanbul in today's Turkey when Russia became the bread basket of the world of Europe, where much of the grain that is produced is grown. exported in the 19th century through Odessa um then a crime and he and his navy were the guards the sentinels of that trade there is one last obstacle between the Russian navy and the world's oceans in 1850 the Ottomans still control the bottleneck of the Bosphorus and the Dardanel The SAR of Russia sees the Bosphorus as the keys to its house Nicholas I has a list of demands he wants a treaty that recognizes Russian protection of Orthodox Christians in the Ottoman Empire about a third of the population the sultan rejects tar now has an excuse for the army In the escalation, the Ottoman Empire was becoming increasingly weaker and, in the mid-19th century, Tsar Nicholas the First saw an opportunity to finally gain control over the Black Sea and access vital to the Mediterranean.
In the fall of 1853, the Russian Black Sea Fleet attacks the Ottoman port of Copi, burning all enemy ships, 3,000 Ottoman sailors die in a matter of hours, only one enemy ship can flee to Constantinople, but the battle at Copi changes opinions in France and Britain for the British it was quite clear that Russia should not be allowed to take control of the Bosphorus, the British and the British fleet had a strong interest in keeping the dardel open for both naval forces and merchant ships. British who played a dominant role in wheat exports, for example from Adessa, Odessa, England and France.
They support the Ottoman Empire and declare war on Russia They seek a long-term reduction of Russian power in the Black Sea The plan is to take and destroy Cester The world has never seen a war like this but what is happening is, of course, that you are going into the modern world, you are entering the world of the industrial revolution, you are entering the world of modern train armaments, of all these other new technological developments of the Telegraph and so on that changed the concept and the composition of the Crimea war becomes in the first European war media British reporters such as William H Russell send reports directly from the front and for the first time there are photographs of a campaign due to long exposure times military action cannot be shown but the photos still provide an completely new view of the war, the public in Britain and France, who obtained their information from war reports, followed the war with great interest and much patriotism for their own armies, but they were also shown the reality of the war of trenches and sieges that the Russians had. turns Sylvester into a seemingly impregnable fortress, an integrated defense system combining artillery batteries and trench networks.
Industrialization makes the Crimean War a conflict of technology with new and deadly weapons. The British Lee Enfield rifle, for example, has a range of 1,000 M. This muzzleloader is very far away. superior to the Russian muskets with their 200 M range, but in reality they now came commanded by massive armies, huge armies that were heavily armed with new rifles and new artillery. The siege of Sebastapol takes place in appalling conditions. Cera and Dentry kill thousands of soldiers, including high-ranking ones. officers but the battle for the port continues young Leo Tolto volunteers to defend the city in his sketches of Sasol he writes above their heads was the high starry sky through which the fiery rays of artillery shells shone.
Tasto's sketches gave Russian readers the first realistic image of What Happened There was not an exaggeratedly patriotic and romantic portrait of Russian heroism of soldiers happy to rush into battle and sacrifice themselves, but rather showed the suffering, groans, the screams and the death. The siege of Sebastapol lasts almost a year, finally after fierce French fighting. the forces break the defensive ring the defeated Russians blow up their positions and abandon the city sevastopol is reduced to rubble in Russia it becomes a symbol of the Russian resistance Leo Tolto writes as they left Sevastopol almost all the soldiers looked back sighing bitterly inexpressible in his heart and trembling His fist against the enemy Sevastapol was so important that it was Katherine and Bemin City, it was the Naval Base of the Russian Empire and it still has that prestige today, therefore Putin was so interested to know that Crimea for Putin It's Sebast for the moment.
As it is the end of the war, Russia's


plans are stopped because it is forced to recognize the independence of the Ottoman Empire in the Treaty of Paris at the end of the Crimean War. Russia has to accept the demilitarization of the Black Sea, so It can no longer have a Black Sea Fleet, but what was most devastating to Russia's self-respect was the humiliation of being defeated in the Crimea, its own territory, by France and Britain and, above all, by the Ottoman Empire. that they had considered intellectually and culturally inferring that the Crimean War might have had.
