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The Try Guys Try Rhythmic Gymnastics

Jun 18, 2024
near. (music continues) (Ned): Yes! Wow! - The tape is very hard. We have to keep in mind that the tape is very hard. And with chain. (applause) (Zach): Yes! (Keith): Yeah...oh! (Ned): Oh no! Oh no what happened? (Jenny): Oh. - Oh! - There can only be one winner. And I am. - Now I have the honor of presenting the prizes for the first How to Olympics



competition. (drum roll) The participation award, with a score of 4.5... - Wow, that's high. (Keith): It's huge. - That seems good. - Good number. -'s Ned. (Zach): Oh! - Thanks thanks. - That?!
the try guys try rhythmic gymnastics
That?! - Yes... - I'm shocked to the core. - Ned had quite a few deductions for dunking the ball and... - For catching the ball. (Ned): For being amazing! (laughs) - But I think there were great efforts. - Thank you. Thank you. - Third, with a six... Zach. - Oh! Wow! Awesome! Oh my gosh, I can stand on one thing. Wow, this is great! - In second place, with a score of 7.5... (Ned): Wow, what a good score! - Eugenio. (Zach): What?! (laughs) (Ned): Wow! Yes, Keith! (Zach): No one is going to believe this. This is great. - Silver medal! - Keith only took one drop. - Oh, were we like "counting drops" or something?
the try guys try rhythmic gymnastics

More Interesting Facts About,

the try guys try rhythmic gymnastics...

Okay... - Normally we are the "athletics". - Yes. - But I'm not disappointed that I didn't get first place. We understand that in a competition... - Correct. Rules are rules. - Rules are rules. Deductions matter. - I, however, brought the gym unpleasant. - With a score of 8.5... there is Keith. (overlapping applause) - And he had the best coach. Then go! You are the champion! - Wow! - I have never been on a winner's podium. (Monica): Look at our beautiful gymnasts. (Jenny): Bravo! - I have... - You are a champion. - ...he rarely, if ever, beat Eugene in anything athletic.
the try guys try rhythmic gymnastics
So this was huge! I don't think it ever happened. - Maybe never again. - It may never happen again, so let's take this... - We call it a victory! - I don't know if it was the carpet... - I guess... You beat Eugene. I beat Ned! - Incredible! - Those things don't happen! - Incredible! This isn't... Maybe it's the magic of the Olympic Games. - Maybe the magic of the Olympic Games. - Maybe it's the magic of the Olympic Games. - A little magic in the air. - Wow, today was amazing. I love the Olympics and I can't wait, and I hope you can't wait either, to see the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics.
the try guys try rhythmic gymnastics
I'll be especially excited about



. Let's go for it,


! - Show us a gold medal throw, Keith! - Tiny! - Yeah! - Oh boy... - Go ahead, Jenny, show us how it's done. So, you have to put your knee back. (everyone exclaims in horror) (Ned): Oh! That? (Monica): You want to make sure your toes are nice and pointy. - You look like a ship. - This is very comfortable. I feel like I could fall asleep here. - Actually?! (Zach): You're lying to me. You're looking me in the eyes and lying. Ned, do you want to try it? - Let me get in there! (laughs) My leg goes... (Jenny): Do the back one first.
And then you just swing your front leg there. (Zach): Yeah, just move it... - Oh, it's moving away, it's moving away! (Mónica): Yes, and you put your heel there. Very pretty. (Keith): Okay. (Ned): Uh-huh. (Keith): Oh, it's slipping. (laughs) (Keith): It's... (the structure cracks) (laughs)

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