It marked the birth of modern sanitation, but by the time it ended, an estimated 70,000 Russian and 990,000 British and French soldiers had lost their lives due to the new technology and heavy losses. The Crimean War is considered the first modern war of the coming decades. the cost of armed conflicts would increase dramatically at the end of the 19th century The SAR Nicholas II ascends the throne imperialism is reaching its peak unlike other great European powers Russia does not have overseas colonies but it does have Central Asia the SAR governs the continental mass continues to be the largest in the world Earth and he wants to extend his Empire especially in the Far East and then they start building the Trans-Siberian Railway and they see that, like the real Colonial Empire, other states, the British, the French, the Germans start to take over Africa, the Russians, so to speak, see their Africa.
In Asia, it occupies Manchuria and leases Port Arthur to China, it will be the main base of the Russian Pacific fleet. Korea has also opened its borders to Russian troops and is trading with Russia. Japan sees Russian


as a threat that Nicholas II did not understand. was that there was a dynamic new power in the East, Japan, which, with British know-how, British naval know-how and the latest weapons and technology, was more than a match for the Russians and, um, that clash was going to be disastrous for the Russians. Russians in February 1904, the Japanese fleet. attacks Russian ships in Port Arthur with torpedoes unleashing the Russians Japanese war the Japanese attacked without declaring war setting a precedent that a Pearl Harbor would be repeated in the Second World War to such an extent it was a surprise but it was clear that war was coming Russia had he embraced the possibility of war in the Far East and was willing to take the risk.
Japanese forces approaching the port of ARA by land laid siege to the city for more than 150 days when the Russians realized they had no chance of escape. The tar sank his Pacific fleet in the harbor. then the wayward Russian Baltic Fleet is tracked down by the Japanese and almost completely destroyed. This Prestige Fleet so miserably and desperately destroyed, sunk in the end, all the ships of two great fleets lying at the bottom of the sea and, to make matters worse, the Japanese. then raise the ships and integrate them into your own fleet that is a humiliation on an unimaginable scale the defeat has serious consequences for Russia broad strata of the population begin to question the autocratic authority of the tar internal resistance is growing with calls for political participation rights civilians and a better food supply tar responds with defiance his troops shoot protesters when he suppressed revolutions in 1905 when he took back Russia really from the rebels um he did it with absolute brutality and that made him extremely unpopular with many people he already had a bad reputation of being a loser, but now also added the reputation of being a butcher that she had under sar's basic understanding is underlined by the fact that he did not show the slightest regret or remorse, instead, he did not try to hide it. . his anger at the insubordination of these reckless workers who had the temerity to bother him for something like this and it is at this point at the latest that even his closest advisors at court realize the extent to which their ruler has lost touch with the In reality the resistance is growing even more. in military circles in the summer of 1905 Sailors on the cruiser pumkin Mutiny in the Black Sea Events recreated in the silent film The battleship pumkin when the ship arrives in Odessa in the middle of a general strike, the saris troops caused a bloodbath among the civilian population after Of course, this riot gained special prominence thanks to Sergey Eisenstein's masterful film The riot, the workers' march in January The peasant uprisings, all together worked to create the impression that things could not go on Thus, as pressure in the streets increases, the RAE appears to give In its October 1905 Manifesto, the Duma promises civil rights and an elected legislative assembly.
We can see what Tsar Nicholas thought of the Duma from the fact that he never visited it, but in April 1906, when it first met, he summoned the Duma to the throne room of the Winter Palace and addressed them. from the throne and told them what they could and could not do in the Revolution of 1905. Hills conservative and nationalist circles around the tar block, royal reform, Nicholas has formed an alliance with France and also an agreement with Great Britain an informal pact known as the triple onon that confronts the Triple Alliance of Germany Italy and Austria Hungary on June 28, 1914 a fateful day for Europe the heir to the throne of Austria FranceFernando and his wife are on an official visit to the capital of Bosnia Saro are murdered in their open car by a young Bosnian Ser Austria Hungary plans its response a lightning victory over Serbia but Russia declares itself protector of Serbia the tar orders a general mobilization the We historians have argued for a century how to explain the outbreak of the First World War and we still don't have an explanation that everyone can agree on, so it seems very complex.
My own conclusion is that all the great powers, five of them, could have avoided the war and to different extents. all of them are responsible for the outbreak of the war, including Russia, after all the Russians were willing to risk a big war for Serbia and the same thing happened with the Austrians and the Germans and finally also the French and the British, let's see Frain in the first world. War Russia fights alongside its allies France and Great Britain against Germany and Austria. The SAR army is the largest in the world, but its troops are poorly trained and poorly equipped and the command structure is obsolete.
However, in 1914 the Russians advance towards Tanenberg in East Prussia, the Russians mobilize and They advanced much faster than the Germans expected and marched towards East Prussia on two fronts. At first, the Germans panicked and transferred troops from the Western Front, but then superior German tactics went in a circle and destroyed one of the two Russian armies at Tanenberg, taking more than 990,000. prisoners on the eastern front the Russian and German empires reach a stalemate in the first year of war the Russians lose 1.4 million dead and wounded the Germans take prisoner about 980,000 Russian soldiers in fact, the SAR army does not is equipped for this modern war, for example they do not have heavy artillery unlike the Germans the Russians have some success fighting against the Austrians but not against the Germans in 1915 San Nicolás assumes supreme command of the Armed Forces and heads himself to the front line, which was undoubtedly a bad idea that his generals advised against.
It was because Nicholas had no military experience. Some sovereigns have been effective war leaders, but he was not one of them. He then let the generals have their way but had to take the blame for the Russian defeats in early 1917 with the morale of the troops at Rock Bottom Russia is a tinderbox the lack of reforms and food shortages at home are stoking resentment against the tar regime there are mass protests almost daily hunger marches and strikes when the police and soldiers begin to mutiny and join the protesters Saint Nicholas follows the advice of his generals and abdicates 350 years of absolute rule have arrived at its end a provisional government puts Tar and his entourage under house arrest the crisis grows in April 1917 Vladimir Ilyich Lenin returns to St.
Petersburg from exile in Switzerland the leader of the The Bolsheviks urge the takeover of the country by workers, soldiers and peasants and promised the three things that Russians most seek: bread, land and peace. He openly positions himself against the provisional government now that we have chaos, crisis, complete revolution, they have been overthrown, that was unimaginable, Lenin. He must have privately admitted that he never believed that was possible and now he has the opportunity to act. The true strategist of the revolution is Leon Trotsky in October 1917. He creates a military organization, the Military Revolutionary Committee, the MKs throughout the country, Bolik violently takes power. since in reality Leon Trotsky's great achievement was knowing which Bridges post offices and train stations in St.
Petersburg needed to be occupied in order to surround the remains of the collapsing provisional government inside the Winter Palace and take it silently and without spillage of blood. After the Revolution Lenin and trosky must consolidate their power over the entire country as quickly as possible and that is why they put an end to the unpopular war without consulting their allies in the chest lovk they sign a separate treaty with the Germans with this treaty Russia loses everything what has been gained since Peter the Great is to lose all non-Russian parts of the Empire, thereby returning to the core of purely Russian territory and, of course, all this is a terrible defeat for Russia.
Losing their European lands means losing a large amount of industry and a large part of their population and The Bolsheviks are clear that they are doing this because their priority is to win the civil war, but this is something they will not accept in the long term. In the coming years, Russia's new rulers will do everything they can to reverse these losses, but first they have to fight for power within the country. White forces loyal to Tar rise up against the Bulvik in 1918. Russia is mired in terrible times. civil war the Bolsheviks have imprisoned HRH Nicholas and his family in Yekaterinburg, 2,000 kilometers from Saint Petersburg.
They spend their days locked up in a modest villa under constant guard. Nicholas had already been overthrown, lost power, was politically discredited, but in an autocratic system , you know, the Tsar, the autocrat always had the potential to return, he was the sacred monarch. was potentially more important than it actually was Lenin understood that Nicholas II could be a rallying standard for the opposition the Bolsheviks must prevent at all costs the tar from falling into the hands of the white armies who fear that the whites could use the tar as a figurehead of a counterrevolution Lenin and the Bolsheviks decide to murder Tar and his entire family.
He was not a great Tsar, but since he was killed he became a marer. I think he was important to world history in the sense that he didn't show that we needed more proof, but he showed the brutality of the new incoming Soviet state. The state of dictatorship of the proletariat. More than 350 years of Tarist rule have come to an end after the Civil War. A new Russian Empire. Rise that will become a global power

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